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DNA cassette containing an AtDREB1A cDNA and a nos terminator,driven by a cauli- flower mosaic 35S promoter,or a stress-inducible rd29A promoter,was transformed into the ground cover chrysanthemum(Dendranthema grandiflorum)'Fall Color'genome.Compared with wild type plants,severe growth retardation was observed in 35S:DREB1A plants,but not in rd29A:DREB1A plants.RT-PCR analysis revealed that,under stress conditions,the DREB1A gene was over-expressed constitutively in 35S:DREB1A plants,but was over-expressed inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants.The transgenic plants exhibited tolerance to drought and salt stress,and the tolerance was significantly stronger in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants.Proline content and SOD activity were increased inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants under stress conditions.These results indicate that heterologous AtDREB1A can confer drought and salt tolerance in transgenic chrysanthemum,and improvement of the stress tolerance may be related to enhancement of proline content and SOD activity.  相似文献   

DNA cassette containing an AtDREB1A cDNA and a nos terminator, driven by a cauliflower mosaic 35S promoter, or a stress-inducible rd29A promoter, was transformed into the ground cover chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) ‘Fall Color’ genome. Compared with wild type plants, severe growth retardation was observed in 35S:DREB1A plants, but not in rd29A:DREB1A plants. RT-PCR analysis revealed that, under stress conditions, the DREB1A gene was over-expressed constitutively in 35S:DREB1A plants, but was over-expressed inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants. The transgenic plants exhibited tolerance to drought and salt stress, and the tolerance was significantly stronger in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants. Proline content and SOD activity were increased inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants under stress conditions. These results indicate that heterologous AtDREB1A can confer drought and salt tolerance in transgenic chrysanthemum, and improvement of the stress tolerance may be related to enhancement of proline content and SOD activity.  相似文献   

Receptor‐like kinases (RLKs) play essential roles in plant growth, development and responses to environmental stresses. A putative RLK gene, OsSIK1, with extracellular leucine‐rich repeats was cloned and characterized in rice (Oryza sativa). OsSIK1 exhibits kinase activity in the presence of Mn2+, and the OsSIK1 kinase domain has the ability to autophosphorylate and phosphorylate myelin basic protein (MBP). OsSIK1 promoter‐GUS analysis revealed that OsSIK1 is expressed mainly in the stem and spikelet in rice. The expression of OsSIK1 is mainly induced by salt, drought and H2O2 treatments. Transgenic rice plants with overexpression of OsSIK1 show higher tolerance to salt and drought stresses than control plants. On the contrary, the knock‐out mutants sik1‐1 and sik1‐2, as well as RNA interference (RNAi) plants, are sensitive to drought and salt stresses. The activities of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase are enhanced significantly in OsSIK1‐overexpressing plants. Also, the accumulation of H2O2 in leaves of OsSIK1‐overexpressing plants is much less than that of the mutants, RNAi plants and control plants, as measured by 3,3′‐diamino benzidine (DAB) staining. We also show that OsSIK1 affects stomatal density in the abaxial and adaxial leaf epidermis of rice. These results indicate that OsSIK1 plays important roles in salt and drought stress tolerance in rice, through the activation of the antioxidative system.  相似文献   

为了解菊花近缘种属植物耐盐性的遗传规律,对栽培菊花与菊属-近缘属属间杂种杂交后代耐盐性进行了遗传分析。以栽培菊花'韩2’为母本,大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊属间杂种为父本进行杂交,以盐害指数作为指标,通过水培法对获得的F1群体进行耐盐性鉴定,并应用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型,采用单个F2世代的分离分析方法对F1群体耐盐性进行混合遗传分析。结果发现:F1群体的耐盐性出现广泛分离,变异系数达53.63%,盐害指数的变异范围为3.33%-96.67%;中亲优势为2.47,未达到显著水平;将后代的耐盐性分为5个级别,其中高耐的占14.52%,耐盐的占38.70%,中耐的占30.65%,敏盐的占9.68%,高敏的占6.45%。F1群体的耐盐性符合B-2模型,由两个主效基因控制,加性效应均表现正向增效,分别为18.06和19.13,显性效应表现负向效应,分别为-17.99和-1.44,主基因遗传率为61.14%,属高度遗传力。综合分析表明:菊花近缘种属植物耐盐性可通过杂交导入栽培菊花,实现栽培菊花耐盐性遗传改良;菊花近缘种属植物盐害指数受两对主基因的控制,主基因在F1群体的遗传率属高度遗传力,耐盐性选育可在早期世代进行。  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis gene AVP1 encodes a vacuolar pyrophosphatase that functions as a proton pump on the vacuolar membrane. Overexpression of AVP1 in Arabidopsis, tomato and rice enhances plant performance under salt and drought stress conditions, because up‐regulation of the type I H+‐PPase from Arabidopsis may result in a higher proton electrochemical gradient, which facilitates enhanced sequestering of ions and sugars into the vacuole, reducing water potential and resulting in increased drought‐ and salt tolerance when compared to wild‐type plants. Furthermore, overexpression of AVP1 stimulates auxin transport in the root system and leads to larger root systems, which helps transgenic plants absorb water more efficiently under drought conditions. Using the same approach, AVP1‐expressing cotton plants were created and tested for their performance under high‐salt and reduced irrigation conditions. The AVP1‐expressing cotton plants showed more vigorous growth than wild‐type plants in the presence of 200 mm NaCl under hydroponic growth conditions. The soil‐grown AVP1‐expressing cotton plants also displayed significantly improved tolerance to both drought and salt stresses in greenhouse conditions. Furthermore, the fibre yield of AVP1‐expressing cotton plants is at least 20% higher than that of wild‐type plants under dry‐land conditions in the field. This research indicates that AVP1 has the potential to be used for improving crop’s drought‐ and salt tolerance in areas where water and salinity are limiting factors for agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine phosphatase and has multiple functions in animal cells including regulating ionic homeostasis. We generated transgenic rice plants that not only expressed a truncated form of the catalytic subunit of mouse calcineurin, but also were able to grow and fertilize normally in the field. Notably, the expression of the mouse calcineurin gene in rice resulted in its higher salt stress tolerance than the non-transgenic rice. Physiological studies have indicated that the root growth of transgenic plants was less inhibited than the shoot growth, and that less Na+ was accumulated in the roots of transgenic plants after a prolonged period of salt stress. These findings imply that the heterologous calcineurin plays a significant role in maintaining ionic homeostasis and the integrity of plant roots when exposed to salt. In addition, the calcineurin gene expression in the stems of transgenic plants correlated with the increased expression of the Rab16A gene that encodes a group 2-type late-embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) protein. Altogether our findings provide the first genetic and physiological evidence that expression of the mouse calcineurin protein functionally improves the salt stress tolerance of rice partly by limiting Na+ accumulation in the roots.  相似文献   

生物炭调控盐胁迫下水稻幼苗耐盐性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤盐渍化降低土壤生产力.探索生物炭对盐胁迫下水稻幼苗耐盐性能的影响,对调控盐渍区水稻生产潜力具有重要意义.本研究通过生物炭介入盐胁迫稻田土壤的盆栽试验,调查了生物炭对盐胁迫下土壤环境和水稻幼苗耐盐性能的影响.盐胁迫设置4个水平,分别为0 g NaCl·kg-1土(S0),1 g NaCl·kg-1土(S1),2 g ...  相似文献   

转录因子是一种多功能蛋白,在感知应激信号、应答相应应激基因表达及传导应激信号中起着关键作用。干旱是影响植物生长发育的主要非生物胁迫之一。为了适应干旱环境,植物发展了复杂的分子机制,其中转录因子可同时控制多种途径调控干旱应激,是操纵调控和应激响应途径的有力工具。近年来,越来越多的植物转录因子的功能被阐明,了解转录因子在干旱应激的功能,对植物的工程抗旱有重要的实践意义。综述转录因子在植物干旱应激中的功能研究进展,以期为今后转录因子的研究和利用提供理论依据,培育具有较强抗旱能力的植物。  相似文献   

A rice gene encoding a calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK), OsCDPK7, was induced by cold and salt stresses. To elucidate the physiological function of OsCDPK7, we generated transgenic rice plants with altered levels of the protein. The extent of tolerance to cold and salt/drought stresses of these plants correlated well with the level of OsCDPK7 expression. Therefore, OsCDPK7 was shown to be a positive regulator commonly involved in the tolerance to both stresses in rice. Over-expression of OsCDPK7 enhanced induction of some stress-responsive genes in response to salinity/drought, but not to cold. Thus, it was suggested that the downstream pathways leading to the cold and salt/drought tolerance are different from each other. It seems likely that at least two distinct pathways commonly use a single CDPK, maintaining the signalling specificity through unknown post-translational regulation mechanisms. These results demonstrate that simple manipulation of CDPK activity has great potential with regard to plant improvement.  相似文献   

Many TFIIIA‐type zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) play important roles in stress responses in plants. In the present study, a novel zinc finger protein gene, StZFP1, was cloned from potato. StZFP1 is a typical TFIIIA‐type two‐finger zinc finger gene with one B‐box domain, one L‐box domain and a DLN‐box/EAR motif. The StZFP1 genes belong to a small gene family with an estimated copy number of four or five, located on chromosome I. StZFP1 is constitutively expressed in leaves, stems, roots, tubers and flowers of adult plants. Expression of StZFP1 can be induced by salt, dehydration and exogenously applied ABA. StZFP1 expression is also responsive to infection by the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Transient expression analysis of StZFP1:GFP fusion protein revealed that StZFP1 is preferentially localised in the nucleus. Ectopic expression of StZFP1, driven by the Arabidopsis rd29A promoter in transgenic tobacco, increased plant tolerance to salt stress. These results demonstrate that StZFP1 might be involved in potato responses to salt and dehydration stresses through an ABA‐dependent pathway.  相似文献   

In higher plants, the salt overly sensitive (SOS) signalling pathway plays a crucial role in maintaining ion homoeostasis and conferring salt tolerance under salinity condition. Previously, we functionally characterized the conserved SOS pathway in the woody plant Populus trichocarpa. In this study, we demonstrate that overexpression of the constitutively active form of PtSOS2 (PtSOS2TD), one of the key components of this pathway, significantly increased salt tolerance in aspen hybrid clone Shanxin Yang (Populus davidiana × Populus bolleana). Compared to the wild‐type control, transgenic plants constitutively expressing PtSOS2TD exhibited more vigorous growth and produced greater biomass in the presence of high concentrations of NaCl. The improved salt tolerance was associated with a decreased Na+ accumulation in the leaves of transgenic plants. Further analyses revealed that plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity and Na+ efflux in transgenic plants were significantly higher than those in the wild‐type plants. Moreover, transgenic plants showed improved capacity in scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by salt stress. Taken together, our results suggest that PtSOS2 could serve as an ideal target gene to genetically engineer salt‐tolerant trees.  相似文献   

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