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玉米SSR遗传图谱的构建及产量性状基因定位   总被引:58,自引:3,他引:58  
利用中国农大培育的高产,多抗性玉米杂交组合农大3138的F2:3家系为材料,构建了具有80对SSR标记的玉米遗传图谱,标记间平均距离25.42,覆盖玉米基因组的2033.4cm,采用随机区组田间设计,考察了230个家系的穗长,秃尖长,穗粗,穗行数,千粒重,穗重,单株粒重,利用区间作图法分析了影响各性状的数量性状基因座位(QTL),共检测到30个QTLs,单个性状的QTLs为3-5个,QTLs解释变异量占总变异量的比例变化范围为9.5%-55.3%。  相似文献   

巴西橡胶树是一种重要的热带经济作物,由于橡胶树体内橡胶含量多,且容易采收,所以橡胶树一直是天然橡胶的商业来源。相比于模式植物和粮食等经济作物来说,分子生物学研究显滞后。,而且橡胶树是多年生乔木,经济性状多集中于胶乳,因此研究难度大,研究也不多,本就巴西橡胶的分子生物学方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

林木分子遗传图谱的构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了林木分遗传图谱构建中所使用的分离群体和分子标记,着重综述了国内外林木遗传图谱研究的现状,对已建立图谱的树种的作图情况作了较尽的总结。  相似文献   

巴西橡胶树乳管分化的超微结构研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用电子显微镜技术研究了巴西橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis Mnll.Arg.)幼苗初生乳管分化的早期阶段,着重研究了乳管特有的结构成分的形成。最初可辨认的橡胶粒子出现在细胞质中,直径40—60nm,呈均匀的电子致密体;随着橡胶粒子的增大,粒子的中央区变为电子透明的,而周缘保持有电子致密物质,有时看到充满电子致密物的突起。观察到黄色体(本质为分散的溶酶体液泡)可由内质网膨大形成。在乳管发育过程中出现三种具有不同内含物的黄色体:最初的黄体含有染色很深的呈束状的微纤维,它们随后被含有浅色微纤维的黄色体所代替,成熟乳管的黄色体则含有杂乱的细纤维。在乳管分化初期,乳管细胞中不存在具有特殊结构的 F-w 复合体,只有许多与分生组织中的原质体相同的质体。观察到一些发育异常的乳管,它们似乎停留在发育的早期阶段,而不能继续发育成为典型的成熟乳管。  相似文献   

水稻ILP标记遗传图谱的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵向前  吴为人 《遗传》2008,30(2):225-230
内含子长度多态性(ILP)是一种基于PCR的新型分子标记, 具有许多突出的优点。我们先前利用已公布的籼稻品种93-11和粳稻品种日本晴的基因组序列数据, 已开发了172个水稻ILP标记。为了检验这些ILP标记的可靠性及其在遗传作图中的可用性, 利用一个BC1F1(日本晴/93-11//日本晴)群体, 构建了一张含172个ILP标记座位和13个SSR标记座位的水稻遗传图谱, 总长度为1 905.7 cM。比较显示, 图谱上所有标记的顺序与其物理顺序完全一致, 证明了利用ILP标记进行遗传作图的可行性和有效性。文中还对标记偏分离现象进行了分析, 发现在第6号染色体短臂上存在一个严重偏分离的区域。  相似文献   

大豆遗传图谱的构建和分析   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:45  
利用大豆栽培品种科丰1号和南农1138-2杂交得到的重组近交系NJRIKY,通过RFLP,SSR,RAPD和AFLP4种分子标记的遗传连锁分析,构建了包含24个连锁群,由792个遗传标记组成的大豆较高密度连锁图谱,该图谱覆盖2320.7cM,平均图距2.9cM,SSR标记的多态性较高,在基因组中的位置相对稳定,可以作为锚定标记,有利于连锁群的归并和不同图谱的比较整合;而AFLP标记对于增加图谱密度效率较高,但其容易出现聚集现象,从而造成连锁群上有很大的空隙(gap),另外,在连锁群中有21.7%的分子标记出现偏分离,该图谱为基因定位,比较基因组学和重要农艺性状的QTL定位等研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

大豆遗传图谱的构建和分析   总被引:46,自引:1,他引:46  
刘峰  庄炳昌  张劲松  陈受宜 《遗传学报》2000,27(11):1018-1026
分子标记连锁图的构建为植物基因组的结构和功能分析提供了有力的工具。较高密度的遗传图谱在数量性状基因定位、图位克隆重要农艺性状基因等研究中发挥了巨大作用。应用栽培大豆长农4和半野生大豆新民6杂交得到的F8代重组自交系,构建了一张较高密度的遗传图谱。该图谱共有240个标记,其中包括2个形态标记、100个RFLP标记、33个SSR标记、42个AFLP标记、62个RAPD标记和1个SCAR标记,分布在22  相似文献   

遗传图谱中的分子标记   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  

大豆遗传图谱的构建和若干农艺性状的QTL定位分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
大豆许多重要农艺性状都是由微效多基因控制的数量性状,对这些数量性状进行QTL定位是大豆数量性状遗传研究领域的一个重要内容.本研究利用栽培大豆科新3号为父本、中黄20为母本杂交得到含192个单株的F2分离群体,构建了含122 个SSR标记、覆盖1719.6cM、由33个连锁群组成的连锁遗传图谱.利用复合区间作图法,对该群体的株高、主茎节数、单株粒重和蛋白质含量等农艺性状的调查数据进行QTL分析,共找到两个株高QTL,贡献率分别为9.15%和6.08%;两个主茎节数QTL,贡献率分别为10. 1%和8.6%;一个蛋白质含量QTL,贡献率为9.8%;一个单株粒重QTL,贡献率为11.4% .通过遗传作图共找到与所定位的4个农艺性状QTL连锁的6个SSR标记,这些标记可以应用于大豆种质资源的分子标记辅助选择,从而为大豆分子标记辅助育种提供理论依据.  相似文献   

为了系统性地开发和拓展柑桔SSR标记,通过对公布的柑桔BAC文库末端序列(BAC-End sequence,BES)进行SSR分析,选择1500个SSR位点设计合成并检测323对引物。结果表明:(1)从总长度为28.1 Mb的46 339条序列中共检测出22 403个SSR位点,约每2条序列就会出现一个SSR位点,发生频率为48%,相当于平均1.25kb的序列中就会出现1个SSR,频率约为柑桔EST的2倍,且不同核心重复序列的SSR发生特点与EST也不同。(2)所合成的323对引物中,有效扩增316对,扩增率约98%,173对表现多态性,总多态性比率约55%,多态性引物中单核苷酸重复类型15对,双核苷酸重复类型100对,三核苷酸及以上重复类型58对,表明柑桔BES中具有较为丰富的多态性SSR标记。(3)结合已发表的遗传作图数据,对总计349个多态性位点进行遗传连锁分析,获得的新遗传连锁图谱共含有9个连锁群、334个SSR标记、总长844.2cM、平均图距2.53cM,延长和加密了先前的图谱。该研究开发的新SSR标记为开展柑桔遗传鉴定分析和遗传图谱构建提供了新的标记来源,加密的遗传图谱为柑桔的基因定位、图位克隆和标记辅助育种等奠定了基础,SSR分析结果也为其他物种SSR标记的开发提供了参考。  相似文献   

Yeang HY 《The New phytologist》2007,175(2):283-289
How tropical trees flower synchronously near the equator in the absence of significant day length variation or other meteorological cues has long been a puzzle. The rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is used as a model to investigate this phenomenon. The annual cycle of solar radiation intensity is shown to correspond closely with the flowering of the rubber tree planted near the equator and in the subtropics. Unlike in temperate regions, where incoming solar radiation (insolation) is dependent on both day length and radiation intensity, insolation at the equator is due entirely to the latter. Insolation at the upper atmosphere peaks twice a year during the spring and autumn equinoxes, but the actual solar radiation that reaches the ground is attenuated to varying extents in different localities. The rubber tree shows one or two flowering seasons a year (with major and minor seasons in the latter) in accordance with the solar radiation intensity received. High solar radiation intensity, and in particular bright sunshine (as distinct from prolonged diffuse radiation), induces synchronous anthesis and blooming in Hevea around the time of the equinoxes. The same mechanism may be operational in other tropical tree species.  相似文献   

The first genetic map for Hevea spp. (2n=36) is presented here. It is based on a F1 progeny of 106 individuals allowing the construction of a female, a male, and a synthetic map according to the pseudo-testcross strategy. Progeny were derived from an interspecific cross between PB260, a H. brasiliensis cultivated clone, and RO38, a H. brasiliensis×H. benthamiana interspecific hybrid clone. The disomic inheritance observed for all the codominant markers scattered on the 2n=36 chromosomes revealed that Hevea behaves as diploids. Homologous linkage groups between the two parental maps were merged using bridge loci. A total of 717 loci constituted the synthetic map, including 301 RFLPs, 388 AFLPs, 18 microsatellites, and 10 isozymes. The markers were assembled into 18 linkage groups, thus reflecting the basic chromosome number, and covered a total distance of 2144 cM. Nine markers were found to be unlinked. Segregation distortion was rare (1.4%). Average marker density was 1 per 3 cM. Comparison of the distance between loci in the parental maps revealed significantly less meiotic recombination in the interspecific hybrid male parent than in the female parent. Hevea origin and genome organisation are discussed. Received: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 11 March 1999  相似文献   

Tapping panel dryness (TPD) syndrome affecting rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is known to reduce natural latex production. Its aetiology remains ambiguous despite long years of research. A low molecular weight RNA similar to viroid RNA was isolated from TPD-affected samples of rubber trees. In the present study, a modified return-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis procedure was standardised. The viroid-like low molecular weight (LMW) RNA was found associated with leaf, bark and root tissues and rubber seedlings. The technique was employed to detect LMW RNA in different clones of rubber planted in different locations and in bud-grafted plants. The LMW RNA isolated from TPD-affected trees was found infectious on seedlings of tomato cv Pusa Ruby. The LMW RNA was reisolated from symptomatic tomato leaves but not from control plants. This is for the first time that a biotic agent, a viroid RNA, is found consistently associated with the syndrome. The technology developed can be useful to demonstrate the onset of TPD in untapped trees in the absence of other methods such as nucleic acid hybridisation.  相似文献   

不同树龄橡胶林土壤水分和细根生物量   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用根钻法,分析了橡胶幼树期(5 a)、初产期(9 a)和旺产期(16 a)林下土壤水分特征及橡胶树细根生物量.结果表明:橡胶树龄越大,土壤含水量越高,而橡胶树细根生物量越少;不同树龄橡胶林0~60 cm土壤含水量随着土层深度的增加而升高,年内变化则呈"双峰"型;不同树龄橡胶树细根生物量最大值均出现在10 cm土层,且随着土层深度的增加而减少,细根生物量年内变化同样呈"双峰"型,但不同树龄细根生物量峰值的出现时间不一致.土壤含水量和土层深度是橡胶树细根生物量的主要影响因子.  相似文献   

Sixteen microsatellite loci were isolated from lychee (Litchi chinensis), all of which exhibited polymorphism (two or three alleles per locus), with levels of heterozygosity ranging from 0.021 to 0.900. These loci can help assess the genetic structure of lychee.  相似文献   

 The beneficial effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on plant growth is well known, but the physiological processes involved are still discussed. The purpose of this study was to determine if Glomus mosseae affects the growth of Hevea brasiliensis seedlings and, if it is the case, if it could be associated with variations in leaf CO2 and H2O gas exchange. H. brasiliensis rubber trees were grown for 9 months in a medium containing either propagules of G. mosseae or sterilized inoculum. Plant size, root collar diameter and leaf area, as well as net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance (gs) and water-use efficiency of photosynthesis were evaluated during the first 5 stages of growth. At stage 2, a growth depression occurred in the mycorrhizal seedlings coincident with the first AM infections. Then, at stage 5, Glomus mosseae-inoculated plants had moderate colonization (47% of root length) and were taller than control plants with a larger root collar diameter and an enhanced leaf organogenesis. This enhanced growth was accompanied by increased photosynthesis, transpiration, and stomatal conductance. After 9 months, dry weights of shoots and roots of inoculated plants were greater than those of controls by 27 and 17%, respectively. Received: 10 May 1997 / Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

L. Cheng  L. Liu  X. Yu  D. Wang  J. Tong 《Animal genetics》2010,41(2):191-198
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is an important fish for aquaculture, but genomics of this species is still in its infancy. In this study, a linkage map of common carp based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite (SSR) markers has been generated using gynogenetic haploids. Of 926 markers genotyped, 151 (149 AFLPs, two SSRs) were distorted and eliminated from the linkage analyses. A total of 699 AFLP and 20 microsatellite (SSR) markers were assigned to the map, which comprised 64 linkage groups and covered 5506.9 cM Kosambi, with an average interval distance of 7.66 cM Kosambi. The normality tests on interval map distances showed a non‐normal marker distribution. Visual inspection of the map distance distribution histogram showed a cluster of interval map distances on the left side of the chart, which suggested the occurrence of AFLP marker clusters. On the other hand, the lack of an obvious cluster on the right side showed that there were a few big gaps which need more markers to bridge. The correlation analysis showed a highly significant relatedness between the length of linkage group and the number of markers, indicating that the AFLP markers in this map were randomly distributed among different linkage groups. This study is helpful for research into the common carp genome and for further studies of genetics and marker‐assisted breeding in this species.  相似文献   

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