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Expression of the lacZ reporter gene controlled by various deletion derivatives of the regulatory region of the copia retrotransposon was studied in the testes of adult transgenic males of the Drosophila melanogaster y1W67c23(2) strain at the age of 3, 6-9, 12-15, 18-21, and 24-27 days. When the construct contained the full-length regulatory region, which included the 5'-long terminal repeat (LTR) and the 5'-untranslated region (UTR), expression was the lowest in males aged 12-15 days and the highest in males aged 3 or 24-27 days. A similar V-shaped age dependence was previously observed for the copia transposition rate and RNA content in a strain with a high rate of copia transposition. Thus, the V-shaped age dependence of expression, which is unusual for Drosophila, proved to be characteristic of copia regardless of its transposition rate. Deletion of the 5' or 3' end of the LTR, but not of the UTR, changed the age dependence of the level of reporter gene expression. In this case, expression was the highest in 3-day-old males and gradually decreased with age, as typical for many Drosophila genes. It was assumed that the 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of the copia LTR contain regulatory elements responsible for the V-shaped age dependence of expression, while the expression level depends to a greater extent on the regulatory elements of UTR.  相似文献   

D Weigel  E Seifert  D Reuter    H Jckle 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(4):1199-1207
The region-specific homeotic gene fork head (fkh) is expressed and required in a variety of tissues of the developing Drosophila embryo. In order to identify the cis regulatory elements directing the complex spatio-temporal expression pattern of fkh, we have studied the subpatterns directed by defined fragments of fkh genomic DNA. These experiments enabled us to distinguish separate regulatory elements specific for the different expression domains of fkh. In addition, our analysis revealed several unexpected features such as the redundancy of regulatory elements and the overlap of regulatory elements with the transcribed regions of other genes. Moreover, the separation of normally contiguous elements effecting expression in the posterior terminal fkh domain appears to lead to novel expression domains which do not correspond to known developmental units in the embryo.  相似文献   

Considerable heterogeneity of retrotransposon copia sites of location on polytene chromosomes was revealed in one of the substocks of the inbred Drosophila melanogaster stock. Heterogeneity of copia sites of location was found in no other substocks analyzed. The heterogeneity was shown to be caused by copia insertions in new sites. The frequency of insertions is about 12% per haploid genome per generation. The retrotransposon excisions and somatic transpositions were not observed. The location of retrotransposons mdg1, mdg2, mdg3, mdg4, 297 and H.M.S. Beagle appeared to be stable in all the stocks analyzed. Thus, a model system allowing to study mechanisms of retrotransposon copia transpositions in D. melanogaster tissues as well as phenotypic effects of copia mobilization is described.  相似文献   

Expression of the lacZ reporter gene under the control of five deletion derivatives of the copia regulatory region including the 5 long terminal repeat (LTR) and the 5 untranslated region (UTR) was assayed in the testes of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster males (larvae and imago). The full-length copia regulatory region (LTR + UTR) ensured expression of the reporter gene in testes of both larvae and adult males. Deletion of UTR or 3 end of LTR increased lacZ expression in the testes, whereas deletion of the 5 end of LTR increased it. This indicated that a positive regulator ofcopia expression is at the 5 end of LTR and that negative regulators are at the 3 end of LTR and in UTR. The effects of the fragments of the copia regulatory region on reporter gene expression in the testes in vivo did not completely coincide with the effects observed earlier in cultured cells. We suggest that this difference is due to different regulation of expression of the fusion constructs integrated into chromatin as compared to their transient expression.  相似文献   

Repeated efforts to estimate the genomic deleterious mutation rate per generation (U) in Drosophila melanogaster have yielded inconsistent estimates ranging from 0.01 to nearly 1. We carried out a mutation-accumulation experiment with a cryopreserved control population in hopes of resolving some of the uncertainties raised by these estimates. Mutation accumulation (MA) was carried out by brother sister mating of 150 sublines derived from two inbred lines. Fitness was measured under conditions chosen to mimic the ancestral laboratory environment of these genotypes. We monitored the insertions of a transposable element, copia, that proved to accumulate at the unusually high rate of 0.24 per genome per generation in one of our MA lines. Mutational variance in fitness increased at a rate consistent with previous studies, yielding a mutational coefficient of variation greater than 3%. The performance of the cryopreserved control relative to the MA lines was inconsistent, so estimates of mutation rate by the Bateman-Mukai method are suspect. Taken at face value, these data suggest a modest decline in fitness of about 0.3% per generation. The element number of copia was a significant predictor of fitness within generations; on average, insertions caused a 0.76% loss in fitness, although the confidence limits on this estimate are wide.  相似文献   

A high degree of heterogeneity and an overall increase in number of insertion sites of the mobile elements Doc and copia were revealed in one substock of an isogenic Drosophila melanogaster stock, while in two other substocks the distribution of copia sites was highly homogenous, but that of Doc sites was again heterogenous. We therefore concluded that copia was unstable in one of the substocks and Doc was unstable in all. Doc instability presumably arose earlier than copia instability. Doc and copia transpositions were directly observed in experiments with one substock. An abundance of copia insertions was revealed in the X chromosome where insertions with deleterious effects are exposed to selection in hemizygous condition. The locations of many other mobile elements (mdg1, mdg2, mdg3, mdg4, 297, B104, H.M.S. Beagle, I, P, BS, FB) were found to be conserved in each substock and did not differ between them, indicating that these mobile elements were stable. This homogeneity is a strong argument against any possibility of inadvertent contamination.  相似文献   

The ovo locus is required for the maintenance of the female germ line in Drosophila melanogaster. In the absence of an ovo+ gene, males are completely normal but females have no germ-line stem cells. Three dominant mutations at the ovo locus, called ovoD, were observed to revert towards recessive alleles at high frequency when ovoD males were crossed to females of the strain y v f mal. We have found that this strain contains an inordinately high number of gypsy transposable elements, and crossing it with the ovoD strains results in the mobilization of both gypsy and copia, with high-frequency insertions into the ovo locus: of 16 revertants examined 12 have gypsy and four have copia inserted at 4E, the ovo cytological site. Using gypsy DNA as a tag we have cloned 32 kb of wild-type DNA sequences surrounding a gypsy insertion and characterized molecular rearrangements in several independent revertants: in 10 of them gypsy appears to be inserted into the same site. The orientation of gypsy is strictly correlated with whether the neighbouring lozenge-like mutation appears in the revertants. A distal limit of the ovo locus was molecularly determined from the breakpoint of a deletion affecting closely flanking regions.  相似文献   

S Falkenthal  J A Lengyel 《Biochemistry》1980,19(25):5842-5850
We have characterized the copia RNA in the cytoplasm of cultured Drosophila cells. Copia RNA was detected and purified by hybridization to DNA of the plasmid cDm 1142, which contains the copia sequence. A large fraction (2.2%) of the total cytoplasmic poly(A)+ RNA was found to be copia RNA. Cytoplasmic copia RNA displays all the characteristics expected for a messenger RNA. It possesses a poly(A) tract identical in length with that of total poly(A)+ cytoplasmic RNA. It is associated with polysomes and can be released from this association by treatment with EDTA. When purified copia RNA is added to an mRNA-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysate, three polypeptides of 51000, 33000, and 21000 daltons are seen. We have not determined if these are different polypeptides or if the two smaller polypeptides are fragments of the 51000-dalton polypeptide. The half-life of copia cytoplasmic RNA was determined in pulse--chase experiments to be 9.5 h; this is 1.6 times longer than the half-life of the intermediate decay class of total poly(A)+ cytoplasmic RNA. These properties provide strong evidence that copia RNA functions in vivo as a messenger RNA.  相似文献   

The major cytoskeletal actin gene of Drosophila melanogaster, the actin 5C gene, has two promoters, the proximal one of which controls constitutive synthesis of actin in all growing tissues. To locate regulatory elements required for constitutive activity of the proximal promoter, mutants of this promoter were fused to the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene and assayed for transient expression activity in cultured Drosophila embryonic Schneider line 2 cells. An essential regulatory element has been located 313 base pairs upstream from the cap site. Deletion of this element lowered expression to one-third of the wild-type level. The element has the sequence AAGTTGTAGTTG, as shown by protein-binding footprinting with the reagent methidiumpropyl-EDTA-Fe(II). This element is probably not a general one, since it was not detected in a search of the published 5'-flanking sequences of 27 Drosophila genes. In addition to this regulatory element, there are five GAGA elements in the actin 5C proximal promoter, some or all of which are essential for the promoter activity as shown by an in vivo competition assay. Although this promoter has no classical TATA element, there is an essential promoter region about 35 base pairs upstream from the cap site that could be a TATA surrogate. The promoter also shows sequences homologous to the alcohol dehydrogenase factor 1-binding site and to the core of the vertebrate serum response element, but mutations of these sites did not affect promoter activity in transient expression assays.  相似文献   

M Carlson  D Brutlag 《Cell》1978,15(3):733-742
A method for purifying sequences adjacent to satellite DNA in the heterochromatin of D. melanogaster is described. A cloned DNA segment containing part of a copia gene adjacent to 1.688 g/cm3 satellite DNA has been isolated. The copia genes compose a repeated gene family which codes for abundant cytoplasmic poly(a)-containing RNA (Young and Hogness, 1977; Finnegan et al., 1978). We have identified two major poly (A)-containing RNA species [5.2 and 2.1 kilobases (kb)] produced by the copia gene family. The cloned segment contains copia sequences homologous to the 5' end of RNA within 0.65 kb of the 1.688 satellite DNA sequences. Seven different cloned copia genes from elsewhere in the genome have also been isolated, and a 5.2 kb region present in five of the clones was identified as copia by heteroduplex analysis. In addition, three ususual copies of copia were found: a "partial" copy of the gene (3.7 kb) which has one endpoint in common with the 5.2 kb unit; a copia gene flanked on one side by a 1.6 kb sequence and on the other by the same 1.6 kb sequence in the inverted orientation; and a copia gene flanked only on one side by the same sequence.  相似文献   

We have isolated two yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones from Drosophila melanogaster that contain a small amount of dodeca satellite (a satellite DNA located in the centromeric region of chromosome 3) and sequences homologous to the telomeric retrotransposon HeT-A. Using these YACs as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization to mitotic chromosomes, we have localized these HeT-A elements to the centric heterochromatin of chromosome 3, at region h55. The possible origin of these telomeric elements in a centromeric position is discussed. Received: 30 July 1999 / Accepted: 19 September 1999  相似文献   

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