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Polyclonal antiserum was prepared against phospholipase A2 from Naja naja and used to prepare a purified antibody. It cross-reacted with the antigen, and with intracellular mammalian PLA2. This antibody was immunoreactive and inhibited the PLA2 activity of Naja naja and of guinea pig alveolar macrophages or rat lymphocytes. By immunoblotting, this antiserum revealed one band of PLA2 from Naja naja (14 kDa) and 3 bands for guinea pig alveolar macrophages and rat lymphocytes (30, 45 kDa and a minor band of 14 kDa). These results show an antigenic relatedness between an extracellular PLA2 and membrane-bound PLA2 from two different mammalian species and cell types.  相似文献   

The acidic phospholipase A2 isoform from the spitting cobra Naja mossambica mossambica is activated irreversibly by treatment with a molar equivalent of oleoyl imidazolide. The kinetics of the chemical modification of the enzyme can also be monitored by measuring the large reduction of tryptophan fluorescence, which is accompanied by a distinct red shift. The addition of a single molar equivalent of oleic acid to the enzyme produces an instantaneous reduction in fluorescence but with a barely detectable red shift, confirming that the response to oleoyl imidazolide results from covalent modification of the protein rather than hydrolysis of the reagent. The pH dependence of both activation and fluorescence reduction by oleoyl imidazolide has an optimum rate near pH 8.0. We propose that long-chain fatty acids and long-chain acyl imidazolides bind at a single activation site and that the reaction of the imidazolides involves two protein residues, one of which is a nonessential histidine residue and the other a primary amino group.  相似文献   

In phospholipase A2 from Naja melanoleuca snake venom all four lysines were converted into the epsilon-amidinated derivatives without reaction of the alpha-amino group. The amidinated phospholipase (AMPA) showed high enzymatic activity. Starting from AMPA, chemical modification reactions were carried out at the alpha-amino function. This group was blocked with a tert-butyloxycarbonyl or a phenylthiocarbamyl group. Furthermore the polypeptide chain was shortened by one residue by removing the N-terminal asparagine, resulting in the formation of des-Asn1-AMPA. The native enzyme was shortened by eight residues by cyanogen bromide cleavage at the single methionine residue. Although all modified proteins show a reduced affinity for monomeric lipids, they are easily saturated with micellar substrate analogs. Whereas the removal of the N-terminal octapeptide abolished all enzymatic activity the other modified enzymes possess a low (1%), but measurable enzymatic activity. It is concluded that chemical modifications in the N-terminal region give rise to a distortion of the active site, thus reducing the activity of the lipid-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

A bactericidal homodimeric phospholipases A2 from Bungarus fasciatus venom   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xu C  Ma D  Yu H  Li Z  Liang J  Lin G  Zhang Y  Lai R 《Peptides》2007,28(5):969-973
Group IIA secretory phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)-II) is generally known to display potent gram-positive bactericidal activity, while group IA sPLA(2) (sPLA(2)-I) reportedly is not. In this work, a novel sPLA(2)-I named BFPA was identified from Bungarus fasciatus venom, and its antimicrobial activity was studied as well. The amino acid sequence of the venomous protein precursor was 145-amino acid in length, and contained a predicted 27-amino acid signal peptide and a 118-amino acid mature protein. Unlike the well-known sPLA(2)-Is, which have 14 half-cysteines forming 7 intramolecular disulfide bridges, BFPA possesses 15 half-cysteines. The additional cysteine might contribute to the formation of an intermolecular disulfide bridge of the homodimeric protein. In the biological activities assays, BFPA displayed the activities of anticoagulation and bactericidal against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This study is the first report about gram-positive bactericidal activity of sPLA(2)-I.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of cardiotoxin VII4 from Naja mossambica mossambica was refined to 2.5 A resolution. Fifty ordered solvent sites were localized and included in the refinement. The final R factor is 0.197 (lambda/(2sin theta) less than 5 A; F greater than 3 sigma). The three-dimensional structure is characterized by two beta-sheets. Of particular interest is the two-stranded beta-sheet in the N-terminal region. This shows a large right-handed twist and, though strongly connected to the core of the molecule, and in particular to the C-terminal end, protrudes out of the bulk of the molecule. The segment of four amino acid residues connecting the two strands of this sheet is particularly exposed. It contains an invariant proline residue that has probably an important structural role, and is completely hydrophobic. Two other conserved hydrophobic zones were identified; the largest extends over the second and third loops, on one side only of the molecule. All side-chains of invariant hydrophobic character (except proline residues) belong to one of these three zones. Also discussed are the dimeric assembly and the rather loose packing in the crystal. The three-dimensional structure is compared with that of short and long alpha-neurotoxins. Comparison with two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance results on the 68% homologous cardiotoxin CT X IIb shows an excellent overall agreement. A few differences are probably genuine.  相似文献   

Removal of asparagine-linked carbohydrate chains from Torpedo marmorata electric organ membranes was found to inhibit the binding of the iodinated alpha-neurotoxin I from Naja mossambica mossambica snake venom to its receptor. Optimal deglycosylation of membranes by endoglycosidase F resulted in a 55% inhibition of alpha-neurotoxin-I-saturable binding. Under these conditions, up to 70% of concanavalin A binding was also lost, indicating an efficient removal of mannose-rich carbohydrate chains. Saturation binding experiments at equilibrium on membranes incubated in the absence of endoglycosidase F indicated, when analyzed by Scatchard plots, the presence of two classes of high-affinity binding sites for alpha-neurotoxin I (kd = 9 pM and 68 pM respectively) with capacities of 24 and 14 pmol/mg membrane proteins, respectively. After endoglycosidase F treatment, only the former class of binding sites (Kd = 11 pM) was recovered together with a 45% reduction in the number of total binding sites. Dissociation experiments further confirmed the presence of two types of toxin-receptor complexes in control membranes and the selective loss of the rapidly dissociating component upon deglycosylation. The binding of alpha-neurotoxin I to its receptor, deglycosylated or not, was totally inhibited by carbamoylcholine, d-tubocurarine or alpha-bungarotoxin. These findings show that the neurotoxin binding sites present on the acetylcholine receptor can be discriminated on the basis of their differential susceptibility to the removal of asparagine-linked carbohydrate chains.  相似文献   

The strongly anticoagulant basic phospholipase A(2) (CM-IV) from Naja nigricollis venom has previously been shown to inhibit the prothrombinase complex of the coagulation cascade by a novel nonenzymatic mechanism (S. Stefansson, R. M. Kini, and H. J. Evans Biochemistry 29, 7742-7746, 1990). That work indicated that CM-IV is a noncompetitive inhibitor and thus it interacts with either factor Va or factor Xa, or both. We further examined the interaction of CM-IV and the protein components of the prothrombinase complex. Isothermal calorimetry studies indicate that CM-IV does not bind to prothrombin or factor Va, but only to factor Xa. CM-IV has no effect on the cleavage of prothrombin by factor Xa in the absence of factor Va. However, in the presence of factor Va, CM-IV inhibits thrombin formation by factor Xa. With a constant amount of CM-IV, raising the concentration of factor Va relieved the inhibition. The phospholipase A(2) enzyme inhibits by competing with factor Va for binding to factor Xa and thus prevents formation of the normal Xa-Va complex or replaces bound factor Va from the complex. Thus factor Xa is the target protein of this anticoagulant phospholipase A(2), which exerts its anticoagulant effect by protein-protein rather than protein-phospholipid interactions.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of BaltTX-I, a catalytically inactive Lys49 variant of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), and BaltTX-II, an Asp49 catalytically active PLA2 isolated from Bothrops alternatus snake venom, on thioglycollate-elicited macrophages (TG-macrophages) were investigated. At non-cytotoxic concentrations, the secretory PLA2 BaltTX-I but not BaltTX-II stimulated complement receptor-mediated phagocytosis. Pharmacological treatment of TG-macrophages with staurosporine, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, showed that this kinase is involved in the increase of serum-opsonized zymosan phagocytosis induced by BaltTX-I but not BaltTX-II secretory PLA2, suggesting that PKC may be involved in the stimulatory effect of this toxin in serum-opsonized zymosan phagocytosis. Moreover, BaltTX-I and -II induced superoxide production by TG-macrophages. This superoxide production stimulated by both PLA2s was abolished after treatment of cells with staurosporine, indicating that PKC is an important signaling pathway for the production of this radical. Our experiments showed that, at non-cytotoxic concentrations, BaltTX-I may upregulate phagocytosis via complement receptors, and that both toxins upregulated the respiratory burst in TG-macrophages.  相似文献   

1. The L-amino acid oxidase, hyaluronidase, alkaline phosphomonoesterase, protease, phosphodiesterase, acetylcholinesterase, phospholipase A and 5'-nucleotidase activities of 47 samples of venoms from all the six species of cobra (Naja), including five subspecies of Naja naja, were examined. 2. The results demonstrated interspecific differences in the venom contents of phospholipase A, acetylcholinesterase, hyaluronidase and phosphodiesterase. These differences in venom enzyme contents can be used for the differentiation of species of the genus Naja. 3. Thus, our results revealed a correlation between the enzyme composition of venom and the taxonomic status of the snake at the species level for the genus Naja.  相似文献   

Two toxins from the venom of Naja mossambica mossambica, neurotoxin I and cardiotoxin VII4, were investigated in aqueous solution by high-resolution 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques at 360 MHz. The spectral characterization of the proteins included determination of the number of slowly exchanging amide protons which can be observed in 2H2O solution, measurement of the amide proton chemical shifts and exchange rates, characterization of the aromatic spin systems and the internal mobilities of aromatic rings, and studies of the pH dependence of the NMR spectra. For numerous resonances of labile and non-labile protons quite outstanding pH titration shifts were observed. It is suggested that these NMR parameters provide a useful basis for comparative structural studies of different proteins in the large group of homologous snake toxins. As a first application the NMR data presently available in the literature on neurotoxin II from Naja naja oxiana, toxin alpha from Naja nigricollis and erabutoxin a and b from Laticauda semifasciata have been used to compare these three proteins with neurotoxin I from Naja mossambica mossambica. This preliminary comparative study provides evidence that the same type of spatial structure prevails for these four homologous neurotoxins and that the folding of the backbone corresponds quite closely to that observed in the crystal structure of erabutoxin b. A second application is the comparison of cardiotoxin VII4 from Naja mossambica mossambica with the neurotoxins. The experimental data indicate that the folding of the polypeptide backbone is closely similar, but that the cardiotoxin molecule is markedly more flexible than the neurotoxins.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of "long" toxin 3 Naja naja siamensis in solution has been studied by methods of two-dimensional (2D) 1H NMR spectroscopy. The individual signal assignments for 67 out of 71 residues and analysis of nuclear Overhauser effects between distinct protons of the molecule allowed the comparison of the toxin 3 conformations at different pH values and temperatures. It was shown that the deprotonated imidazole ring of His22 residue (at pH greater than or equal to 7,5) is surrounded by the side chains of Cys17, Pro18, Val23, Cys24, Cys45, Ala46 and Thr48 residues. On the contrary, the protonated imidazole ring of His22 (at pH less than 4,0) is exposed into solvent. Ionization of His22 is accompanied by a change in the Tyr25 aromatic ring orientation and affects the conformational mobility of the Cys17, His22, Cys45 and Ala47 side chains. The revealed conformational features of toxin 3 in solution are discussed in connection with the differences between "long" and "short" neurotoxins in the kinetics of their binding to acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1994,54(20):PL333-PL338
Six flavanoid derivatives were tested for their influence on Naja naja and human recombinant synovial phospholipase A2. They showed a selectivity for the last enzyme with IC50 = 14.3, 17.6, 12.2 and 28.2 μM for quercetagetin, kaempferol-3-O-galactoside, scutellarein and scutellarein-7-O-glucuronide, respectively, while reduced effects were observed for hispidulin and hibifolin. After topical application all the flavonoids inhibited 12-O-tetradecanolyphorbol-3-acetate-induced ear oedema in mice with a potency comparable to that of indomethacin and they were also able to inhibit carrageenan-induced mouse paw oedema at a dose of 150 mg/kg p.o. The blockade of the free hydroxyl at C-7 or C-6 reduced the anti-inflammatory activity and also the inhibitory effect on human recombinant synovial phospholipase A2. These results are in accordance with the notion that group II phospholipases A2 may play a role in experimental inflammation, although several mechanisms seems to be involved in the anti-inflammatory effect of this group of flavonoids.  相似文献   

A platelet aggregation inhibitor phospholipase A(2) (NND-IV-PLA(2)) was isolated from Naja naja (Eastern India) venom by a combination of cation and anion exchange chromatography. NND-IV-PLA(2) is the most catalytically active enzyme isolated from the Indian cobra venom. The acidic PLA(2) profile of Eastern regional Indian cobra venom is distinctly different from that of the western regional venom. However the acidic PLA(2)s from both the regions follow the pattern of increasing catalytic activity with increase in acidic nature of the PLA(2) isoform. NND-IV-PLA(2) is a Class B1 platelet aggregation inhibitor and inhibits platelet aggregation induced by ADP, collagen and epinephrine. Modification of active site histidine abolishes both catalytic activity and platelet aggregation inhibition activities while aristolochic acid, a phospholipase A(2) inhibitor has only partial effect on the two activities.  相似文献   

Bindings of cobra venom phospholipases A2 to micelles of n-hexadecylphosphorylcholine were studied by the tryptophyl fluorescence method at 25 degrees C and ionic strength 0.1. The data were analyzed by assuming that the micellar surface has multiple binding sites for the enzyme and these sites are identical and mutually independent. The enzyme binding site was found to accommodate a constant number of substrate (monomer) molecules, N = 10, 5 or 13 for N. naja atra apoenzyme and its Ca2+ complex, and N. naja kaouthia apoenzyme, respectively. The binding constant of the enzymes to the micelle, Kmic = 0.18-3.1 X 10(6) M-1, was 9-160 times greater than that to the monomeric substrate, Kmon = 2 X 10(4) M-1 (Teshima et al. (1981) J. Biochem. 89, 1163-1174). This was interpreted in terms of the presence of an additional substrate-binding site in the enzyme molecule. The binding constant of the enzyme-Ca2+ complex to the micelle was smaller than that for the apoenzyme over a wide range of pH. The pH dependence of the binding constant of the apoenzyme to the micelle was well interpreted in terms of pK shifts of two ionizable groups from 5.4 to 5.53 and 7.55 to 7.95. The pH dependence curve for the Ca2+ complex, which lacked the former transition, was interpreted in terms of the pK shift of only a single ionizable group from 7.25 to 7.55. The former ionizable group was assigned as Asp 49, to which Ca2+ can coordinate, and the latter as His 48 in the active site on the basis of the reported pK values of these ionizable groups in the apoenzyme and Ca2+ complex (Teshima et al. (1981) J. Biochem. 89, 13-20 and Teshima et al. (1982) J. Biochem. 91, 1777-1788). No participation of the alpha-amino group with a pK value of 8.55 was observed.  相似文献   

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