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大熊猫卵泡及卵母细胞发育的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
冯文和  张安居 《兽类学报》1996,16(3):161-165
本文用5只大熊猫卵巢作了连续切片观察,测量分析了卵泡、卵母细胞和透明带的生长发育与成熟过程,以及它们之间的相互关系:(1)大熊猫卵泡及卵母细胞具哺乳类动物双相生长的共同特点,在生长过程中,仅 极少数优势卵泡被确定下来,其余卵泡均在不同时期成为闭锁卵泡,特别在发情期闭锁卵泡黄体化及囊肿现象居多。(2)透明带出现在单层卵泡细胞呈低柱状至柱状期,随着卵泡及卵母细胞的增长,透明带缓慢增厚。  相似文献   

牛卵母细胞体外受精及体外发育的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究利用从屠宰场收集到的牛卵巢,获取卵母细胞,经体外成熟后进行体外受精,其受精率为73±2%。受精卵分别用发育培养基TCM—199+10%FCS(MA)、颗粒细胞单层(MB)和卵管上皮单层(MC)进行培养,其8—16细胞的发育率分别为52%、54%和61%;而囊胚的发育率分别为20%、28%和42%。相比较而言,MB和MC培养基内突破8—16细胞阻断发育到囊胚的发育率优于MA。  相似文献   

目的:研究猪卵泡内环境对卵母细胞体外成熟,受精及受精卵体外发育的影响。结果:直径≥5mm,4-4.9mm,3-3.9mm,2-2.9mm的卵泡内卵母细胞体外成熟率分别为90.5%,89.7%,85.4%和67.4%。体外受精后,受精卵的发育能力随卵泡直径的增大而增强,来自直径≥5mm和4-4.9mm卵泡的受精卵发育到2-细胞,3-4细胞的比率显高于来自直径2-2.9mm的卵泡受精卵(P<0.05或0.01),体外成熟培养36,42,48小时,直径2-2.9mm卵泡卵的体外成熟率,体外受精后的卵裂率差异不显(P>0.05)。在体外成熟培养液中添加5%或15%的不同直径卵泡的卵泡液,各组间卵母细胞的体外成熟率,受精卵的体外发育率均无显差异。结论:卵泡大小对猪卵母细胞体外成熟,受精及受精卵体外发育有重要影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨卵巢大小对卵母细胞体外成熟的影响。方法根据质量将卵巢分为3组,Ⅰ组质量小于0.95 g,Ⅱ组质量介于0.95~1.7 g,Ⅲ组质量大于1.7 g,并统计了不同组卵母细胞的体外成熟率、孤雌激活胚的卵裂率和囊胚率,以及克隆胚的卵裂率和囊胚率。结果 3组卵母细胞体外成熟率分别为62.25%、43.58%和40.7%;3组孤雌激活胚卵裂率分别为83.77%、82.92%和79.73%;孤雌激活胚囊胚发育率分别为19.51%、18.9%和18.78%;3组克隆胚的卵裂率分别为67.36%、65.97%和66.33%;克隆胚囊胚发育率分别为11.63%、13.41%和12.29%。Ⅰ组卵母细胞体外成熟率显著高于其余2组,3组之间孤雌激活胚卵裂率、孤雌激活胚囊胚率、克隆胚卵裂率和克隆胚囊胚发育率差异无统计学意义。结论上述结果表明来源于小卵巢的卵母细胞体外成熟率最高。卵巢大小仅影响卵母细胞的体外成熟率,对发育能力无影响。  相似文献   

山羊卵母细胞的减数分裂进程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The meiotic progression of goat oocytes from follicles of different diameters was investigated in this study. The results were summarized as follows: (1) The in vitro meiotic maturation capacity was different among oocytes from follicles of different diameters. And thus oocytes from < or = 0.5 mm follicles were unable to resume meiosis; oocytes from 0.8-1.2 mm follicles were capable to resume meiosis, but could develop only to MI stage (60% at 24 h); oocytes from 1.5-5 mm follicles had acquired full-meiotic maturation capacity and 91% of them developed to M II stage at 24 h of culture. (2) The percentage of oocytes with intact-germinal vesicles from 1.5-5 mm follicles decreased significantly during 2-8 h of in vitro maturation and the decrease was even more rapid during 4-6 h of culture (from 60% to 19%, p < 0.0005). The percentage of oocytes at M I-stage increased from 24% to 61% during 6-12 h of in vitro maturation, and it then decreased. By 24 h of culture, only 2% oocytes remained at M I-stage. Twenty one percent of the oocytes in this group developed to M II-stage at 16 h of culture, and by 24 h of culture, 91% were at M II-stage. (3) Statistic analysis of the meiotic progression (the duration of each cell cycle stage) of oocytes from 1.5-5 mm follicles showed that GV stage lasted from 0 to 3 h of culture, prometaphase-I stage was from 3.0 to 7.0 h, metaphase-I stage was from 7.0 to 14.6 h, anaphase-I/telophase-I was from 14.6 to 18.4 h and metaphase-II stage lasted from 18.4 to 24 h. (4) Whether the oocytes capable of GVBD and entrance of M I developed to M II, the timing of meiotic progression prior to M I was similar. In summary, our results provided necessary data for studies on the mechanisms and control of meiosis in mammalian oocytes.  相似文献   

本实验以随机屠宰山羊的卵巢为实验材料,研究了不同直径卵泡卵母细胞的减数分裂进程。结果显示,不同直径卵泡卵母细胞在体外成熟培养条件下的减数分裂能力不同:≤0.5mm直径卵泡的卵母细胞不能恢复减数分裂;0.8-1.2mm卵泡的卵母细胞可恢复减数分裂,但只能发育到MⅠ期,培养24h发育到MⅠ期比率60%;1.5-5.0mm卵泡卵母细胞已经完全获得减数分裂能力,培养24h发育到MⅡ的比例91%。完全获得减数分裂能力的1.5-5.0mm卵泡卵母细胞处于生发泡(GV)期的比率在成熟培养2-8h期间明显下降;其中,4-6h期间GⅤ比率下降最为迅速(由61%降低到19%,p<0.0005);体外培养6-12h期间MⅠ比率由25%上升到60%,随后下降,到24h仅有2%卵母细胞处于MⅠ期;培养16h有21%卵母细胞进入MⅡ期,24h 91%卵母细胞到达MⅡ期。对卵母细胞体外核成熟进程的数据做折线图计算结果表明,1.5-5.0mm卵泡卵母细胞减数分裂进程(各细胞周期事件出现和维持的时间)为:0-3.0h为GⅤ期,3.0-7.0h为前中期Ⅰ,7.0-14.6h为MⅠ期,14.6-18.4h处于后期-Ⅰ和末期-Ⅰ,18.4-24h为MⅡ期。本实验还证明,部分获得减数分裂能力(0.8-1.2mm卵泡)与完全获得减数分裂能力(1.5-5mm卵泡)的卵母细胞,其各细胞周期事件一旦发生,所需的时间是相同的。这些结果为进一步研究山羊卵母细胞减数分裂机制及其调控提供了重要的基础数据。  相似文献   

灵长类卵母细胞细胞质成熟调控研究较为滞后,使得体外成熟的灵长类卵母细胞的胚胎发育潜能十发低下。提高其潜能对治疗人类不育症有重要的应用价值,并可推动灵长类胚胎发育的研究。基于猕猴卵母细胞质成熟调控研究,讨论了无血清成熟培养基中雌激素和孕激素、能量物质、氨基酸对卵母细胞质成熟的影响,以及动物年龄和生殖周期与发育潜能的关系。从分子水平进一步解释这些因素的作用,阐明卵母细胞质成熟的机理将是今后工作的方向。  相似文献   

研究去核山羊(Capra hircus)体内成熟的M II期卵母细胞与异种成年的哺乳动物(包括山羊、波尔山羊、牛、塔尔羊、熊猫)及人的成纤维细胞融合形成的体细胞核移植胚胎着床前的发育能力。结果显示这些异种体细胞核移植重构胚可以完成着床前发育, 并形成囊胚。种内体细胞核移植胚的融合率和囊胚发育率分别为78.67%(557/708)和56.29%(264/469); 亚种间或种间体细胞核移植胚的融合率和囊胚发育率分别为: 波尔山羊78.18%(541/692)、33.90%(40/118), 牛70.53%(146/207)、22.52%(25/111), 塔尔羊53.51%(61/114)、5.26%(3/570), 熊猫79.82%(1159/1452)、8.35%(75/898), 人68.76%(317/461)、5.41%(16/296)。由此结果得出以下结论: (1)山羊M II期卵母细胞胞质与供核细胞之间的亲缘性不影响两者的融合率; (2)山羊M II期卵母细胞的胞质能支持异种间体细胞核移植胚的着床前发育; (3)亲缘关系近的种间核移植胚的囊胚发育率高于亲缘关系远的种间核移植胚的。  相似文献   

研究去核山羊(Capra hircus)体内成熟的M II期卵母细胞与异种成年的哺乳动物(包括山羊、波尔山羊、牛、塔尔羊、熊猫)及人的成纤维细胞融合形成的体细胞核移植胚胎着床前的发育能力。结果显示这些异种体细胞核移植重构胚可以完成着床前发育, 并形成囊胚。种内体细胞核移植胚的融合率和囊胚发育率分别为78.67%(557/708)和56.29%(264/469); 亚种间或种间体细胞核移植胚的融合率和囊胚发育率分别为: 波尔山羊78.18%(541/692)、33.90%(40/118), 牛70.53%(146/207)、22.52%(25/111), 塔尔羊53.51%(61/114)、5.26%(3/570), 熊猫79.82%(1159/1452)、8.35%(75/898), 人68.76%(317/461)、5.41%(16/296)。由此结果得出以下结论: (1)山羊M II期卵母细胞胞质与供核细胞之间的亲缘性不影响两者的融合率; (2)山羊M II期卵母细胞的胞质能支持异种间体细胞核移植胚的着床前发育; (3)亲缘关系近的种间核移植胚的囊胚发育率高于亲缘关系远的种间核移植胚的。  相似文献   

李翠兰  陈秀兰 《动物学报》1991,37(2):203-209
试验比较四种防冻剂对小鼠核泡期(germinal vesicle stage)无卵丘细胞的卵母细胞(下称裸卵),在各种不同条件下冷冻-解冻的影响,并用乙二醇为防冻剂,冷冻-解冻后,形态正常的裸卵1137枚,经体外培养排出第一极体、发育达中期Ⅱ的成熟率为43.2%(491/1137)。用体外获能的小鼠附睾尾精子进行体外受精的受精率为25.4%(31/122)。继续培养进一步发育至2-细胞期的发育率为17.3%(55/318)。对照组(新鲜裸卵)的成熟率为48.6%(158/325),受精率为26.4%(388/144)。两者无显著差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

小鼠卵母细胞体外成熟、体外受精的效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究不同培养条件对小鼠卵母细胞体外成熟及体外受精率的影响。方法 小鼠卵母细胞分别在含有FSH、BSA和胰岛素的培养液中体外成熟,在Whitten 氏液中体外受精,比较体外成熟率、体外受精率。结果 1- 裸卵(DO) 的体外成熟率、体外受精率(81-4% ,31-0 % ) 均高于卵丘卵母细胞复合体(COC)(48-6 % ,27-1% ) 。2- 在培养液中添加FSH、胰岛素和BSA,卵母细胞的体外成熟率为77-9 % ,82-3% 、60-7% ;体外受精率为77-2 % 、72-6 % 、26-7% ;2 - 细胞率为49-2 % 、34-2 % 、10-0% 。胰岛素组的卵母细胞IVM 率最高,但IVF率、2 - 细胞率低于FSH 组。3- 添加BSA的两组的体外受精率只有26-7 % 、25-8 % ,显著低于其他组,其体外成熟率也较添加FSH 和胰岛素的组成。4- 排出第一极体(PbI) 的卵母细胞的体外受精率和2 - 细胞率(85-9 % ,22-4% ) 均高于GV期卵母细胞(71-1 % ,12-9 % ) 。结论 1- 卵丘卵母细胞(COC) 较裸卵(DO) 的体外成熟率、体外受精率都低,差异显著(P成熟< 0-01;P受精< 0-05) 。2-FSH 和胰岛素均能提高小鼠卵母细胞的体外成熟率、体外受精率。3-BSA可以降低小鼠卵母细胞体外受精率,差异极显著。4-GV 期卵母细胞的体外受精率显著低于体外培养的排出第一极体的卵母细胞(P2 - cell < 0-05,P受精<0-05)  相似文献   

采用75分钟和150分钟两种精卵作用时间,对经6℃低温处理2小时和6小时的小鼠卵母细胞进行体外受精。精卵作用75分钟后,经6℃处理的卵子无一受精,而对照组的受精率为30.7%。作用150分钟后,低温处理2小时、6小时和对照组的受精率分别为62.0%,36.55%和76.0%。并对试验所出现的现象作了讨论。  相似文献   

有假说认为,卵母细胞在体外培养过程中,如果延长GV期,可促进卵母细胞进一步成熟,因而提高发育潜能。采用山羊半卵泡和卵母细胞共培养,抑制卵母细胞GVBD发生,从而延长GV期。比较了共培养前后和恢复成熟培养后卵母细胞的超微结构变化,其目的从亚细胞水平寻找卵母细胞进一步成熟的证据。研究发现,常规成熟培养:有卵周隙存在,但不贯通,局部区域卵膜与透明带结合紧密;部分皮质区尚有细胞器存在;微绒毛大部分从透明带中撤出,倒伏于质膜表面,数量较多,形态较为粗大;皮层颗粒质膜下部分单层分布,部分散布于皮质区;线粒体均匀散布于卵质中央区。共培养前:卵母细胞的卵周隙尚未形成,微绒毛没有从透明带中撤出;线粒体等细胞器分布于皮质区,皮层颗粒成簇状分布,皮质区富含细胞器。共培养后:局部形成卵周隙,微绒毛已自透明带中撤出,数量较多,垂直或倒伏于卵膜表面;线粒体以簇状分批开始内移,皮层颗粒已部分单层分布于质膜下,部分皮质区缺乏细胞器。恢复成熟培养后:卵周隙进一步扩大并且贯通,微绒毛数量减少并且绝大多数垂直于卵膜;线粒体在卵质中央区均匀分布,皮层颗粒卵膜下单层分布,大部分皮质区无细胞器存在。利用“两步法”培养得到的卵母细胞与体外常规成熟培养的卵母细胞相比,更有利于皮层颗粒的质膜下单层分布,卵母细胞卵周隙的形成与贯通,微绒毛数量减少和垂直于卵膜表面,无细胞器皮层区的进一步形成。因此,更有利于卵母细胞胞质的进一步成熟。  相似文献   

山羊卵母细胞体外成熟过程中线粒体的动态分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究山羊卵母细胞减数分裂过程中线粒体的动态分布。方法收集山羊卵母细胞,在M199中分别培养4、8、12、16、20和24 h,用特异性线粒体标记探针进行标记,用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察线粒体的分布情况。结果生发泡期线粒体多分散在卵母细胞的胞质内,并且距生发泡有一定的距离;生发泡破裂期线粒体逐渐移向染色质;第一次减数分裂中期与第二次减数分裂中期线粒体成簇密布在染色体周围。排出的第一极体中也含有大量的线粒体。结论同其他哺乳动物卵母细胞体外成熟过程中线粒体分布情况相比,线粒体在山羊卵母细胞中的分布具有明显的相似性。线粒体密布在成熟卵母细胞染色体周围可能与极体的排出和受精后染色体的迁移有关。  相似文献   

邢华 《动物学杂志》2009,44(6):160-165
犬(Canis familiaris)是生物医学研究的最重要模型动物之一.但由于生殖生理的特殊性,其卵母细胞的体外培养成熟率低,辅助生殖研究进展缓慢,严重制约了该动物在生物科学研究中的运用.在犬科动物体内,排卵前卵母细胞处于高浓度孕酮的卵泡环境中,在生发泡期排到输卵管内,并在此恢复和完成减数分裂.因此,犬卵母细胞体外成熟所需的条件不同于其他哺乳动物,目前主要采用以添加相关因子的M199作为培养液,但体外培养发育至MⅡ期的比率仅为15%~20%.所以,必须在了解犬卵母细胞体内成熟机制的基础上,建立一套类似于体内生理环境的体外成熟培养体系.本文在阐述犬卵母细胞体内成熟生理过程的基础上,对其体外成熟培养方法和影响因素的研究现状进行分析,为相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace element that is required during mammalian developmental processes. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of Zn supplementation during in vitro maturation (IVM) on the developmental capacity of yak (Bos grunniens) oocytes. Cumulus expansion, nuclear maturation, intracellular glutathione (GSH), reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, subsequent embryonic development, and the expression of Zn transporters (ZnTs) and Zrt and Irt-like proteins (ZiPs) were evaluated. The Zn concentrations in yak plasma and follicular fluid were 0.740?±?0.012 and 0.382?±?0.009 μg/mL, respectively. The cumulus expansion did not show significant differences in COCs after matured with or without Zn supplementation (P?>?0.05). The intracellular GSH was higher in oocytes matured with 1 or 2 mg/L Zn than in control group (0 mg/L) (P?<?0.05). However, ROS levels of oocytes matured with 1 or 2 mg/L Zn were reduced significantly compared with the control and 0.5 mg/L groups (P?<?0.05). The SOD activity was increased significantly after Zn supplementation. The cleavage rate was not significantly different after Zn supplementation (P?>?0.05). Percentages of matured oocytes that developed into the blastocyst stage after IVF were 47.9, 50.5, 60.4, and 58.9% for 0, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg/L Zn groups, respectively. Gene expression analysis revealed that the expression patterns associated with Zn were changed after Zn supplementation. In conclusion, Zn supplementation to IVM improved yak oocyte maturation and subsequent development by increasing GSH and SOD activity, decreasing ROS in oocytes.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of mature oocytes and embryos has provided numerous benefits in reproductive medicine. Although successful cryopreservation of germinal-vesicle stage (GV) oocytes holds promise for further advances in reproductive biology and clinical embryology fields, reports regarding cryopreservation of immature oocytes are limited. Oocyte survival and maturation rates have improved since vitrification is being performed at the GV stage, but the subsequent developmental competence of GV oocytes is still low. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation of the maturation medium with cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) modulators on the developmental competence of vitrified-warmed GV bovine oocytes. GV oocytes were vitrified-warmed and cultured to allow for oocyte maturation, and then parthenogenetically activated or fertilized in vitro. Our results indicate that addition of a cAMP modulator forskolin (FSK) or 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) to the maturation medium significantly improved the developmental competence of vitrified-warmed GV oocytes. We also demonstrated that vitrification of GV oocytes led to a decline in cAMP levels and maturation-promoting factor (MPF) activity in the oocytes during the initial and final phases of maturation, respectively. Nevertheless, the addition of FSK or IBMX to the maturation medium significantly elevated cAMP levels and MPF activity during IVM. Taken together, our results suggest that the cryopreservation-associated meiotic and developmental abnormalities observed in GV oocytes may be ameliorated by an artificial increase in cAMP levels during maturation culture after warming.  相似文献   

牛卵母细胞体外成熟的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牛卵母细胞的成熟过程中,包括细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核的成熟。其中细胞质的成熟最为复杂。线粒体、皮质颗粒数量的变化和位移,脂滴类型的变化和形态改变,空泡形态学的变化等是鉴别卵母细胞幼稚、成熟和老化的重要特征。透明带随着培养而外侧疏松,内侧致密,母卵细胞膜上伸出的微绒毛为膨大泡状和细长毛状两种。在培养14小时后颗粒细胞与透明带脱离联系。根据综合指标判定,18小时这前为成熟生长期,18 ̄26小时为成熟期,  相似文献   

We studied the influence of bovine prolactin on the maturation of cumulus-enclosed bovine oocytes in different culture systems as well as on their capacity for subsequent development after in vitrofertilization. The prolactin effect on chromosome transformations in oocytes depended on the hormone concentration in the medium with fetal calf serum. Prolactin at 50 ng/ml proved to stimulate nuclear maturation of the oocytes. This concentration was used to compare various systems of oocytes cultivation. The prolactin effect on bovine oocytes maturation and their capacity for subsequent development depended on the composition of the cultivation medium. The introduction of prolactin into the medium with fetal calf serum, estradiol, and a follicle-stimulating hormone had no effect on the reinitiation of meiosis in the oocytes but stimulated its completion, which increased the proportion of the oocytes at telophase I and metaphase II stages as well as the proportion of the eggs cleft after fertilization. Prolactin affected neither the nuclear maturation nor the capacity for further development of the oocytes cultivated in the medium with the serum of estrous cows. The addition of prolactin to the medium with calf serum where the oocytes and granulosa cells were cocultured increased the subsequent yield of the embryos developed to the morula and blastocyst stages. In this culture system, the hormone did not affect the rate of oocytes that reached the final stages of meiosis but inhibited their transition from telophase I to metaphase II. We propose that prolactin may favor the completion of cytoplasmic modifications going into the maturing oocyte.  相似文献   

猪卵母细胞的体外受精及多精受精   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对用于猪体外受精(IVF)的研究方法和技术,如传统的液滴IVF、透明带下注射精子受精(SUZI)、卵母细胞质内单精注射受精(ICSI)及细管IVF等进行了简述。与其它动物相比,进行猪卵的体外受精研究,多精受精现象特别明显。大量的研究表明,猪卵的多精受精不但与其品种特性有关,而且与卵母细胞成熟的程度、透明带的异常、受精时获能精子的浓度、输卵管分泌物、受精液蛋白添加成分、NaHCO3浓度、咖啡因、pH值以及温度等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

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