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Chrysolina baoshanica sp. n., Ch. amica sp. n., Ch. baimana sp. n., Ch. sergeyi sp. n., Ch. korotjaevi sp. n., Ch. volkovitshi sp. n., Ch. aeruginosa kabana subsp. n., and Phratora belousovi sp. n. from Chinese provinces Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan are described. Types of the new species are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

New species of the subfamily Chrysomelinae, Chrysolina maximi from Yunnan Province, Ch. nesterovae, Ch. matruelis, and Ch. mikhailovi, Yunnaedon foveatus and Yu. belousovi, Oreomela magnifica and O. geae, all from Sichuan, Taipinus kabaki and T. magnus from Shaanxi, and also two new species of the subfamily Galerucinae, Meristoides rugosa and M. obscura spp. n. from Sichuan, are described.  相似文献   

New species of the subfamilies Megalopodinae (Temnaspis humerosa sp. n.), Chrysomelinae [Chrysolina furialis sp. n., Ch. oxanae sp. n., Ch. pingchuana sp. n., Oreomelina (Oreomelina) obtusa sp. n., O. (Oreomelina) splendens sp. n. from Sichuan], and Galerucinae (Liroëtis obliquevirgata sp. n. from Sichuan, Hyphaenia lutescens sp. n. from Chongqing, H. potanini sp. n. from Sichuan, and H. kabaki sp. n. from Shaangxi) are described.  相似文献   

Smaragdina schereri sp. n., Chrysolina jiangi sp. n., Ch. geae sp. n., Ch. gansuica sp. n., Sclerophaedon daccordii sp. n., Neophaedon sichuanicus sp. n., Oreomela inflata sp. n., Xingeina nigrolucens sp. n., Shaira hemipteroides sp. n. and Calomicrus atroviridis sp. n. from Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan provinces of China are described. Types of the new species are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

The following new taxa of leaf beetles are described from Chinese provinces Gansu, Sichuan, and Xinjiang based on the material of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, where the types are deposited: Chrysolina confucii sp. n., Ch. daosana sp. n., Ch. infernalis sp. n., Ch. gruevi sp. n., Ch. songpana sp. n., Phratora alternata sp. n., Taipinus rotundatus gen. et sp. n., Oreomela milae sp. n. (Chrysomelinae) and Zangastra sichuanica sp. n. (Galerucinae).  相似文献   

潜跳甲属二新种(鞘翅目:叶甲科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潜跳甲属Podagricomela Heikertinger是芸香科植物害虫,成虫食叶,幼虫潜食叶片、叶柄、花、及花柄等,我国已知7种(陈世骧、谢蕴贞,1966)。其中桔潜跳甲P.nigricollis Chen和枸桔潜跳甲P.weisei Heikertinger在我国江南柑桔产区,花椒潜跳甲P.shirahatai(Chujo)在山西及河南花椒栽培区,均造成严重危害。本文记述2新种,均为害花椒;产于陕西西部、甘肃南部和四川北部,在甘肃陇南地区这两种混合发生,为害很严重。新种模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Chrysolina undulata asperata Lopatin is promoted to the species Chrysolina asperata Lop., stat. n., and is redescribed. A new species, Chrysolina tatianae Mikhailov sp. n. closely related to Ch. ordinata Gebl., is described from the Narymo-Bukhtarminskaya Depression, based on the adults and 2nd-instar larva. New data on the ecology and distribution of Chrysolina kabaki Lop., Ch. katonica Lop., and Ch. oirota Lop. are given.  相似文献   

Abstract. The genus Microdonacia Blackburn is revised and its systematic position considered. Ten species are treated, seven of which are new ( bidentata, eucryphiae, grevitteae, incurva, octodentata, pilosa, pomaderris ), and lectotypes are designated for two species. Four of the new species are placed in Tantawangalo subgen.n. Microdonacia is compared with the genera Cassena Weise, Licyllus Jacoby and Orthaltica Crotch. The sister-group for Microdonacia is identified as Orthaltica and these genera are placed incertae sedis in the Galerucinae, as used in the sense of Crowson (1967). The proposed phylogeny of the species is illustrated on a cladogram.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Tricliona are described from the Philippines and Borneo Island: T. bakeri sp. n., T. sandakana sp. n., and T. philippina sp. n. Stethotes aedilis Weise are transferred to the genus Cleoporus, and Stethotes ferruginea Weise, to Tricliona. Typophorus quadrimaculatus Baly is transferred to Cleoporus, and C. cruciatus Lefèvre is synonymized with it. The genus Coniomma Weise is redescribed. For each species, drawings of the genitalia are provided. The species of Cleoporus from the Philippines and all the species of the Tricliona ferruginea group are keyed.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of the genus Phaedon Latreille are revised and illustrated from China, including five new species described herein, namely P. geminatus sp. nov., P. huizuensis sp. nov., P. igori sp. nov., P. insolitus sp. nov., P. prosternalis sp. nov. All species are redescirbed or original described. Figures of important morphological features are provided. The natural history of some species are provided including the host plants records. A key to species of Phaedon from China is presented. The type specimens of the new species described here are deposited in Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IZCAS), Mauro Daccordi collection(MDC), Horst Kippenberg collection(HKC) and Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences(ZIN).  相似文献   

记述中国叶甲亚科1新属:玉龙叶甲属Yulongedon gen.nov.,包括2新种:靓玉龙叶甲Y.formosus sp.nov.,宝藏神玉龙叶甲Y.jambhalai sp.nov.。  相似文献   

Six new species of the genus Psylliodes Latr. are described from the Palaearctic Region. P. concolor sp. n. from Georgia and P. diversicolor sp. n. from Turkey belong to the luteolus species-group. P. amurensis sp. n. and P. laxus sp. n. from the Russian Far East are included in the punctifrons species-group. P. submontanus sp. n. from the North Caucasus is provisionally included in the napi species-group, but it is similar to P. ozisiki Leon. et Arnold from the cupreus species-group. P. insularis sp. n. from the Canaries belongs to the chrysocephalus species-group.  相似文献   

广西叶甲亚科昆虫种类记述(鞘翅目:叶甲科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述中国科学院动物研究所 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年对广西十万大山及大瑶山地区考察所采获叶甲亚科并该所标本馆馆藏叶甲亚科标本及文献记载 ,共 2 0属 35种 ,其中包括1中国新记录属 Pseudolina Jacoby、1新种 Gonioctena( Brachyphytodecta) oculata sp.nov.、2中国新记录种 Pseudolina indica Jacoby,Paropsides bouveri Chen。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Sixteen species ofLongitarsus have been chromosomally surveyed, showing a continuous range of even numbers from 2n=26 to 2n=32 chromosomes. Among the total of twenty-three known species, about 40% display a 14+Xy male karyotypic formula, the possible modal and most primitive one for the genus. The current taxonomy of species groupings is in good agreement with the chromosome numbers in some cases, but not in others. Also, there is no interrelationship between chromosome numbers and foodplant selection. The number of large bivalents at metaphase I is generally negatively correlated with the diploid value, suggesting the possible role of centric fusions coupled to shifts in the amount of chromatin as the main chromosomal changes in the evolution ofLongitarsus. The karyotypes of a few studied species are composed of metacentric chromosomes, some of them of rather large size, and a minute y-chromosome. A possible example of polymorphism for the chromosome number inL. nigrofasciatus is reported and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):411-417
In this study, a species catalogue of Sermyloides, including 42 species, is given. Two new species are described: Sermyloides wuyiensis sp. nov. from Fujian, China and Sermyloides bipunctatus sp. nov. from Chongqing, China. A key to species, photographs of aedeagus, habitus of new species and habitus of 14 species of Chinese holotypes are provided.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:820BDA9F-633B-49D8-B5F0-45610E622C9A.  相似文献   

T. H. Hsiao  C. Hsiao 《Genetica》1983,60(2):139-150
Chromosomes were examined from 13 Leptinotarsa species: L. decemlineata, L. texana, L. defecta, L. juncta, L. rubiginosa, L. haldemani, L. tumamoca, L. peninsularis, L. behrensi, L. heydeni, L. lineolata, L. typographica, and L. undecimlineata. With the exception of L. undecimlineata, which has 2n=32+XO, all other species have the basic chromosome number 2n=34+XO. Of two Labidomera species also examined, L. clivicollis has 2n=32+XO and L. suturella has 2n=30+XO. Idiograms showed that the majority of the autosomes are submetacentric. All species have a large submetacentric X chromosome. Meiotic pairings were regular with both closed and open bivalents. Chiasma frequencies varied considerably among species and even between populations. No distinct correlation was evident when chromosome numbers and chiasma frequencies were compared with host plant association and geographic distribution patterns of Leptinotarsa species.  相似文献   

Three new monotypical genera of leaf beetles are described: Aoriopsis eocenicus n. gen, n. sp. and Acolaspoides longipes n. gen., n. sp. from the subfamily Eumolpinae, and also Crepidocnema yantarica n. gen., n. sp. from the subfamily Alticinae. Short reviews of known fossil records of the mentioned subfamilies are given and position of the new genera discussed.  相似文献   

Webster RP  Lesage L  Demerchant I 《ZooKeys》2012,(179):321-348
Zeugophora varians Crotch and the family Megalopodidae are newly recorded for New Brunswick, Canada. Twenty-eight species of Chrysomelidae are newly recorded for New Brunswick, including Acalymma gouldi Barber, Altica knabii Blatchley, Altica rosae Woods, Altica woodsi Isely, Bassareus mammifer (Newman), Chrysolina marginata (Linnaeus), Chrysomela laurentia Brown, Crepidodera violacea Melsheimer, Cryptocephalus venustus Fabricius, Neohaemonia melsheimeri (Lacordaire), Neohaemonia nigricornis (Kirby), Pachybrachis bivittatus (Say), Pachybrachis m-nigrum (Melsheimer), Phyllobrotica limbata (Fabricius), Psylliodes affinis (Paykull), Odontota dorsalis (Thunberg), Ophraella communa (LeSage), Ophraella cribrata (LeConte), Ophraella notata (Fabricius), Systena hudsonias (Forster), Tricholochmaea ribicola (Brown), and Tricholochmaea rufosanguinea (Say), which are also newly recorded for the Maritime provinces. Collection data, habitat data, and distribution maps are presented for all these species.  相似文献   

Continuing study on the Chinese species of Phygasia Chevrolat, 1836 revealed 10 specimens collected from Taiwan that were distinctly different from other described species within this genus. The new species is similar to P. ornata Baly, 1876 and P. pseudornata Wang et Yang, 2008, but can be distinguished from them by the color and position of elytra markings as well as the shape of male genitalia: the black markings on the elytra only covered the humeral area and the sub-apical area of elytra, and genitalia of male pointed and short with big basal opening. A new species, Phygasia taiwanensis sp. n., is described herein.  相似文献   

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