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Muscle cross-bridge kinetics in rigor and in the presence of ATP analogues.   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
Recently we reported preliminary mechanical experiments on freshly skinned rabbit psoas fibers that suggested that while almost all of the cross-bridges are attached to actin in the presence of 4 mM adenyl-5'-yl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) (ionic strength, 0.13 M), there is an equilibrium between the attached and detached states, so that, in the presence of 4 mM AMP-PNP, fibers should not be able to maintain tension (Schoenberg, et al., 1984, in Contractile Mechanisms in Muscle, Pollack and Sugi, editors., Plenum Publishing Corp., NY). Since this suggestion was at variance with published results of Clarke and Tregear (1982, FEBS [Fed. Eur. Biochem. Soc.] Lett, 143:217), we reinvestigated the ability of rabbit psoas fibers to support tension following a 2-nm stretch in rigor and in the presence of the nucleotide analogues, PPi and AMP-PNP, for analogue concentrations ranging from 0.25 to 4 mM. We find that, whereas in rigor there is very little tension decay following a stretch, in 4 mM nucleotide analogue solution, the force generated by stretch quickly decays to zero. The force decay is not exponential; rather, it can be described by rate constants that range from approximately 0.1 to 100 s-1 in 4 mM PPi, and 0.01 to 10 s-1 in 4 mM AMP-PNP. This large range of decay rate constants may be partially related to the dependence of either analogue binding or cross-bridge dissociation upon strain, since we find that the rate constants for force decay decrease with decreasing size of stretch or with decrease of analogue concentration below the maximum studied (4 mM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Electron spin lattice relaxation times (T1) and the phase memory times (Tm) were obtained for the synthetic melanin system from 3-hydroxytyrosine (dopa) by means of electron spin echo spectroscopy at 77 degrees K. Saturation behavior of the ESR spectra of melanins in melanin-containing tissue and of the synthetic melanin was also determined at the same temperature. The spin lattice relaxation time and the spectral diffusion time of the synthetic melanin are very long (4.3 ms and 101 microseconds, respectively, in the solid state), and the ESR signal saturates readily at low microwave powers. On the other hand, ESR spectra of natural melanins from the tissues chosen for this study, as well as those of synthetic melanins which contain Fe3+ of g = 4.3 and Mn2+ of g = 2, are relatively difficult to saturate compared with samples without such metal ions. These results show clearly that a large part of those two metal ions in sites responsible for the ESR spectral components with these particular g values are coordinated to melanin in melanin-containing tissue, and modify the magnetic relaxation behavior of the melanin. Accumulations of these metal ions in melanins are different from system to system, and they increase in the order: hair (black), retina and choroid (brown), malignant melanoma of eye and skin, and lentigo and nevus of skin.  相似文献   

A simple procedure using electron spin resonance techniques was applied to detect, identify and quantify quinones and quinols in crude plant extracts. Hydroquinone was determined in Pyrus, plumbagin in Drosera and Ceratostigma, and hydrojuglone in Juglandaceae. Hydrojuglone is found in markedly higher concentrations in Pterocarya and in Juglans than in Carya. Plastoquinol has been observed in 500 of 700 plant extracts studied. Esters of phenolic acids are easily detected and distinguished, e.g. chlorogenic and rosmarinic acids. Esters of homoprotocatechuic and of dihydrocaffeic acid occur widely in the Oleaceae. The limitations of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Arora A  Williamson IM  Lee AG  Marsh D 《Biochemistry》2003,42(17):5151-5158
Phospholamban is a cardiac regulatory protein that, in its monomeric form, inhibits the Ca(2+)-ATPase. Lipid-protein interactions with a synthetic variant of phospholamban, in which all cysteine residues are replaced with alanine, have been studied by spin-label electron spin resonance (ESR) in different lipid host membranes. Both the stoichiometry and selectivity of lipid interactions were determined from the two-component ESR spectra of phospholipid species spin-labeled on the 14 C atom of the sn-2 chain. The lipid stoichiometry is determined by the oligomeric state of the protein and the selectivity by the membrane disposition of the positively charged residues in the N-terminal section of the protein. In dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) membranes, the stoichiometry (N(b)) is 7 lipids/monomer for the full-length protein and 4 for the transmembrane section (residues 26-52). These stoichiometries correspond to the dimeric and pentameric forms, respectively. In palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine, N(b) = 4 for both the whole protein and the transmembrane peptide. In negatively charged membranes of dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG), the lipid stoichiometry is N(b) = 10-11 per monomer for both the full-length protein and the transmembrane peptide. This stoichiometry corresponds to monomeric dispersion of the protein in the negatively charged lipid. The sequence of lipid selectivity is as follows: stearic acid > phosphatidic acid > phosphatidylserine = phosphatidylglycerol = phosphatidylcholine > phosphatidylethanolamine for both the full-length protein and the transmembrane peptide in DMPC. Absolute selectivities are, however, lower for the transmembrane peptide. A similar pattern of lipid selectivity is obtained in DMPG, but the absolute selectivities are reduced considerably. The results are discussed in terms of the integration of the regulatory species in the lipid membrane.  相似文献   

The lipid chain motions in stratum corneum (SC) membranes have been studied through electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of stearic acid spin-labeled at the 5th, 12th and 16th carbon atom positions of the acyl chain. Lipids have been extracted from SC with a series of chloroform/methanol mixtures, in order to compare the molecular dynamics and the thermotropic behavior in intact SC, lipid-depleted SC (containing covalently bound lipids of the corneocyte envelope) and dispersion of extracted SC lipids. The segmental motion of 5- and 12-doxylstearic acid (5- and 12-DSA) and the rotational correlation time of 16-doxylstearic acid (16-DSA) showed that the envelope lipids are more rigid and the extracted lipids are more fluid than the lipids of the intact SC over the range of temperature measured. The lower fluidity observed for the corneocyte envelope, that may be caused mainly due to lipid-protein interactions, suggests a major contribution of this lipid domain to the barrier function of SC. Changes in the activation energy for reorientational diffusion of the 16-DSA spin label showed apparent phase transitions around 54 degrees C, for the three SC samples. Some lipid reorganization may occur in SC above 54 degrees C, in agreement with results reported from studies with several other techniques. This reorganization is sensitive to the presence of the extractable intercellular lipids, being different in the lipid-depleted sample as compared to native SC and lipid dispersion. The results contribute to the understanding of alkyl chain packing and mobility in the SC membranes, which are involved in the mechanisms that control the permeability of different compounds through skin, suggesting an important involvement of the envelope in the skin barrier.  相似文献   

Lipid-protein interactions in thylakoid membranes from lettuce, pea, tomato, and cucumber have been studied using spin-labeled analogues of the thylakoid membrane lipid components, monogalactosyl diglyceride and phosphatidylglycerol. The electron spin resonance spectra of the spin-labeled lipids all consist of two components, one corresponding to the fluid lipid environment in the membranes and the other to the motionally restricted lipids interacting with the integral membrane proteins. Comparison of the spectra from the same spin label in thylakoid membranes from different plants shows that the overall lipid fluidity in the membranes decreases with chilling sensitivity. Spectral subtraction has been used to quantitate the fraction of the membrane lipids in contact with integral membrane proteins. Thylakoid membranes of cucumber, a typical chilling-sensitive plant, have been found to have a higher proportion of motionally restricted lipids and a different lipid selectivity for lipid-protein interaction, as compared with those of pea, a typical chilling-resistant plant. This correlation with chilling sensitivity holds generally for the different plants studied. It seems likely that the chilling sensitivity in thylakoid membranes is not determined by lipid fluidity alone, but also by the lipid-protein interactions which could affect protein function in a more direct manner.  相似文献   

Exposure of single crystals of oxy-myoglobin to 60Co gamma-rays at 77 K results in electron addition to the Fe-O2 units. The resulting ESR spectrum has been analysed to give the principal values and directions for the g-tensor of this unit. The results suggest that the dioxygen ligand is strongly tilted, the direction of tilt being close to one of the bisectors of the N-Fe-N bond angles. Possible reasons for this orientation are discussed.  相似文献   

Spin-label electron spin resonance was used to characterize the microenvironment around spin probes which localize (i) in membranes, (ii) at the membrane surface, or (iii) in the cytoplasm of living Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Four colony types (T1, T2, T3, and T4) of gonococci were compared on the basis of the electron spin resonance parameters 2T parallel to, S (order parameter), and tau c (microviscosity). The concentration of spin label used had little or no effect on viability. T1 and T2 gonococci were found to have a more restricted environment for molecular motion of a membrane surface spin label than did T3 and T4. The membrane fluidity, as measured by a membrane lipid spin label, of T4 (S = 0.571) was significantly greater than that of T1 or T3 (S = 0.580). This difference was detected at 37 degrees C, at 25 degrees C, in agar-grown bacteria, and in exponential-phase cells. Studies using spin labels which probe different levels of the membrane indicated the presence of a membrane flexibility gradient. Cytoplasmic spin-label studies indicated that the cytoplasm of all gonococcal colony types was three to five times more viscous than water.  相似文献   

The behavior of mixed bile salt micelles consisting of sodium taurocholate, egg phosphatidylcholine, and cholesterol has been studied by ESR spin labeling and synchrotron x-ray scattering. Consistent with published phase diagrams, pure and mixed bile salt micelles have a limited capacity to incorporate and, hence, solubilize cholesterol. Excess cholesterol crystallizes out, a process that is readily detected both by ESR spin labeling using 3-doxyl-5 alpha-cholestane as a probe for cholesterol and synchrotron x-ray scattering. Both methods yield entirely consistent results. The crystallization of cholesterol from mixed bile salt micelles is indicated by the appearance of a magnetically dilute powder spectrum that is readily detected by visual inspection of the ESR spectra. Both the absence of Heissenberg spin exchange and the observation of a magnetically dilute powder spectrum provide evidence for the spin label co-crystallizing with cholesterol. In mixed bile salt micelles containing egg phosphatidylcholine, the solubility of cholesterol is increased as detected by both methods. With increasing content of phosphatidylcholine and increasing mole ratio cholesterol/phosphatidylcholine, the anisotropy of motion of the spin probe increases. The spin label 3-doxyl-5 alpha-cholestane is a useful substitute for cholesterol provided that it is used in dilute mixtures with excess cholesterol: the cholesterol/spin label mole ratio in these mixtures should be greater than 100. Despite the structural similarity between the two compounds, there are still significant differences in their physico-chemical properties.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

P Fajer  P F Knowles  D Marsh 《Biochemistry》1989,28(13):5634-5643
Cytochrome oxidase from yeast has been covalently labeled with a nitroxide derivative of maleimide and reconstituted in lipid-substituted complexes with dimyristoyl-, dioleoyl-, or dielaidoyl-phosphatidylcholine. The rotational mobility of the enzyme in the complexes has been studied as a function of temperature and time, and of lipid/protein ratio, using saturation-transfer electron spin resonance spectroscopy. For complexes with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, the rotational mobility of the protein decreases abruptly below the gel-to-fluid-phase transition. This change is accompanied by a lateral segregation of the protein, as seen by freeze-fracture electron microscopy, and by an increase in the activation energy for the enzymatic activity. A time-dependent decrease in the rotational motion of the protein is observed on incubating at temperatures in the fluid phase of the lipid. This corresponds with a time-dependent loss of enzyme activity observed on incubation at temperatures in the fluid phase, but not at temperatures in the gel phase, over a period of 3 h. The rotational mobility decreases with increasing protein concentration in the complexes, both in the fluid and in the gel phases. The dependence of the protein mobility on lipid/protein ratio can be interpreted quantitatively in terms of the effect of increased random protein-protein contacts in the fluid phase. The maximum limiting rotational correlation time for the protein diffusion at high lipid/protein ratios in the fluid phase is tau R[[ approximately equal to 25 microseconds, suggesting that the protein is present as either a monomer or more probably a dimer in the reconstituted membrane.  相似文献   

M D King  D Marsh 《Biochemistry》1987,26(5):1224-1231
The critical micelle concentrations (cmc's) of a variety of spin-labeled phospholipids, 1-acyl-2-[4-(4,4-dimethyloxazolidine-N-oxyl)valeryl]-sn-glycero-3-pho sph o derivatives, have been determined by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The narrow, three-line ESR spectra of the rapidly tumbling monomers are clearly distinguished from the spin-spin broadened spectra of the micellar aggregates, allowing a direct determination of the concentrations of the two species. The influence of both the hydrocarbon chain length and the polar head group on the energetics of self-assembly has been studied. For phosphatidylcholine, 1n [cmc] decreases linearly with the length of the sn-1 chain. The gradient of this linear dependence corresponds to a free energy of transfer of the monomer from the aqueous phase to the micelle of delta Gtr = -1.1RT per CH2 group. The cmc's of the 1-lauroyl derivatives of both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol have relatively shallow, biphasic temperature dependences with a minimum at approximately 20 degrees C. Both of these properties are characteristic of the hydrophobic effect, with the free energy of transfer being slightly less than that for the solubility of n-hydrocarbons in water, corresponding to the reduced configurational entropy of the lipid chains in the micellar state. The cmc's of the 1-lauroyl derivatives of the phospholipids in 0.15 M NaCl, for their various charge states, are as follows: phosphatidic acid(2-), 0.77 mM; phosphatidic acid(1-), 0.13 mM; phosphatidylserine(1-), 0.24 mM; phosphatidylglycerol(1-), 0.17 mM; phosphatidylcholine, 0.10 mM; phosphatidylethanolamine, 0.05 mM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

C W Hoganson  G T Babcock 《Biochemistry》1992,31(47):11874-11880
The stable tyrosine radical in photosystem II, YD*, has been studied by ESR and ENDOR spectroscopies to obtain proton hyperfine coupling constants from which the electron spin density distribution can be deduced. Simulations of six previously published ESR spectra of PSII (one at Q band; five at X band, of which two were after specific deuteration and two others were of oriented membranes) can be achieved by using a single set of magnetic parameters that includes anisotropic proton hyperfine tensors, an anisotropic g tensor, and noncoincident axis systems for the g and A tensors. From the spectral simulation of the oriented samples, the orientation of the phenol head group of YD* with respect to the membrane plane has been determined. A similar orientation for YZ*, the redox-active tyrosine in PSII that mediates electron transfer between P680 and the oxygen-evolving complex, is expected. ENDOR spectra of YD* in PSII preparations from spinach and Synechocystis support the set of hyperfine coupling constants but indicate that small differences between the two species exist. Comparison with the results of spectral simulations for tyrosyl radicals in ribonucleotide reductase from prokaryotes or eukaryotes and with in vitro radicals indicates that the spin density distribution remains that of an odd-alternant radical but that interactions with the protein can shift spin density within this basic pattern. The largest changes in spin density occur at the tyrosine phenol oxygen and at the ring carbon para to the oxygen, which indicates that mechanisms exist in the protein environment for fine-tuning the chemical and redox properties of the radical species.  相似文献   

Collado MI  Goñi FM  Alonso A  Marsh D 《Biochemistry》2005,44(12):4911-4918
Interactions of palmitoylsphingomyelin with cholesterol in multilamellar vesicles have been studied over a wide range of compositions and temperatures in excess water by using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Spin labels bearing the nitroxide free radical group on the 5 or 14 C-atom in either the sn-2 stearoyl chain of phosphatidylcholine (predominantly 1-palmitoyl) or the N-stearoyl chain of sphingomyelin were used to determine the mobility and ordering of the lipids in the different phases. Two-component ESR spectra of the 14-position spin labels demonstrate the coexistence first of gel (L(beta)) and liquid-ordered (L(o)) phases and then of liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered (L(alpha)) phases, with progressively increasing temperature. These phase coexistences are detected over a limited range of cholesterol contents. ESR spectra of the 5-position spin labels register an abrupt increase in ordering at the L(alpha)-L(o) transition and a biphasic response at the L(beta)-L(o) transition. Differences in outer splitting between the C14-labeled sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine probes are attributed to partial interdigitation of the sphingomyelin N-acyl chains across the bilayer plane in the L(o) state. In the region where the two fluid phases, L(alpha) and L(o), coexist, the rate at which lipids exchange between phases (<7 x 10(7) s(-)(1)) is much slower than translational rates in the L(alpha) phase, which facilitates resolution of two-component spectra.  相似文献   

The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra from spin-labeled phospholipids in recombinants of myelin proteolipid apoprotein with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine have been simulated with the exchanged-coupled Bloch equations to obtain values for both the fraction of motionally restricted lipids and the exchange rate between the fluid and motionally restricted lipid populations. The rate of exchange between the two spin-labeled lipid components is found to lie in the slow exchange regime of nitroxide ESR spectroscopy. The values obtained for the fraction of motionally restricted component in the exchanged-coupled spectra are found to be in good agreement with those obtained previously by spectral subtraction for the same system [Brophy, P. J., Horváth, L. I., & Marsh, D. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 860-865]. The rate of lipid exchange off the protein is independent of lipid/protein ratio for a given spin-labeled phospholipid, as expected, and decreases with increasing selectivity of the various phospholipids for the protein. At 30 degrees C and for ionic strength 0.1 and pH 7.4, the off-rate constants are 4.6 X 10(6) s-1 for phosphatidic acid, 1.1 X 10(7) s-1 for phosphatidylserine, 1.6 X 10(7) s-1 for phosphatidylcholine, and 2.2 X 10(7) s-1 for phosphatidylethanolamine. These values are in the inverse ratio of the relative association constants of the various lipids for the protein (Brophy et al., 1984) and are appreciably slower than the rate of lipid lateral diffusion in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. Endogenous proteolysis in human erythrocyte membranes was studied in human erythrocyte membranes incubated at 37 degrees C by monitoring changes in 2-D electrophoretic pattern of membrane polypeptides and in the spectra of maleimide-spin labeled membranes. 2. A strong effect of exogenous proteases derived from contaminating other blood elements was found, resulting in formation of specific spots on 2-D electropherograms, requiring very careful leukocyte removal in investigations of red cell membrane protein composition and proteolysis. 3. Studies of the effects of protease inhibitors and Ca2+ confirmed a complex pattern of endogenous red cell membrane proteolysis ("self-digestion") involving many substrates and enzymes. 4. A promoting effect of high concentrations (150 mM) of Ca2+ on endogenous red cell membrane proteolysis was found.  相似文献   

The interaction of apocytochrome c with aqueous dispersions of phosphatidylserine from bovine spinal cord and with other negatively charged phospholipids has been studied as a function of pH and salt concentration by using spin-label electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and chemical binding assays. The ESR spectra of phospholipids spin-labeled at different positions on the sn-2 chain indicate a generalized decrease in mobility of the lipids, while the characteristic flexibility gradient toward the terminal methyl end of the chain is maintained, on binding of apocytochrome c to phosphatidylserine dispersions. This perturbation of the bulk lipid mobility or ordering is considerably greater than that observed on binding of cytochrome c. In addition, a second, more motionally restricted, lipid component is observed with lipids labeled close to the terminal methyl ends of the chains. This second component is not observed on binding of cytochrome c and can be taken as direct evidence for penetration of apocytochrome c into the lipid bilayer. It is less strongly motionally restricted than similar spectral components observed with integral membrane proteins and displays a steep flexibility gradient. The proportion of this second component increases with increasing protein-to-lipid ratio, but the stoichiometry per protein bound decreases from 4.5 lipids per 12 000-dalton protein at low protein contents to 2 lipids per protein at saturating amounts of protein. Apocytochrome c binding to phosphatidylserine dispersions decreases with increasing salt concentration from a saturation value corresponding to approximately 5 lipids per protein in the absence of salt to practically zero at 0.4 M NaCl.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have undertaken some computer modeling studies of the cross-bridge observed by Reedy in insect flight muscle so that we investigate the geometric parameters that influence the attachment patterns of cross-bridges to actin filaments. We find that the appearance of double chevrons along an actin filament indicates that the cross-bridges are able to reach 10--14 nm axially, and about 90 degrees around the actin filament. Between three and five actin monomers are therefore available along each turn of one strand of actin helix for labeling by cross-bridges from an adjacent myosin filament. Reedy's flared X of four bridges, which appears rotated 60 degrees at successive levels on the thick filament, depends on the orientation of the actin filaments in the whole lattice as well as on the range of movement in each cross-bridge. Fairly accurate chevrons and flared X groupings can be modeled with a six-stranded myosin surface lattice. The 116-nm long repeat appears in our models as "beating" of the 14.5-nm myosin repeat and the 38.5-nm actin period. Fourier transforms of the labeled actin filaments indicate that the cross-bridges attach to each actin filament on average of 14.5 nm apart. The transform is sensitive to changes in the ease with which the cross-bridge can be distorted in different directions.  相似文献   

The interaction of spin-labeled lipids with the myelin proteolipid apoprotein in complexes with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine of varying lipid/protein ratios has been studied with electron spin resonance spectroscopy. A first shell of approximately 10 lipids per 25 000-dalton protein is found to be motionally restricted by the protein interface. This stoichiometry is consistent with a hexameric arrangement of the protein in the membrane. A selectivity of the various spin-labeled lipids for the motionally restricted component at the protein interface is found in the order stearic acid greater than phosphatidic acid greater than cardiolipin approximately greater than phosphatidylserine greater than phosphatidylglycerol approximately equal to phosphatidylcholine greater than phosphatidylethanolamine greater than androstanol approximately greater than cholestane.  相似文献   

Catch force in molluscan smooth muscle requires little, if any, energy input and is controlled by the phosphorylation state of the thick filament-associated mini-titin, twitchin. The kinetic parameters of myosin cross-bridge turnover in permeabilized catch muscle, and how they are potentially modified by the catch mechanism, were determined by single turnover measurements on myosin-bound ADP. Under isometric conditions, there are fast and slow components of cross-bridge turnover that probably result from kinetic separation of calcium-bound and calcium-free cross-bridge pools. The structure responsible for catch force maintenance at intermediate [Ca+2] does not alter the processes responsible for the fast and slow components under isometric conditions. Also, there is no measurable turnover of myosin-bound ADP during relaxation of catch force by phosphorylation of twitchin at pCa > 8. The only effects of the catch link on myosin-bound ADP turnover are 1), a small, very slow extra turnover when catch force is maintained at very low [Ca+2] (pCa > 8); and 2), attenuation of the shortening-induced increase in turnover at subsaturating [Ca(+2)]. These limited interactions between the catch link and myosin cross-bridge turnover are consistent with the idea that catch force is maintained by a thick and thin filament linkage other than the myosin cross-bridge.  相似文献   

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