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We have previously described a preferential reduction in the secretory response to nutrient secretagogues in pancreatic mouse islets maintained in culture after in vitro exposure to streptozotocin (SZ). This reduction was associated with an impaired substrate metabolism at the mitochondrial level. To further clarify this issue, mouse pancreatic islets were exposed in vitro to 2.2 mM SZ for 30 min. At 4 h after SZ treatment ultrastructural changes were apparent in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi areas of the B-cells. However, 2 and 6 days following SZ exposure the B-cells appeared well preserved, except for a marked decrease in the number of insulin-containing secretory granules. A morphometric analysis of the B-cells 6 days after SZ exposure showed a normal B-cell size and a normal volume fraction of B-cell mitochondria. However, there was a decrease in total islet size and a 13% decrease in the volume fraction of B-cells in the islets. These mouse islets exhibited a decreased content of the mitochondrial DNA-encoded cytochrome b mRNA, as evaluated by dot-blot analysis. As a whole, the data obtained indicate that SZ treatment does not induce a decrease in the number of mitochondria or long-lasting ultrastructural damage to this organelle. However, there is a clear decrease in the cytochrome b mRNA, suggesting that SZ can induce damage to the mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

We have characterized, by electron probe microanalysis, rapidly frozen cultured rat islets at the level of individual secretory granules. Elemental analysis of thin, dried cryosections showed that beta granules could be distinguished by high Zn, Ca, and S, whereas non-beta (mainly alpha) granules contained elevated P and Mg. Although a single granule type predominated in a particular cell, some rebel granules were found in A cells that had the compositional fingerprint of B cell granules. Zn, which was found in millimolar concentrations in B cell granules, was considered a marker for the insulin storage complex. The data indicate that non-B islet cells in the adult pancreas may produce insulin-containing organelles and that, when glucagon and insulin are coexpressed, these hormones are packaged in separate granules.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic tripeptide, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), has been detected in neonatal pancreatic tissue and localized by immunocytochemistry in the islets of Langerhans. To determine whether the TRH gene is expressed in islets, we have extracted RNA from cultured rat islets and probed for proTRH mRNA using a [32P]-labeled antisense RNA. Islet proTRH mRNA comigrated with the 1.6 kilobase proTRH mRNA present in the rat hypothalamus. Normalized to total RNA, islets cultured for 7 days contained at least 10 times more proTRH mRNA than day 1 whole pancreas. We conclude that pancreatic TRH is synthesized in situ in the islets of Langerhans. This is the first attempt to characterize and quantify proTRH mRNA using neoformed foetal islets. We propose that quantitative analysis of proTRH mRNA concentrations in this culture system will enable study of the direct regulation of TRH biosynthesis in the pancreas.  相似文献   

Glucose-induced insulin secretion requires a rise in beta-cell cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c) that triggers exocytosis and a mechanistically unexplained amplification of the action of [Ca2+]c. Insulin granules are kept acidic by luminal pumping of protons with simultaneous Cl- uptake to maintain electroneutrality. Experiments using patched, dialyzed beta-cells prompted the suggestion that acute granule acidification by glucose underlies amplification of insulin secretion. However, others found glucose to increase granular pH in intact islets. In this study, we measured islet granular pH with Lysosensor DND-160, a fluorescent dye that permits ratiometric determination of pH < 6 in acidic compartments. Stimulation of mouse islets with glucose reversibly decreased granular pH by mechanisms that are dependent on metabolism and Cl- ions but independent of changes in [Ca2+]c and protein kinase A or C activity. Granular pH was increased by concanamycin (blocker of the vesicular type H+-ATPase) > methylamine (weak base) > Cl- omission. Concanamycin and methylamine did not alter glucose-induced [Ca2+]c increase in islets but strongly inhibited the two phases of insulin secretion. Omission of Cl- did not affect the first phase but decreased the second phase of both [Ca2+]c and insulin responses. Neither experimental condition affected the [Ca2+]c rise induced by 30 mM KCl, but the insulin responses were inhibited by concanamycin > methylamine and not affected by Cl- omission. The amplification of insulin secretion by glucose was not suppressed. We conclude that an acidic granular pH is important for insulin secretion but that the acute further acidification produced by glucose is not essential for the augmentation of secretion via the amplifying pathway.  相似文献   

We have monitored L-type Ca2+ channel activity, local cytoplasmic Ca2+ transients, the distribution of insulin-containing secretory granules and exocytosis in individual mouse pancreatic B-cells. Subsequent to the opening of the Ca2+ channels, exocytosis is initiated with a latency < 100 ms. The entry of Ca2+ that precedes exocytosis is unevenly distributed over the cell and is concentrated to the region with the highest density of secretory granules. In this region, the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration is 5- to 10-fold higher than in the remainder of the cell reaching concentrations of several micromolar. Single-channel recordings confirm that the L-type Ca2+ channels are clustered in the part of the cell containing the secretory granules. This arrangement, which is obviously reminiscent of the 'active zones' in nerve terminals, can be envisaged as being favourable to the B-cell as it ensures that the Ca2+ transient is maximal and restricted to the part of the cell where it is required to rapidly initiate exocytosis whilst at the same time minimizing the expenditure of metabolic energy to subsequently restore the resting Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Rates of glucose oxidation and insulin release in response to a wide range of glucose concentrations were studied in short-term experiments in isolated mouse pancreatic islets maintained in tissue culture for 6 days at either a physiological glucose concentration (6.7mm) or at a high glucose concentration (28mm). The curves relating glucose oxidation or insulin release to the extracellular glucose concentration obtained with islets cultured in 6.7mm-glucose displayed a sigmoid shape similar to that observed for freshly isolated non-cultured islets. By contrast islets that had been cultured in 28mm-glucose showed a linear relationship between the rate of glucose oxidation and the extracellular glucose concentration up to about 8mm-glucose. The maximal oxidative rate was twice that of the non-cultured islets and the glucose concentration associated with the half-maximal rate considerably decreased. In islets cultured at 28mm-glucose there was only a small increase in the insulin release in response to glucose, probably due to a depletion of stored insulin in those B cells that had been cultured in a high-glucose medium. It is concluded that exposure of B cells for 6 days to a glucose concentration comparable with that found in diabetic individuals causes adaptive metabolic alterations rather than degeneration of these cells.  相似文献   

The small GTPases Rab3 and Rab27 are associated with secretory granules of pancreatic beta-cells and regulate insulin exocytosis. In this study, we investigated the role of Noc2, a potential partner of these two GTPases, in insulin secretion. In the beta-cell line INS-1E wild-type Noc2, Noc265E, and Noc258A, a mutant capable of interacting with Rab27 but not Rab3, colocalized with insulin-containing vesicles. In contrast, two mutants (Noc2138S,141S and Noc2154A,155A,156A) that bind neither Rab3 nor Rab27 did not associate with secretory granules and were uniformly distributed throughout the cell cytoplasm. Overexpression of wild-type Noc2, Noc265E, or Noc258A inhibited hormone secretion elicited by insulin secretagogues. In contrast, overexpression of the mutants not targeted to secretory granules was without effect. Silencing of the Noc2 gene by RNA interference led to a strong impairment in the capacity of INS-1E cells to respond to insulin secretagogues, indicating that appropriate levels of Noc2 are essential for pancreatic beta-cell exocytosis. The defect was already detectable in the early secretory phase (0-10 min) but was particularly evident during the sustained release phase (10-45 min). Protein-protein binding studies revealed that Noc2 is a potential partner of Munc13, a component of the machinery that controls vesicle priming and insulin exocytosis. These data suggest that Noc2 is involved in the recruitment of secretory granules at the plasma membrane possibly via the interaction with Munc13.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the stimulatory effect of glucose on insulin release may be mediated by the adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase system. In this study it was found that exposure of isolated pancreatic islets to an elevated extracellular glucose concentration for 1 week in vitro caused an increase of the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity in the islet cells. These and previous data indicate that there is an increased turnover of cyclic AMP in B-cells exposed for a prolonged time to a high extracellular glucose concentration, which also causes an increased turnover rate of insulin.  相似文献   

A novel rabphilin-3-like gene, granuphilin, has been identified in pancreatic beta cells by comparing genes expressed in pancreatic alpha and beta cell lines using mRNA differential display. The domain structure of the protein products of the granuphilin gene contains an amino-terminal zinc-finger motif and carboxyl-terminal C(2)-domains, similar to that of the rabphilin-3 gene. There are two isoforms: the larger isoform, granuphilin-a, has two C(2)-domains, whereas the smaller one, granuphilin-b, contains only the first C(2)-domain. Granuphilin is specifically expressed in pancreatic beta cells and the pituitary gland, but not in pancreatic alpha cells, the adrenal gland, or other major organs such as the brain. A portion of granuphilin associates with insulin-containing dense-core granules, but not with synaptic-like microvesicles in beta cells. Thus, its distribution pattern presents a striking contrast with that of rabphilin-3, which associates with small synaptic vesicles in neurons. The first C(2)-domain of granuphilin binds phospholipids in a Ca(2+)-independent manner, whereas the second one does not. These distinctive characteristics of granuphilin suggest that it is not a simple counterpart of rabphilin-3 in endocrine cells and that it has a unique role in the regulated exocytosis of dense-core granules in endocrine tissues.  相似文献   

Glucose phosphorylation in mouse pancreatic islets.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Streptozotocin has been widely used to create animal models of diabetes. Structurally, streptozotocin resembles N-acetylglucosamine, with a nitrosourea group corresponding to the acetate present in N-acetylglucosamine. Streptozotocin has recently been shown to inhibit O-GlcNAc-selective N-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminidase, which removes O-linked N-acetylglucosamine from proteins. Compared to other cells, beta-cells express much more of the enzyme O-GlcNAc transferase, which catalyzes addition of O-linked N-acetylglucosamine to proteins. This suggests why beta-cells might be particularly sensitive to streptozotocin. In this report, we demonstrate that both streptozotocin and glucose stimulate O-glycosylation of a 135 kD beta-cell protein. Only the effect of glucose, however, was blocked by inhibition of fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase, suggesting that glucose acts through the glucosamine pathway to provide UDP-N-acetylglucosamine for p135 O-glycosylation. The fact that both glucose and streptozotocin stimulate p135 O-glycosylation provides a possible mechanism by which hyperglycemia may cause streptozotocin-like effects in beta-cells and thus contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The metabolic and secretory effects of methylamine in rat pancreatic islets were investigated. Methylamine accumulated in islet cells, was incorporated into endogenous islet proteins, and inhibited the incorporation of [2,5-3H] histamine into either N,N-dimethylcasein or endogenous islet proteins. Methylamine (2 mM ) did not affect the oxidation of glucose or endogenous nutrients or the intracellular pH in islet cells. Glucose did not affect the activity of transglutaminase in islet homogenates, the uptake of 14C-methylamine by intact islets or its incorporation into endogenous islet proteins. Methylamine inhibited insulin release evoked by glucose, other nutrient secretagogues, and non-nutrient insulinotropic agents such as L -arginine or gliclazide. The inhibitory effect of methylamine upon insulin release was diminished in the presence of cytochalasin B or at low extracellular pH. Methylamine retarded the conversion of proinsulin to insulin. Trimethylamine (0.7 mM ) was more efficiently taken up by islet cells than methylamine (2.0 mM ), and yet caused only a modest inhibition of insulin release. These findings suggest that methylamine interferes with a late step in the secretory sequence, possibly by inhibiting the access of secretory granules to their exocytotic site.  相似文献   



In view of the importance of beta cells in glucose homeostasis and the profound repercussions of beta cell pathology on human health, the acquisition of tools to study pancreatic islet function is essential for the design of alternative novel therapies for diabetes. One promising approach toward this goal involves the modification of gene expression profile of beta cells.  相似文献   

D-Fructose (3.3 to 33.0 mmol/liter) caused a concentration-related increase in insulin output from rat islets exposed to D-glucose (3.3 to 7.0 mmol/liter), such an increase not being more marked in mouse islets. The fructose-induced increment in insulin release, relative to that evoked by D-glucose, was two times higher in islets exposed to D-glucose than in islets stimulated by D-mannose, 2-ketoisocaproate, or nonnutrient secretagogs. Likewise, the metabolism of D-fructose in islet cells was significantly different in the absence or presence of D-glucose. Thus, the ketose was largely channeled into the pentose phosphate pathway in glucose-deprived, but not so in glucose-stimulated, islets. In both glucose-deprived and glucose-stimulated islets, however, the magnitude of the secretory response to D-fructose was commensurate with the increase in ATP production attributable to its catabolism. These findings indicate that the metabolic fate of hexoses--and, hence, their insulinotropic capacity--is not ruled solely at the level of their phosphorylation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gene expression in islets of Langerhans is profoundly sensitive to glucose and other nutrients. Islets of Langerhans in the Anx7(+/-) knockout mouse exhibit a profound reduction in ITPR3 protein expression, defective intracellular calcium signaling, and defective insulin secretion. Additional data presented here also show that mRNA for ITPR3 is virtually undetectable in isolated Anx7(+/-) islets. IP3Receptor type 3 (ITPR3) expression in islets of Langerhans is closely regulated by secretory stimuli, and it has been suggested that the level of the ITPR3 expression controls the ability of the islets to respond to nutritional signals. We report that although control islets respond to glucose in vitro by a transient increment in ITPR3 mRNA, the islets from the Anx7(+/-) mouse remain low. We therefore hypothesized that the Anx7/IP3 Receptor(3)/Ca(2+) signaling pathway plays a role in beta cell responses to glucose, and that in the absence of the Anx7/ITPR3 signaling system, the islets would be unable to discriminate between fed or fasted states in vivo. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To test this hypothesis, we subjected Anx7(+/-) and control mice to either food and water ad libidum or to an overnight fast with access to water only. We then isolated the respective islets and compared nutrient-dependent changes in global gene expression under the four conditions using genome-based microarray technology. RESULTS: Anx7 protein expression in these islets is only about 50% of control levels in normal littermate controls, and IPTR3 message and protein are virtually zero. cDNA microarray analyses show that in control animals gene expression is significantly affected by the fasting state. Many of the affected genes have historical relevance to development and differentiation of islets. These include preproglucagon, APOJ, cadherin2, phosphoglucoisomerase, oncostatin M, PAX6, HGF, and cytokeratin 18. However, there are also many other nutritionally sensitive genes in control islets that are principally associated with cell division and DNA repair. The latter genes have not specifically been associated with islet physiology in the past. By contrast, Anx7(+/-) mouse islets exhibit a greatly reduced ability to discriminate genomically between fed and fasted states for all classes of identified genes. Many of the validated genes are specific to islets in comparison to liver tissue examined. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis of islets from Anx7 heterozygous mice and littermate controls revealed remarkable down-regulation in PTEN, Glut-2, PDX-1, IGF-1, and Neuro D1 expression, but not in liver. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that reduced gene dosage in the Anx7(+/-) islet, with concomitant loss of ITPR3 expression and consequent defects in Ca(2+) signaling, may substantially contribute to the mechanism of the loss of genomic discrimination, in vivo, between the fed and fasted states. We believe that the requirement for complete Anx7 gene dosage and IPTR3 expression in islets of Langerhans will prove to be of fundamental importance for understanding the mechanism of nutritional sensing in health and disease.  相似文献   

We used quantitative immunogold electron microscopy and biochemical analysis to evaluate the subcellular distribution of Hsp60 in rat tissues. Western blot analysis, employing both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies raised against mammalian Hsp60, shows that only a single 60-kD protein is reactive with the antibodies in brain, heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, pituitary, spleen, skeletal muscle, and adrenal gland. Immunogold labeling of tissues embedded in the acrylic resin LR Gold shows strong labeling of mitochondria in all tissues. However, in the anterior pitutary and in pancreatic acinar cells, Hsp60 also localizes in secretory granules. The labeled granules in the pituitary and pancreas were determined to be growth hormone granules and zymogen granules, respectively, using antibodies to growth hormone and carboxypeptidase A. Immunogold labeling of Hsp60 in all compartments was prevented by preadsorption of the antibodies with recombinant Hsp60. Biochemically purified zymogen granules free of mitochondrial contamination are shown by Western blot analysis to contain Hsp60, confirming the morphological localization results in pancreatic acinar cells. In kidney distal tubule cells, low Hsp60 reactivity is associated with infoldings of the basal plasma membrane. In comparison, the plasma membrane in kidney proximal tubule cells and in other tissues examined showed only background labeling. These findings raise interesting questions concerning translocation mechanisms and the cellular roles of Hsp60.  相似文献   

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