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针对北京动物园2头圈养雌性亚洲象从未动情的现象,本研究于2003年12月至2005年3月,采用放射性免疫分析法测定了2只不动情象与另一只已受孕象尿液中孕酮和雌二醇的变化,并结合国内外研究探讨圈养亚洲象不动情的原因,为圈养象机构提供相应的繁殖管理建议。研究结果表明,受孕雌象在分娩前一周左右孕酮含量突然升高,后在很短时间内降低,分娩后也维持在较低水平;雌二醇含量分娩前维持在较高水平,分娩前一周骤降,并保持较低水平至本研究结束。非动情象尿液中孕酮和雌二醇水平都显著低于受孕象相应的激素水平,且无明显的波动,推测其卵巢不具活性,导致孕酮与雌二醇水平不具波动性,是这2头圈养雌象未见动情现象的主要原因。  相似文献   

Modern zoos strive to improve standards of animal management, husbandry and welfare of their animals as part of a continual evaluation process. Elephants (Elephantidae) have received particular attention in recent years due to the challenge of providing environments which promote natural behavior and opportunities for social interaction. A number of measures have been proposed to measure wellbeing, with sleep quality increasingly being used. Sleep is a vital aspect of life for cell replenishment as well as optimal development of young. Sleep deprivation can lead to immunosuppression and illness; therefore animal managers have a responsibility to ensure they reduce the potential for disturbance through noise, light, or other environmental factors. The social environment also plays an essential role in wellbeing, particularly for species that live in multi-generational family units. In this study the nocturnal behavior of a multi-generational captive herd was observed to determine impacts of husbandry changes on sleep duration and bout length (measured as recumbent rest). As expected, average total duration of sleep was higher in younger elephants and rates were comparable to those reported in other studies of Asian elephants. Overnight access to an outdoor paddock in warmer weather increased overall average bout length of sleep in the herd. Average total duration of sleep also increased for the herd following the movement of an unrelated adult female who had previously shown weak bonds with other herd members. This indicates that social compatibility is a vital component of elephant welfare, impacting not only behavioral interactions but sleep quality and duration.  相似文献   

Chemical signaling is a prominent mode of male-female communication among elephants, especially during their sexually active periods. Studies on the Asian elephant in zoos have shown the significance of a urinary pheromone (Z7-12:Ac) in conveying the reproductive status of a female toward the opposite sex. We investigated the additional possibility of an inter-sexual chemical signal being conveyed through dung. Sixteen semi-captive adult male elephants were presented with dung samples of three female elephants in different reproductive phases. Each male was tested in 3 separate trials, within an interval of 1-3 days. The trials followed a double-blind pattern as the male and female elephants used in the trials were strangers, and the observer was not aware of the reproductive status of females during the period of bioassays. Males responded preferentially (P<0.005), in terms of higher frequency of sniff, check and place behavior toward the dung of females close to pre-ovulatory period (follicular-phase) as compared to those in post-ovulatory period (luteal-phase). The response toward the follicular phase samples declined over repeated trials though was still significantly higher than the corresponding response toward the non-ovulatory phase in each of the trials performed. This is the first study to show that male Asian elephants were able to distinguish the reproductive phase of the female by possibly detecting a pre-ovulatory pheromone released in dung.  相似文献   

西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用亚洲象种群野外调查数据,结合3S技术,应用生态位因子分析(Ecological Niche Factor Analysis,ENFA)模型对西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地状况进行评价,并对适宜栖息地做出预测。结果表明:ENFA分析的边界值M=1.375>1,耐受值T=0.478,说明亚洲象对环境条件有一定选择性和耐受性,但生态位仍不宽,专化程度较高;影响亚洲象栖息地质量的最重要因素为植被因素,尤其是竹林和竹阔混交林;在本研究中,象群在农地中的分布点占所有分布点的45.2%,它们对栖息地预测结果的影响显著,与有农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象栖息地相比,无农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象总栖息地面积共减少2652.5 km2,其中农地面积减少最大,共计1788 km2,所占比例由35.7%降低至6.3%,因此,有农地象分布点所预测得到的亚洲象栖息地分布是人为干扰模式下的亚洲象栖息地状况,而无农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象栖息地是真正适宜亚洲象生存的栖息地;这些栖息地主要分布在西双版纳国家级自然保护区的勐养、勐仑、勐腊、尚勇子保护区和纳板河流域国家级自然保护区内及其周边地区,且已呈现岛屿化,因此急需在勐养子保护区和普洱之间、勐腊和尚勇子保护区之间以及中国-老挝边境地区建立生态廊道以保护亚洲象种群的长期维持和健康发展。  相似文献   

亚洲象是中国一级濒危保护动物,改善圈养亚洲象的繁殖状况是亚洲象保护工作的重要内容之一。本研究旨在通过分析社群压力对圈养雌性亚洲象应激和动情状况的影响,从而探究圈养雌性亚洲象长期不动情的原因。通过放射性免疫法检测雌性亚洲象尿液中皮质醇、孕酮和雌二醇水平以及粪便中皮质醇和雌二醇水平,以雌激素水平反映亚洲象的动情状况,以皮质醇水平反映亚洲象的应激状态,以争斗行为和友好行为的发生情况反映圈养群体的社群压力。研究发现:(1)处于优势地位的个体表现出更多的斗争行为,处于从属地位的个体受到更多的攻击行为;(2)优势个体的皮质醇水平显著高于处于从属地位个体的皮质醇水平;(3)优势个体的雌二醇和孕酮具有小幅周期性波动,而从属个体的雌二醇和孕酮水平没有表现出明显的波动。从本研究结果可以看出圈养亚洲象群体中优势个体对从属个体的行为抑制可能是导致从属个体雌激素水平低,长期不能参与繁殖的原因。  相似文献   

2016年1月至2017年12月,分别采用样线法和跟踪调查法对中国境内分布的野生亚洲象和云南西双版纳亚洲象种源繁育与救助中心的10头圈养亚洲象放养时取食植物进行调查,经分类鉴定,共收集到亚洲象取食植物111种,分属29目、42科、77属,其中新增亚洲象取食植物57种,分属于21目、32科、44属。与文献中记载的中国亚洲象植物性食物进行了汇总,统计得到新的中国亚洲象植物性食物名录,共计32目、62科、162属、240种。多样性分析结果显示,G-F多样性指数为0.84,表明中国野生及圈养亚洲象取食的植物具有较高的多样性,这些植物涉及蕨类植物门、裸子植物门和被子植物门。其中,圈养亚洲象采食植物种类共84种,西双版纳境内圈养亚洲象以禾本科(Gramineae)的甘蔗(Saccharum spp.)、玉米(Zea mays)、马唐(Digitaria spp.)、象草(Pennisetum purpureum)、粽叶芦(Thysanolaena latifolia)等为主要食物,而国内其它地方(北京动物园、广州动物园和昆明动物园)圈养的亚洲象主要饲喂高粱属(Sorghum)的高粱(S.bicolor)或苏丹草(S.sudanense)等。因此,在将来开展野生亚洲象栖息地保护、恢复及食物源基地项目规划与建设时应规避农作物和经济作物,优选亚洲象喜食、速生、生物量大的土著物种,如野芭蕉、棕叶芦、董棕、构树、重阳木、中平树、马唐属及竹类等植物,按照不同季节进行套种,为亚洲象提供更多可口食物。对于圈养亚洲象,需要设计足够面积的食物源基地供放养,补充食物种类,增加运动量,增强体质,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

Musth is an important male phenomenon affecting many aspects of elephant society including reproduction. During musth, the temporal gland secretions (as well as the urine and breath) of adult male Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) discharge a variety of malodorous compounds together with the bicyclic ketal, frontalin. In contrast, teenage male elephants in musth release a sweet-smelling exudate from their facial temporal gland. We recently demonstrated that the concentration of frontalin becomes increasingly evident as male elephants mature. In the present study, we demonstrate that behaviors exhibited towards frontalin are consistent and dependent on the sex, developmental stage and physiological status of the responding conspecific individual. To examine whether frontalin functions as a chemical signal, perhaps even a pheromone, we bioassayed older and younger adult males, and luteal- and follicular-phase and pregnant females for their chemosensory and behavioral responses to frontalin. Adult males were mostly indifferent to frontalin, whereas subadult males were highly reactive, often exhibiting repulsion or avoidance. Female chemosensory responses to frontalin varied with hormonal state. Females in the luteal phase demonstrated low frequencies of responses, whereas pregnant females responded significantly more frequently, with varied types of responses including those to the palatal pits. Females in the follicular phase were the most responsive and often demonstrated mating-related behaviors subsequent to high chemosensory responses to frontalin. Our evidence strongly suggests that frontalin, a well-studied pheromone in insects, also functions as a pheromone in the Asian elephant: it exhibits all of the determinants that define a pheromone and evidently conveys some of the messages underlying the phenomenon of musth.  相似文献   

Historically, the Asian elephant has never bred well in captivity. We have carried out demographic analyses of elephants captured in the wild or born in captivity and kept in forest timber camps in southern India during the past century. The average fecundity during this period was 0.095/adult female/year. During 1969–89, however, the fecundity was higher at 0.155/adult female/year, which compares favorably with wild populations. There was seasonality in births with a peak in January. The sex ratio of 129 male to 109 female calves at birth is not significantly different from equality, although the excess of male calves born mainly to mothers 20–40 years old may have biological significance. Mortality rates were higher in females than in males up to age 10, but much lower in females than in males above age 10 years. The population growth rate, based on the lower secundity over the century, was 0.5% per year, and based on the higher secundity during 1969–89, was 1.8% per year. The analyses thus showed that timber camp elephants in southern India could potentially maintain a stationary or increasing population without resorting to captures from the wild. Breeding efforts for elephants in zoos can thus profitably learn from the experience of traditional management systems in part of Asia. Zoo Biol 16:263–272, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Liquid storage of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) sperm at 4 degrees C   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) population in the wild has been in decline for several decades and breeding in captivity has not been self-sustaining. The use of artificial insemination (AI) can help overcome many of the difficulties associated with breeding elephants in captivity; however, the ability to store semen for extended periods of time is critical to the successful application of AI to elephants. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of four different semen extenders and the presence of egg yolk on the viability and motility of Asian elephant semen stored at 4 °C. High quality ejaculates (n=4) were collected from two Asian elephant bulls by rectal massage. Aliquots of each ejaculate were extended in four different diluents (Beltsville thawing solution (BTS); Tris–citric acid (TCA)/fructose-based; Beltsville F5 (BF5); dextrose-supplemented phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)) with or without egg yolk then cooled and stored at 4 °C. The percentages of viable (viability) and motile (motility) sperm were evaluated at 8, 24 and 48 h following collection. The addition of egg yolk significantly reduced the percentage loss in viability from initial collection to 48 h compared to extenders without egg yolk (17.0±8.2 versus 32.6±8.9 decline in percent viable sperm in the population, respectively; P<0.05). Extender and egg yolk affected (P<0.005) total motility and percent progressively motile sperm at all evaluation times during incubation. TCA + egg yolk maintained higher (P<0.05) levels of progressive motility compared to other extenders supplemented with egg yolk. These results indicate that Asian elephant semen extended in TCA diluent supplemented with egg yolk can maintain at least 50% viability and motility when stored at 4 °C for 48 h.  相似文献   

Serum progesterone and urinary total estrogen concentrations were determined weekly to bi-weekly in 2 female Asian elephants for 96 weeks. The mean estrous interval was approximately 16 weeks in the nonpregnant animal. A total of 5 cycles were observed in the 96 week study period. The serum progesterone concentration ranged from 150 pg/ml to greater than 350 pg/ml during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. The serum progesterone was elevated for 8–12 week weeks of the 16 week estrous cycle. The urinary total estrogen concentration ranged from less than 10 to greater than 300 pg/μg creatinine. The second animal was pregnant at the beginning of the study period. The serum progesterone concentration was elevated (> 100 pg/ml) in the pregnant animal until parturition. The urinary total estrogens increased from approximately 50 pg/μg creatinine to greater than 400 pg/μg creatinine during the first year of pregnancy and remained elevated until parturition. Estrous cycling had not resumed by 3 months post partum.  相似文献   

Pathological lesions of feet occur frequently in captive elephant populations. To improve foot health, it is important to identify risk factors associated with such pathologies. Several previous studies have analyzed potentially influencing factors but were limited, for example, by small sample sizes. This study analyzed the relationship between 87 independent variables and the foot health score of 204 Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos using bivariate correlation, multivariable regression models, and principal component analysis (PCA). Correlation and regression tests revealed significant results for 30 different variables, mainly with small effect sizes. Only three variables were significant in more than one test: sex, time spent indoors, and time spent on hard ground, with lower scores (i.e. less or less severe pathological lesions) in females, and when less time is spent indoors or on hard ground. Due to small effect sizes and differing results of the statistical tests, it is difficult to determine which risk factors are most important. Instead, a holistic consideration appears more appropriate. A biplot of the PCA shows that factors representing more advanced husbandry conditions (e.g. large areas, high proportions of sand flooring) were associated with each other and with decreased foot scores, whereas indicators of more limited conditions (e.g. high proportions of hard ground, much time spent indoors) were also associated with each other but increased the foot score. In conclusion, instead of resulting from just one or two factors, reduced foot health might be an indicator of a generally poorer husbandry system.  相似文献   

西双版纳野生亚洲象的觅食行为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以西双版纳勐养自然保护区的野象谷为基本监测点,通过定点摄像观察和跟踪观察,采用全事件取样、焦点动物取样和扫描取样相结合的方法,从2003 年8 月到2004 年7 月对三岔河地区野生亚洲象的觅食行为进行初步研究。发现野生亚洲象的雌性成体和未成年个体选择集群采食,而成年雄象一般单独采食,亚洲象在昼夜间的采食行为没有显著性差异,且有多种采食方式;采食农作物主要在夜间进行。亚洲象对主要采食地点采取循环利用的方式,这既提高了食物的数量和质量,又有利于热带雨林生态系统的更新与演化。  相似文献   

David E. Kenny 《Zoo biology》2001,20(4):245-250
After the loss of an African elephant (Loxodonta africana) in February 1989 at the Denver Zoological Gardens (DZG) with very low circulating serum α‐tocopherol, a long‐term study was initiated with three Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to evaluate the effect of an oral micellized, water‐soluble, natural source d‐α‐tocopherol supplement. Baseline α‐tocopherol levels were evaluated and found to be approximately 3.75‐fold less than those reported for semi‐free‐ranging Asian Nepalese work camp and free‐ranging African elephants. The DZG elephants were then administered a liquid d‐α‐tocopherol (Emcelle®) at 2.2 IU/kg body weight orally once daily. Serum samples were obtained and analyzed at 1, 2, 8, and 12 months and then annually for 96 months. The oral vitamin E supplement significantly elevated serum levels above baseline and were found to be comparable with levels reported for semi–free‐ranging and free‐ranging elephants. Zoo Biol 20:245–250, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) are an endangered species. Their future survival depends on intensive conservation and management, based on in‐depth knowledge of particular populations. Molecular genetic methods, especially microsatellite analysis through noninvasive sampling, provides an effective means of obtaining such information. The use of tri‐ and tetranucleotide microsatellite markers is advantageous in noninvasive sampling through dung analysis. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of five tri‐ and tetranucleotide markers in the Asian elephant. All five loci were found to be polymorphic in a sample of 20 Asian elephants from Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

云南西双版纳尚勇保护区亚洲象对栖息地的选择   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
冯利民  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(3):229-236
以西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区内的亚洲象种群为研究对象, 利用村寨调查、样线调查和3S(GIS、GPS、RS) 技术对该地区野生亚洲象的栖息地状况和亚洲象对栖息地选择利用进行了初步的研究。结果表明亚洲象喜欢海拔1 000 m以下的区域, 坡度小于10°的区域, 坡位为平坦的沟谷和山坡的下部, 坡向为南、北两个方向。偏好的植被类型有竹阔混交林、灌丛和高山草甸。研究还发现尚勇保护区及周边区域亚洲象栖息地的丧失和日益增加的非法盗猎活动已经严重威胁到该地区野生亚洲象种群的生存。  相似文献   

The endangered Asian elephant is found today primarily in protected areas. We characterized 18 dinucleotide microsatellite loci in this species. Allelic diversity ranged from three to eight per locus, and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.200 to 0.842 in a wild population. All loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, but linkage disequilibrium was detected between two loci in the wild, but not in the zoo elephants. These loci will be useful for the population-level studies of this species.  相似文献   

Seasonal forage utilization by elephants in central Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Some ecological factors that might potentially influence intestinal parasite loads in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus Linn.) were investigated in the Nilgiris, southern India. Fresh dung samples from identified animals were analysed, and the number of eggs/g of dung used as an index of parasite load. Comparisons across seasons and habitats revealed that parasite loads were significantly higher during the dry season than the wet season, but were not different between the dry-deciduous and dry-thorn forests in either season. After accounting for the effect of age on body condition, there was no correlation between body condition, assessed visually using morphological criteria, and parasite load in either season. Individuals of different elephant herds were not characterized by distinct parasite communities in either season. When intra-individual variation was examined, samples collected from the same individual within a day differed significantly in egg densities, while the temporal variation over several weeks or months (within a season) was much less. Egg densities within dung piles were uniform, enabling a simpler collection method henceforth.  相似文献   

The effects of Equex STM paste (Equex) and oxytocin (OT) on the in vitro quality of frozen-thawed Asian elephant sperm were investigated in the study. The viability of frozen-thawed sperm was significantly higher in the Equex-treated (1 and 2%) groups than in the control group. There were no differences in the examined sperm parameters among the control and OT-treated (0.05–5 IU) groups.  相似文献   

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