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2.鱼类的嗅觉通讯许多鱼类的配对行为和社群行为都是由信息素来控制的。通常雌鱼排卵后就会从卵巢中释放出一种信息素(存在于卵巢液中),这种化学物质可激发雄鱼的求偶行为。试验证实,雄性的金鱼(Carassius auratus)单凭嗅觉就能辨识出未排卵和已排卵的雌鱼。  相似文献   

尚玉昌 《生态学杂志》1989,8(2):68-71,60
在较高等的脊椎动物中,幼小动物出生时是不能独立生活的,需要双亲的大力抚育。在大多数物种中,这种抚育或是由母亲一方提供,或是由双亲共同承担。由于这种现象的普遍存在,使我们很容易忽略这样一个事实,即并不是所有的动物都局限于只靠双亲抚养。在许多啮齿动物、食肉哺乳动物和大约300多种鸟类中,除了双亲以外,也还有一些不是双亲  相似文献   

帮手及其行为的科学解释一个动物发育成熟以后留在出生群中当帮手和离开出生群去进行独立生殖,显然是两种完全不同的对策,为了给帮手及其利他行为的存在以科学的解释,我们必须对这两种对策加以比较研究。从进化和自然选择的角度看,一个个体当帮手时的适合度一定会大于进行独立生殖时的适合度,至少两者的适合度也要相等,否则就无法解释为什么一个个体成熟后不去繁殖自己的后代。  相似文献   

October 11-15 October 2008, Jinan University, Guangdong, China Limnology, although showing progress overall, still has many handicaps: there is a lack of understanding of process and functions, of animal and plant diversity, of taxonomy in some climatic regions like the tropics-subtropics, and the teaching of the discipline is lagging so far behind that in many countries that span several climatic zones,  相似文献   

Ecology is being introduced to Evolutionary Developmental Biology to enhance organism-, population-, species-, and higher-taxon-level studies. This exciting, bourgeoning troika will revolutionise how investigators consider relationships among environment, ontogeny, and phylogeny. Features are studied (and even defined) differently in ecology, development, and evolution. Form is central to development and evolution but peripheral to ecology. Congruence (i.e., homology) is applied at different hierarchical levels in the three disciplines. Function is central to ecology but peripheral to development. Herein, the supercategories form (‘isomorphic’ or ‘allomorphic’), congruence (‘homologous’ or ‘homoplastic’), and function (‘adaptive’ or ‘nonadaptive’) are combined with two developmental mode (i.e., growth) categories (‘conformational’ or ‘nonconformational’) to provide a 16-class system for analysing features in studies in which ecology, development, and evolution are integrated.  相似文献   

Animal Models and Experimental Medicine (简称AMEM,《动物模型与实验医学(英文)》)主管单位是中国科学技术协会,由中国实验动物学会、中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所共同主办,与国际著名出版集团Wiley合作出版。AMEM获"中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划"D类项目支持,于2018年3月创刊,季刊,主编为中国实验动物学会理事长、中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所所长秦川教授。  相似文献   

Rhynchanthus beesianus W. W. Smith (Zlnglberaceae) Is an eplphytlc tropical ginger with a very conspicuous floral display, but almost no fruit set under field conditions. The reproductive ecology encompassing phenology, floral biology, and pollination and breeding systems was Investigated In an evergreen broadleaved forest In Yunnan Province, Southwest China. The flowers possess a typical bird pollination syndrome, but no effective pollinators were observed during 138 h of observation. Female Black-breasted Sunbird (Aethopyga saturata) and bumblebees visited R. beesianus regularly, but they all played roles as nectar robbers. No fruit was found In the bagging treatment, and fruit set following manual self-pollination ((57.55 ± 4.08)%) was comparable with cross-pollination ((64.32 ± 4.42)%), suggesting that R. beeslanus is self-compatible but spontaneous self-pollination In this species does not occur. Seed set of open-pollination ((26.42 ± 3.11)%) was significantly lower than manual self-pollination ((73.41± 4.16)%) and cross-pollination ((75.56 ± 4.52)%), confirming that R. beeslanus was dependent on animals for fertilization and suffered a serious pollinator-limitation.  相似文献   

Facultative associations are commonly encountered between ants and lycaenids, although the nature and patterns of associations are typically unclear. This study investigated a facultative symbiosis involving the lycaenid Theclinesthes albocincta (Lycaenidae), its host plant Adriana quadripartita and Australian native ants. Ants in the genera Ochetellus and Iridomyrmex were most frequently found in association with T. albocincta larvae, although Iridomyrmex ants were found in much lower abundance than were ants in Ochetellus. The abundances of Ochetellus and Iridomyrmex were highly correlated with larval abundance, but not egg abundance. Observations and experiments recorded oviposi- tion on male inflorescences on more than 95% of occasions, but oviposition was not greater on inflorescences with ants present. Behavioral assays showed that Iridomyrmex ants were aggressive towards female butterflies on significantly more occasions than were Ochetellus ants. These findings indicate potential evolutionary relationships between T. albocincta and two genera of ants that were abundant within the habitat.  相似文献   

1 Conservation Behavior as an Emerging Discipline on the Brink of Success, or Unrealistic Ideal?
It seems intuitively sensible that an understanding of the behavioral characteristics of animals, such as their home ranges, diets, mating systems, and dispersal me- chanisms, may be useful to inform conservation efforts in determining, for example, suitable reintroduction areas, or the design of dispersal corridors.  相似文献   

Given its broad geographical distribution, Aotus is a productive genus for comparative studies that evaluate how different ecological factors influence the morphology, behavior, ecology, and demography of closely related species. During 18 mo we collected demographic, ranging, and activity data from owl monkeys (Aotus vociferans) in Yasuní National Park in eastern Ecuador. To collect demographic data, we monitored the trail system several times per week searching for groups. To characterize patterns of activity, we recorded the time when the subjects began and ended their nocturnal activity, and we collected data on range use and daily path length during 12 full-moon and 12 new-moon night follows of 1 radiocollared group. They ranged in size between 3 and 5 individuals (n = 4 groups). All groups were strictly nocturnal, beginning their activity between 1800 and 1900 h and finishing it between 0500 and 0600 h. The territory size of the radiocollared group was 6.3 ha. On average, the subjects traveled 645 m per night (±286 m) and ranged farther during full-moon than new-moon nights. The owl monkeys used a small number of preferred daytime sleeping trees. Our data conform well with previous studies of other tropical owl monkeys from Colombia and Perú. A comparison of tropical owl monkeys with more temperate Aotus azarai from the Argentinean Gran Chaco reveals that grouping patterns, day range length, and territory size are relatively conserved across the genus despite dramatic differences in body size and activity pattern.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first population ecology study of the endangered Magnolia sargentiana Rehder & Wilson (Magnoliaceae). Magnolia sargentiana is a protected species in China, but little is known about its present status in the field. In 2007 and 2008, we surveyed the population and conservation status ofM. sargentiana in the Provincial Mamize Nature Reserve and the National Meigu Dafengding Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, southwestern China. Natural regeneration is poor because of unfavorable environmental conditions and anthropogenic disturbances. Flower buds and bark ofM. sargentiana are used in traditional Chinese medicine and their collection by local people over the period 1983-1994 has led to marked population declines. The collection of flower buds and bark is now banned, but hewing branches for firewood and grazing continues to have a negative impact on the recovery of M. sargentiana populations. To protect the species, we require a ban on hewing branches, closure of primary forests to reduce the impact of humans and ungulates, better education of local people, and increased awareness of wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

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