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The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of sleep patterns and sleep problems among Egyptian school-aged children and to compare sleep patterns and sleep problems among school children from urban, suburban, and rural areas. In this cross-sectional survey, parents of 629 school-aged children, aged 6 to 10 years, from 15 elementary schools in five rural, urban, and suburban areas in the Giza governorate, Egypt, completed the Arabic version of the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) and questions about parents’ level of education and significant medical problems and/or medication for the child. The mean (SD) of total sleep duration for all children was 8.96 h (SD, 1.20). The most prevalent CSHQ subscales were: bedtime resistance, daytime sleepiness, and night wakings. There were significant differences regarding bedtime (P= 0.006) and night-time sleep duration (P < 0.001) among school children from different areas, but there were no significant differences regarding wake-up time, total sleep duration, duration of nap, and the eight CSHQ subscale scores. The percentage of children who took a daytime nap was 52.9% (n= 184) and the mean (SD) duration of a nap was 1.5 h (SD, 0.92). Paternal illiteracy was associated with higher CSHQ total score and many subscales. In conclusion, sleep duration was shorter than that reported in previous studies. Sleep problems are fairly common among elementary school children in the Giza governorate, whether in urban, suburban, or rural areas. Paternal level of education has an impact on the prevalence of sleep problems.


A dense population, global connectivity and frequent human–animal interaction give southern China an important role in the spread and emergence of infectious disease. However, patterns of person-to-person contact relevant to the spread of directly transmitted infections such as influenza remain poorly quantified in the region. We conducted a household-based survey of travel and contact patterns among urban and rural populations of Guangdong, China. We measured the character and distance from home of social encounters made by 1821 individuals. Most individuals reported 5–10 h of contact with around 10 individuals each day; however, both distributions have long tails. The distribution of distance from home at which contacts were made is similar: most were within a kilometre of the participant''s home, while some occurred further than 500 km away. Compared with younger individuals, older individuals made fewer contacts which tended to be closer to home. There was strong assortativity in age-based contact rates. We found no difference between the total number or duration of contacts between urban and rural participants, but urban participants tended to make contacts closer to home. These results can improve mathematical models of infectious disease emergence, spread and control in southern China and throughout the region.  相似文献   

Marked heterogeneity exists in the patterns of parasitic infection between individuals, households and communities. Analysis of parasite distributions within populations is complicated by the fact that parasite distributions are highly aggregated and few studies have explicitly incorporated this distribution when investigating small-scale spatial heterogeneities. This study aimed to quantify the small-scale (within- and between-household) heterogeneity of helminth infection in an area of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, with rural and urban sectors. Parasitological data from a cross-sectional survey of 1,249 individuals aged 0-86 years from 242 households were analysed. Within-household clustering of infection was assessed using random effect logistic regression models and between-household spatial heterogeneity was assessed using a Bayesian negative binomial spatial model. The overall prevalence of hookworm (Necator americanus) was 66.9%, the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni was 44.9% and the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides was 48.8%. Statistical analysis indicated significant (within) household and (between household) spatial clustering of hookworm in both rural and urban areas and of S. mansoni in rural areas. There was no evidence of either household or spatial clustering of S. mansoni in urban areas. The spatial correlation of S. mansoni was estimated to reduce by half over a distance of 700 m in the rural area. Rural hookworm had a much smaller half-distance (28 m) and urban hookworm showed an even smaller half-distance (12 m). We suggest that such species-specific differences in patterns of infection by environment are primarily due to variation in exposure and parasite life cycle, although host genetic factors cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Wuchereria bancrofti, Dirofilaria immitis, and Dirofilaria repens are filarial nematodes transmitted by mosquitoes belonging to Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles genera. Screening by vector dissection is a tiresome technique. We aimed to screen filarial parasites in their vectors by single and multiplex PCR and evaluate the usefulness of multiplex PCR as a rapid xenomonitoring and simultaneous differentiation tool, in area where 3 filarial parasites are coexisting. Female mosquitoes were collected from 7 localities in Assiut Governorate, were microscopically identified and divided into pools according to their species and collection site. Detection of W. bancrofti, D. immitis, and D. repens using single PCR was reached followed by multiplex PCR. Usefulness of multiplex PCR was evaluated by testing mosquito pools to know which genera and species are used by filarial parasites as a vector. An overall estimated rate of infection (ERI) in mosquitoes was 0.6%; the highest was Culex spp. (0.47%). W. bancrofti, D. immitis, and D. repens could be simultaneously and differentially detected in infected vectors by using multiplex PCR. Out of 100 mosquito pools, 8 were positive for W. bancrofti (ERI of 0.33%) and 3 pools each were positive for D. immitis and D. repens (ERI 0.12%). The technique showed 100% sensitivity and 98% specificity. El-Nikhila, El-Matiaa villages, and Sahel Seleem district in Assiut Governorate, Egypt are still endemic foci for filarial parasites. Multiplex PCR offers a reliable procedure for molecular xenomonitoring of filariasis within their respective vectors in endemic areas. Therefore, it is recommended for evaluation of mosquito infection after lymphatic filariasis eradication programs.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study and mass treatments of Enterobius vermicularis infection among children near Wonju area of Kangwon province were carried out. The children were divided into 4 groups according to their residing localities; children in the mountainous area, rural area, urban area and in orphanage. They were examined by adhesive cellotape anal swab technique, and egg positive rates were obtained. The rates of egg reduction and re-infection rates after repeated mass treatments were also observed. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The overall egg positive rate of E. vermicularis in the first screening was 19.9% (251 out of 1,262 examinees; 19.7% in males and 20.1% in females). The positive rates were 13.0% in the mountainous area, 11.9% in the rural area, 15.1% in the urban (medium-sized) area and 61.9% in orphanages. 2. The highest positive rates were observed in the kindergarten children, and 1st and 2nd grade children of primary schools (26.2-32.2%), and the lowest rate (13.6%) in 6-year grade children of primary schools. 3. Cumulative detection rates from 3 repeated anal swabs at 4-5 days interval were higher (70.8%) than those from single anal swabs (50.0-59.2%). 4. Out of the examinees who showed the highest cumulative positive rate (70.8%), about 39.2% were consecutively positive in 3 anal swabs. Among different groups of children, the higher the total egg detection rates (87.5%), the higher the consecutive positive rates (71.9%). 5. A total of 2,609 (male: female = 1:12.4) worms were collected from 17 egg-positive cases treated with anthelmintics. The mean number of worms per child was 153 (range: 4-824).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BCG immunization, utilizing whole-body coordination, is a highly cost-effective means of health intervention for preventing miliary tuberculosis (TB) and TB meningitis. In this study, we investigated the appropriate age by which a child should have completed his or her BCG immunization and discuss the current BCG immunization rate in Akita Prefecture, Japan. BCG immunization rates in urban and rural areas were 90.1% and 80.7%, respectively. Our immunization data were lower than the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommended rate. Immunization coverage rates in urban settings were higher than those in rural areas among infants four months to fifteen months of age, except for those six months old. We recommend: (1) completing BCG immunization by the age of twelve months, (2) preparing and educating parents for BCG immunization by means of a health policy, and (3) changing BCG immunization methods from group to individual inoculation. Immunization coverage rates may be increased or maintained to prevent miliary TB and TB meningitis.  相似文献   

Wan X  Shin SS  Wang Q  Raymond HF  Liu H  Ding D  Yang G  Novotny TE 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23028


Rural-to-urban migrant women may be vulnerable to smoking initiation as they are newly exposed to risk factors in the urban environment. We sought to identify correlates of smoking among rural-to-urban migrant women in China.

Methods/Principal Findings

A cross-sectional survey of rural-to-urban migrant women working in restaurants and hotels (RHW) and those working as commercial sex workers (CSW) was conducted in ten provincial capital cities in China. Multiple logistic regression was conducted to identify correlates of smoking. We enrolled 2229 rural-to-urban migrant women (1697 RHWs aged 18–24 years and 532 CSWs aged 18–30 years). Of these, 18.4% RHWs and 58.3% CSWs reported ever tried smoking and 3.2% RHWs and 41.9% CSWs reported current smoking. Participants who first tried smoking after moving to the city were more likely to be current smokers compared to participants who first tried smoking before moving to the city (25.3% vs. 13.8% among RHWs, p = 0.02; 83.6% vs. 58.6% among CSWs, p = <0.01). Adjusting for other factors, “tried female cigarette brands” had the strongest association with current smoking (OR 5.69, 95%CI 3.44 to 9.41) among participants who had ever tried smoking.


Exposure to female cigarette brands may increase the susceptibility to smoking among rural-to-urban migrant women. Smoke-free policies and increased taxes may be effective in preventing rural-to-urban migrant women from smoking initiation.  相似文献   

The run of elvers of Anguilla anguilla (L) up the Mex canal, Alexandria, Egypt, starts at the end of February and continues until June, with the main bulk of elvers arriving in April and May. Variations in the timing of this run may be attributable to variations in local ecological conditions. The run is affected by meteorological and hydrographic factors. The effects of the latter have been assessed, and a low oxygen content, a pH between 7.7 and 8.0, a chloride content between 2.1 and 2.3 Cl/1 and a temperature between 20 and 25°C have been found to encourage large numbers of elvers to migrate up the fresh water canal. In contrast to previous findings, the results of this study suggest that the mean length of elvers running increases towards the end of the season.  相似文献   

BackgroundSoil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are still prevalent in Indonesia, with roughly one-third of infected population being preschool-age children (PSC), which are generally at higher risk of morbidity such as malnutrition and anemia. This study aimed to investigate the association of STH infections with nutritional status and anemia among PSC in Nangapanda subdistrict, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara.MethodsA cross-sectional survey involving PSC ranging from 12 to 59 months old from Nangapanda subdistrict, Ende district, East Nusa Tenggara was performed. Socio-demographic, breastfeeding, and complementary feeding information was obtained from structured questionnaires, while nutritional and anemia status was determined from anthropometry and hemoglobin measurements, respectively. Anthropometric z-scores were calculated based on the World Health Organization 2006 standards and stool samples were examined using Kato-Katz method.ResultsA total of 393 PSC randomly selected from 22 villages were examined. The prevalence of underweight, stunting, wasting, and anemia were 33.1%, 40.2%, 17.1%, and 60.3%, respectively. STH infection, predominated by Ascaris lumbricoides, was found in 160 (58.8%) PSC. Single STH infection, but not multiple infection, was independently associated with a lower risk of anemia (odds ratio [OR] 0.320, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.126–0.809, p = 0.016). Similar association with anemia was also found on mild STH infection (OR 0.318 [95% CI: 0.114–0.887], p = 0.029). On the other hand, younger children were found to have a higher risk of anemia and stunting. None of the examined variables were independently associated with underweight and wasting.ConclusionSTH infection as well as anemia and malnutrition were prevalent in this region. However in this study, current STH infections seemed to have minimal negative impact on children’s nutritional status.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To compare the effectiveness of a mobile screening unit with a non-mydriatic polaroid camera in detecting diabetic retinopathy in rural and urban areas. To estimate the cost of the service. DESIGN--Prospective data collection over two years of screening for diabetic retinopathy throughout Tayside. SETTING--Tayside region, population 390,000, area 7770 km2. SUBJECTS--961 patients in rural areas and 1225 in urban areas who presented for screening. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Presence of diabetic retinopathy, need for laser photocoagulation, age, duration of diabetes, and diabetic treatment. RESULTS--Compared with diabetic patients in urban areas, those in rural areas were less likely to attend a hospital based diabetic clinic (46% (442) v 86% (1054), p < 0.001); less likely to be receiving insulin (260 (27%) v 416 (34%), p < 0.001 and also after correction for differences in age distribution); more likely to have advanced (maculopathy or proliferative retinopathy) diabetic retinopathy (13% (122) v 7% (89), p < 0.001); and more likely to require urgent laser photocoagulation for previously unrecognised retinopathy (1.4% (13) v 0.5% (6), p < 0.02). The screening programme cost 10 pounds per patient screened and 1000 pounds per patient requiring laser treatment. CONCLUSION--The mobile diabetic eye screening programme detected a greater prevalence of advanced retinopathy in diabetic patients living in rural areas. Patients in rural areas were also more likely to need urgent laser photocoagulation. Present screening procedures seem to be less effective in rural areas and rural patients may benefit more from mobile screening units than urban patients.  相似文献   

Limited data are available on the concentration of metals in sediments in the Western Harbour of Alexandria. The most comprehensive record is from a survey conducted more than a decade ago. Industrial and human activities in and around this area have increased dramatically in the last 20 years. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in surfacial bottom sediments of the harbor, to assess their potential biological effects and to identify their possible sources. Sediment samples from 21 stations throughout the harbor were analyzed for grain size, total organic carbon content (TOC), and metals (Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, V, and Zn) to assess the extent of contamination in the area. The results indicated that concentrations of metals in the sediments varied widely depending on the location. High levels of metals were observed in the Arsenal Basin and the outfall area of El Mahmoudiya Canal in the inner harbor. The concentrations of metals were found to be higher than those recorded in the previous study. However, with some exceptions, most of the changes in the metal concentrations could be accounted for by the variations in aluminum, which represents the variations in mineralogy and grain size, indicating that the majority of the metals were of “natural” origin. The present data were also compared with results from other areas.  相似文献   

Flowers from two Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees in the Qutur area and one tree from the Tanta area yielded three isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii. Pigeon and sparrow droppings were also investigated for the occurrence of C. neoformans within the study area. Ninety five isolates of the neoformans variety of C. neoformans were recovered from 550 samples of avian droppings. This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mahmoud YA 《Mycopathologia》1999,148(2):83-86
Flowers from two Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees in the Qutur area and one tree from the Tanta area yielded three isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii. Pigeon and sparrow droppings were also investigated for the occurrence of C. neoformans within the study area. Ninety five isolates of the neoformans variety of C. neoformans were recovered from 550 samples of avian droppings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare proportions of low birthweight babies and mean heights of schoolchildren between rural and urban areas at different levels of social deprivation. DESIGN--Cross sectional population based study classifying cases by Townsend material deprivation index of enumeration district of residence and by rural areas, small towns, and large towns. SETTING--Northumberland Health District. SUBJECTS--18,930 singleton infants delivered alive during January 1985 to September 1990 and resident in Northumberland in October 1990; 9055 children aged 5 to 8 1/2 years attending Northumberland schools in the winter of 1989-90. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Odds ratios for birth weight less than 2800 g; difference in mean height measured by standard deviation (SD) score. RESULTS--Between the most deprived and most affluent 20% of enumeration districts the odds ratio for low birth weight adjusted for rural or urban setting was 1.71 (95% confidence interval 1.51 to 1.93) and the difference in mean height -0.232 SD score (-0.290 to -0.174). Between large towns and rural areas the odds ratio for low birth weight adjusted for deprivation was 1.37 (1.23 to 1.53) and the difference in mean height -0.162 SD score (-0.214 to -0.110). Results for small towns were intermediate between large towns and rural areas. CONCLUSIONS--Inequalities in birth weight and height exist in all rural and urban settings between deprived and affluent areas. In addition, there is substantial disadvantage to living in urban areas compared with rural areas which results from social or environmental factors unrelated to current levels of deprivation.  相似文献   

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