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DNA sequence polymorphism and divergence was examined in the vicinity of the human beta-globin gene cluster origin of replication initiation region (IR), a 1.3-kb genomic region located immediately 5' of the adult-expressed beta-globin gene. DNA sequence variation in the replication origin IR and 5 kb of flanking DNA was surveyed in samples drawn from two populations, one African (from the Gambia, West Africa) and the other European (from Oxford, England). In these samples, levels of nucleotide and length polymorphism in the IR were found to be more than two times as high as adjacent non-IR-associated regions (estimates of per-nucleotide heterozygosity were 0.30% and 0.12%, respectively). Most polymorphic positions identified in the origin IR fall within or just adjacent to a 52-bp alternating purine-pyrimidine ((RY)n) sequence repeat. Within- and between-populations divergence is highest in this portion of the IR, and interspecific divergence in the same region, determined by comparison with an orthologous sequence from the chimpanzee, is also pronounced. Higher levels of diversity in this subregion are not, however, primarily attributable to slippage-mediated repeat unit changes, as nucleotide substitution contributes disproportionately to allelic heterogeneity. An estimate of helical stability in the sequenced region suggests that the hypervariable (RY)n constitutes the major DNA unwinding element (DUE) of the replication origin IR, the location at which the DNA duplex first unwinds and new strand synthesis begins. These findings suggest that the beta-globin IR experiences a higher underlying rate of neutral mutation than do adjacent genomic regions and that enzyme fidelity associated with the initiation of DNA replication at this origin may be compromised. The significance of these findings for our understanding of eukaryotic replication origin biology is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that mammalian cells contain replicator sequences, which can determine where DNA replication initiates. However, the specific sequences that confer replicator activity were not identified. Here we report a detailed analysis of replicator sequences that dictate initiation of DNA replication from the human beta-globin locus. This analysis suggests that the beta-globin replication initiation region contains two adjacent, redundant replicators. Each replicator was capable of initiating DNA replication independently at ectopic sites. Within each of these two replicators, we identified short, discrete, nonredundant sequences, which cooperatively determine replicator activity. Experiments with somatic cell hybrids further demonstrated that the requirements for initiation at ectopic sites were similar to the requirements for initiation within native human chromosomes. The replicator clustering and redundancy exemplified in the human beta-globin locus may account for the extreme difficulty in identifying replicator sequences in mammalian cells and suggest that mammalian replication initiation sites may be determined by cooperative sequence modules.  相似文献   

HeLa cells were synchronized at late G1, early S, and late S phase of the cell cycle by nocodazole treatment. The cells were permeabilized with Triton X-100, digested with DNAse I, and extracted with 0.2 M ammonium sulfate to remove the digested chromatin. DNA was isolated from the residual chromatin attached to the nuclear matrix, digested with Hind III, and subjected to hybridization with [(32)P] labeled probe located upstream of the core region of the human beta-globin replication origin. The hybridization pattern revealed the existence of a DNase I sensitive site in the core region of the beta-globin replicator. The results suggest that association with the nuclear matrix induce alteration in the chromatin structure of the origin of replication that represents a more open chromatin configuration.  相似文献   

Primary structure of the goat beta-globin locus control region   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The goat beta-globin cluster is composed of a triplicated four-gene set. A locus control region (LCR) containing elements homologous to 5'DNase I hypersensitive sites (HS) 1, 2, and 3 of the human beta-globin LCR has been identified at the 5' end of this locus. We determined 10.2 kb of nucleotide sequence from the goat beta-globin locus control region. Self-comparison of this sequence by dot matrix analysis revealed the presence of six complete and three incomplete artiodactyl repeats. A novel repeated element, termed D repeat, was also identified. Southern blotting analysis demonstrated that these elements exist in the goat genome as a low to medium frequency interspersed repeat family. The absence of any other large region of self-homology (direct or inverted) in the goat LCR suggests that 5'HSs 1, 2, and 3 did not arise through duplication, but rather evolved independently. By comparing goat 5'HS 1 to those of human, rabbit, and mouse, we show a greater than 80% conservation in sequence between the four species. This level of evolutionary conservation suggests that 5'HS 1 plays an important role in the regulation of beta-globin loci.  相似文献   

The cell cycle-dependent, ordered assembly of protein prereplicative complexes suggests that eukaryotic replication origins determine when genomic replication initiates. By comparison, the factors that determine where replication initiates relative to the sites of prereplicative complex formation are not known. In the human globin gene locus previous work showed that replication initiates at a single site 5′ to the β-globin gene when protein synthesis is inhibited by emetine. The present study has examined the pattern of initiation around the genetically defined β-globin replicator in logarithmically growing HeLa cells, using two PCR-based nascent strand assays. In contrast to the pattern of initiation detected in emetine-treated cells, analysis of the short nascent strands at five positions spanning a 40 kb globin gene region shows that replication initiates at more than one site in non-drug-treated cells. Quantitation of nascent DNA chains confirmed that replication begins at several locations in this domain, including one near the initiation region (IR) identified in emetine-treated cells. However, the abundance of short nascent strands at another initiation site ~20 kb upstream is ~4-fold as great as that at the IR. The latter site abuts an early S phase replicating fragment previously defined at low resolution in logarithmically dividing cells.  相似文献   

The major distal regulatory sequence for the beta-globin gene locus, the locus control region (LCR), is composed of multiple hypersensitive sites (HSs). Different models for LCR function postulate that the HSs act either independently or synergistically. To test these possibilities, we have constructed a series of expression cassettes in which the gene encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) is under the control of DNA fragments containing single and multiple HSs of the LCR. LCR DNA fragments containing only the minimal region needed for position-independent expression (HS cores) or containing cores plus flanking sequences (HS units) were compared to ascertain whether conserved sequences between the HS cores contributed to enhancement. Expression of these constructs was measured after targeted integration into three defined loci in murine erythroleukemia cells using recombinase-mediated cassette exchange. At all three marked loci, synergistic enhancement of expression was observed in cassettes containing a combination of HS2, HS3, and HS4 units. In contrast, HS2, HS3, and HS4 cores (without flanking sequences) give an activity equivalent to the sum of the activities of the individual HS cores. These data suggest a model in which an HS core plus flanking regions, bound by specific proteins, forms a structure needed for interaction with other HS units to confer strong enhancement by the LCR. The three targeted integration sites differ substantially in their permissivity for expression, but even the largest LCR construct tested could not overcome these position effects to confer equal expression at all three sites.  相似文献   

Hypersensitive site 5 (5'HS5) of the beta-globin Locus Control Region functions as a developmental stage-specific border in erythroid cells. Here, we have analyzed the role of 5'HS5 in the three dimensional organization of the beta-gene locus using the Chromatin Conformation Capture (3C) technique. The results show that when 5'HS5 is deleted from the locus, both remote and internal regulatory elements are still able to interact with each other in a three-dimensional configuration termed the Active Chromatin Hub. Thus, the absence of 5'HS5 does not have an appreciable effect on the three dimensional organization of the beta-globin locus. This rules out models in which 5'HS5 nucleates interactions with remote and/or internal regulatory elements. We also determined the binding of CTCF, the only defined insulator protein in mammalian cells, to 5'HS5 by using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. We detect low levels of CTCF binding to 5'HS5 in primitive erythroid cells, in which it functions as a border element. Surprisingly, we also observe binding levels of CTCF to 5'HS5 in definitive erythroid cells. Thus, binding of CTCF to 5'HS5 per se does not render it a functional border element. This is consistent with the previous data suggesting that CTCF has dual functionality.  相似文献   

Chromatin structure was examined at the 3′-boundary region of the human β-globin locus control region hypersensitive site-2 (LCR HS-2) using several footprinting agents. Erythroid K562 cells (possessing HS-2) were damaged by the footprinting agents: hedamycin, bleomycin and four nitrogen mustard analogues. Purified DNA and non-erythroid HeLa cells (lacking HS-2) were also damaged as controls for comparison with K562 cells. The comparison between intact cells and purified DNA showed several protected regions in K562 cells. A large erythroid-specific protected region of 135 bp was found at the boundary of HS-2. The length of this protected region (135 bp) was close to that of DNA contained in a nucleosome core (146 bp). Another two protected regions were found upstream of the protected region. A 16-bp erythroid-specific footprint co-localised with a GATA-1 motif—this indicated that the GATA-1 protein could be involved in positioning the nucleosome. Further upstream, a 100-bp footprint coincided with an AT-rich region. Thus our footprinting results suggest that the 3′-boundary of LCR HS-2 is flanked by a positioned nucleosome and that an erythroid-specific protein binds to the sequence adjacent to the nucleosome and acts to position the nucleosome at the boundary of the hypersensitive site.  相似文献   

Elements with insulator/border activity have been characterized most extensively in Drosophila melanogaster. In vertebrates, the first example of such an element was provided by a hypersensitive site of the chicken beta-globin locus, cHS4. It has been proposed that the homologous site in humans, HS5, functions as a border of the human beta-globin locus. Here, we have characterized HS5 of the human beta-globin locus control region. We have examined its tissue-specificity and assessed its insulating properties in transgenic mice using a lacZ reporter assay. Most importantly, we have tested its enhancer blocking activity in the context of the full beta-globin locus. Our results show that HS5 is erythroid-specific rather than ubiquitous in human tissues. Furthermore, HS5 does not fulfil the criteria of a general in vivo insulator in the transgene protection assay. Finally, a HS5 conditional deletion from the complete locus demonstrates that HS5 has no discernable activity in adult erythroid cells. Surprisingly, HS5 functions as an enhancer blocker in embryonic erythroid cells. We conclude that HS5 is a developmental stage-specific border in erythroid cells.  相似文献   

Molete JM  Petrykowska H  Sigg M  Miller W  Hardison R 《Gene》2002,283(1-2):185-197
The distal locus control region (LCR) is required for high-level expression of the complex of genes (HBBC) encoding the beta-like globins of mammals in erythroid cells. Several major DNase hypersensitive sites (HSs 1-5) mark the LCR. Sequence conservation and direct experimental evidence have implicated sequences within and between the HS cores in function of the LCR. In this report we confirm the mapping of a minor HS between HS3 and HS4, called HS3.2, and show that sequences including it increase the number of random integration sites at which a drug resistance gene is expressed. We also show that nuclear proteins including GATA1 and Oct1 bind specifically to sequences within HS3.2. However, the protein Pbx1, whose binding site is the best match to one highly conserved sequence, does not bind strongly. GATA1 and Oct1 also bind in the HS cores of the LCR and to promoters in HBBC. Their binding to this minor HS suggests that they may be used in assembly of a large complex containing multiple regulatory sequences.  相似文献   

Using ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction and in vivo footprinting methods to study the status of DNA-protein interactions at hypersensitive site 3.5 (HS3.5) of the locus control region in K562 and HEL cells, we found that there was protein occupancy in vivo at HS3.5 in both cell lines and the status of DNA-protein interaction was different between K562 and HEL. These data provide direct evidence that specific nuclear factor-DNA complexes form in vivo at functionally important sequence motifs of the HS3.5 in erythroid cells. This indicates that HS3.5 may play an important role in the regulation of the beta-globin gene cluster. K562 is a human erythroleukemia cell line in which the embryonic epsilon-globin gene is predominantly expressed, while the HEL cell line expresses predominantly the fetal beta-globin genes. Thus, HS3.5 might also be involved in the regulation of developmental stage-specific expression of beta-globin genes. Our results are also consistent with the model that each hypersensitive site acts as a functional unit and HS3.5 may facilitate the formation of the HS3 functional unit.  相似文献   

The human beta-globin Locus Control Region (LCR) has two important activities. First, the LCR opens a 200 kb chromosomal domain containing the human epsilon-, gamma- and beta-globin genes and, secondly, these sequences function as a powerful enhancer of epsilon-, gamma- and beta-globin gene expression. Erythroid-specific, DNase I hypersensitive sites (HS) mark sequences that are critical for LCR activity. Previous experiments demonstrated that a 1.9 kb fragment containing the 5' HS 2 site confers position-independent expression in transgenic mice and enhances human beta-globin gene expression 100-fold. Further analysis of this region demonstrates that multiple sequences are required for maximal enhancer activity; deletion of SP1, NF-E2, GATA-1 or USF binding sites significantly decrease beta-globin gene expression. In contrast, no single site is required for position-independent transgene expression; all mice with site-specific mutations in 5' HS 2 express human beta-globin mRNA regardless of the site of transgene integration. Apparently, multiple combinations of protein binding sites in 5' HS 2 are sufficient to prevent chromosomal position effects that inhibit transgene expression.  相似文献   

Single-copy human beta-globin transgenes are very susceptible to suppression by position effects of surrounding closed chromatin. However, these position effects are overcome by a 20 kbp DNA fragment containing the locus control region (LCR). Here we show that the 6.5 kbp microlocus LCR cassette reproducibly directs full expression from independent single-copy beta-globin transgenes. By testing individual DNase I-hypersensitive sites (HS) present in the microlocus cassette, we demonstrate that the 1.5 kbp 5'HS2 enhancer fragment does not direct beta-globin expression from single-copy transgenes. In contrast, the 1.9 kbp 5'HS3 fragment directs beta-globin expression in five independent single-copy transgenic mouse lines. Moreover, the 5'HS3 core element and beta-globin proximal promoter sequences are DNase I hypersensitive in fetal liver nuclei of these expressing transgenic lines. Taken together, these results demonstrate that LCR activity is the culmination of at least two separable functions including: (i) a novel activity located in 5'HS3 that dominantly opens and remodels chromatin structure; and (ii) a recessive enhancer activity residing in 5'HS2. We postulate that the different elements of the LCR form a 'holocomplex' that interacts with the individual globin genes.  相似文献   

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