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斑海豹(Phoca vifulina largha)。是我国北方沿海习见的一种鳍脚目动物,它们除繁殖、换毛季节到浮冰或岸边上外,大部分时间是在水中生活、觅食。斑海豹主要捕食鱼类和头足类动物。斑海豹的牙齿虽具食肉类动物的特  相似文献   

利用卫星标记跟踪方法对斑海豹的野外释放效果进行了研究。2010 年和2011 年6 月分别释放了4 头和3头人工繁殖的2 龄未成年斑海豹,2011 年同时释放了3 头野外出生的救助个体。标记斑海豹在释放后,7 头人工繁殖斑海豹中的5 头信标信号持续时间较长,在信号消失前,1 头斑海豹一直在渤海海域活动,另4 头沿辽宁沿岸、朝鲜西海岸到达辽东湾斑海豹的主要度夏海域韩国白翎岛附近。研究期间,1 头人工繁殖的斑海豹在59 d内运动的距离超过1 250 km。救助斑海豹中,2 头个体的信标信号持续较长,并分别在山东半岛沿海和黄渤海活动。研究结果表明,人工繁殖的斑海豹在经过野化训练后,放归自然海域后可以正常生活洄游。  相似文献   

利用AFLP标记技术对辽东湾斑海豹的遗传多样性进行分析。采用7对AFLP引物对斑海豹3个群体(按不同采样年份分类)43个个体扩增共得到241个位点,3个群体内的多态位点比例为80.45%~95.85%,总多态位点比例为99.59%。群体的香农(Shannon)多样性指数为0.3817~0.4716,群体间的遗传距离在0.1742~0.4023之间。2007年群体的多态位点比例、Shannon多样性指数均高于2006年群体,2005年群体处于中等水平。用NTSYS软件进行个体聚类及UPGMA方法构建的群体系统树,发现3个群体的个体基本随机聚到一起,界限不十分明显,说明3年的群体差异不明显,甚至可以认为它们是混合群体。结果表明,斑海豹群体遗传多样性水平较低,遗传结构趋于简单化,且存在较强的基因交流。  相似文献   

在前两篇论文(1978,1979)中,作者对分布于中国的平鳍鳅科鱼类进行了系统的分类整理,共记载了15属49种和亚种。本文基于对其中的12属16种的颅骨、肩带骨、腹鳍鳍基骨、鳔囊和韦氏器官的结构等有关性状的比较观察,并参考了Ramaswami(1952)对另一部分平鳍鳅类颅骨的描述,着重讨论了平鳍鳅科的分类系统位置、亚科划分及其系  相似文献   

研究感觉基因的进化规律是动物进化领域长期探索的重要问题.哺乳动物通常具有2套嗅觉系统:主要嗅觉系统(MOS)和犁鼻器系统(VNS).其中,VNS主要感知动物个体释放的信息素分子,而信息素在动物的生殖和社会行为中起重要调节作用.为了研究动物信息素嗅觉进化的背后推动力,对海洋哺乳动物的代表物种进行了Trpc2基因(VNS功能的分子标记)的序列测定和进化分析.以前的研究表明,Trpc2基因仅在VNS中表达,其序列完整/缺失与VNS的功能完整/退化完全一致.本研究结果显示,鲸类和海牛类的Trpc2为假基因,鳍脚类的1个分支类群(海豹类)和水獭类的Trpc2也是假基因,提示VNS功能丢失,即信息素嗅觉功能退化;而北极熊和鳍脚类的另一个分支类群(海狮类)保留了1个完整的Trpc2,并且这个基因仍受强烈的净化选择和功能限制,提示信息素嗅觉功能仍然保留.进一步分析表明,信息素嗅觉退化的海兽主要在水中交配,而信息素嗅觉保留的海兽主要在陆地上交配.本研究提出了一个新的科学假说:交配场所的选择可能推动了海洋哺乳动物信息素嗅觉的进化.  相似文献   

高鳍带鱼遗传变异及与近缘种间的系统进化关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高鳍带鱼Trichiurus lepturusLinnaeus,1758分布广泛、形态多变,与近缘种间辨别困难,在其种群鉴别、物种分类及系统进化上争议较大。本项研究通过测定采自海南三亚外海高鳍带鱼疑似种11个个体的线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列,结合已报道的该物种其它地理种群及其近缘种的同源序列,采用生物软件对碱基组成和序列变异进行分析,计算Kimura双参数净遗传距离和分歧时间,进行分子变异分析(AMOVA)和分化固定指数(FST)计算,并以小带鱼Eupleurogrammus muticus为外群构建NJ、ML系统树,综合探讨世界范围内高鳍带鱼的遗传变异及与近缘种间的系统进化关系。根据所得分子数据并结合形态学研究结果得出如下结论:1)采自海南三亚外海的带鱼是高鳍带鱼T.lepturusLinnaeus,1758,该物种在中国南海和东海南部有分布;2)海南三亚外海、非洲西岸和大西洋西岸的高鳍带鱼是同一个物种的3个地理种群,彼此间遗传分化显著;3)高鳍带鱼是带鱼属中最新演化的种类,与日本带鱼T.japonicus、带鱼未定种Trichiurussp.2具有较近的亲缘关系;短带鱼T.brevis则是比它们原...  相似文献   

Tun形目三种鱼的染色体研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
tun形目鱼类是一种比较特化的真骨鱼类。在我国沿海分布较广,并且具有较大的经济价值。现在东方tun属的有些鱼类已成功地用于人工养殖。Nelson(1984)将tun形目分为两个亚目,共329种。迄今考察过染色体的种类有30余种。本文报道了3种鱼的染色体组型:绿鳍马面tunNavodon septentrionalis、丝背细鳞tunStephanolepis cirrhifer和红鳍东方tunFugu rubripes,其中前2种鱼的核型国外已有报道(Murofushi等,1979;Murofushi等,1980)。后1种鱼的核型为首次报道,文章还对丝背细鳞tun的Ag-NORs进行了观察。  相似文献   

徐光辉 《化石》2015,(2):6-7
<正>据最新一期的《古脊椎动物学报》报道,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究人员在贵州盘县三叠纪地层中发现近鲱形类(Halecomorphi)预言鱼目(Ionoscopiformes)新属种化石,命名为奇异盘县鱼(Panxianichthys imparilis)。该发现代表了预言鱼目最原始的属种,为研究近鲱形类的早期演化和生物地理提供了重要信息。近鲱形类包括半椎鱼目、预言鱼目和弓鳍鱼目。生活在美洲淡水环境的"活化石"弓鳍鱼是  相似文献   

中国西部准噶尔盆地东北缘中侏罗世晚期到晚侏罗世早期沉积的石树沟组(Eberth et al.,2001)产出过巨型的蜥脚类恐龙化石(Russell and Zheng,1993),但产出的兽脚类恐龙个体则相对较小(Currie and Zhao,1993)。我们近年来在石树沟组中采集到大量脊椎动物化石(Clark et al.,2006),其中包括许多零散的骨骼和牙齿标本。本文报道一个产自石树沟组上部的兽脚类牙齿化石(IVPP V 15310),对于全面了解石树沟脊椎动物群具有一定意义。V 15310保存了一个近乎完整的上颌齿或下颌齿的齿冠。它具有典型兽脚类恐龙牙齿的特征:强烈侧扁,向后弯曲,前后缘有锯齿。齿冠有几种不同的磨蚀面:齿尖磨蚀成近圆形,靠近齿尖的齿冠前缘有一较大的平的磨蚀面,锯齿也受到不同程度的磨蚀。V 15310很大,相关的测量数据和一些白垩纪的巨型兽脚类恐龙牙齿的测量数据相近。依据我们定义的一个定量评估锯齿大小的指标(锯齿大小指数),得出V 15310的锯齿大小指数非常小,与霸王龙相似,这与锯齿和齿冠大小具有反比关系的结论是一致的(Farlow et al,1991)。V 15310的另外一些形态特征对于推断它在兽脚类中的系统位置也提供了帮助。这些特征包括后缘锯齿明显高于前缘锯齿以及齿冠的唇侧和舌侧都有微弱的釉质褶皱。根据牙齿大小、釉质褶皱的发育程度以及锯齿的形态(Sereno et al.,1996;Chure et al.,1999;Holtz,2004),V 15310被归入中国盗龙类。其中,后缘锯齿和前缘锯齿的基部长度近似,但前者明显高于后者这一特征组合可能是中国盗龙类的一个鉴定特征。这一特征组合也见于四川的中国盗龙类。相比而言,V 15310在已报道的侏罗纪兽脚类恐龙牙齿中尺寸最大(Smith,2005;Smith et al.,2005),大小接近白垩纪的一些巨型兽脚类恐龙牙齿。新材料的发现表明兽脚类至少在晚侏罗世早期就已演化出了这种巨型体型。  相似文献   

采用胸腔注射植物血球凝集素(phytohemagglutinin,PHA)及秋水仙素溶液,取活体头肾细胞经低渗、固定、空气干燥法,分析比较了中华单角鲀(Monacanthus chinensis)、黄鳍东方鲀(Takifuguxanthopterus)、红鳍东方鲀(T.rubripes)的核型。结果表明,3种海水鱼中期染色体均为二倍体,未发现异型性染色体、随体和次缢痕。其核型如下:中华单角鲀的核型为2n=34(34t),臂数:NF=34;黄鳍东方鲀的核型为2n=44(12m+8sm+24t),臂数:NF=64;红鳍东方鲀的核型为2n=44(14m+6sm+24t),臂数:NF=64。中华单角鲀的核型与后两者存在较大差异。同时,将此3种鱼的核型与前人报道的其他鲀形目鱼类核型作了比较。  相似文献   

Zoogeography of the coral reef fishes of the Socotra Archipelago   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fish communities and habitats were studied at the Socotra archipelago (Gulf of Aden, ≈12°N 54°E). Extensive and unexpected hermatypic coral communities were recorded, at the centre of a 2200 km gap in knowledge of species and habitat distributions which coincides with a change from a western Indian Ocean coral reef fauna to an Arabian one. The fish assemblage associated with the Socotra archipelago corals is predominantly south Arabian. An east African influence, minimal on the mainland coasts of Arabia, is more evident here, and results in previously unrecorded sympatry between Arabian endemic species and their Indian Ocean sister taxa. A study of distributions of Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes) in the north-western Indian Ocean reveals a number of distinct patterns, with a trend for species replacement along a track from the northern Red Sea to the Indian Ocean. A major feature of the reef fish zoogeography of the region is found to be a distinct south Arabian area, characterized by a 'pseudo-high latitude effect' which results from seasonal cold water upwelling along the Arabian sea coasts of Yemen and Oman and the Indian Ocean coast of Somalia. This south Arabian feature is consistent across a wide range of fish families. It is most pronounced in Oman and Yemen, and although it is the dominant influence at Socotra it is slightly 'diluted' here by the east African influence. The south Arabian area wholly or partly accounts for most of the major marine zoogeographic features around Arabia, and is the principal feature fragmenting Arabian coastal fish assemblages, and separating them from those of the wider Indo-west Pacific.  相似文献   

灰鲸在中国近海的分布   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
灰鲸(Eschrichtius gibbosus Erxleben 1777)现仅存于北太平洋,曾因各捕鲸国滥捕而几近绝灭,是最早受到保护的鲸种之一。东太平洋群体,经数十年的保护,资源量已恢复到一万头左右。但沿亚洲侧洄游的西太平洋群体,资源仍未有恢复迹象,尚亟待保护。对中国近海的灰鲸只有过少量报道。本文根据作者在海上的实际观察和对南、北方重点渔区的数次调查,就灰鲸在中国近海的分布及洄游探讨如下。  相似文献   

The distribution of blue whales, Balaenoptera musculus , in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) was analyzed from 211 sightings of 355 whales recorded during research vessel sighting surveys or by biologists aboard fishing vessels. Over 90% of the sightings were made in just two areas: along Baja California, and in the vicinity of the Costa Rica Dome (a large, stationary eddy centered near 9°N, 89°W), with the rest made along the equator near the Galapagos islands, the coasts of Ecuador and northern Peru. All sightings occurred in relatively cool, upwelling-modified waters. Because these areas are the most productive parts of the ETP, and have relatively large standing stocks of euphausiids, it seems possible that blue whales select low latitude habitats which permit foraging. The waters off western Baja California were occupied seasonally, with a peak in sightings coinciding with the spring peak in upwelling and biological production. The Costa Rica Dome area was occupied year round, suggesting either a resident population, or that both northern and southern hemisphere whales visit, with temporal overlap. The modal group size was one for all areas and seasons, but the frequency of groups with two or more whales was significantly higher in sightings made near the Galapagos Islands and the coast of Ecuador and northern Peru.  相似文献   

In August–September 2015 in the southwest part of the Kara Sea, visual censuses of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and bearded seal (Erignatus barbatus) from research vessels were carried out in the water area of 49 814 km2. For the first time, for calculation of abundance and density on ice-free area the SEAL-CALCULATION (TYULEN-RASCHET) software was used with application of separate extrapolation method by the selected sectors. Calculation for the whole census polygon yielded abundance of ringed seal of 4163 ± 16.9% and abundance of bearded seal of 1026 ± 28.4%. On the basis of the census results, a preliminary estimation of distribution of pinnipeds by various depths is presented.  相似文献   

正管鼻蝠属(Murina)是一类鼻部呈短管状的林栖型食虫性蝙蝠,隶属于翼手目蝙蝠科(Chiroptera:Vespertilionidae),其种类记录已达34种,在我国分布有16种(王晓云等,2016)。2016年3月13日,在对武陵山地区洞栖型蝙蝠的调查过程中,于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州龙山县里耶镇八面山燕子洞(北纬28°51'56″,东经109°16'15″,海  相似文献   

Large macroalgal blooms (i.e. green tides of Ulva prolifera) occurred in the southern Yellow Sea, China, yearly from 2007 to 2016. They were among the largest of such outbreaks around the world, and these blooms likely originated along the coast of the Jiangsu Province, China. Understanding the roles of nutrients in the onset of these macroalgal blooms is needed to identify their origin. This study analyzes the spatiotemporal variations in dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus (DIN and PO4–P) and the N/P ratio along the Jiangsu coast from 1996 to 2014 during late-March to April, the months which corresponds to the pre-bloom period of green tides since 2007. A zone of high DIN and PO4–P concentrations has developed along the Jiangsu coast, between the cities of Sheyang and Nantong, since 1996. There was an 18-year trend of increasing DIN concentrations during the pre-bloom period as well as a positive correlation between the U. prolifera biomass and DIN concentrations. Nutrient inputs from rivers and mariculture in the Jiangsu Province may have provided nitrogen that contributed the magnitude of macroalgal blooms that subsequently spread into the southern Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟体重和体型的地理变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis体重和体型地理变异,我们详细比较了来自4个不同地理种群(海南乐东18.8°N, 109.2°E),广西阳朔24.8°N, 110.5°E),江西南昌28.8°N, 115.9°E)和河北廊坊39.5°N, 116.7°E))亚洲玉米螟的体重、体型大小及其与采集地纬度的关系。结果表明:不同地理种群的亚洲玉米螟卵重随纬度的升高而逐渐增大,符合贝格曼法则(Bergmann’s law), 而雌雄蛹重及成虫体长、后足腿节长和前翅长均随纬度的升高而逐渐减小, 符合反贝格曼法则(Converse Bergmann’s law)。雌虫的前翅显著长于雄虫, 其性体型二型性符合任希法则(Rensch’s rule),即在雌虫体型较大的种群中,雄虫前翅比雌虫前翅增长幅度相对较大。本文结果进一步揭示了即使在同一种类昆虫中,其各个虫态体重和体型的地理变异也可能不同。  相似文献   

A mature male pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea (99 cm total length, 33·5 cm disc length and 42 cm disc width; 2·5 kg) was caught by commercial Nephrops trawl in the North Sea (at c . 54º49' N; 0º57' W) on 14 November 2005. Records of P. violacea in the north-east Atlantic are reviewed, with only two vagrant specimens known from the North Sea, representing the most northerly records of this species in the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

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