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Porter CJ  Wilce JA 《Biopolymers》2007,88(2):174-181
G7-18NATE is a nonphosphorylated, cyclic peptide that specifically inhibits the Grb7 adapter protein implicated in several pathways critical to cell proliferation and migration. It has been shown that G7-18NATE is able to compete with natural ligands for the Grb7 SH2 phosphotyrosine binding site, and to attenuate cell migration in a pancreatic cancer cell line. It is thus an important lead in the development of a selective inhibitor of Grb7 and potential novel anticancer therapeutics. The current study reports the solution properties of G7- 18NATE determined using NMR spectroscopy, in both water (pH 2-3) and phosphate buffer (pH 6.0), with 100 mM NaCl. The spectra reveal that G7-18NATE exists in two distinguishable conformational states on the NMR timescale, most likely due to cis-trans proline isomerization. In addition, the chemical shift data are consistent with a tendency of G7-18NATE to form a turn about the YDN motif, known to be important for binding, and suggest that this turn is stabilized in low salt and low pH conditions. Low NH temperature coefficients of Tyr-5 and Asn-7 amide protons may reflect their involvement in the formation of hydrogen bonds that stabilize such a turn. Overall, however, the peptide does not form a rigid structure, but exists in a highly flexible state in solution. Averaged 3JNH-H coupling constants and a lack of interresidue NOEs are characteristic of such peptide solution behavior. This suggests that there is scope for increasing the rigidity of the peptide that may enhance its binding affinity and specificity for Grb7.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases have attracted considerable interest as signaling molecules due to their variety of functional roles in cells. Rnd1 is a relatively recently discovered Rho GTPase with no enzymatic activity against its bound GTP nucleotide, setting it apart from other family members. Research has revealed a critical role for Rnd1 not only in neurite outgrowth, dendrite development, axon guidance, but also in gastric cancer and in endothelial cells during inflammation. Structural information is crucial for understanding the mechanism that forms the basis for protein–protein interactions and functions, but until recently there were no reports of NMR studies directly on the Rnd1 protein. In this paper we report assignments for the majority of Rnd1 NMR resonances based on 2D and 3D NMR spectra. Rnd1 assignment was a challenging task, however, despite optimization strategies that have facilitated NMR studies of the protein (Cao and Buck in Small GTPase 2:295–304, 2012). Besides common triple-resonance experiments, 3D HNCA, 3D HN(CO)CA, 3D HNCO which are usually employed for sequence assignment, 3D NOESY experiments and specific labeling of 13 kinds of amino acids were also utilized to gain as many 1H(N), 13C, and 15N resonances assignments as possible. For 170 cross peaks observed out of 183 possible mainchain N–H correlations in the 1H–15N TROSY spectrum, backbone assignment was finally completed for 127 resonances. The secondary structure was then defined by chemical shifts and TALOS+ based on the assignments. The overall structure in solution compares well with that of Rnd1 in a crystal, except for two short segments, residues 77–83 and residues 127–131. Given that some features are shared among Rho GTPases, Rnd1 assignments are also compared with two other family members, Cdc42 and Rac1. The overall level of Rnd1 assignment is lower than for Cdc42 and Rac1, consistent with its lower stability and possibly increased internal dynamics. However, while the Rnd1 switch II region remained un-assigned, the switch I region could be more fully assigned compared to Cdc42 and Rac1. The NMR assignment and structure analysis reported here provides a robust basis for future study of the binding between Rnd1 and other proteins, as well as for further studies of the molecular function of this unusual GTPase.  相似文献   

The ascomcete Ceratocystis fimbriata, the causal agent of “canker stain disease,” secretes a protein of 12.4 kDa that elicits phytoalexin synthesis and plant cell death. This protein, named cerato-platanin (CP), is also located in the cell walls of ascospores, hyphae, and conidia; it contains four cysteines (S-S bridged) and is moderately hydrophobic. The cp gene consists of a single exon and has 42 bp codifying for a signal peptide of 14 residues. The recombinant protein was obtained by cloning the cp gene of the mature protein in Escherichia coli (BL21), and a refolding step was needed to achieve the native active form. In the European Molecular Biology data bank, CP is reported as the first member of the CP family; this is the first example of an set of secreted fungal proteins whose primary structure is very similar. Nonetheless, the data also revealed some structural and functional features that make CP simlar to proteins of the hydrophobin family.  相似文献   

Cartilage acidic protein1 (CRTAC1) is an extracellular matrix protein of chondrogenic tissue in humans and its presence in bacteria indicate it is of ancient origin. Structural modeling of piscine CRTAC1 reveals it belongs to the large family of beta‐propeller proteins that in mammals have been associated with diseases, including amyloid diseases such as Alzheimer's. In order to characterize the structure/function evolution of this new member of the beta‐propeller family we exploited the unique characteristics of piscine duplicate genes Crtac1a and Crtac1b and compared their structural and biochemical modifications with human recombinant CRTAC1. We demonstrate that CRTAC1 has a beta‐propeller structure that has been conserved during evolution and easily forms high molecular weight thermo‐stable aggregates. We reveal for the first time the propensity of CRTAC1 to form amyloid‐like structures, and hypothesize that the aggregating property of CRTAC1 may be related to its disease‐association. We further contribute to the general understating of CRTAC1's and beta‐propeller family evolution and function. Proteins 2017; 85:242–255. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The ERKs are a subfamily of the MAPKs that have been implicated in cell growth and differentiation. By using the rat ERK7 cDNA to screen a human multiple tissue cDNA library, we identified a new member of the ERK family, ERK8, that shares 69% amino acid sequence identity with ERK7. Northern analysis demonstrates that ERK8 is present in a number of tissues with maximal expression in the lung and kidney. Fluorescence in situ hybridization localized the ERK8 gene to chromosome 8, band q24.3. Expression of ERK8 in COS cells and bacteria indicates that, in contrast to constitutively active ERK7, ERK8 has minimal basal kinase activity and a unique substrate profile. ERK8, which contains two SH3-binding motifs in its C-terminal region, associates with the c-Src SH3 domain in vitro and co-immunoprecipitates with c-Src in vivo. Co-transfection with either v-Src or a constitutively active c-Src increases ERK8 activation indicating that ERK8 can be activated downstream of c-Src. ERK8 is also activated following serum stimulation, and the extent of this activation is reduced by pretreatment with the specific Src family inhibitor PP2. The ERK8 activation by serum or Src was not affected by the MEK inhibitor U0126 indicating that activation of ERK8 does not require MEK1, MEK2, or MEK5. Although most closely related to ERK7, the relatively low sequence identity, minimal basal activity, and different substrate profile identify ERK8 as a distinct member of the MAPK family that is activated by an Src-dependent signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Using a PCR approach we have isolated racF1, a novel member of the Rho family in Dictyostelium. The racF1 gene encodes a protein of 193 amino acids and is constitutively expressed throughout the Dictyostelium life cycle. Highest identity (94%) was found to a RacF2 isoform, to Dictyostelium Rac1A, Rac1B, and Rac1C (70%), and to Rac proteins of animal species (64-69%). To investigate the role of RacF1 in cytoskeleton-dependent processes, we have fused it at its amino-terminus with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and studied the dynamics of subcellular redistribution using a confocal laser scanning microscope and a double-view microscope system. GFP-RacF1 was homogeneously distributed in the cytosol and accumulated at the plasma membrane, especially at regions of transient intercellular contacts. GFP-RacF1 also localized transiently to macropinosomes and phagocytic cups and was gradually released within <1 min after formation of the endocytic vesicle or the phagosome, respectively. On stimulation with cAMP, no enrichment of GFP-RacF1 was observed in leading fronts, from which it was found to be initially excluded. Cell lines were obtained using homologous recombination that expressed a truncated racF1 gene lacking sequences encoding the carboxyl-terminal region responsible for membrane targeting. These cells displayed normal phagocytosis, endocytosis, and exocytosis rates. Our results suggest that RacF1 associates with dynamic structures that are formed during pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Although RacF1 appears not to be essential, it might act in concert and/or share functions with other members of the Rho family in the regulation of a subset of cytoskeletal rearrangements that are required for these processes.  相似文献   

MafT, a new member of the small Maf protein family in zebrafish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Small Maf proteins play critical roles on morphogenesis and homeostasis through associating with CNC proteins. To date, three small Maf proteins, MafF, MafG, and MafK, have been reported in vertebrates, which share redundant functions. In this study, we tried to identify and characterize small Maf proteins in zebrafish to elucidate their conservation and diversity in the fish kingdom. We identified homolog genes of MafG and MafK but not MafF in zebrafish, indicating the former two are conserved among vertebrates. In addition, a novel type of small Maf protein MafT was identified. MafT protein bound MARE sequence as a homodimer or heterodimers with zebrafish Nrf2 or p45 Nfe2. Co-overexpression of MafT and Nrf2 synergistically activated MARE-mediated gene expression in zebrafish embryos. These results indicated that MafT is a new member of small Maf proteins and involved in the Nrf2-dependent gene regulation in cellular defense system.  相似文献   

S Rea 《FEBS letters》2001,509(3):389-394
Strains of Caenorhabditis elegans mutant for clk-1 exhibit a 20-40% increase in mean lifespan. clk-1 encodes a mitochondrial protein thought to be either an enzyme or regulatory molecule acting within the ubiquinone biosynthesis pathway. Here CLK-1 is shown to be related to the ubiquinol oxidase, alternative oxidase, and belong to the functionally diverse di-iron-carboxylate protein family which includes bacterioferritin and methane mono-oxygenase. Construction and analysis of a homology model indicates CLK-1 is a 2-polyprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone mono-oxygenase as originally predicted. Analysis of known CLK-1/Coq7p mutations also supports this notion. These findings raise the possibility of developing CLK-1-specific inhibitors to test for lifespan extension in higher organisms.  相似文献   

Expression of the src homology 3 (SH3)-encoding, expressed in tumorigenic astrocytes (SETA) gene is associated with astrocyte transformation in culture and tumors in the adult brain. SETA binds to the apoptosis regulator apoptosis-linked gene 2 (ALG-2) interacting protein 1 (AIP1), and modulates apoptosis in astrocytes. The predicted protein structure of SETA revealed two SH3 domains, while related proteins were reported to have three. Here we report the identification of an additional SH3 domain N-terminal to the previously identified SETA sequence. Yeast two-hybrid screening of a p53(-/-) astrocyte cDNA library with this SH3 domain identified a novel gene, SETA binding protein 1 (SB1), with 55% amino acid identity to the renal tumor antigen, NY-REN-45. In vitro confrontation and co-immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed the binding of SB1 to SETA. Evidence that SETA binds to the CD2 protein, the proto-oncogene c-Cbl, and the signal transduction molecule Grb2, and can dimerize via its C-terminal coiled coil (CC) domain is also presented.  相似文献   

We have identified a mammalian arginine N-methyltransferase, PRMT7, that can catalyze the formation of omega-NG-monomethylarginine in peptides. This protein is encoded by a gene on human chromosome 16q22.1 (human locus AK001502). We expressed a full-length human cDNA construct in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein. We found that GST-tagged PRMT7 catalyzes the S-adenosyl-[methyl-3H]-l-methionine-dependent methylation of the synthetic peptide GGPGGRGGPGG-NH2 (R1). The radiolabeled peptide was purified by high-pressure liquid chromatography and acid hydrolyzed to free amino acids. When the hydrolyzed products were separated by high-resolution cation-exchange chromatography, we were able to detect one tritiated species which co-migrated with an omega-NG-monomethylarginine standard. Surprisingly, GST-PRMT7 was not able to catalyze the in vitro methylation of a GST-fibrillarin (amino acids 1-148) fusion protein (GST-GAR), a methyl-accepting substrate for the previously characterized PRMT1, PRMT3, PRMT4, PRMT5, and PRMT6 enzymes. Nor was it able to methylate myelin basic protein or histone H2A, in vitro substrates of PRMT5. This specificity distinguishes PRMT7 from all of the other known arginine methyltransferases. An additional unique feature of PRMT7 is that it seems to have arisen from a gene duplication event and contains two putative AdoMet-binding motifs. To see if both motifs were necessary for activity, each putative domain was expressed as a GST-fusion and tested for activity with peptides R1 and R2 (acetyl-GGRGG-NH2). These truncated proteins were enzymatically inactive, suggesting that both domains are required for functionality.  相似文献   

The related high molecular mass microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) MAP1A and MAP1B are predominantly expressed in the nervous system and are involved in axon guidance and synaptic function. MAP1B is implicated in fragile X mental retardation, giant axonal neuropathy, and ataxia type 1. We report the functional characterization of a novel member of the microtubule-associated protein 1 family, which we termed MAP1S (corresponding to sequence data bank entries for VCY2IP1 and C19ORF5). MAP1S contains the three hallmark domains of the microtubule-associated protein 1 family but hardly any additional sequences. It decorates neuronal microtubules and copurifies with tubulin from brain. MAP1S is synthesized as a precursor protein that is partially cleaved into heavy and light chains in a tissue-specific manner. Heavy and light chains interact to form the MAP1S complex. The light chain binds, bundles, and stabilizes microtubules and binds to actin. The heavy chain appears to regulate light chain activity. In contrast to MAP1A and MAP1B, MAP1S is expressed in a wide range of tissues in addition to neurons and represents the non-neuronal counterpart of this cytolinker family.  相似文献   

BTG1, a member of a new family of antiproliferative genes.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The BTG1 gene locus has been shown to be involved in a t(8;12)(q24;q22) chromosomal translocation in a case of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. We report here the cloning and sequencing of the human BTG1 cDNA and establish the genomic organization of this gene. The full-length cDNA isolated from a lymphoblastoid cell line contains an open reading frame of 171 amino acids. BTG1 expression is maximal in the G0/G1 phases of the cell cycle and is down-regulated when cells progress throughout G1. Furthermore, transfection experiments of NIH3T3 cells indicate that BTG1 negatively regulates cell proliferation. The BTG1 open reading frame is 60% homologous to PC3, an immediate early gene induced by nerve growth factor in rat PC12 cells. Sequence and Northern blot analyses indicate that BTG1 and PC3 are not cognate genes. We then postulate that these two genes are the first members of a new family of antiproliferative genes.  相似文献   

P67, a new protein binding to a specific RNA probe, was purified from radish seedlings [Echeverria, M. and Lahmy, S. (1995) Nucleic Acids Res. 23, 4963–4970]. Amino acid sequence information obtained from P67 microsequencing allowed the isolation of genes encoding P67 in radish and Arabidopsis thaliana. Immunolocalisation experiments in transfected protoplasts demonstrated that this protein is addressed to the chloroplast. The RNA-binding activity of recombinant P67 was found to be similar to that of the native protein. A significant similarity with the maize protein CRP1 [Fisk, D.G., Walker, M.B. and Barkan, A. (1999) EMBO J. 18, 2621–2630] suggests that P67 belongs to the PPR family and could be involved in chloroplast RNA processing.  相似文献   

Calexcitin (CE) is a calcium sensor protein that has been implicated in associative learning. The CE gene was previously cloned from the long-finned squid, Loligo pealei, and the gene product was shown to bind GTP and modulate K(+) channels and ryanodine receptors in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. We cloned a new gene from L. pealei, which encodes a CE-like protein, here named calexcitin B (CE(B)). CE(B) has 95% amino acid identity to the original form. Our sequence analyses indicate that CEs are homologous to the sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein subfamily of the EF-hand superfamily. Far and near UV circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance studies demonstrate that CE(B) binds Ca(2+) and undergoes a conformational change. CE(B) is phosphorylated by protein kinase C, but not by casein kinase II. CE(B) does not bind GTP. Western blot experiments using polyclonal antibodies generated against CE(B) showed that CE(B) is expressed in the L. pealei optic lobe. Taken together, the neuronal protein CE represents the first example of a Ca(2+) sensor in the sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein family.  相似文献   

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