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研究了嗜热真菌(Thermomyces lanuginosus CBS288.54-M18)生产木聚糖酶的碳氮源组成、料水比、培养基初始pH值、发酵温度及接种量等的影响.结果表明,以麦麸和玉米芯粉(8:2)作为复合碳源,酵母膏和胰蛋白胨(1:1)作为复合氮源时,菌株所产的木聚糖酶量相比未优化碳氮源的培养基提高幅度高达200%.其最佳产酶的料水比为1:3,培养基初始pH 7.0为最适.菌株在50℃条件下发酵5 d,能够得到活力高达15023 U/g干基碳源的木聚糖酶制剂,且该酶制剂不合纤维素酶和蛋白酶活性.  相似文献   

嗜热真菌耐热木聚糖酶的产酶条件和酶谱分析*   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
嗜热真菌Thermomyces lanuginosus CBS288.54-M18耐热木聚糖酶的产酶条件和酶谱分析结果表明:玉米芯水不溶木聚糖相对于其它来源木聚糖为最佳碳源,而酵母提取物和蛋白胨作为复合氮源时效果最好。培养基最适初始pH值为7.0,最适培养温度为50℃。在最适条件下发酵所产木聚糖酶活力最高达1.834u/mL。另外,SDS-PAGE和酶谱分析(变性和非变性状态下)结果都表明该菌只产生一种分子量约为26kD的G/11族木聚糖酶。  相似文献   

嗜热拟青霉固体发酵产木聚糖酶条件的优化*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从土壤中筛选出一株高产木聚糖酶的嗜热真菌J18,经鉴定为一种新的拟青霉,暂定为嗜热拟青霉。该菌能够利用几种天然纤维质材料固体发酵产木聚糖酶,小麦秸杆为最佳碳源。单因素优化试验表明:小麦秸杆粒度为0.3mm-0.45mm,初始水分含量83%,初始pH7.0,温度为50℃为最佳产酶条件。在优化后的条件下,培养8d产木聚糖酶的水平高达18,580U/g干基碳源。因此,嗜热拟青霉固体发酵产木聚糖酶将具有很大的工业化应用前景。  相似文献   

研究一株新的嗜热拟青霉J18的固体发酵产木聚糖酶的纯化和性质。固体发酵的粗酶液经硫酸铵沉淀、凝胶过滤层析和离子交换层析得到了一种分子量约为26 kDa的电泳纯木聚糖酶,酶活力回收率为33.5%,纯化了5.27倍。该木聚糖酶具有很好的温度和pH稳定性,在pH7.0~pH 9.0下,60℃处理24 h,酶活力能保存80%以上。该酶水解玉米芯木聚糖生成以木二糖、木三糖和木四糖为主的低聚木糖,薄层层析分析表明不含木糖,适合生产低聚木糖。  相似文献   

嗜热和嗜碱木聚糖酶研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木聚糖酶是降解半纤维素主要成分木聚糖的关键酶,广泛应用在食品、饲料、制浆造纸、生物脱胶等行业。特别是在造纸工业中,木聚糖酶显示出巨大的应用潜力,已成为国内外研究的热点。纸浆漂白工艺中需要酶在高温碱性条件下发挥作用。目前,主要通过筛选野生型木聚糖酶资源和对现有中性中温木聚糖酶分子改造的方法获得嗜热碱木聚糖酶。文中就嗜热嗜碱木聚糖酶的筛选、嗜热嗜碱机制研究及分子改造进展进行了综述,并对其前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

研究了嗜热真菌(Thermomyces lanuginosus CBS288.54-M18)生产木聚糖酶的碳氮源组成、料水比、培养基初始pH值、发酵温度及接种量等的影响。结果表明,以麦麸和玉米芯粉(8:2)作为复合碳源,酵母膏和胰蛋白胨(1:1)作为复合氮源时,菌株所产的木聚糖酶量相比未优化碳氮源的培养基提高幅度高达200%。其最佳产酶的料水比为1:3,培养基初始pH7.0为最适。菌株在50℃条件下发酵5d,能够得到活力高达15023U/g干基碳源的木聚糖酶制剂,且该酶制剂不合纤维素酶和蛋白酶活性。  相似文献   

中度嗜盐菌产木聚糖酶发酵条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中度嗜盐菌在盐碱环境下生长繁殖,其产生的木聚糖酶也同样具有在盐碱环境下发挥作用的特性。本文对一株中度嗜盐菌的产木聚糖酶活性进行了初步研究。研究包括氮源、液体种子接种量、培养温度、pH值、培养时间等因素对该菌株产木聚糖酶能力的影响。结果表明,最佳培养氮源为蛋白胨;最佳产生木聚糖酶的发酵条件是液体种子接种量为6%,温度为35℃,pH值7,培养时间为4 d。  相似文献   

木聚糖酶内切水解木聚糖主链的1,4-β-D-糖苷键,木聚糖是植物细胞壁中一种主要的多糖。自然界中木聚糖是多种糖类的复合体,这就使得木聚糖酶呈现多态性和多域性,由此需将繁多的木聚糖酶进行归类。木聚糖酶的催化反应属于双置换机制。在已研究的真菌或细菌性木聚糖酶中,大多数在温和的条件下表现出最佳活性,但有很多在极端环境下生长的生物体,为了适应极端环境而产生嗜极性的酶,其中嗜酸的、嗜碱的、嗜热的木聚糖酶,现在已有广泛的研究。对嗜极性木聚糖酶的研究进展作了论述。  相似文献   

黑曲霉产木聚糖酶发酵条件的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将经过诱变选育高产木聚糖酶并具有Nystatin抗性的黑曲霉,分别在不同条件下进行固体发酵培养,探讨最佳产酶条件。结果显示:在以质量分数1%木糖为附加碳源,以质量分数2%NH4NO3为氮源,无机盐为质量分数1%NaCl,加水比例为1:1.3,接种量为1.5%,装料量为5g/300m l三角瓶,培养温度为30℃,培养周期为72 h的培养条件下,菌株产木聚糖酶活力提高至7285.4 IU.g-1。比出发菌株提高了20%。酶活力测定采用3,5-二硝基水杨酸(DNS)法。  相似文献   

Cellulase-free xylanase production by T. lanuginosus MH4 was investigated in a 3-litre stirred tank bioreactor under different agitation rates and an aeration rate of 1v/v/m. The cultivation time in the bioreactor was reduced significantly over that in shake culture conditions. A xylanase productivity of 0.1 mkat1–1h–1 was achieved on xylan in the bioreactor. This was nearly double to that obtained in shake culture. The agitation rates influenced both growth and enzyme secretion in the bioreactor. The highest level of biomass concentration and activities of both xylanase and -xylosidase were obtained at 150 revmin–1  相似文献   

疏绵状嗜热丝孢菌热稳定几丁质酶的纯化及其性质研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用硫酸铵沉淀、DEAE SepharoseFastFlow阴离子层析、Phenyl Sepharose疏水层析等步骤获得了凝胶电泳均一的疏绵状嗜热丝孢菌 (Thermomyceslanuginosus)几丁质酶。经SDS PAGE和凝胶过滤层析测得纯酶蛋白的分子量在 4 8~ 4 9 .8kD之间。该酶反应的最适温度和最适pH分别为 5 5℃和 4 5 ,在pH4 5条件下 ,该酶在 5 0℃以下稳定 ;6 5℃的半衰期为 2 5min ;70℃保温 2 0min后 ,仍保留 2 4 %的酶活性。其N 端氨基酸序列为AQGYLSVQYFVNWAI。金属离子对几丁质酶的活性影响较大 ,Ca2 、Na 、K 、Ba2 对酶有激活作用 ;Ag 、Fe2 、Cu2 、Hg2 对酶有显著的抑制作用 ;以胶体几丁质为底物的Km 和Vmax值分别为 9 .5 6mg mL和 2 2 . 12 μmol min。抗菌活性显示 ,该酶对供试病原菌有不同程度的抑制作用。  相似文献   

AIMS: A xylanase from the newly isolated thermophilic fungus, Thermomyces lanuginosus CAU44, was characterized and evaluated for its suitability in bread making. METHODS AND RESULTS: Xylanase was purified 3.5-fold to homogeneity with a recovery yield of 32.8%. It appeared as a single protein band on SDS-PAGE gel with a molecular mass of c. 25.6 kDa. The purified xylanase had an optimum pH of 6.2, and it was stable over pH 5.6-10.3. The optimal temperature of xylanase was 75 degrees C and it was stable up to 65 degrees C at pH 6.2. Study was further carried out to investigate the effect of the purified xylanase on the properties of wheat bread and its staling during storage. CONCLUSIONS: The purified xylanase from T. lanuginosus CAU44 was stable up to 65 degrees C and had a broad pH range. The presence of thermostable xylanase during bread making led to an improvement of the specific bread volume and better crumb texture. Besides, addition of xylanase provided an anti-staling effect. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The xylanase from the newly isolated Thermomyces lanuginosus CAU44 shows great promise as a processing aid in the bread-making industry.  相似文献   

Ten strains of Thermomyces lanuginosus from various culture collections were evaluated for extracellular endo‐β‐1,4‐xylanase production. The best xylanase producer (5771±173 nkat/mL) T. lanuginosus SK, was subjected to UV and N‐methyl‐N‐nitro‐N‐nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. A mutant strain T. lanuginosus MC134, that showed on oatspelts xylan a 1.5 fold higher xylanase production than the parent strain SK, was subjected to a study of the regulation of xylanase synthesis during growth on various carbohydrates and during induction in glucose‐grown cells. In the growth experiments the highest production of xylanase was observed in the presence of xylans, however, an appreciable amount of the enzyme, about 10%, was also produced during growth on xylose. Xylobiose was found to be the most efficient xylanase inducer in the glucose‐grown cells. Its induction efficiency was followed by xylose, beechwood and birchwood xylan. Xylanase induction by polysaccharides started several hours later but proceeded for a longer time than that induced by the low molecular mass inducers, indicating that the polysaccharides serve as more sustainable source of inducers and that they have to be first hydrolyzed by the low level of constitutively synthesized xylanase. The repression of the induction of xylanase by glucose confirmed that the xylanase synthesis in the mutant strain is similar to the parent strain and exhibits an induction‐repression regulation mechanism.  相似文献   

Thermomyces lanuginosus: properties of strains and their hemicellulases   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The non-cellulolytic Thermomyces lanuginosus is a widespread and frequently isolated thermophilic fungus. Several strains of this fungus have been reported to produce high levels of cellulase-free beta-xylanase both in shake-flask and bioreactor cultivations but intraspecies variability in terms of beta-xylanase production is apparent. Furthermore all strains produce low extracellular levels of other hemicellulases involved in hemicellulose hydrolysis. Crude and purified hemicellulases from this fungus are stable at high temperatures in the range of 50-80 degrees C and over a broad pH range (3-12). Various strains are reported to produce a single xylanase with molecular masses varying between 23 and 29 kDa and pI values between 3.7 and 4.1. The gene encoding the T. lanuginosus xylanase has been cloned and sequenced and is shown to be a member of family 11 glycosyl hydrolases. The crystal structure of the xylanase indicates that the enzyme consists of two beta-sheets and one alpha-helix and forms a rigid complex with the three central sugars of xyloheptaose whereas the peripheral sugars might assume different configurations thereby allowing branched xylan chains to be accepted. The presence of an extra disulfide bridge between the beta-strand and the alpha-helix, as well as to an increase in the density of charged residues throughout the xylanase might contribute to the thermostability. The ability of T. lanuginosus to produce high levels of cellulase-free thermostable xylanase has made the fungus an attractive source of thermostable xylanase with potential as a bleach-boosting agent in the pulp and paper industry and as an additive in the baking industry.  相似文献   

Thermomyces lanuginosus was subjected to three cycles of mutagenesis (UV/NTG) and a selection procedure to develop amylase-hyperproducing, catabolite-repression-resistant and partially constitutive strains. One of the selected derepressed mutant strain III51, produced ∼7- and 3-fold higher specific activity of α-amylase (190 U/mg protein) and glucoamylase (105 U/mg protein), respectively, compared to a wild-type parental strain. Further, the effect of production parameters on mutant strain III51 was studied using a Box–Behnken design. The regression models computed showed significantly high R 2 values of 96 and 97% for α-amylase and glucoamylase activities, respectively, indicating that they are appropriate for predicting relationships between corn flour, soybean meal and pH with α-amylase and glucoamylase production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 29, 70–74 doi:10.1038/sj.jim.7000270 Received 05 July 2001/ Accepted in revised form 16 April 2002  相似文献   

A polygalacturonase was purified from the thermophilic fungus, Thermomyces lanuginosus to apparent homogeneity by ultrafiltration, acetone precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography. The enzyme was maximally active at pH 5.5 and 60 °C. The apparent KM with potassium pectate was 0.67 mg/ml and the Vmax was 7.2 × 105 mol/min/mg protein. The apparent molecular weight of the enzyme was 59 kDa and it contained approximately 10% carbohydrate. The enzyme was completely stable at room temperature (32 ± 3 °C) and retained about 50% activity at 50 °C for 6 h. The zymogram of the purified enzyme revealed two activity bands, one of which was a major one. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the enzyme did not show any immunological relatedness with other mesophilic polygalacturonases.  相似文献   

Maximal pectinolytic activity was detected in the culture filtrates of Thermomyces lanuginosus when grown in medium containing pectin and sucrose. The pectinolytic enzyme system was optimally active at pH 5.5 and at 70°C with potassium pectate and at pH 4.5 at 50°C with pectin as substrates. Zymogram analyses showed two activity bands with pectin and three with potassium pectate.  相似文献   

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