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Wall-anchored surface proteins are critical for the in vivo survival of Streptococcus pyogenes. Cues in the signal sequence direct the membrane translocation of surface proteins: M protein to the septum, and SfbI to the poles. Both proteins are subsequently anchored to the wall by the membrane bound enzyme sortase A. However, the cellular features of these pathways are not fully understood. Here we show that M protein and SfbI are anchored simultaneously throughout the cell cycle. M protein is rapidly anchored at the septum, and in part of the cell cycle, is anchored simultaneously at the mother and daughter septa. Conversely, SfbI accumulates gradually on peripheral peptidoglycan, resulting in a polar distribution. Sortase is not required for translocation of M protein or SfbI at their respective locations. Methicillin-induced unbalanced peptidoglycan synthesis diminishes surface M protein but not SfbI. Furthermore, overexpression of the division regulator DivIVA also diminishes surface M protein but increases SfbI. These results demonstrate a close connection between the regulation of cell division and protein anchoring. Better understanding of the spatial regulation of surface anchoring may lead to the identification of novel targets for the development of anti-infective agents, given the importance of surface molecules for pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria is a complex assemblage of glycopolymers and proteins. It consists of a thick peptidoglycan sacculus that surrounds the cytoplasmic membrane and that is decorated with teichoic acids, polysaccharides, and proteins. It plays a major role in bacterial physiology since it maintains cell shape and integrity during growth and division; in addition, it acts as the interface between the bacterium and its environment. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are traditionally and widely used to ferment food, and they are also the subject of more and more research because of their potential health-related benefits. It is now recognized that understanding the composition, structure, and properties of LAB cell walls is a crucial part of developing technological and health applications using these bacteria. In this review, we examine the different components of the Gram-positive cell wall: peptidoglycan, teichoic acids, polysaccharides, and proteins. We present recent findings regarding the structure and function of these complex compounds, results that have emerged thanks to the tandem development of structural analysis and whole genome sequencing. Although general structures and biosynthesis pathways are conserved among Gram-positive bacteria, studies have revealed that LAB cell walls demonstrate unique properties; these studies have yielded some notable, fundamental, and novel findings. Given the potential of this research to contribute to future applied strategies, in our discussion of the role played by cell wall components in LAB physiology, we pay special attention to the mechanisms controlling bacterial autolysis, bacterial sensitivity to bacteriophages and the mechanisms underlying interactions between probiotic bacteria and their hosts.  相似文献   

We have amplified genomic sequences (emm) that may encode M protein from strains of Streptococcus pyogenes using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Genomic DNA from 22 isolates representing 14 M serotypes was selected for the study. Primers which corresponded to the observed N-terminal signal sequence and the variable C-terminal sequences of emm6, emm49 and ennX were used. PCR products using emm6 and emm49 oligonucleotides were classified into two mutually exclusive groups which correspond to the presence or absence of serum opacity factor. These findings support the concept of limited heterogeneity in the C-terminal sequences of the M protein.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis of the surface of type 1 Streptococcus pyogenes by pepsin gives rise to fragment Pep M1 of Mr 20270 as the main product which covers the N-terminal part of the M protein. The amino acid sequence was determined of the N-terminal region of the M protein representing the most exposed part of the molecule on the surface fibrils of streptococcal cells, which seems to be very important for the differentiation of the individual serological types. The sequence differs from the homologous N-terminal sequences of types 5, 6 and 24, and shows a homology with sequences repeating in the chain of type 24. Fragment Pep M1 binds to fibrinogen; the absence of its 30 N-terminal amino acid residues, however, abolishes this interaction which is believed to play a role in the virulence of S. pyogenes.  相似文献   

The group A streptococcus (GAS) Streptococcus pyogenes is known to cause self-limiting purulent infections in humans. The role of GAS pili in host cell adhesion and biofilm formation is likely fundamental in early colonization. Pilus genes are found in the FCT (fibronectin-binding protein, collagen-binding protein, and trypsin-resistant antigen) genomic region, which has been classified into nine subtypes based on the diversity of gene content and nucleotide sequence. Several epidemiological studies have indicated that FCT type 1 strains, including serotype M6, produce large amounts of monospecies biofilm in vitro. We examined the direct involvement of pili in biofilm formation by serotype M6 clinical isolates. In the majority of tested strains, deletion of the tee6 gene encoding pilus shaft protein T6 compromised the ability to form biofilm on an abiotic surface. Deletion of the fctX and srtB genes, which encode pilus ancillary protein and class C pilus-associated sortase, respectively, also decreased biofilm formation by a representative strain. Unexpectedly, these mutant strains showed increased bacterial aggregation compared with that of the wild-type strain. When the entire FCT type 1 pilus region was ectopically expressed in serotype M1 strain SF370, biofilm formation was promoted and autoaggregation was inhibited. These findings indicate that assembled FCT type 1 pili contribute to biofilm formation and also function as attenuators of bacterial aggregation. Taken together, our results show the potential role of FCT type 1 pili in the pathogenesis of GAS infections.  相似文献   

The surface-located M protein functions to protect Streptococcus pyogenes (the group A streptococcus) from phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. It has been suggested that this protection results from the ability of M protein to bind factor H, a serum protein that can inhibit the activation of complement. Among different serological variants of M protein, the C-repeat domain is highly conserved and is exposed on the bacterial surface. This domain has been implicated in binding to complement factor H and in M-protein-mediated adherence of streptococci to human keratinocytes in the cutaneous epithelium. In this study, we constructed an S. pyogenes mutant strain which expresses an M6 protein from which the entire C-repeat domain was deleted. As predicted, this mutant did not adhere well to human keratinocytes and was unable to bind to factor H. Unexpectedly, the mutant was able to survive and multiply in human blood. Therefore, while the binding of factor H and the facilitation of adherence to keratinocytes appear to involve recognition of the C-repeat domain, a region of the M-protein molecule distinct from the C-repeat domain confers upon S. pyogenes its ability to resist phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes is the frequent cause of purulent infections in humans. Formation of a biofilm is one of the important aspects of its pathogenicity. Streptococcus pyogenes biofilm communities tend to exhibit significant tolerance to antimicrobial challenge during infections. Exploring novel targets against biofilm-forming pathogens is therefore an important alternative treatment measure. We attempted to screen marine bacteria, especially coral-associated bacteria (CAB), for antibiofilm activity against streptococcal biofilm formation. The bacterial biofilms were quantified by crystal violet staining. Of 43 CAB isolates, nine clearly demonstrated antibiofilm activity. At biofilm inhibitory concentrations (BIC), biofilm formation was reduced up to 80%, and sub-BIC (0.5 and 0.25 BIC) significantly reduced biofilm formation by up to 60% and 40–60%, respectively. Extracts of Bacillus horikoshii (E6) displayed efficient antibiofilm activity. As quorum sensing (QS) and cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) are crucial factors for biofilm formation in S. pyogenes , the CAB were further screened for QS inhibition properties and CSH reduction properties. This study reveals the antibiofilm and QS inhibition property of CAB.  相似文献   

Many pathogenic microorganisms evade host immunity through extensive sequence variability in a protein region targeted by protective antibodies. In spite of the sequence variability, a variable region commonly retains an important ligand-binding function, reflected in the presence of a highly conserved sequence motif. Here, we analyze the limits of sequence divergence in a ligand-binding region by characterizing the hypervariable region (HVR) of Streptococcus pyogenes M protein. Our studies were focused on HVRs that bind the human complement regulator C4b-binding protein (C4BP), a ligand that confers phagocytosis resistance. A previous comparison of C4BP-binding HVRs identified residue identities that could be part of a binding motif, but the extended analysis reported here shows that no residue identities remain when additional C4BP-binding HVRs are included. Characterization of the HVR in the M22 protein indicated that two relatively conserved Leu residues are essential for C4BP binding, but these residues are probably core residues in a coiled-coil, implying that they do not directly contribute to binding. In contrast, substitution of either of two relatively conserved Glu residues, predicted to be solvent-exposed, had no effect on C4BP binding, although each of these changes had a major effect on the antigenic properties of the HVR. Together, these findings show that HVRs of M proteins have an extraordinary capacity for sequence divergence and antigenic variability while retaining a specific ligand-binding function.  相似文献   

Streptococcus faecalis 8043 concentrates extracellular [3H]pyridoxal or [3H]pyridoxamine primarily as the corresponding 5'-phosphates. Accumulation of pyridoxamine requires an exogenous energy source and is inhibited by glycolysis inhibitors. A membrane potential is not required for transport of pyridoxamine, and an artificially generated potential does not drive uptake in this organism. Based on this and other evidence, it is concluded that S. faecalis accumulates pyridoxamine by facilitated diffusion in conjunction with trapping by pyridoxal kinase. Pyridoxamine-P is not concentrated, but equilibrates with that provided externally. Lactobacillus casei 7469 concentrates radioactivity only from pyridoxal, which appears internally as pyridoxal-P, suggesting that it too absorbs the vitamin by facilitated diffusion plus trapping. The specificity of the growth requirement of S. faecalis and L. casei for vitamin B6 parallels the specificity of the transport systems for this vitamin in these organisms. Lactobacillus delbrueckii 7469, however, which specifically requires pyridoxamine-P or pyridoxal-P for growth, accumulates both these compounds and pyridoxine-P from the medium, apparently by active transport, but not pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, or pyridoxal. While pyridoxal-P and pyridoxamine-P are interconvertible in this organism, pyridoxine-P is not further metabolized, thus accounting for the specificity of the growth requirement. These and previous results show (a) that different organisms may employ quite different transport machinery in utilization of a given external nutrient, and (b) that the specificity of the growth requirement for a given form of a vitamin frequently arises from the specificity of transport, but that internal metabolism of the compounds also plays a significant role in some organisms.  相似文献   

AIM: We sought to confirm the presence of halophilic and alkaliphilic lactic acid bacteria (HALAB) of marine origin in cheeses and thus contribute to the understanding of the roles of LAB flora in cheese ripening. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used 7% NaCl glucose-yeast extract-peptone-fish extract broth and agar media (pH 9.5) for pour-plating and enrichment culture for 16 cheese samples produced in six European countries. HALAB were present in 9 of the 16 samples at < 20 --> 10(7) CFU g(-1). In three mould-ripened soft cheeses, HALAB counts ranged from 10(6) to 10(7) CFU g(-1) and were one order (two samples) and six orders (one sample) of magnitude greater than that of nonhaloalkaliphilic, common LAB, as enumerated on lactobacilli MRS agar. The 16S rRNA gene sequences (500 bp) of 51 of the 55 isolates examined were identical or similar to that of Marinilactibacillus psychrotolerans or Alkalibacterium olivapovliticus and related species, all of which are HALAB. CONCLUSIONS: HALAB of possible marine origin were present in various soft, semi-hard and semi-soft cheeses and were highly predominant in some mould-ripened cheeses. Significance AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: HALAB of possible marine origin are members of the microflora of various cheeses and, when dominant, may play a role in the ripening of cheeses. Microbial analysis of LAB flora in cheeses should take into consideration the presence of HALAB.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes of the M1 serotype is commonly associated with large outbreaks of invasive streptococcal infections and development of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS). The pathogenesis behind these infections is believed to involve bacterial superantigens that induce potent inflammatory responses, but the reason why strains of the M1 serotype are over-represented in STSS is still not understood. In the present investigation, we show that a highly purified soluble form of the M1 protein from S. pyogenes , which lacks the membrane-spanning region, is a potent inducer of T cell proliferation and release of Th1 type cytokines. M1 protein-evoked T cell proliferation was HLA class II-dependent but not MHC-restricted, did not require intracellular processing and was Vβ-restricted. Extensive mass spectrometry studies indicated that there were no other detectable proteins in the preparation. Taken together, our data demonstrate that soluble M1 protein is a novel streptococcal superantigen, which likely contributes to the excessive T cell activation and hyperinflammatory response seen in severe invasive streptococcal infections.  相似文献   

The antigenically variant M protein of Streptococcus pyogenes enhances virulence by promoting resistance to phagocytosis. The serum opacity factor (OF), produced by a subset of M serotypes, is also antigenically variant, and its antigenic variability exactly parallels that of M protein. OF-positive and OF-negative streptococci are also phenotypically distinguishable by a number of other criteria. In order to study the differences between OF-positive and OF-negative streptococci, we cloned and sequenced the type 49 M protein gene (emm49), the first to be cloned from an OF-positive strain. This gene showed evolutionary divergence from the OF-negative M protein genes studied previously. Furthermore, emm49 was part of a gene family, in contrast to the single-copy nature of previously characterized M protein genes.  相似文献   

M protein is an important virulence determinant in Streptococcus pyogenes, but the amounts of M protein in various strains of the species remain to be elucidated. To assess the amount of M protein in strains of each emm genotype, dot blot analysis was performed on 141 clinically isolated strains. Among the cell membrane-associated proteins, M protein was present in greater quantities in the emm1, 3, and 6 strains than in the other emm strains. In addition three strains, one each of the emm1, 3, and 6 types, showed prolific M protein production (M protein-high producers). These three emm genotypes are frequently isolated in clinical practice. Sequencing of the csrRS gene, one of the two-component signal transduction systems implicated in virulence, was performed on 25 strains bearing different amounts of M protein. CsrS mutations, in contrast to CsrR protein, were detected in 11 strains. The M protein-high producer strain of emm1 type carried two amino acid substitutions, whereas the other three emm1 strains carried only one substitution each. The M protein-high producer expressed its emm gene more strongly than the corresponding M protein-low producer did according to TaqMan RT-PCR. These observations suggest that the accumulation of amino acid substitutions in CsrS protein may contribute, at least in part, to the large amount of M protein production seen in several emm genotypes.  相似文献   

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