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Targeting of PCNA to sites of DNA replication in the mammalian cell nucleus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have examined the targeting of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), an integral component of the mammalian replicative enzyme DNA polymerase delta, with sites of DNA replication by using confocal microscopy and computer image analysis. Labeling (5 min pulse) of DNA replication sites in normal human diploid fibroblast cells (NHF1) with BrdU was followed by immunostaining with PCNA antibodies. A striking degree of colocalization was seen between PCNA and the characteristic patterns of DNA replication sites of early, middle and late S-phase (Nakayasu and Berezney [1989] J. Cell. Biol. 108:1-11). These observations were confirmed by quantitative computer image analysis which revealed that approximately 90% of the PCNA-stained area overlapped with DNA replication sites in early S-phase. Pulse-chase experiments, involving in vivo labeling for replication followed by PCNA staining at later time points, suggested that PCNA disassembles from previously replicated sites and targets to newly active sites of DNA replication. To further study this phenomenon in living cells, stable GFP-PCNA transfectants under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter were created in mouse 3T6 cells. Like the endogenous PCNA, GFP-PCNA targeted to sites of replication (approximately 80% colocalization) and demonstrated similar dynamic changes following pulse-chase experiments in fixed cells. Studies of living cells revealed progressive changes in the GFP-PCNA distribution that mimic the replication patterns observed in fixed cells. We conclude that GFP-PCNA targets to DNA replication sites in living cells and is an effective marker for tracking the spatio-temporal dynamics of DNA replication as cells transverse the S-phase.  相似文献   

We previously reported experiments which led us to conclude that DNA synthesis in HeLa cells occurs in association with the nuclear membrane. Subsequent experiments which are reported here provide evidence that DNA synthesis occurs both in proximity to and at sites removed from the nuclear membrane.  相似文献   

Gotoh E 《Chromosoma》2007,116(5):453-462
A basic question of cell biology is how DNA folds to chromosome. Numbers of examples have suggested the involvement of DNA replication in chromosome structure formation. To visualize and identify the dynamics of chromosome structure formation and to elucidate the involvement of DNA replication in chromosome construction, Cy3-2′-deoxyuridine-5′-triphosphate direct-labeled active replicating DNA was observed in prematurely condensed chromosomes (PCCs) under a confocal scanning microscope utilized with drug-induced premature chromosome condensation (PCC) technique that facilitates the visualization of interphase chromatin as condensed chromosome form. S-phase PCCs revealed clearly the drastic dynamics of chromosome formation that transits during S-phase from a ‘cloudy nebula’ to numerous numbers of ‘beads on a string’ and finally to ‘striped arrays of banding structured chromosome’ along with the progress of DNA replication. The number, distribution, and shape of replication foci were also measured in individual subphases of S-phase more precisely than reported previously; maximally, ∼1,400 foci of 0.35 μm average radius size were scored at the beginning of the S-phase, and the number reduced to ∼100 at the end of the S-phase. Drug-induced PCC clearly provided the new insight that eukaryote DNA replication is tightly coupled with the chromosome condensation/compaction for the construction of the higher-ordered structure of the eukaryote chromosome.  相似文献   

Termination sites for adenovirus type 2 DNA replication.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Termination sites for replication of adenovirus type 2 DNA have been demonstrated at both ends of the viral chromosome by the procedure of Danna and Nathans (1972). Single-stranded DNA from replicating intermediates was also characterized by hybridization with separated strands of viral DNA. The results indicate that both strands are exposed during replication.  相似文献   

Conformational changes of in chromatin structure play a key role in the regulation of intranuclear processes and, therefore, are under advanced study. In the paper presented, the fine structure of chromatin in DNA replication sites was examined in cells fixed in situ and in cells permeabilized in low ionic strength solutions in the presence of divalent cations. The method provides the visualization of higher-level chromatin structures, globular chromomeres, and chromonema fibres. Nascent DNA was detected on the surface of ultrathin sections immunochemically using anti-BrdU antibodies. It was shown that newly replicated DNA preferentially localizes within the zones filled with globular and fibrillar elements 30 nm in diameter. DNA-completed replication became embedded in 60–100-nm-thick chromonema elements. The results are discussed in the context of the hierarchical folding of chromatin fibers.  相似文献   

DNA-DNA hybridization studies show that Yaba virus-specific DNA is present in the host cell nucleus late in the infection cycle. The nuclear DNA appears to exist as a complete genome, not convalently linked to host cell DNA, as demonstrated by sedimentation analyses. The DNA apperas to be synthesized in the nucleus, since its level of incorporation of label is ten times the background incorporation detectable in the cytoplasm. Extraction of the nuclei by treatment with SDS and EDTA after precipitation with 1 M NaCl separates most of cellular DNA from the Yaba virus-specific DNA.  相似文献   

Mapping replicational sites in the eucaryotic cell nucleus   总被引:52,自引:17,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
We have used fluorescent microscopy to map DNA replication sites in the interphase cell nucleus after incorporation of biotinylated dUTP into permeabilized PtK-1 kangaroo kidney or 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells. Discrete replication granules were found distributed throughout the nuclear interior and along the periphery. Three distinct patterns of replication sites in relationship to chromatin domains in the cell nucleus and the period of S phase were detected and termed type I (early to mid S), type II (mid to late S) and type III (late S). Similar patterns were seen with in vivo replicated DNA using antibodies to 5-bromodeoxyuridine. Extraction of the permeabilized cells with DNase I and 0.2 M ammonium sulfate revealed a striking maintenance of these replication granules and their distinct intranuclear arrangements with the remaining nuclear matrix structures despite the removal of greater than 90% of the total nuclear DNA. The in situ prepared nuclear matrix structures also incorporated biotinylated dUTP into replication granules that were indistinguishable from those detected within the intact nucleus.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts of Xenopus eggs will replicate plasmid DNA molecules under normal cell cycle control. We have used the neutral/neutral 2-D gel technique to map the sites at which DNA replication initiates in this system. Three different plasmids were studied: one containing the Xenopus rDNA repeat, one containing single copy Xenopus genomic DNA, and another containing the yeast 2 microns replication origin. 2-D gel profiles show that many potential sites of initiation are present on each plasmid, and are randomly situated at the level of resolution of this technique (500-1000 bp). Despite the abundance of sites capable of supporting the initiation of replication, pulse-chase experiments suggest that only a single randomly situated initiation event occurs on each DNA molecule. Once initiation has taken place, conventional replication forks appear to move away from this site at a rate of about 10nt/second, similar to the rate observed in vivo.  相似文献   

Conformational changes in chromatin structure are nowadays the object of intensive research due to its importance for proper regulation of intranuclear processes. The fine structure of chromatin within the DNA replication sites was studied in in situ fixed cells and cells permebilized by low ionic strength solutions in the presence of divalent cations. The latter method provides visualization of higher level chromatin structures such as globular chromomeres and chromonema fibres. Nascent DNA was detected immunochemically using anti-BrdU antibodies on the surface of ultrathin sections prepared from Epon-embedded material. It was shown that newly replicated DNA preferentially localized within the zones filled with globular and fibrillar elements with characteristic diameter of 30 nm, and not in chromonema fibres, while after replication had been completed DNA became embedded into as thick as 60-80 nm chromonema elements. The results obtained are discussed in the context of conception of hierarchical folding of chromatin fibers.  相似文献   

We describe a technique for rapid fine mapping of sites of torsion-induced perturbations of DNA structure. The technique involves strand scission or chemical base modification at structurally perturbed sites, replication arrest in a double-strand DNA sequencing reaction, and size analysis of replication products by electrophoresis on sequencing gels. Besides being less complicated and faster than site identification by conventional end-labeling methods, the technique assures high sequence specificity through the use of oligomeric sequencing primers. This property should be useful for in vivo mapping of DNA structural perturbations with known sequence within complex genomes.  相似文献   

H Leonhardt  A W Page  H U Weier  T H Bestor 《Cell》1992,71(5):865-873
Tissue-specific patterns of methylated deoxycytidine residues in the mammalian genome are preserved by postreplicative methylation of newly synthesized DNA. DNA methyltransferase (MTase) is here shown to associate with replication foci during S phase but to display a diffuse nucleoplasmic distribution in non-S phase cells. Analysis of DNA MTase-beta-galactosidase fusion proteins has shown that association with replication foci is mediated by a novel targeting sequence located near the N-terminus of DNA MTase. This sequence has the properties expected of a targeting sequence in that it is not required for enzymatic activity, prevents proper targeting when deleted, and, when fused to beta-galactosidase, causes the fusion protein to associate with replication foci in a cell cycle-dependent manner.  相似文献   

We showed previously that DNA replication initiates at multiple sites in the 5-kb histone gene repeating unit in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster. The present report shows evidence that replication in the same chromosomal region initiates at multiple sites in tissue culture cells as well. First, we analyzed replication intermediates by the two-dimensional gel electrophoretic replicon mapping method and detected bubble-form replication intermediates for all fragments restricted at different sites in the repeating unit. Second, we analyzed bromodeoxyuridine-labeled nascent strands amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method and detected little differences in the size distribution of nascent strands specific to six short segments located at different sites in the repeating unit. These results strongly suggest that DNA replication initiates at multiple sites located within the repeating unit. We also found several replication pause sites located at 5' upstream regions of some histone genes.  相似文献   

Although tau is mainly known as an axonal microtubule-associated protein,many studies indicate that it is not restricted to this subcellular compartment.Assessing tau’s subcellular distribution,however,is not trivial as is evident from transgenic mouse studies.When human tau is over-expressed,it can be immunohistochemically localized to axons and the somatodendritic domain,modeling what is found in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.Yet,in wild-type mice,despite its abundance,tau is difficult to visualize even in the axon.It is even more challenging to detect this protein in the nucleus,where tau has been proposed to protect DNA from damage.To establish a framework for future studies into tau’s nuclear functions,we compared several methods to visualize endogenous nuclear tau in cell lines and mouse brain.While depending on the fixation and permeabilization protocol,we were able to detect nuclear tau in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells,we failed to do so in N2a murine neuroblastoma cells.As a second method we used subcellular fractionation of mouse tissue and found that in the nucleus tau is mainly present in a hypophosphorylated form.When either full-length or truncated human tau was expressed,both accumulated in the cytoplasm,but were also found in the nuclear fraction.Because subcellular fractionation methods have their limitations,we finally isolated nuclei to probe for nuclear tau and found that the nuclei were free of cytoplasmic contamination.Together our analysis identifies several protocols for detecting tau in the nucleus where it is found in a less phosphorylated form.  相似文献   

W Seufert  W Messer 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(8):2469-2472
In vitro replication of mini-chromosomes in the absence of DNA ligase activity resulted in replication products with single-strand breaks at specific sites. The occurrence of these nicks was coupled to an active replication process, therefore we expect them to represent start sites for DNA replication. Two positions within oriC for each of the two leading strands of bidirectional replication were found. Within each position are one or two start sites. Counterclockwise synthesis started at positions 194/199 and 265/272, clockwise synthesis at positions 209/219 and 254. The start positions are located close to DnaA protein binding sites. A model for initiation accommodating this observation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NG) induces certain classes of multiple mutations in yeast at high frequency. By selecting for mutation at one locus (his4 or leu1) one frequently obtains double mutants where another mutation to temperature sensitivity has also been induced. This multiple mutagenesis exhibits a considerable specificity: for mutation at one particular locus there is a high chance that another mutation will be found in the same cell at one of a restricted number of other loci. For any given locus (e.g. his4) there is a spectrum of sites at which temperature-sensitivity mutations are coinduced. This spectrum differs for different loci, such that the spectrum of sites co-mutating with leul differs completely from that for sites co-mutating with his4. This NG-induced co-mutation is interpreted in terms of NG acting to enhance mutagenesis at sites of simultaneous DNA replication within the cell. The results so obtained indicate a very strict control over the order and timing of gene replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and it is suggested that it is now possible to use NG double mutagenesis to try and locate origins of replication in yeast.  相似文献   

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