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Models of geographic distribution of 33 alleles of 10 loci (AB0, TF, GC, PI, HP, AHS, F13B, ACP1, PGM1, GLO1) in the indigenous population of five raions (districts) of Marii El Republic were analyzed by cartographic statistical methods. Based on 33 maps for individual alleles, synthetic maps were constructed; they reflected the general characteristics of the spatial variability of the Mari gene pool. A map of reliability of the synthetic maps was also obtained. This study was the first to use estimates of the reliability of the gene-geographic prognosis for constructing and interpreting the maps of principal components. Synthetic maps of principal components reveal the geography of the main factors that determine the genetic diversity of the Maris. In the map of the first principal component (accounting for 25.5% of the total variation of the Mari gene pool), isolines clearly ran in the latitudinal direction; i.e., the variability exhibited a north-south gradient. The direction of changes reflects the characteristic features of the microevolution of the Mari gene pool, because it differs from the direction of the principal components of in the total Ural gene pool. The second principal component (24.3% of variation) also exhibited a latitudinal gradient in the western part of Marii El. In the eastern part of the republic, isolines drastically change their direction and display a marked west-east gradient. This longitudinal orientation of principal components is characteristic of the Maris in the synthetic maps of the Ural region. Contributions of individual genes in the variation of principal components were analyzed. In proceeding from the geographic space to the space of principal components, it was found that Highland Maris are separated from Meadow Maris not only geographically, but also genetically.  相似文献   

The populations of Tuvinians (N = 36) and Buryats (N = 105) were characterized by using the data on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism. The gene pools of both ethnic groups possessed the mtDNA types belonging to the four main haplogroups, A, B, C, and D, found only in the indigenous populations of Asia and America. The total frequencies of the A, B, C, and D haplogroups in Tuvinians and Buryats were 72.3% and 52.4%, respectively. These values, along with the frequency for Altai populations (57.2%), were highest in the Asian populations studied, indicating that the populations Southern and Eastern Siberia can be considered as ancestral relatives to the ethnic groups of the New World. Analysis of the mtDNA region V polymorphism showed the presence of 9-bp deletion and 4-bp insertion in both populations with frequencies respectively of 13.9 and 5.56% in Tuvinians and 4.8 and 1.9% in Buryats. The frequency of the +AvaII/8249 variant was 11.1% in Tuvinians and 3.81% in Buryats. Analysis of the association between the region V deletion-insertion polymorphism and certain restriction haplogroups pointed to repeated and independent emergence of the 4-bp insertion in Siberia.  相似文献   

Jiang R  Marjoram P  Borevitz JO  Tavaré S 《Genetics》2006,173(4):2257-2267
This article is concerned with a statistical modeling procedure to call single-feature polymorphisms from microarray experiments. We use this new type of polymorphism data to estimate the mutation and recombination parameters in a population. The mutation parameter can be estimated via the number of single-feature polymorphisms called in the sample. For the recombination parameter, a two-feature sampling distribution is derived in a way analogous to that for the two-locus sampling distribution with SNP data. The approximate-likelihood approach using the two-feature sampling distribution is examined and found to work well. A coalescent simulation study is used to investigate the accuracy and robustness of our method. Our approach allows the utilization of single-feature polymorphism data for inference in population genetics.  相似文献   

In order to deepen our knowledge of the dietary habits of the prehispanic inhabitants of El Hierro, we have determined bone strontium (Sr), manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and calcium (Ca) in 52 human tibiae (23 belonging to males and 20 to females individuals) buried in a single burial cave; in 21 modern individuals who served as controls; and in 11 bones of herbivores found at archeological sites of the Canary Islands. Results suggest that females consumed a more vegetarian diet, although site-corrected Sr/Ca ratio of both males and females speaks for a mixed-diet consumption.  相似文献   

In order to deepen our knowledge of the dietary habits of the prehispanic inhabitants of El Hierro, we have determined bone strontium (Sr), manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and calcium (Ca) in 52 human tibiae (23 belonging to male and 20 to female individuals) buried in a single burial cave; in 21 modern individuals who served as controls; and in 11 bones of herbivores found at archeological sites of the Canary Islands. Results suggest that females consumed a more vegetarian diet, although site-corrected Sr/Ca ratio of both males and females speaks for a mixed-diet consumption.  相似文献   

The expression and genetic basis of the entoconulid (sixth cusp) on mandibular molars were examined in a geographically isolated group of aboriginals from Yuendumu in the Northern Territory of Australia. Four grades of trait expression, ranging from trace to small, medium, and large cusps, were defined on dental casts of 399 subjects. Frequencies of occurrence were among the highest reported in human populations. Approximately 80% of dm2s showed the trait, whereas frequencies in the permanent dentition ranged from around 50% on M2 to 70% on M1 and 80% on M3. The degree of expression increased distally along the molar series, with only 3% of dm2s showing large cusps compared with 25% of M3s. Fluctuating asymmetry was highest for M2 and lowest for dm2. No strong evidence for sexual dimorphism in occurrence or degree of expression was found. Based on a quasi-continuous threshold model, a genetic contribution to entoconulid variability was observed that was strongest for M1. Significant associations were noted between entoconulid expression on mandibular molars and metaconule expression on maxillary molars, indicating that similar developmental mechanisms may influence these traits. The entoconulid and the metaconule both provide additional bulk on the distal occlusal surface of molar teeth, an area subjected to early wear during mastication in aboriginals.  相似文献   

It is shown how the sex and age distribution of the (once) living population can be calculated from estimated mortalities. Fertility calculations and estimations of the number of children per woman are provided as well. The method is applied to two materials from the Middle Ages: Westerhus and Helgeandsholmen.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA region V deletion-insertion polymorphism was examined in three Tuvinian populations inhabiting western, northeastern, and southeastern parts of the republic. The 9-bp deletion was characterized by nonrandom distribution across the Tuva territory: its frequency in the western population (13.37%) was statistically significantly higher than that in the northeastern (4.62%), and southeastern populations, as well as in Mongols, who are territorially and ethnically close to Tuvinians. The insertion mutation in the region V was detected with a frequency of about 3% in two out of the three populations tested.  相似文献   

A list of echinoderms from El Salvador (tropical eastern Pacific) is presented. The results were obtained from field surveys (between the years 2000 and 2004), the scarce literature sources, and Internet information. A total of 37 species and six genera are reported. The most abundant echinoderms in rocky shores were: Phataria unifascialis, Echinometra vanbrunti, Holothuria kefersteini, as well as Astropecten armatus in soft bottoms.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence data from the mitochondrial control region were used from a phylogenetic context to investigate the long-term history of a population of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus). In addition, the coalescence time of these sequences was used to estimate the age of the inferred patterns of population size change. The results indicate that mitochondrial genetic polymorphism was not affected by a recent bottleneck that occurred near the turn of the 20th century, thereby preserving the signature of historical population size change in the mitochondrial genome. Further analysis showed that this population underwent an expansion initiated in the Middle to Late Pleistocene. As such, early Holocene changes in Arctic sea ice distribution appear to have had little influence on patterns of genetic variability in this population.  相似文献   

Located in the south Pacific Ocean, Rapanui is one of the most isolated inhabited islands in the world. Cultural and biological data suggest that the initial Rapanui population originated from central Polynesia, although the presence of foreign or exotic genes in the contemporary population, as a result of admixture with Europeans and/or South Americans during the last two centuries, also has to be considered. To estimate the genetic affinities of the Rapanui population with neighboring populations, we analyzed seven microsatellite polymorphisms of the Y chromosome that recently have been indicated as useful in the study of local population structure and recent demographic history. Phylogenetic analysis of Rapanui Y-chromosome haplotypes identified two clusters. The largest cluster contained 60% of all haplotypes and is characterized, in particular, by the presence of the DYS19*16, DYS390*20, and DYS393*14 alleles, a combination found frequently in Western Samoa. The second cluster is characterized by the presence of the DYS19*14, DYS390*24, and DYS393*13 alleles, and these have a relatively high frequency in European and European-derived populations but are either infrequent or absent in native Pacific populations. In addition to the two clusters, one male is of haplogroup Q*, which is indicative of native American ancestry. The genetic structure of the current male population of Rapanui is most likely a product of some genetic contribution from European and South American invaders who mated with the indigenous Polynesian women. However, analysis of Rapanui's relationships with other Pacific and Asian populations indicates that, as in Western Samoa and Samoa, the population has experienced extreme drift and founder events.  相似文献   

By the 1970s, a number of dermatoglyphic studies of Taiwan aborigines (Gaoshan nationality) had been published, however in each only a few dermatoglyphic variables were addressed. Since that time, little new research has been conducted. In this study, we collected and analyzed the dermatoglyphs of 100 individuals of Kavalan, a Taiwan aboriginal population, and we reported a wide range of dermatoglyphic variables including total finger ridge count (TFRC), a-b total ridge count (a-b RC), atd angle and axial triradius percent distance (tPD), and frequencies of fingerprint pattern, palmar thenar pattern, palmar interdigital pattern, palmar hypothenar pattern, and simian line. This study is the first comprehensive dermatoglyphic research of any Taiwan aboriginal population.  相似文献   

Amis is the largest aboriginal population in Taiwan. The previous dermatoglyphic studies of the Amis only reported limited data. In this study, we collected and analyzed the dermatoglyphs of 200 Amis in-dividuals, and we reported a wide range of dermatoglyphic variables including total finger ridge count, a-b ridge count, atd angle, axial triradius percent distance, and frequencies of fingerprint pattern, pal-mar thenar pattern, palmar interdigital pattern, and simian line. This study is the first comprehensive dermatoglyphic research of Amis since 1960s, and its dermatoglyphic data will be useful for future re-search in anthropology, genetics and medicine.  相似文献   

Amis is the largest aboriginal population in Taiwan. The previous dermatoglyphic studies of the Amis only reported limited data. In this study, we collected and analyzed the dermatoglyphs of 200 Amis individuals, and we reported a wide range of dermatoglyphic variables including total finger ridge count, a-b ridge count, atd angle, axial triradius percent distance, and frequencies of fingerprint pattern, palmar thenar pattern, palmar interdigital pattern, and simian line. This study is the first comprehensive dermatoglyphic research of Amis since 1960s, and its dermatoglyphic data will be useful for future research in anthropology, genetics and medicine.  相似文献   

A dermatoglyphic study of the Kavalan aboriginal population of Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By the 1970s, a number of dermatoglyphic studies of Taiwan aborigines (Gaoshan nationality) had been published, however in each only a few dermatoglyphic variables were addressed. Since that time, little new research has been conducted. In this study, we collected and analyzed the dermatoglyphs of 100 individuals of Kavalan, a Taiwan aboriginal population, and we reported a wide range of dermatoglyphic variables including total finger ridge count (TFRC), a-b total ridge count (a-b RC), atd angle and axial triradius percent distance (tPD), and frequencies of fingerprint pattern, palmar thenar pattern, palmar interdigital pattern, palmar hypothenar pattern, and simian line. This study is the first comprehensive dermatoglyphic research of any Taiwan aboriginal population.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data can be used for parameter estimation via maximum likelihood methods as long as the way in which the SNPs were determined is known, so that an appropriate likelihood formula can be constructed. We present such likelihoods for several sampling methods. As a test of these approaches, we consider use of SNPs to estimate the parameter Theta = 4N(e)micro (the scaled product of effective population size and per-site mutation rate), which is related to the branch lengths of the reconstructed genealogy. With infinite amounts of data, ML models using SNP data are expected to produce consistent estimates of Theta. With finite amounts of data the estimates are accurate when Theta is high, but tend to be biased upward when Theta is low. If recombination is present and not allowed for in the analysis, the results are additionally biased upward, but this effect can be removed by incorporating recombination into the analysis. SNPs defined as sites that are polymorphic in the actual sample under consideration (sample SNPs) are somewhat more accurate for estimation of Theta than SNPs defined by their polymorphism in a panel chosen from the same population (panel SNPs). Misrepresenting panel SNPs as sample SNPs leads to large errors in the maximum likelihood estimate of Theta. Researchers collecting SNPs should collect and preserve information about the method of ascertainment so that the data can be accurately analyzed.  相似文献   

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