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The endemic Lake Malawi cichlid, Petrotilapia tridentiger Trewavas, was found to be a complex of sibling species. The various sympatric species show considerable homogeneity in body form and dentition but are separable on the basis of differences in adult coloration, size at maturity, depth distribution, size and degree of overlap of territories, aggression and courtship. Colour is considered to be important for specific mate recognition in this genus. Examination of wild populations is a valuable, perhaps essential, adjunct to classical taxonomy when dealing with the systematics of sibling species in Lake Malawi.  相似文献   

A new species of pelagic haplochromine cichlid of the genus Diplotaxodon is described from Lake Malawi, Africa. The species, which attains a size of 14cm s. L., feeds mainly on zooplankton, shows no sexual dimorphism in size or body proportions, breeds throughout the year and lives at depths of 20 to at least 120 m. Approximately 600 tonnes of the species were caught by trawlers in 1990–1991, in the south–eastern arm of the lake alone. It appears that this species is a major component of the pelagic community, and occupies an ecological role similar to that of the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon in Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Telmatochromis brachygnathus sp.n. is described from the southern and central parts of Lake Tanganyika. It can be distinguished from the similar T. temporalis mainly by its smaller mouth. Morphological distinct populations were found in both species.  相似文献   

A revision of the genus Trixa Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Trixa Meigen, 1824 is revised. Dexiotrix Villeneuve, 1936 and Trixella Mesnil, 1980, each of which was sometimes treated as a distinct genus, are treated as junior synonyms of Trixa Meigen. Two species from Sichuan and Yunnan, China, are described as new to science, viz. Trixa chinensis sp. nov. and T. chaoi sp. nov. T. alpina Meigen is treated as a junior synonym of T. caerulescens Meigen. T. nox (Shima) and T.pubiseta (Mesnil) are newly recorded from China. Males of T. pubiseta (Mesnil) and T.longipensis (Villeneuve) are described for the first time. Diagnoses, figures and a key to twelve species in Trixa are given.  相似文献   

The genus Dendrokingstonia (Annonaceae) is taxonomically revised and palynologically studied. Three species are recognized, one of which, D. gardneri , is described as new to science. One new combination, D. acuminata , is made. The genus occurs from southern Thailand to Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. On the basis of macromorphology and pollen characters, it is considered to be related to Monocarpia. Both genera show a combination of macromorphological characters that is rare in the family, i.e. considerably enlarged stigmas, leaves with percurrent tertiary veins, a highly reduced number of carpels per flower and relatively large monocarps with a thick, hard wall. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy show that the pollen grains of Dendrokingstonia and Monocarpia are monosulcate monads with a columellate infratectum and a more or less bulging intine at the sulcus. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 76–90.  相似文献   

The 'Cichlasoma' facetum group is part of the taxonomically complex group of Neotropical cichlid fishes of the tribe Heroini. Many species groups and unplaced species of heroines are still left without a generic name following the revision of the genus Cichlasoma . We describe here the 'Cichlasoma' facetum group as a new genus, Australoheros , and provide evidence for its monophyly based on phylogenetic analyses of morphological and mtDNA characters. Australoheros is morphologically characterized by the lowest values in meristic characters among heroines and by three apomorphic characters in coloration pattern. In addition to the three described species of Australoheros , our results of species delimitation based on a combination of tree- and character-based approaches identify seven putatively new species of Australoheros . Several coding schemes of morphological characters are used to recover the intrageneric relationships within the genus, resulting in very similar topologies. Discovery of additional species within the genus is expected once material from the whole distribution area is studied.  相似文献   

With the aim of reliably distinguishing these commercially important species on the basis of external characteristics alone, morphometric techniques were employed on a sample of the four species of Oreochromis ( Nyasalapia ) described from Lake Malawi: O. karongae, O. lidole, O. saka and O. squamipinnis . Univariate analysis of variance on the ratios of 23 variables to standard length indicated many differences among all species, but there was considerable individual variation, and consequent overlap. Residuals from a regression of each variable on length were employed for multivariate analysis. Cluster analysis on the means of the residuals was used to construct a phenogram which formed the basis for denning a series of dichotomous discriminant analyses. In each discriminant analysis, variables were successively eliminated in the reverse order of the magnitude of their correlation with the discriminant function. The combination of variables producing 95% accuracy of classification was selected, and the discriminant function equations for each step calculated. Some further variables were eliminated by checking for redundancy through analysis of correlations. The resulting equations enable O. karongae to be separated using eight measurements, O. lidole using 10, and O. saka and O. squamipinnis to be distinguished by a combination of 13 measurements.  相似文献   


Atalophlebioides Phillips is redescribed as a monotypic genus endemic to New Zealand. All life stages of A. cromwelli (Phillips) are described, and a lectotype is designated. The relationships of the genus and the ecology of A. cromwelli are discussed.  相似文献   

The territorial behaviour of a small rock-dwelling cichlid, Pseudotropheus aurora , was studied at Thumbi Island West at the southern end of Lake Malawi. P. aurora is one of several species that have been introduced to an already diverse fish community. Many of the endemic and introduced species are highly territorial. The coexistence of an introduced territorial species within a speciesrich community of other territorial species is examined. Territories from which P. aurora individuals were removed were invariably re-occupied by conspecifics. Similarly, when all territories of a certain area were emptied of all territory owners of any existing species, the former P. aurora territories were re-occupied by conspecifics.
The possible roles of site specificity, competitive exclusion and behaviourally transmitted traditions regarding territories are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Haplochromis chrysonotus, a semipelagic shoaling cichlid from Lake Malawi, has been observed spawning in open water up to ten metres above the substratum. It is suggested that open water spawning without the establishment of a substratum-based territory eliminates competition with other species for breeding space and that it may be a stage in the evolution of a totally pelagic mode of life.  相似文献   

汪兴鉴  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2002,45(4):507-515
对中国实蝇科的羽角实蝇属Gastrozona Bezzi 进行了全面概述和厘订,本属在我国现知共有8种, 其中包括一个新种:汉氏羽角实蝇G. hancochi sp. Nov.;一个中国新记录种:微连羽角实蝇G. soror (Schiner)。附脉羽角实蝇G. appendiculata Zia 以前曾被误作是笋黄羽角实蝇G. fasciventris(Macquart)的同物异名,现提出恢复其种的地位。 除描述新种外,还提供中国羽角实蝇属已知种类的鉴别特征、分种检索表及其特征图。  相似文献   

The genus Sige Malmgren, 1865 is revised and the type species S.fusigera Malmgren, 1865, redescribed from syntypes and newly collected topotype material. Based on examination of type specimens, six species described from other genera are transferred to Sige: Pirakia brunnea Fauchald, 1972; Vitiazia dogieli Ushakov, 1953; Eulalia longocirrata Stop-Bowitz, 1948; Eumida (Eumidaj parvicirrus Perkins, 1984; Eulalia sandwichensis Ushakov, 1975; Eulalia sigeformis Annekova, 1937. The genus Vitiazia Ushakov, 1953, being monotypic, becomes a junior synonym to Sige. Pirakia lanceolata Hartman & Fauchald, 1971 is synonymized with Sige longocirrata (Støp-Bowitz, 1948) and Sige oliveri sp. nov. is described from western Norway and Sweden. Ten species are recognized as belonging to Sige. The relationships of Sige to other genera are discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of the nominal species Telmatochromis temporalis , T. lestradei , T. burgeoni and Julidochromis macrolepis has been reviewed. The synonymy of T. lestradei with T. temporalis is confirmed. A comparison of Telmatochromis burgeoni with Telmatochromis temporalis revealed no significant differences either. Hence T. burgeoni is considered synonymous with T. temporalis . Examination of the type of Julidochromis macrolepis showed it to be conspecific with Telmatochromis dhonti and not with T. temporalis , as had been suggested.  相似文献   

The genus Sige Malmgren, 1865 is revised and the type species S.fusigera Malmgren, 1865, redescribed from syntypes and newly collected topotype material. Based on examination of type specimens, six species described from other genera are transferred to Sige: Pirakia brunnea Fauchald, 1972; Vitiazia dogieli Ushakov, 1953; Eulalia longocirrata Stop-Bowitz, 1948; Eumida (Eumidaj parvicirrus Perkins, 1984; Eulalia sandwichensis Ushakov, 1975; Eulalia sigeformis Annekova, 1937. The genus Vitiazia Ushakov, 1953, being monotypic, becomes a junior synonym to Sige. Pirakia lanceolata Hartman & Fauchald, 1971 is synonymized with Sige longocirrata (Støp-Bowitz, 1948) and Sige oliveri sp. nov. is described from western Norway and Sweden. Ten species are recognized as belonging to Sige . The relationships of Sige to other genera are discussed.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of the genus Phryganogryllacris Karny, 1937 is provided. Twelve species of the genus from China are recorded, including 5 species described as new to science, namely P. sichuanensis Li, Liu Li, sp. nov., P. parva Li, Liu Li, sp. nov., P. truncata Li, Liu Li, sp. nov., P. interrupta Li, Liu Li, sp. nov. and P. longicerca Li, Liu Li, sp. nov. Two new combinations are also reported here, P. gialai(Gorochov, 2004)(Vietnam) comb. nov. and P. alia(Gorochov, 2004)(Vietnam) comb. nov. A key to Chinese species of the genus was provided.  相似文献   

Three tilapiine species belonging to the endemic Lake Malawi species flock known as' chambo' Oreochromis ( Nyasalapia ) karongae , O. (N.) lidole and O. (N.) squamipinnis and the species Oreochromis (Oreochromis) shiranus were collected from the wild. These four species were analysed at 43 enzyme loci using starch gel electrophoresis. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed after correcting for multiple simultaneous testing. The expected heterozygosity ( H e) was lowest in O. (O.) shiranus ( H e=0.082). The three chambo species had higher levels: H e=0.103 to H e=0.116. The three chambo species as a whole were polymorphic (99%) at 16 different loci sharing 10 of these in common. No fixed differences between the three chambo species were observed but highly significant allele frequency differences existed between all the chambo species. The F ST calculated for the three chambo species was 0051, closer to intra-specific than to inter-specific levels. O. (O.) shiranus could be clearly separated from all chambo species at five fixed loci. Comparison of the allozyme data from these species with five species from the same sub genera support the hypothesis that the chambo form a monophyletic group and that O. (N.) macrochir or a related species represents the sister taxon.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy has surrounded the application of mitochondrial DNA data to reconstruction of evolutionary relationships among the endemic cichlids of Lake Malawi. Central to this debate has been the issue of whether lineage sorting is complete, and thus whether these data actually reflect species phylogeny, or simply gene genealogy. Review of all mtDNA control region sequences available for members of one monophyletic subset of this species flock, the Malawi rockfishes, or mbuna, strongly indicates that lineage sorting is incomplete: Character-based analyses of these sequences reconstruct gene, not species, interrelationships. Analysis of the pattern of nucleotide substitutions differentiating these mtDNA alleles suggests that pyrimidine residues undergo transition substitutions more often than do purines. Estimation of the magnitude of derived sequence differentiation in light of the reconstructed gene genealogy suggests that the mbuna may be of considerably more recent vintage than previous molecular characterizations have indicated. Received: 6 April 1996 / Accepted: 3 March 1997  相似文献   

The cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi are famously diverse. However, evolutionary studies have been difficult because of their recent and uncertain phylogenetic history. Portions of 12 nuclear loci were sequenced in nine rock-dwelling species (mbuna) and three representatives of pelagic nonmbuna species. In contrast to the pattern of variation at mitochondrial genes, which do provide phylogenetic resolution at the level of mbuna versus nonmbuna, and among some genera, the nuclear loci were virtually devoid of phylogenetic signal. Only a small minority of variable positions were phylogenetically informative, and no phylogenetic branches are supported by more than one site. From the nuclear gene perspective the Malawian radiation appears to be a star phylogeny, as if the founding of the lake was accompanied by a partial bottleneck. The pattern is different from that found in Lake Victoria, in which nuclear loci share large amounts of ancestral variation. In the case of nuclear genes of Lake Malawi, the absence of phylogenetically informative variation suggests a relative absence of ancestral variation. Nuclear genes also differed from the mitochondria in having nearly twice the amount of divergence from Oreochromis (tilapia). An approximate splitting time between mbuna and nonmbuna lineages was estimated as 0.7 Myr. Oreochromis is estimated to have diverged from the cichlids in Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika about 18 MYA.  相似文献   

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