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With about 800 Recent species, ‘miters’ are a widely distributed group of tropical and subtropical gastropods that are most diverse in the Indo‐West Pacific. They include the two families Mitridae and Costellariidae, similar in shell morphology and traditionally treated as close relatives. Some genera of deep‐water Ptychatractidae and Volutomitridae are close to miters in shell morphology, and the term ‘mitriform gastropods’ has been introduced to refer to Mitridae, Costellariidae, and this assortment of convergent forms. The present study aimed at the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships of mitriform gastropods based on representative taxon sampling. Four genetic markers [cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S and 12S rRNA mitochondrial genes, and H3 (Histone 3) nuclear gene] were sequenced for over 90 species in 20 genera, and the molecular data set was supplemented by studies of radula morphology. Our analysis recovered Mitridae as a monophyletic group, whereas the genus Mitra was found to be polyphyletic. Of 42 mitrid species included in the analysis, 37 formed a well‐supported ‘core Mitridae’ consisting of four major clades, three of them consistent with the subfamilies Cylindromitrinae, Imbricariinae, and Mitrinae, and Strigatella paupercula standing out by itself. Basal to the ‘core Mitridae’ are four minor lineages, with the genus Charitodoron recognized as sister group to all other Mitridae. The deep‐water family Pyramimitridae shows a sister relationship to the Mitridae, with high support for a Pyramimitridae + Mitridae clade. Our results recover the monophyly of the Costellariidae, which form a well‐supported clade that also includes Ptychatractidae, Columbariinae, and Volutomitridae, but not Mitridae. Most derived and diverse amongst Costellariidae are species of Vexillum, characterized by a bow‐shaped, multicuspidate rachidian tooth. Several previously unrecognized deep‐water costellariid lineages are revealed. Their members retain some plesiomorphies – in particular a tricuspidate rachidian tooth – that makes them morphologically intermediate between ptychatractids and Vexillum. The taxa of Ptychatractidae included in the analysis are not monophyletic, but form three well‐supported, unrelated groupings, corresponding respectively to Ceratoxancus + Latiromitra, Exilia, and Exiliodea. None of them shows an affinity to Pseudolividae. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Nassariids (Family Nassariidae) are a group of marine snails that are distributed worldwide, with their maximum species diversity in tropical regions, particularly the Indo‐Pacific. However, the traditional taxonomy of Nassariidae defined by shell or radula characters is usually inconsistent with little phylogenetic signal. In the present study, the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of nine Nassarius species were sequenced and compared with other eight nassariid species previously reported. All nassariid mt genomes showed the same gene order as in most caenogastropods and shared a very similar pattern with respect to genome size, nucleotide composition and AT contents. A deletion of three nucleotides in nad6 gene was detected in Nassarius jacksonianus and Nassarius acuticostus, and this feature also provided implications for nassariid phylogeny. The genetic distance analysis and reconstructed phylogeny revealed a distant relationship between N. jacksonianus or N. acuticostus and other members in Nassarius. The mitogenomic phylogeny recovered the evolutionary relationships within Nassarius with high statistical support. In addition, a chronogram was reconstructed under an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock, which dated the divergence among main lineages of Nassarius during ~31 MYA.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Vitrinidae is reconstructed in a cladistic analysis based on characters of the genitalia, the copulation behaviour and the radula. The genera with an atrial stimulator turned out to be the earliest branches of the Vitrinidae, whereas the genera with a glandula amatoria form a monophyletic, taxonomically apomorphic group. The differences between the proposed phylogeny and previous hypotheses are discussed. The ancestral areas of the Vitrinidae and its sister group, the limacoid slugs Boettgerillidae–Limacidae–Agriolimacidae, are estimated using weighted ancestral area analysis. The Vitrinidae and the limacoid slugs might have originated by a vicariance event between Central Europe and the Near East. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 134 , 347–358.  相似文献   

该研究探讨了将COI序列应用于中国沿海缀锦蛤亚科贝类物种鉴定的可行性,获得了该亚科5属11种贝类51个个体的43个单倍型序列.碱幕替换饱和性分析表明,颠换未出现饱和现象,而转换在序列分化达到10%至15%时即到达饱和.单倍犁Hap33可能是由杂交引起的,排除此瞥倍型,种内个体间遗传距离在0%到2.02%之间,平均为0.46%,属内不同种个体间遗传距离在17.21%~32.24%之间,平均为24.96%,存在条形码问隙:11种缀锦蛤哑科贝类在邻接树和贝叶斯树上都独立的单系群.该研究表明,基于COI的DNA条形码技术能够将研究所涉及的约98%的缀锦蛤亚科贝类鉴定剑种的水平,因此,利用DNA条形码技术可以对缀锦蛤亚科贝类进行有效地分类鉴定.  相似文献   

Abstract. The superfamily Cocculinoidea is a group of marine, deep-water, limpet-like gastropods. Recent speculation surrounding their affinities has concentrated on their placement within the Gastropoda. However, phylogenetic relationships within the Cocculinoidea, especially the monophyly of families and genera within the group, remain poorly understood. Phylogenetic analysis of 31 morphological characters for 15 cocculinoidean taxa and 2 outgroups resulted in a single most parsimonious tree, length=70, CI=0.62, and RI=0.71. Monophyly of the Cocculinoidea, Cocculinidae, and the genera Cocculina and Coccopigya was supported; Paracocculina and Coccocrater were found to be paraphyletic. Character optimization demonstrates that many characters often cited as diagnostic of various taxa, are often homoplastic and/or synapomorphies at different hierarchical levels.  相似文献   

Organismic diversity, as well as distributional and ecological patterns, can be fully understood in an evolutionary framework only. Reliable phylogenetic trees are required to ‘read history’, but are not yet available for most marine invertebrate groups. Molecular systematics offers an enormous potential, but still fails for ‘all‐species approaches’ on groups with species that are rare or occur in remote areas only, simply because there is no easily collectable material available for sequence analyses. Exploring morphologically aberrant corambid nudibranch gastropods as a case study, we assess whether or not morphology‐based phylogenetic analyses can fill this gap and produce a tree that allows a detailed view on evolutionary history. Morphology‐based parsimony analysis of corambids and potential relatives resulted in a well‐resolved and remarkably robust topology. As an offshoot of kelp‐associated onchidoridid ancestors, and obviously driven by the heterochronic shortening of life cycles and morphological juvenilization in an ephemeral habitat, the ancestor of corambids originated in cool northern Pacific coastal waters. A basal clade (the genus Loy) diverged there, adapting to live on soft bottoms under successive reversals of paedomorphic traits. The more speciose Corambe lineage radiated preying upon short‐lived encrusting bryozoa in a high‐energy kelp environment. Selection favoured transformation of the mantle into a cuticle‐covered shield, and successive paedomorphic translocations of dorid anal gills to the protected ventral side of the body, where compensatory, multiple gills evolved. Corambe species probably first colonized tropical American seas, and then radiated in worldwide temperate waters: this is explained by the excellent long‐distance dispersal abilities afforded by rafting on kelp, with the subsequent divergence of colonizers in allopatry. The competitive coexistence of Corambe pacifica MacFarland & O'Donoghue, 1929 and Corambe steinbergae (Lance, 1962) off California is the result of independent colonization events. The closing of the Isthmus of Panama separated the latter species from a flock that have radiated within warm Atlantic waters since then. Our case study shows that morphological structures, if investigated in depth, bear the potential for an efficient phylogenetic analysis of groups that are still elusive to molecular analyses. Tracing character evolution and integrating a wide range of geographic, biological, and ecological background information allowed us to reconstruct an evolutionary scenario for corambids that is detailed and plausible, and can be tested by future molecular approaches. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 585–604.  相似文献   

The Lozekia–Kovacsia species group comprises three species of high conservation concern, Lozekia transsilvanica (Westerlund, 1876), Lozekia deubeli (M. Kimakowicz, 1890) and Kovacsia kovacsi ( Varga and L. Pintér, 1972 ), which occupy relatively small ranges in the Carpathian‐Pannonian region. Despite their conservation concern, the phylogeny and biogeographical history of these species have not been studied by molecular methods up to now. This study, based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene sequences, has two main objectives: (i) to infer the phylogenetic relationships within the group in order to test the latest morphology‐based system, proposed by Nordsieck [1993, Das System der paläarktischen Hygromiidae (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Helicoidea). Arch Molluskenkunde 122:1] and (ii) to reconstruct the distribution history of the three species. The monophyly and thus the systematic distinctness of the three species was confirmed, but our findings do not support the monophyly of the Lozekia genus and therefore contradict the current system of the species group. Genetic diversity was found to be much higher within L. deubeli than within the other two species, a possible explanation of this phenomenon is that L. transsilvanica and K. kovacsi are more recently evolved, younger species. Nested clade phylogeographycal analysis showed that the three species evolved by fragmentation events; probably L. deubeli and the ancestor of the other two species split first. At the intraspecific level, fragmentation events, as well as range expansion, played a significant role in the biogeographical history of this species group. As our findings are based on a single mitochondrial gene, we feel premature to propose changes in the generally accepted system and nomenclature. Further molecular phylogenetic analyses, also involving nuclear DNA sequences, should clarify if the evolutionary scenario suggested by our data is valid, and the three species can indeed be placed within the same genus, Lozekia.  相似文献   

中国近海牡蛎系统分类研究的现状和对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
探讨了中国近海沿岸牡蛎分类的诸多疑难和热点问题,回顾了国内外包括贝类等动物的分子系统发生学研究的主要进展,分析了中国近海牡蛎系统分类目前存在的问题,重点阐述了利用分子标记等手段解决形态相似种的鉴定和种系发生关系等问题的巨大潜力,报道了利用分子标记进行牡蛎分类研究所取得的最新进展。预期经典分类学和分子系统发生学研究的交叉综合,将大力推动中国近海牡蛎的系统分类和系统发生研究的发展。  相似文献   

In the past, 18S rRNA sequences have proved to be very useful for tracing ancient divergences but were rarely used for resolving more recent ones. Moreover, it was suggested that the molecule does not contain useful information to resolve divergences which took place during less than 40 Myr. The present paper takes littorinid phylogeny as a case study to reevaluate the utility of the molecule for resolving recent divergences. Two data sets for nine species of the snail family Littorinidae were analyzed, both separately and combined. One data set comprised 7 new complete 18S rRNA sequences aligned with 2 published littorinid sequences; the other comprised 12 morphological, 1 biochemical, and 2 18S rRNA secondary structure characters. On the basis of its ability to confirm generally accepted relationships and the congruence of results derived from the different data sets, it is concluded that 18S rRNA sequences do contain information to resolve ``rapid' cladogenetic events, provided that they occurred in the not too distant past. 18S rRNA sequences yielded support for (1) the branching order (L. littorea, (L. obtusata, (L. saxatilis, L. compressa))) and (2) the basal position of L. striata in the Littorina clade. Received: 6 February 1998 / Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

Microphytobenthos (MPB), typically comprised mainly of diatoms, is a key contributor to nearshore energy flow and nutrient cycles. Deposit-feeding invertebrates are known to alter the structure and activity of MPB. The eastern mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta can reach extremely high densities in estuaries of the northwestern Atlantic, and their deposit-feeding and locomotion strongly influence other invertebrates and microbes. Our objective was to explore quantitative and qualitative effects of this keystone deposit-feeder on diatoms of intertidal sediments. We gathered snails from mudflat and sandflat habitats and collected their fresh fecal pellets in the laboratory. DNA metabarcoding allowed us to characterize diatom assemblages of ingested sediments and feces. We noted selective feeding such that reduction in MPB biomass with gut passage was difficult to quantify. Diatom α-diversity was reduced with gut passage in snails from both sedimentary regimes. Mudflat and sandflat diatom assemblages were distinct and differed markedly between feces and sediment in mud-feeding snails, whereas the difference in sand-feeding snails was minor. The sandy habitat was dominated by a mix of epipelic and epipsammic diatoms. In contrast, mudflat samples were dominated by epipelic and planktonic diatoms. Compositional differences between sediment and feces reflected preferential removal of planktonic taxa. Our results suggest the importance of phytodetritus to the mud snail diet, particularly in hydrodynamically quiescent environments. Due to the natural spatial patchiness of the snails and the capacity for rapid microbial recolonization, field experiments are recommended to determine whether MPB community changes attributed to gut passage are manifested at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Yang J  Li Q  Kong L  Zheng X  Wang R 《Biochemical genetics》2008,46(9-10):539-548
The veined rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) is a valuable and important fishery resource in China. In order to provide guidelines for fisheries management, the genetics population structure was assessed using 10 polymorphic allozyme loci from seven populations of R. venosa across the species' range on the Chinese coast. The mean allele richness ranged from 1.65 to 2.13, and the mean heterozygosity ranged from 0.086 to 0.149. Significant genetic differentiation was present, and the theta value was 0.016 across all populations. The nMDS plot of pairwise theta values, UPGMA dendrogram, and AMOVA analysis were in good agreement and identified three geographic subdivision groups. We propose that the genetic structure may be due to larval dispersal barriers and localized adaptation or a combination thereof. The implications of these results for the management of R. venosa populations are discussed.  相似文献   

The Caucasigenini is an endemic radiation of hygromiid land snails from the Caucasus region. A phylogenetic analysis of morphological characters of the genitalia and the shell showed that the morphological characters are insufficient for resolving the relationships within the Caucasigenini. Convergences of the few parsimony informative characters in other groups of the Hygromiidae demonstrate that these characters are not reliable indicators of phylogenetic relationships. Phylogenetic analyses of sequences of cox1, 16S rDNA, 5.8S rDNA, ITS2 and 28S rDNA revealed several well‐supported groups. The relationships among these groups could not be resolved. It is likely that these groups originated in a rapid radiation during the uplift of the Caucasus. Based on the molecular phylogeny, we propose a new classification of the species of the Caucasigenini and establish a new genus, Lazicana gen. n.  相似文献   

This revision addresses two Southern Hemisphere genera in the family Buccinidae. Buccipagoda kengrahami (Ponder, 1982) and B. ponderi n. sp. are recognised from off southern Australia and B. achilles n. sp. from off New Zealand. Sagenotriton n. gen. is introduced for S. ajax n. sp. from off New Zealand, and S. bathybius (Bouchet & Warén, 1986) and S. bonaespei (Barnard, 1963) from off South Africa.  相似文献   

This analysis goes beyond many phylogenies in exploring how phylogenetic structure imposed by morphology, ecology, and geography reveals useful evolutionary data. A comprehensive range of such diversity is evaluated within tribe Indigofereae and outgroups from sister tribes. A combined data set of 321 taxa (over one-third of the tribe) by 80 morphological characters, 833 aligned nuclear ribosomal ITS/5.8S sites, and an indel data set of 33 characters was subjected to parsimony analysis. Notable results include the Madagascan dry forest Disynstemon resolved as sister to tribe Indigofereae, and all species of the large genus Indigofera comprise just four main clades, each diagnosable by morphological synapomorphies and ecological and geographical predilections. These results suggest niche conservation (ecology) and dispersal limitation (geography) are important processes rendering signature shapes to the Indigofereae phylogeny in different biomes. Clades confined to temperate and succulent-rich biomes are more dispersal limited and have more geographical phylogenetic structure than those inhabiting tropical grass-rich vegetation. The African arid corridor, particularly the Namib center of endemism, harbors many of the oldest Indigofera lineages. A rates analysis of nucleotide substitutions confirms that the ages of the oldest crown clades are mostly younger than 16 Ma, implicating dispersal in explaining the worldwide distribution of the tribe.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Aplysiidae is investigated, based on 37 morphological and histological characters polarized a priori by outgroup comparison. The Aplysiidae represents a monophyletic taxon comprising two distinct clades: Aplysiinae and Dolabellinae + Dolabriferinae + Notarchinae. The traditional classification of Longicommissurata (Aplysiinae + Dolabellinae) is no longer valid since the Longicommissurata are paraphyletic. However, the Brevicommissurata (Dolabriferinae + Notarchinae) form a monophyletic group. Within the Dolabriferinae two sister-groups can be distinguished: Dolabrifera and Phyllaplysia + Petalifera petalifera . The genus Petalifera is paraphyletic. Based on the present phylogeny, several aspects of the evolution of the Aplysiidae are discussed.  相似文献   

The family Cudoniaceae (Rhytismatales, Ascomycota) was erected to accommodate the “earth tongue fungi” in the genera Cudonia and Spathularia. There have been no recent taxonomic studies of these genera, and the evolutionary relationships within and among these fungi are largely unknown. Here we explore the molecular phylogenetic relationships within Cudonia and Spathularia using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses based on 111 collections from across the Northern Hemisphere. Phylogenies based on the combined data from ITS, nrLSU, rpb2 and tef-1α sequences support the monophyly of three main clades, the /flavida, /velutipes, and /cudonia clades. The genus Cudonia and the family Cudoniaceae are supported as monophyletic groups, while the genus Spathularia is not monophyletic. Although Cudoniaceae is monophyletic, our analyses agree with previous studies that this family is nested within the Rhytismataceae. Our phylogenetic analyses circumscribes 32 species-level clades, including the putative recognition of 23 undescribed phylogenetic species. Our molecular phylogeny also revealed an unexpectedly high species diversity of Cudonia and Spathularia in eastern Asia, with 16 (out of 21) species-level clades of Cudonia and 8 (out of 11) species-level clades of Spathularia. We estimate that the divergence time of the Cudoniaceae was in the Paleogene approximately 28 Million years ago (Mya) and that the ancestral area for this group of fungi was in Eastern Asia based on the current data. We hypothesize that the large-scale geological and climatic events in Oligocene (e.g. the global cooling and the uplift of the Tibetan plateau) may have triggered evolutionary radiations in this group of fungi in East Asia. This work provides a foundation for future studies on the phylogeny, diversity, and evolution of Cudonia and Spathularia and highlights the need for more molecular studies on collections from Europe and North America.  相似文献   

通过扩增中国普缘蝽属Plinachtus Stl(半翅目:异翅亚目:缘蝽科)已知的4个种:刺肩普缘蝽P.dissimilis Hsiao,1964,钝肩普缘蝽P.bicoloripes Scott,1874,黑普缘蝽P.acicularis(Fabricius,1803)和棕普缘蝽P.basalis(Westwood,1842)的COI(1338bp)序列,计算其种间/种内的遗传距离,并进行基于距离法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法的分析,结果均支持将刺肩普缘蝽和钝肩普缘蝽合并为1个种。  相似文献   

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