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The latitudinal cline in P transposable element-associated characteristics in eastern Australian populations of Drosophila melanogaster has changed between 1986 and 1991–1994. New collections were made in 1991–1994 from localities along the eastern coast of Australia. P element-associated properties of 256 isofemale lines from 43 localities were evaluated using gonadal dysgenesis and/or singed-weak hypermutability assays. The overall results indicate that both P activity and P susceptibility have declined, with all populations showing a tendency towards a state with little P activity potential but with P repressor function (neutral or ‘Q’). P repressor function is strong in all populations except some of the most southerly. P activity potential peaks at about 27° SLat, and drops off to the south (as in 1983–1986 collections) and to the north (in contrast to 1983–1986 collections); thus the cline is no longer a simple P-to-Q-to-M pattern from north to south, but is now Q-P-Q-M. A mtDNA RFLP that putatively distinguishes North American and European populations varies in frequency among the populations but the frequency does not vary clinally with latitude, ruling out massive introductions from North America and Europe as causing the cline. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic underpinnings of adaptive change is a fundamental but largely unresolved problem in evolutionary biology. Drosophila melanogaster, an ancestrally tropical insect that has spread to temperate regions and become cosmopolitan, offers a powerful opportunity for identifying the molecular polymorphisms underlying clinal adaptation. Here, we use genome‐wide next‐generation sequencing of DNA pools (‘pool‐seq’) from three populations collected along the North American east coast to examine patterns of latitudinal differentiation. Comparing the genomes of these populations is particularly interesting since they exhibit clinal variation in a number of important life history traits. We find extensive latitudinal differentiation, with many of the most strongly differentiated genes involved in major functional pathways such as the insulin/TOR, ecdysone, torso, EGFR, TGFβ/BMP, JAK/STAT, immunity and circadian rhythm pathways. We observe particularly strong differentiation on chromosome 3R, especially within the cosmopolitan inversion In(3R)Payne, which contains a large number of clinally varying genes. While much of the differentiation might be driven by clinal differences in the frequency of In(3R)P, we also identify genes that are likely independent of this inversion. Our results provide genome‐wide evidence consistent with pervasive spatially variable selection acting on numerous loci and pathways along the well‐known North American cline, with many candidates implicated in life history regulation and exhibiting parallel differentiation along the previously investigated Australian cline.  相似文献   

Latitudinal clines have been demonstrated for many quantitative traits in Drosophila and are assumed to be due to climatic selection. However, clinal studies are often performed in species of Drosophila that contain common cosmopolitan inversion polymorphisms that also show clinal patterns. These inversion polymorphisms may be responsible for much of the observed clinal variation. Here, we consider latitudinal clines for quantitative traits in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia. Drosophila simulans does not contain cosmopolitan inversion polymorphisms, so allows the study of clinal selection on quantitative traits that are not confounded by associations with inversions. Body size showed a strong linear cline for both females and males. Starvation resistance exhibited a weak linear cline in females, whereas chill-coma recovery exhibited a significant nonlinear cline in females only. No clinal pattern was evident for development time, male chill-coma recovery, desiccation or heat resistance. We discuss these results with reference to the role inversion polymorphisms play in generating clines in quantitative traits of Drosophila.  相似文献   

The duration of Drosophila melanogaster larval and pupal periods was measured in laboratory thermal lines and in populations collected along a latitudinal transect in eastern Australia. In replicated laboratory lines kept for 9 years at 16.5° C or 25° C the duration of larval development had continued to diverge compared with 4 and 5 years previously, with more rapid larval development, and hence reduced total duration of pre-adult development, in the low temperature lines at both experimental temperatures. After 4 years of separate evolution, lines derived from the 25° C lines and subsequently cultured at 29° C showed no evidence of significant divergence in the duration of any part of the pre-adult period. The geographic populations showed a decrease in the duration of larval development, and hence of the total pre-adult period, with increasing latitude. In both laboratory and field populations, evolution at lower temperature was associated with more rapid larval development to a larger adult body size, the opposite genetic correlation between these traits to that found within a single temperature. The indications are that lower temperatures may be permissive of more efficient growth in D. melanogaster. It will be important to discover if evolution in response to temperature induces similar correlations in other ectotherms.  相似文献   

Heat shock genes are considered to be likely candidate genes for environmental stress resistance. Nucleotide variation in the coding sequence of the small heat shock genes (hsps) hsp26 and hsp27 from Drosophila melanogaster was studied in flies originating from the Netherlands and eastern Australia. The hsp26 gene was polymorphic for an insertion/deletion of three extra amino acids and two nonsynonymous changes in all populations. The hsp27 gene exhibited two nonsynonymous changes and three synonymous mutations. The hsp26 polymorphism showed a latitudinal cline along the east coast of Australia. This pattern was not confounded by the fact that the shsps are located in the inversion In(3 L)P which also shows a latitudinal cline in eastern Australia. A similar latitudinal cline was found for the previously described variation in hsp23, while frequencies of hsp27 alleles did not change with latitude. These findings suggest that variation at two of the shsps or closely linked loci are under selection in natural populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Examples of clinal variation in phenotypes and genotypes across latitudinal transects have served as important models for understanding how spatially varying selection and demographic forces shape variation within species. Here, we examine the selective and demographic contributions to latitudinal variation through the largest comparative genomic study to date of Drosophila simulans and Drosophila melanogaster, with genomic sequence data from 382 individual fruit flies, collected across a spatial transect of 19 degrees latitude and at multiple time points over 2 years. Consistent with phenotypic studies, we find less clinal variation in D. simulans than D. melanogaster, particularly for the autosomes. Moreover, we find that clinally varying loci in D. simulans are less stable over multiple years than comparable clines in D. melanogaster. D. simulans shows a significantly weaker pattern of isolation by distance than D. melanogaster and we find evidence for a stronger contribution of migration to D. simulans population genetic structure. While population bottlenecks and migration can plausibly explain the differences in stability of clinal variation between the two species, we also observe a significant enrichment of shared clinal genes, suggesting that the selective forces associated with climate are acting on the same genes and phenotypes in D. simulans and D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The use of Drosophila as an organism in which to study aging has been limited by the fact that few biomarkers of aging exist in the adult. In this paper we examine behavior loss relative to longevity in wild-type populations maintained at 22°C and 29°C to determine whether behavior loss—that is, loss of ability to perform certain innate behavioral responses within a defined test interval—can be used as biomarkers of aging. We find that under controlled conditions behavior loss can be used as a landmark of aging in populations maintained at either 22°C or 29°C. The ability to perform normal geotactic and phototactic responses is lost during the reproductive phase of the adult populations, whereas motor activity is not lost until well into the death phase. We feel that the use of behavior loss, together with other parameters of longevity in Drosophila, will allow comparisons to be made between different strains or between different environmental conditions to test their effect on aging. In the companion paper we demonstrate the use of behavior loss to identify a mutation which may accelerate the aging process.  相似文献   

Recombinant inbred lines derived from a natural population were used to investigate natural genetic variation for lipid abundance, protein abundance, and weight of Drosophila melanogaster. Females were heavier and contained more lipid and soluble protein than males. Lipid and protein abundance were genetically correlated with female weight, but male weight was not correlated with lipid or protein. Lipid and protein abundance were genetically correlated in males, but not in females. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for weight and protein abundance were predominantly on the X chromosome, whereas QTLs for lipid abundance were found on the second and third chromosomes. QTLs for lipid proportion (lipid abundance normalized by weight or protein abundance) were present on all chromosomes; a lipid proportion QTL on the third chromosome correlated with a QTL for starvation resistance observed in a previous study using the same set of recombinant inbred lines, suggesting that it might underlie both traits. Candidate genes are discussed in relationship to lipid abundance, lipid proportion, and starvation resistance.  相似文献   

We investigate changes in resistance to desiccation and starvation during adaptation of Drosophila melanogaster to laboratory culture. We test the hypothesis that resistance to environmental stresses is lost under laboratory adaptation. For both traits, there was a rapid loss of resistance over a three-year period. The rapidity of the response suggested that mutation accumulation could not account for it. Rather, resistance to environmental stresses appeared to be lost as a correlated response to selection on another trait, such as early fertility, with which stress resistance is negatively genetically correlated. These results suggest that caution is needed when extrapolating from evolution of stress resistance in long-established laboratory stocks to patterns of responses and correlated responses in natural populations.  相似文献   

In insects changes in lipid metabolism may underlie a trade-off between cold resistance and starvation resistance. To test this we examined correlated responses in independent sets of Drosophila melanogaster lines selected for increased cold resistance and increased starvation resistance. The starvation lines showed correlated patterns found in other D. melanogaster populations selected for this trait, including higher lipid levels and increased resistance to desiccation, although the selected lines did not show a longer development time as found in some other studies. Consistent with the trade-off hypothesis, selected lines with increased starvation resistance showed decreased resistance to a cold stress as measured by mortality, whereas selected lines with increased cold resistance showed a decrease in starvation resistance. To counter the possibility of inadvertent selection accounting for these patterns, selected and control lines from both selection regimes were crossed to form mass bred populations, which were left for four generations prior to establishing isofemale lines. By scoring starvation and cold resistance in these lines derived from both sets of selection regimes, we confirmed the negative association between resistance to these stresses in females but not in males. Potential implications of this trade-off for surviving cold conditions when food resources are limiting are discussed.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, clines of starvation resistance along a latitudinal gradient (south to north) have been reported in India, which matched with their cline for total body lipids (TL). Nevertheless, producing too many reserves is likely to be costly and a trade‐off might exist with life‐history traits. Previous studies on starvation resistance and life‐history traits of D. melanogaster have mainly focused on quantification of total body lipids, instead of separating ovarian lipids from total body lipids. In the present study, we have quantified absolute ovarian lipids (OL) versus absolute body lipids excluding ovarian lipids (BL) and examined associations with fecundity as well as starvation resistance in two latitudinal populations (8.34 vs. 32.43°N) of Dmelanogaster. Firstly, we observed a trade‐off between BL and OL that matched the trade‐off of starvation resistance, longevity versus fecundity and development time in latitudinal populations of D. melanogaster. Southern populations had higher starvation resistance, more BL and lesser OL, whereas northern populations had enhanced fecundity, OL and lesser BL. Secondly, within population, starvation resistance also correlated with BL, and fecundity with OL. However, there was no correlation between starvation resistance and OL. Moreover, there was utilization of BL and nonutilization of OL under starvation stress. Therefore, resources invested for fecundity in the form of OL were independent of evolved starvation resistance in D. melanogaster. Our results suggest that a common pool of energy storage compounds (lipids) are allocated differentially between fecundity and starvation resistance and are consistent with Y‐model of resource allocation.  相似文献   

We examined latitudinal variation in adult and larval heat tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia. Adults were assessed using static and ramping assays. Basal and hardened static heat knockdown time showed significant linear clines; heat tolerance increased towards the tropics, particularly for hardened flies, suggesting that tropical populations have a greater hardening response. A similar pattern was evident for ramping heat knockdown time at 0.06 °C min?1 increase. There was no cline for ramping heat knockdown temperature (CTmax) at 0.1 °C min?1 increase. Acute (static) heat knockdown temperature increased towards temperate latitudes, probably reflecting a greater capacity of temperate flies to withstand sudden temperature increases during summer in temperate Australia. Larval viability showed a quadratic association with latitude under heat stress. Thus, patterns of heat resistance depend on assay methods. Genetic correlations in thermotolerance across life stages and evolutionary potential for critical thermal limits should be the focus of future studies.  相似文献   


Drosophila melanogaster was reared under LD 12:12. Fat body was isolated in form of cells and cell groups from dissected larvae or prepupae by treatment with collagenase and hyaluronidase and subsequent centrifugation. Tyrosine aminotransferase of the fat body showed an extremely sharp pH dependence, with two narrow, well separable maxima at pH 5.6 and 6.0, possibly caused by different isoenzymes. Enzyme activity at pH 5.6 exhibited biphasic circadian rhythms in both wild‐type 3rd instar larvae and early prepupae. At pH 6.0, the rhythmicity was much weaker, perhaps even absent. In larvae from an ebony strain, at either pH the basal tyrosine aminotransferase activity was enhanced, and the rhythmicity was altered.  相似文献   

Fourteen natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster collected along diverse latitudinal and altitudinal ranges, were analysed for thoracic trident pigmentation at two different breeding temperatures (17 and 25°C) for both sexes. Statistical analyses showed significant intra- as well as interpopulational genetic variations. Clinal patterns for thoracic trident pigmentation along latitude as well as altitude are significantly correlated with thermal amplitude ( T cv). Crosses between dark (Shimla) and light (Kalka) variants of trident pigmentation produced intermediate phenotypes, and a clear maternal effect was observed in the reciprocal F 1 crosses. Data suggest that the temperature differences have resulted in phenotypic plasticity of thoracic pigmentation across the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

The remodeling of the larval fat body is observed in many insects during metamorphosis, but little is known about the physiological importance or the regulation of this process. In Drosophila melanogaster, fat-body remodeling involves the dissociation of the fat body into individual fat cells, which persist throughout pupal development but are later removed by cell death in the young adult. Inhibition of fat-body dissociation is associated with pharate adult lethality and thus is likely to be an essential developmental event. As a start toward understanding the role of fat-body remodeling in the life history of insects, we carried out a detailed study of fat-body disassociation in D. melanogaster using fluorescent microscopy, and tested whether this process is mediated by hemocytes as proposed for fat-body remodeling in Sarcophaga peregrina. We identified and correlated stereotypic events in fat-body dissociation with developmental changes during metamorphosis, and have demonstrated by cell ablation studies that fat-body remodeling in D. melanogaster is a hemocyte independent process.  相似文献   

Natural selection can generate parallel latitudinal clines in traits and gene frequencies across continents, but these have rarely been linked. An amino acid (isoleucine to lysine, or I462K) polymorphism of the couch potato (cpo) gene in Drosophila melanogaster is thought to control female reproductive diapause cline in North America (Schmidt et al. 2008, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 105, 16207-16211). Here, we show that under standard diapause-inducing conditions (12 °C and short photoperiod) (Saunders et al. 1989, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 86, 3748-3752), egg maturation in Australian flies is delayed, but not arrested at previtellogenic stages. At 12 °C, the phenotypic distribution in egg development was bimodal at stages 8 and 14 and showed a strong nonlinear pattern on the east coast of Australia, with incidence of egg maturation delay (ovarian dormancy) increasing both toward tropical and temperate climates. Furthermore, we found no evidence for an association between the cpo I462K polymorphism and ovarian dormancy at either 12 or 10 °C (when egg maturation was often delayed at stage 7). Owing to strong linkage disequilibrium, the latitudinal cline in cpo allele frequencies was no longer evident once variation in the In(3R)P inversion polymorphism was taken into account. Our results suggest that the standard diapause-inducing conditions (12 °C and short photoperiod) were not sufficient to cause the typical previtellogenic developmental arrest in Australian flies and that the cpo I462K polymorphism does not explain the observed delay in egg development. In conclusion, ovarian dormancy does not show a simple latitudinal cline, and the lack of cpo-dormancy association suggests a different genetic basis to reproductive dormancy in North America and Australia.  相似文献   

Weeks et al. (2006) have reported their inability to find a cline in the frequencies of the major Thr-Gly encoding length variant alleles of the period gene in Drosophila melanogaster in Eastern Australia. This is in contrast to a study by Sawyer et al. (2006), who found a cline on this continent from samples collected in 1993. Weeks et al. then cast doubt on the validity of a robust cline found for these variants in Europe by Costa et al. (1992), criticizing their molecular techniques and sampling methods. We show how these claims are unjustified, and reveal a number of potential problems in their own methodology. Finally by reanalysing the subset of their data which they state is more reliable, we suggest that their results from Australia may be reasonably consistent with our own.  相似文献   

Forest tree species provide many examples of well-studied adaptive differentiation, where the search for the underlying genes might be possible. In earlier studies and in our common conditions in a greenhouse, northern populations set bud earlier than southern ones. A difference in latitude of origin of one degree corresponded to a change of 1.4 days in number of days to terminal bud set of seedlings. Earlier physiological and ecological genetics work in conifers and other plants have suggested that such variation could be governed by phytochromes. Nucleotide variation was examined at two phytochrome loci (PHYP and PHYO, homologues of the Arabidopsis thaliana PHYB and PHYA, respectively) in three populations: northern Finland, southern Finland and northern Spain. In our samples of 12-15 sequences (2980 and 1156 base pairs at the two loci) we found very low nonsynonymous variation; pi was 0.0003 and 0.0002 at PHYP and PHYO loci, respectively. There was no functional differentiation between populations at the photosensory domains of either locus. The overall silent variation was also low, only 0.0024 for the PHYP locus. The low estimates of silent variation are consistent with the estimated low synonymous substitution rates between Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies at the PHYO locus. Despite the low level of nucleotide variation, haplotypic diversity was relatively high (0.42 and 0.41 for fragments of 1156 nucleotides) at the two loci.  相似文献   

1. Geographically distinct host populations often experience very different ecological conditions. These variable ecological conditions impact the strength of selection that these hosts experience from their parasites. 2. Numerous studies have characterized geographical patterns of resistance to infection among natural populations in the context of host-parasite local adaptation, but what other factors might contribute to these differences? 3. Here, we determined whether 20 naturally isolated populations of Drosophila melanogaster collected along the East Coast of the United States varied for survival after being inoculated with one of two species of bacteria--Lactococcus lactis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We then asked whether host environment accounted for the observed patterns of resistance. 4. Resistance to both types of infection varied spatially. The hosts' natural environment was predictive of the observed spatial variation in resistance to L. lactis, but not P. aeruginosa, infection. Specifically, hosts exposed to species-rich bacterial communities were more likely to survive the infection. 5. We conclude that biotic characteristics of the host environment, specifically the number of species of bacteria hosts encounter, shape host resistance to bacterial infection in nature. We discuss our results in the context of what is known about the evolutionary ecology of resistance in invertebrate systems.  相似文献   

Bishop CP  Talomie TG  Lewis WD 《Genetica》1999,105(2):117-124
Mutations in the Third chromosome resistance (Tcr; 3-39.6) gene confer dominant resistance to α-methyl dopa and suggest the gene is involved in catecholamine metabolism. Evidence for involvement in catecholamine metabolism comes from the three phenotypes associated with the mutant Tcr chromosomes dominant resistance, dominant rescue of partially complementing l(2)amd alleles, and recessive lethal phenotypes. Only dominant resistance to αs-methyl dopa, however, was mapped to the Tcr locus. Both recessive lethality and dominant rescue of l(2)amd alleles have now been mapped to the Tcr gene and, through the isolation of a new deletion in the region, we demonstrate these phenotypes are due to a loss of Tcr function. This deletion places the Tcr gene in the 69B4-5 to 69C8-11 region. Additionally, we have tested and verified three predictions of the biochemical model proposed by Bishop, Sherald, and Wright (1989) for the function of the Tcr protein. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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