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Glycogen phosphorylase in the vegetative mycelium ofFlammulina velutipes converts glycogen to α-glucose 1-phosphate (G1P) in the colony during fruit-body development. Glycogen may contribute to the synthesis of trehalose as the starting material in the vegetative mycelium during the fruiting process of the colony, and the trehalose produced is translocated into the fruit-bodies as the main carbohydrate substrate for their development. Trehalose phosphorylase activity in the vegetative mycelium was at a relatively high level until fruit-body initiation, suggesting the turnover of this disaccharide during the vegetative stage of the colony development. Trehalose phosphorylase activity in the stipes showed a peak level at the early phase of fruit-body development, suggesting the continuing phosphorolysis of trehalose by this enzyme. The stipes also showed a high specific activity of phosphoglucomutase at a sufficient level to facilitate the conversion of G1P to α-glucose 6-phosphate (G6P). In the pilei a large amount of G1P remained until the growth of the fruit-bodies ceased. Trehalase activities in the stipes and pilei were at a very low level, and this enzyme may not contribute to the catabolism of trehalose in the fruit-body development.  相似文献   

Changes of polyol contents in the mycelium and fruit-bodies ofFlammulina velutipes were measured. The results suggested that arabinitol is accumulated in the fruit-bodies as the end-product after its translocation from the mycelium, while mannitol in the fruit-bodies is converted into fructose by the action of mannitol dehydrogenase (MDH). The development of fruit-bodies was promoted by feeding of mannitol to the mycelial colony. A14C tracer experiment indicated that half of mannitol translocated from mycelium to fruit-bodies was utilized for fruit-body development. NAD-linked MDH andd-arabinitol dehydroganase (D-ADH) were detected in both mycelium and fruit-bodies. The activities of MDH and ADH in the mycelium reached their maximum levels in the inital stage of fruit-body development and decreased thereafter. In contrast, the activity of MDH in the fruit-bodies showed a peak in the middle stage of development. The activity of ADH in the fruit-bodies was less than half of that of MDH. MDH showed a lower Km value for mannitol (1.3 ×10−3M) than for fructose (6.0×10−2 M). The Km value of ADH for arabinitol was extremely high (1.3×10−1M).  相似文献   

Chronological changes of protein expression in the vegetative mycelium ofFlammulina velutipes and expression of these proteins in the fruit-body were investigated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Four proteins (FBA 1-4) expressed abundantly in the fruit-body were found to have different expression patterns in the vegetative mycelium after the fruiting treatment. FBA 1-4 had similar amino acid sequences and displayed a high similarity with the deduced amino acid sequence of theC1 cDNA, which has an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) cell-attachment sequence. This suggests that FBA 1-4 may have cell-to-cell attachment activity.  相似文献   

Cultural conditions for fruit-body production ofMycena chlorophos were investigated with the aim of using the mushroom for study of bioluminescence, scientific exhibition, and ecological conservation. A small glass jar having a cap with a microfilter was used as a culture vessel. A compost powder mixed with rice bran in proportion of 20% (fw/fw) and adjusted to 70% (w/w) in moisture content was used as production medium. Casing with 2 g/jar of moistened compost powder was necessary for fruit-body formation. Mycelium was grown in a culture chamber at 27°C, relative humidity (RH) of 80% for 4 wk, then transfered to a culture chamberat 21°C, 90% RH and light intensity of 300–800 lx after casing its, and incubated for 3 wk to produce fruit-bodies. The mean yield was 31 fruitbodies, i.e., 150 mg dry weight per jar.  相似文献   

Profiles describing the relationships between growth, irradiance and temperature are important in the evaluation of microalgae and cyanobacteria for biomass production, as well as for their general characterization. To get correct results culturing chambers with plane parallel optical faces are needed. Only these give a defined light climate in the culture, but such devices are not found commercially. We here describe the testing of thermostated growth chambers with 200-mL culture volumes, easily constructed from disposable 144-mm diameter plastic Petri dishes. Their properties were examined by growing Spirulina platensis concurrently in 15 parallel cultures under identical conditions of illumination and temperature, showing efficient and reproducible growth between them. The chambers are naturally also very suitable for growing microalgae in general. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The ability of 17 strains of genus Epidermophyton (15 strains belonging to Epidermophyton floccosum, one to E. floccosum var. nigricans and one to E. stockdaleae) to grow at different temperatures (4 °C, 25 °C, 28 °C, 31 °C, 34 °C, 37 °C and 40 °C) was stated.The strains were inoculated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar and regularly controled over a period of 14 days when the plates were incubated at 25 °C, 28 °C, 31 °C, 34 °C, 37 °C and 40 °C, and over a period of 70 days when the temperature was 4 °C. The optimal growth of E. floccosum was observed at 28 °C and 31 °C, and no signs of growth were recorded neither at 4 °C nor at 40 °C. The optimal development of E. stockdaleae was observed at 25 °C and 28 °C. This species grew from 4 °C to 31 °C.  相似文献   

Quantitative differentiation of microbial activity in wheat straw substrate is described after different heat pre-treatments and addition of water during solid-state fermentation. All the 28 tested strains of tropical and sub-tropical edible mushrooms colonized sterile wheat straw. Substrate pre-treated at 25°C was primarily colonized by Coprinus sp. and other competitive microorganisms, and had the highest pH values. With some exceptions, increasing rates of growth occurred with substrate pre-treatment at 60 and 90°C. Best growth and highest speed of colonization were on sterilized straw. Heat pre-treatment of cereal straw at 60 and 90°C should be sufficient for commercial cultivation processes. Thus, a short fermentative pre-treatment could reduce the risk of infection. The strains tested do not differ significantly from those of temperate climates.R. Maziero was with the Instituto de Botânica, CP 4005, 01061-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, and is now at DISTAM Section of Industrial Microbiology, University of Milano, Via G. Celoria 2, 20133, Milano, Italy. F. Zadrazil is with the Institut für Bodenbiologie, Bundesforchungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Bundesallee 50, D 38116 Braunschweig, Germany.  相似文献   

以提高金针菇单瓶产量为目的,以常规生产为对照,通过单因素试验、Plackett-Burman试验、响应面优化法、验证试验分析培养基装瓶量、灭菌前pH、接种量、搔菌深度、搔菌补水量对金针菇单瓶平均产量的影响。单因素试验结果表明,单瓶平均产量分别在装瓶量1 000 g、灭菌前pH值 6.80、接种量35 mL、搔菌深度10 mm、搔菌补水量10 mL时达到最大值;Plackett-Burman试验表明装瓶量、灭菌前pH和搔菌补水量是影响金针菇单瓶平均产量的关键因素;响应面优化法预测的最优化条件为培养基装瓶量1 004.05 g、灭菌前pH值6.83、搔菌补水量11.41 mL,金针菇单瓶平均产量为473.81 g;结合单因素试验及响应面预测,将验证试验设置为培养基装瓶量(1 000±5) g、灭菌前pH值(6.80±0.10)、搔菌补水量(11±1) mL、搔菌深度(10±2) mm、接种量(35±5) mL,金针菇单瓶平均产量为466.36 g,比对照组提高11.63 g,与预测值接近,相对误差为1.57%,试验设计符合生产需求。  相似文献   

Nod factors (Lipo-chitooligosaccharides, or LCOs) act as bacteria-to-plant signal molecules that modulate early events of the Bradyrhizobium-soybean symbiosis. It is known that low root zone temperature inhibits the early stages of this symbiosis; however, the effect of low soil temperature on bacteria-to-plant signaling is largely uninvestigated. We evaluated the effect of low growth temperatures on the production kinetics of Nod factor (LCO) by B. japonicum. Two strains of B. japonicum, 532C and USDA110, were tested for ability to synthesize Nod Bj-V (C(18:1), MeFuc) at three growth temperatures (15, 17 and 28 degrees C). The greatest amounts of the major Nod factor, Nod Bj-V (C(18:1), MeFuc), were produced at 28 degrees C for both strains. At 17 and 15 degrees C, the Nod factor production efficiency, per cell, of B. japonicum 532C and USDA110 was markedly decreased with the lowest Nod factor concentration per cell occurring at 15 degrees C. Strain 532C was more efficient at Nod factor production per cell than strain USDA 110 at all growth temperatures. The biological activity of the extracted Nod factor was unaffected by culture temperature. This study constitutes the first demonstration of reduced Nod factor production efficiency (per cell production) under reduced temperatures, suggesting another way that lower temperatures inhibit establishment of the soybean N(2) fixing symbiosis.  相似文献   

[目的] 白花鬼针草是一种恶性外来入侵杂草,近年来已侵入农田,对农业生产及生态系统带来严重危害。为筛选防治白花鬼针草的有效除草剂,分析评价了13种常见茎叶处理除草剂对幼苗期和成株期白花鬼针草的防治效果。[方法] 采用整株盆栽法,在白花鬼针草幼苗期(2~3对叶期)和成株期(6~7对叶期)分别进行茎叶喷雾处理,每种除草剂设置3个剂量。[结果] 供试的13种除草剂中,灭生性除草剂草甘膦、草铵膦和敌草快对幼苗期和成株期的白花鬼针草防效达到100%。选择性除草剂中,麦草畏和辛酰溴苯腈对幼苗期和成株期的白花鬼针草均有较好的防效,三氯吡氧乙酸、乙羧氟草醚和氯吡嘧磺隆在高剂量下对幼苗期的白花鬼针草有较好的防除效果,但对成株期的白花鬼针草防效较差,氯氟吡氧乙酸、乳氟禾草灵、灭草松、二氯吡啶酸、乙氧氟草醚对幼苗期和成株期白花鬼针草防效均较差。[结论] 白花鬼针草对多种化学除草剂具有较强的耐药性,生育期对除草剂防除白花鬼针草的效果有较大影响。灭生性除草剂草甘膦、草铵膦、敌草快及选择性除草剂辛酰溴苯腈和麦草畏适用于防除白花鬼针草。  相似文献   

The productivity of a cell culture for the production of a secondary metabolite is defined by three factors: specific growth rate, specific product formation rate, and biomass concentration during production. The effect of scaling-up from shake flask to bioreactor on growth and production and the effect of increasing the biomass concentration were investigated for the production of ajmalicine by Catharanthus roseus cell suspensions. Growth of biomass was not affected by the type of culture vessel. Growth, carbohydrate storage, glucose and oxygen consumption, and the carbon dioxide production could be predicted rather well by a structured model with the internal phosphate and the external glucose concentration as the controlling factors. The production of ajmalicine on production medium in a shake flask was not reproduced in a bioreactor. The production could be restored by creating a gas regime in the bioreactor comparable to that in a shake flask. Increasing the biomass concentration both in a shake flask and in a stirred fermenter decreased the ajmalicine production rate. This effect could be removed partly by controlling the oxygen concentration in the more dense culture at 85% air saturation.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on yields of cell protein and bacteriochlorophyll as well as on the rates of growth and bacteriochlorophyll synthesis was studied with Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. Under chemotrophic conditions net cell-protein production increased in cultures of both species along with temperature from 14°C up to the optimum at 33°C. Under phototrophic conditions cell-protein yields were largely constant within the range from 21°C to 33°C. At temperatures below 21°C and above 33°C yields decreased. These results are interpreted in terms of coupling between energy yielding or redox equivalent providing metabolisms and cell biosynthesis. Upon adaptation from chemotrophic to phototrophic conditions a direct relationship between temperature increase and bacteriochlorophyll level was observed. Arrhenius plots of both, specific growth rates and rates of bacteriochlorophyll synthesis, revealed discontinuities at about 20°C. Temperature coefficients either above or below those discontinuities were similar in both species. In R. rubrum temperature coefficients of the synthesis of total bacteriochlorophyll were also representative of the synthesis of photochemical reaction center and light harvesting bacteriochlorophylls. But in R. sphaeroides significant differences were observed between temperature coefficients of the syntheses of bacteriochlorophylls of the costantly composed reaction centerlight harvesting complex on one hand and of both, total and the quantitatively variable light harvesting bacteriochlorophylls on the other. The results are interpreted in light of hypotheses on the regulation (a) of cellular bacteriochlorophyll levels as well as (b) of the ratio of functionally different bacteriochlorophylls in the photosynthetic apparatus.Abbreviation Bchl bacteriochlorophyll  相似文献   

Trees at timberline in the high Alps are exposed to a variety of climatic conditions. Most climatic stresses occur during winter and spring, when frost, occasionally low snow cover, and high irradiation interact. In this study, we follow reactions of photosynthesis from high winter to spring in two dominating tree species of the alpine timberline, which may indicate the status of stress response to a changing environment. The results indicate a level of physiological stability in trees, which are important for stabilising natural high mountain ecosystems. Trees of Pinus cembra and of Pinus mugo were selected at altitudes between 1850 m a.s.l. and 1950 m a.s.l. near innsbruck, Austria. At six sampling times from January to May, fast chlorophyll fluorescence was measured in the field and twigs were collected for further investigation in the laboratory. The following measurements were taken: photosynthetic oxygen formation, needle chlorophyll and carotenoid determination, and kinetic studies of the xanthophyll cycle. In general, both tree species showed similar results in most parameters studied. P. mugo seems to have some advantages if winter precipitation is high, when, because of its growth habitus, most needles will be snow covered. Primary photochemistry (trapping per reaction centre) in PS II does not change with sampling dates despite the fact that temperature and light are changing. However, first events in electron transport and whole needle photosynthesis are strongly affected by light and temperature conditions during the days before sampling. The kinetics of the xanthophyll cycle indicate not only light, but also strong temperature effects. P. mugo photosynthesis seems to have a higher stability under changing weather. Both tree species are well prepared to start with photosynthesis in winter, if favourable conditions, like foehn events, occur.  相似文献   

A culture of hairy roots ofPanax ginseng C.A. Meyer was set up in order to investigate the possibility of producing ginseng saponin. Roots cultured in 1/2 MS medium in the presence of 2 mg/L IAA and 0.1 mM spermidine showed the maximal growth rate, whereas other polyamines increased the growth of hairy roots only slightly or not at all. High saponin root contents were obtained in culture media supplemented with 0.5 mg/L GA and 1 mM putrescine.  相似文献   

Crude rapeseed oil and post-refining fatty acids were used as substrates for oxalic acid production by a mutant of Aspergillus niger. Both the final concentration and the yield of the product were highest at pH 4 to 5. With a medium containing 50 g lipids l–1, production reached a maximum of 68 g oxalic acid l–1 after 7 d. A high yield of the product (up to 1.4 g oxalic acid g–1 lipids consumed) was achieved with oil and fatty acids combined.  相似文献   

No fermentation parameter was affected at phosphate concentration above 0.4 g l–1 when KH2PO4 was used as phosphate source and the glucose consumption rate was difficult to control when corn steep liquor (CSL) was adopted as the phosphate source. However, if CSL was supplemented as a source of growth factors instead of as the phosphate source, not only glucose uptake and glycerol was improved, but also fermentation became easy to control and a steady state of continuous culture was easily obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of nutritional factors on exopolysaccharide production by submerged cultivation of the medicinal mushroom Oudemansiella radicata were investigated in shake flasks. Sucrose and peptone were optimal carbon and nitrogen sources for cell growth and exopolysaccharide production. The exopolysaccharide production was increased with an increase in initial sucrose concentration within the range of 10–40 g l−1 and initial peptone concentration within the range of 1–3 g l−1. To enhance further exopolysaccharide production, the effect of carbon/nitrogen ratios was studied using central composite design (CCD) and response surface analysis. The maximum exopolysaccharide production of 2.67 ± 0.15 g l−1 was achieved in medium with optimized carbon and nitrogen sources, i.e. 39.3 g sucrose l−1 and 3.16 g peptone l−1 in the same cultivation conditions. The information obtained is helpful for the hyperproduction of exopolysaccharide by submerged cultivation of O. radicata on a large scale.  相似文献   

In the present work, the production of ligninolytic enzymes by semi-solid-statecultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium BKM-F-1767 (ATCC 24725),employing different lignocellulosic wastes as support, was investigated. Thewaste materials employed were grape seeds, wheat straw and wood shavings.Maximum lignin peroxidase activities of 1620 ± 123 U/l, 364 ± 35 U/l and 571 ± 42 U/l were attained, respectively. Nevertheless, lowmanganese-dependent peroxidase activities were found, being insignificantin the grape seed cultures. Moreover, the in vivo decolourisation of a model dye compound, the polymeric dye Poly R-478 (polyvinylamine sulfonateanthrapyridone), by the above-mentioned cultures was monitored to assessthe degrading capability of the extracellular liquid secreted by such cultures.The percentage of biological decolourisation attained by grape seed and woodshaving cultures was around 74% and 63%, respectively, whereas it was ratherlow (40%) in the wheat straw ones.  相似文献   

Alterations in dry weight, macromolecular composition and cell volume with temperature, were examined for Mg2+- and K+-limited Anacystis nidulans. The experiments were performed in chemostats with constant dilution rate. Increasing the temperature from 30–40°C resulted in a 2.1 times increase in yield (g dry weight/g ion) for the Mg2+-limited culture, while it increased 1.3 times in the K+-limited culture. This difference in yield increase with temperature was caused by a large accumulation of carbohydrate in the Mg2+-limited cells. The relation between RNA and protein was found to be independent of temperature in both cultures. This indicated that A. nidulans contained extra inactive RNA under the growth conditions used. These results are discussed to indicate that A. nidulans regulates the rate of protein synthesis by activating/inactivating RNA in protein synthesis. The filament size and cellular DNA content both increased 1.6 times in the Mg2+-limited cells when decreasing the temperature from 40 to 30°C. The chlorophyll content of A. nidulans was found to be independent of temperature in both cultures.  相似文献   

The application of fatty acid (FA) composition data has now extended to studies of physiology, chemotaxonomy, and intrageneric differentiation, as well as to studies of human nutrition. Environmental factors such as nutritional components, oxygen, and temperature are known to affect lipid content and composition in living organisms, including fungi. In the present study, the polar and non-polar lipid content of Pleurotus ostreatus and P. cornucopiae var. citrino-pileatus fruiting bodies produced at temperatures ranging from 12–27 °C and from 17–27 °C, respectively, were analysed to evaluate the effect of temperature on lipid composition in these mushrooms. Results showed that lowering the growth temperature below 17 °C generally provided an expected increase in FA unsaturation in polar and non-polar lipids of P. ostreatus. Although raising the temperature above 17 °C did not show any clear-cut tendency in FA unsaturation, it did reveal that growth temperature had a differential effect on the FA profiles in fruiting bodies of P. ostreatus and P. cornucopiae. This study suggests that care should be taken when using FA content and unsaturation data for physiological, chemotaxonomic, and intrageneric differentiation studies, and that it may be possible to manipulate lipid unsaturation in Pleurotus spp. through modified growth temperatures.  相似文献   

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