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Dendritic cells (DCs) act as sentinels in peripheral tissues, continuously scavenging for antigens in their immediate surroundings. Their involvement in T cell responses is generally thought to consist of a linear progression of events, starting with capture of antigen in peripheral tissues such as the skin followed by migration to draining lymphoid organs and MHC-restricted presentation of antigen-derived peptide to induce T cell priming. The role of tissue-derived DCs in the direct priming of immune responses has lately been challenged. It now appears that, at least in some instances, a non-migratory subtype of DCs in the secondary lymphoid tissue presents tissue-derived antigen to T cells. Here, we review recent developments in research on DC function in the priming of immune responses.  相似文献   

The intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes infects dendritic cells (DC) and other APCs and induces potent cell-mediated protective immunity. However, heat-killed bacteria fail to do so. This study explored whether DC differentially respond to live and killed Listeria and how this affects T cell activation. To control for bacterial number, a replication-deficient strain, Lmdd, defective in D-alanine biosynthesis, was used. We found that DC internalize both live and heat-killed Lmdd and similarly up-regulate the expression of costimulatory molecules, a necessary step for T cell activation. However, only live Lmdd-infected DC stimulate T cells to express the early activation marker CD69 and enhance T cell activation upon TCR engagement. Infection with live, but not heat-killed, Lmdd induces myeloid DC to secrete copious amounts of IFN-beta, which requires bacterial cytosolic invasion. Exposure to high concentrations of IFN-beta sensitizes naive T cells for Ag-dependent activation.  相似文献   

Targeting dendritic cells for priming cellular immune responses   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The cardinal role of dendritic cells (DC) in priming adaptive immunity and in orchestrating immune responses against all classes of pathogens and also against tumors is well established. Their unique potential both to maintain self-tolerance and to initiate protective immune responses against foreign and/or dangerous structures is based on the functional diversity and flexibility of these cells. Tissue DC lining antigenic portals such as mucosal surfaces and the skin are specialized to take up a wide array of compounds including proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, glycolipids and oligonucleotides, particles carrying such structures and apoptotic or necrotic cells. This process is facilitated by specialized receptors with high endocytic capacity, which provides potential targets for delivering designed molecules. The best route for targeting B- and/or T cell epitopes, however, is still the subject of intense investigation. Immature DC, which reside in various tissues, can be activated by pathogens, stress and inflammation or modified metabolic products, which induce mobilization of cells to draining lymph nodes where they act as highly potent professional antigen presenting cells. This is brought about by the ability to present their accumulated intracellular content for both CD4+ helper (Th) and CD8+ cytotoxic/cytolytic T lymphocytes (Tc/CTL). Engulfed proteins are processed intracellularly and their peptide fragments are transported to the cell surface in the context of major histocompatibility complex encoded class I and II molecules for presentation to Th cells and CTLs, respectively. The T cell priming capacity of DC, however, depends not only on antigen presentation but also on other features of DC. Human monocyte-derived DC provide an excellent tool to study the internalizing, antigen-presenting and T cell-activating functions of DC at their immature and activated differentiation states. These biological activities of DC, however, are highly dependent on their migratory potential from the peripheral non-lymphoid tissues to the lymph nodes, on the expression of adhesion molecules, which support the interaction of DC with T lymphocytes, and the cytokines secreted by DC, which polarize immune responses to Th1-mediated cellular or Th2-mediated antibody responses. These results altogether demonstrate that monocyte-derived DC are useful candidates for in vitro or in vivo targeting of antigens to induce efficient adaptive immune responses against pathogens and also against tumors.  相似文献   

In early life, a high susceptibility to infectious diseases as well as a poor capacity to respond to vaccines are generally observed as compared with observations in adults. The mechanisms underlying immune immaturity have not been fully elucidated and could be due to the immaturity of the T/B cell responses and/or to a defect in the nature and quality of Ag presentation by the APC. This prompted us to phenotypically and functionally characterize early life murine dendritic cells (DC) purified from spleens of 7-day-old mice. We showed that neonatal CD11c(+) DC express levels of costimulatory molecules and MHC molecules similar to those of adult DC and are able to fully maturate after LPS activation. Furthermore, we demonstrated that neonatal DC can efficiently take up, process, and present Ag to T cells in vitro and induce specific CTL responses in vivo. Although a reduced number of these cells was observed in the spleen of neonatal mice as compared with adults, this study clearly shows that neonatal DC have full functional capacity and may well prime Ag-specific naive T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the baculovirus induced a strong host immune response against infections and malignancies. Among the immune cells, the dendritic cells were most strongly infected and activated by the baculovirus, although the exact mechanism remained unclear. Here, we evaluated the non-specific immune responses of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) after infection by a wild-type baculovirus. MHC class I and II molecules and co-stimulation molecules (CD40, CD80, and CD86) on BMDCs were up-regulated by baculovirus infection. At the same time, the BMDCs produced pre-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL12p70, and TNF-α) and IFN-α. NK cells showed IFN-γ production, CD69 up-regulation, and enhanced cytotoxicity when they were co-cultured with baculovirus-infected BMDCs. T cells showed IFN-γ production, CD69 up-regulation, and cell proliferation. Ex vivo analysis performed in vitro produced similar results. These findings suggested that baculovirus-infected dendritic cells induce non-specific immune responses and can be used as an immunotherapeutic agent against viral infections and malignancies, together with present therapeutic drug regimens.  相似文献   

Activation of CD4(+) T cells by APCs occurs by multiple Ag recognition events including the exchange of costimulatory signals and cytokines. Additionally, the T cells acquire APC-derived surface molecules. Herein, we describe for the first time the transfer of human and murine T cell surface receptors to APCs after Ag-specific interaction. This transfer occurs in two qualitatively different phases. The first group of molecules (e.g., CD2) derived from the T cell surface was transferred rapidly after 2 h of interaction, was strongly bound on the DC surface (acid wash-resistant), was strictly dependent on dendritic cell-T cell contact, and transferred independently of T cell activation. The second group, including the CD3/TCR complex, CD27, and OX40, was of intracellular origin, transferred later after 10-16 h in a cell-cell contact-independent fashion, was noncovalently bound, and was strictly dependent on Ag-specific T cell activation. Functionally, murine dendritic cells that received TCR molecules from OVA-specific CD4(+) T cells after Ag-specific interaction were less efficient in priming naive CD4(+) T cells of the same specificity without losing their ability for CD8(+) T cell stimulation, indicating that the transferred TCR molecules mask the Ag-bearing MHC II molecules, thereby reducing their accessibility to following Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells. While the first group of transferred T cell surface molecules might facilitate the detachment of the CD4(+) T cell from the dendritic cell during the early scanning phases, the second group could play an important immunomodulatory role in intraclonal competition of T cells for APC access, making the physical presence of CD4(+) T cells unnecessary.  相似文献   

Formation of NO by NO synthases (NOSs) strictly depends on tetrahydrobiopterin. Its structural analog, tetrahydro-4-aminobiopterin, is an inhibitor of all NOS isoenzymes, which prolongs allograft survival in acute murine cardiac rejection and prevents septic shock in the rat. In this study, we show that murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells treated with tetrahydro-4-aminobiopterin had a reduced capacity to prime alloreactive murine T cells in oxidative mitogenesis. Checking for a possible influence on LPS-induced dendritic cell maturation, we found that tetrahydro-4-aminobiopterin down-regulated MHC class II expression and counteracted LPS-induced down-regulation of ICOS ligand, while expression of CD40, CD86, CD80, B7-H1, and B7-DC remained unchanged. Tetrahydro-4-aminobiopterin also reduced activation of CD4(+) T cells isolated from mice overexpressing an OVA-specific TCR by OVA-loaded murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells, thus indicating that its effect on MHC class II expression is involved in attenuating T cell activation. In line with affecting dendritic cell function and T cell activation, tetrahydro-4-aminobiopterin impaired production of proinflammatory cytokines and the Th1 response. With regard to cell survival, tetrahydro-4-aminobiopterin induced efficient apoptosis of murine T cells but not of murine dendritic cells. Experiments with cells from inducible NOS (iNOS) knockout mice and with N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)-L-lysine, a specific inhibitor of iNOS, ruled out participation of iNOS in any of the observed effects. These findings characterize attenuation of T cell stimulatory capacity of murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells as an immunosuppressive mechanism of tetrahydro-4-aminobiopterin that is not related to its iNOS-inhibiting properties.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma is considered to be a Th1 cytokine with immunomodulatory effects on a variety of immune cells. In this study, we determined whether dendritic cell (DC) function was aberrant in IFN-gamma knockout (GKO) mice. The results demonstrated that IFN-gamma deficiency did not interfere with bone marrow-derived DC development and maturation in vitro. However, functional analysis showed that bone marrow-derived DC from GKO mice had altered cytokine secretion, allostimulatory and Ag presentation capacity, chemokine receptor expression, and in vitro chemotaxis. LPS induced the recruitment of DC from different organs into the spleen; epicutaneously sensitized DC with hapten (FITC) accumulated in the draining lymph nodes and CD11c(+) DC levels in the draining lymph nodes from autoantigen (interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein) immunized mice were enhanced in GKO mice as compared with wild-type mice. After treatment of GKO mice with i.p. IFN-gamma injection restored IFN-gamma levels in vivo, DC migration decreased in response to LPS or FITC. IFN-gamma altered the adaptive immune responses in vivo, since T cell priming and IL-2 production were increased in interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein-immunized GKO mice. Furthermore, in IFN-gamma-treated GKO mice, experimental autoimmune uveitis score enhancement and T cell activation were eliminated. Taken together, IFN-gamma appears to play a negative regulatory role on in vivo DC function, resulting in suppression of Ag-specific T cell priming.  相似文献   

Agrawal S  Gupta S  Agrawal A 《PloS one》2010,5(10):e13418


Dendritic cells capture antigens through PRRs and modulate adaptive immune responses. The type of adaptive immune T cell response generated is dependent upon the type of PRR activated by the microbes. Dectin-1 is a C-type lectin receptor present on dendritic cells.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we show that selective dectin-1 agonist Curdlan can activate human DCs and induce the secretion of large amounts of IL-23, IL-1β, IL-6 and low levels of IL-12p70 as determined by ELISA. The Curdlan-stimulated DCs are efficient at priming naïve CD4 cells to differentiate into Th17 and Th1 cells. Furthermore, these CD4 T cells induce differentiation of B cells to secrete IgG and IgA. In addition, Curdlan-stimulated DCs promote the expansion and differentiation of Granzyme and perforin expressing cytotoxic T lymphocyte that display high cytolytic activity against target tumor cells in vitro.


These data demonstrate that DCs stimulated through Dectin-1 can generate efficient Th, CTL and B cell responses and can therefore be used as effective mucosal and systemic adjuvants in humans.  相似文献   

The peripheral lymphocyte pool size is governed by homeostatic mechanisms. Thus, grafted T cells expand and replenish T cell compartments in lymphopenic hosts. Lymphopenia-driven proliferation of naive CD8+ T cells depends on self-peptide/MHC class I complexes and the cytokine IL-7. Lymphopenia-driven proliferation and maintenance of memory CD8+ T cells are MHC independent, but are believed to require IL-7 and contact with a bone marrow-derived cell that presents the cytokine IL-15 by virtue of its high affinity receptor (IL-15Ralpha). In this study we show that optimal spontaneous proliferation of grafted naive and memory CD8+ T cells in mice rendered lymphopenic through gene ablation or irradiation requires the presence of CD11chigh dendritic cells. Our results suggest a dual role of CD11chigh dendritic cells as unique APC and cytokine-presenting cells.  相似文献   

Leishmania mexicana infections in C57BL/6 mice are associated with minimal immune responses and persistent cutaneous lesions. In contrast, Leishmania major elicits a robust Th1 response that promotes lesion resolution. We investigated whether the nonhealing phenotype associated with L. mexicana was due to a failure of L. mexicana to activate T cells. In vivo T cell responses to infection were assessed by tracking the behavior of labeled naive T cells following the transfer of these cells into congenic mice. Although L. mexicana infection was associated with minimal expansion of the draining lymph nodes, we observed no difference in the percentage of T cells proliferating in response to L. mexicana and L. major. Instead, differences in the size and cellularity of lymph nodes were associated with decreased recruitment of cells trafficking to the lymph node. Furthermore, we found that T cells responding to L. mexicana infection were less able to differentiate into IFN-gamma producing cells, and this deficit extended to previously activated T cells as well. Coadministration of CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotides at the time of infection overcame this deficit and promoted disease resolution. Taken together, our results identify two distinct components that contribute to the minimal immune response associated with L. mexicana infection. First, despite ample levels of T cell proliferation, L. mexicana fails to induce substantial lymph node expansion, which limits the number of responding T cells. Second, L. mexicana infection fails to drive the differentiation of the majority of responding cells into IFN-gamma producers.  相似文献   

ORAI1 is a pore subunit of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channels that mediate TCR stimulation-induced Ca(2+) entry. A point mutation in ORAI1 (ORAI1(R91W)) causes SCID in human patients that is recapitulated in Orai1(-/-) mice, emphasizing its important role in the immune cells. In this study, we have characterized a novel function of ORAI1 in T cell death. CD4(+) T cells from Orai1(-/-) mice showed robust proliferation with repetitive stimulations and strong resistance to stimulation-induced cell death due to reduced mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and altered gene expression of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic molecules (e.g., Fas ligand, Noxa, and Mcl-1). Nuclear accumulation of NFAT was severely reduced in ORAI1-deficient T cells, and expression of ORAI1 and a constitutively active mutant of NFAT recovered cell death. These results indicate NFAT-mediated cell death pathway as one of the major downstream targets of ORAI1-induced Ca(2+) entry. By expressing various mutants of ORAI1 in wild-type and Orai1(-/-) T cells to generate different levels of intracellular Ca(2+), we have shown that activation-induced cell death is directly proportional to the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration levels. Consistent with the in vitro results, Orai1(-/-) mice showed strong resistance to T cell depletion induced by injection of anti-CD3 Ab. Furthermore, ORAI1-deficient T cells showed enhanced survival after adoptive transfer into immunocompromised hosts. Thus, our results demonstrate a crucial role of the ORAI1-NFAT pathway in T cell death and highlight the important role of ORAI1 as a major route of Ca(2+) entry during activated T cell death.  相似文献   

The fate of dendritic cells (DCs) after Ag presentation may be DC subset-specific and controlled by many factors. The role of activation-induced apoptosis in regulating DC function is not clear. We investigated the fate of cutaneous DCs (cDCs), specifically Langerhans cells (LCs), and observed that they undergo apoptosis after successful Ag presentation to CD4 T cells. Caspase-specific inhibitors revealed that LC lines use a type II apoptosis pathway in response to CD4 T cells. In support of this, BH3-interacting domain (Bid) protein was present at high levels and specifically cleaved in the presence of Ag-specific T cells. Significant resistance to apoptosis by OT-2 CD4 cells was also observed for Bid knockout (KO) LCs in vitro. To test whether Bid was required to regulate LC function in vivo, we measured contact sensitization and topical immunization responses in Bid KO mice and observed markedly enhanced ear swelling and proliferation responses compared with wild-type mice. Furthermore, when Ag-pulsed Bid KO migratory cDCs were inoculated into wild-type recipients, an increase in both the rate and percentage of expanded OT-2 T cells expressing IFN-gamma was observed. Thus, enhanced Ag presentation function was intrinsic to Bid KO cDCs. Therefore, Bid is an important regulator of LC viability and Ag presentation function.  相似文献   

We investigated the negative effect of type I IFN (IFN-I) on the priming of specific CD8 T cell immunity. Priming of murine CD8 T cells is down-modulated if Ag is codelivered with IFN-I-inducing polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (pI/C) that induces (NK cell- and T/B cell-independent) acute changes in the composition and surface phenotype of dendritic cells (DC). In wild-type but not IFN-I receptor-deficient mice, pI/C reduces the plasmacytoid DC but expands the CD8(+) conventional DC (cDC) population and up-regulates surface expression of activation-associated (CD69, BST2), MHC (class I/II), costimulator (CD40, CD80/CD86), and coinhibitor (PD-L1/L2) molecules by cDC. Naive T cells are efficiently primed in vitro by IFN-I-stimulated CD8 cDC (the key APC involved in CD8 T cell priming) although these DC produced less IL-12 p40 and IL-6. pI/C (IFN-I)-mediated down modulation of CD8 T cell priming in vivo was not observed in NKT cell-deficient CD1d(-/-) mice. CD8 cDC from pI/C-treated mice inefficiently stimulated IFN-gamma, IL-4, and IL-2 responses of NKT cells. In vitro, CD8 cDC that had activated NKT cells in the presence of IFN-I primed CD8 T cells that produced less IFN-gamma but more IL-10. The described immunosuppressive effect of IFN-I thus involves an NKT cell-mediated change in the phenotype of CD8 cDC that favors priming of IL-10-producing CD8 T cells. In the presence of IFN-I, NKT cells hence impair the competence of CD8 cDC to prime proinflammatory CD8 T cell responses.  相似文献   

Patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) have an impaired response against HCV antigens while keeping immune competence for other antigens. We hypothesized that expression of HCV proteins in infected dendritic cells (DC) might impair their antigen-presenting function, leading to a defective anti-HCV T-cell immunity. To test this hypothesis, DC from normal donors were transduced with an adenovirus coding for HCV core and E1 proteins and these cells (DC-CE1) were used to stimulate T lymphocytes. DC-CE1 were poor stimulators of allogeneic reactions and of autologous primary and secondary proliferative responses. Autologous T cells stimulated with DC-CE1 exhibited a pattern of incomplete activation characterized by enhanced CD25 expression but reduced interleukin 2 production. The same pattern of incomplete lymphocyte activation was observed in CD4(+) T cells responding to HCV core in patients with chronic HCV infection. However, CD4(+) response to HCV core was normal in patients who cleared HCV after alpha interferon therapy. Moreover, a normal CD4(+) response to tetanus toxoid was found in both chronic HCV carriers and patients who had eliminated the infection. Our results suggest that expression of HCV structural antigens in infected DC disturbs their antigen-presenting function, leading to incomplete activation of anti-HCV-specific T cells and chronicity of infection. However, presentation of unrelated antigens by noninfected DC would allow normal T-cell immunity to other pathogens.  相似文献   

The fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) family consists of a number of conserved cytoplasmic proteins with roles in intracellular lipid transport, storage, and metabolism. Examination of a comprehensive leukocyte gene expression database revealed strong expression of the adipocyte FABP aP2 in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs). We isolated bone marrow-derived DC from aP2-deficient mice, and showed that expression of DC cytokines including IL-12 and TNF was significantly impaired in these cells. Degradation of IkappaBalpha was also impaired in aP2-deficient DCs, indicative of reduced signaling through the IkappaB kinase-NF-kappaB pathway. The cytokine defect was selective because there was no effect on Ag uptake or expression of MHC class II, CD40, CD80, or CD86. In an MLR, aP2-deficient DCs stimulated markedly lower T cell proliferation and cytokine production than did wild-type DCs. Moreover, aP2-deficient mice immunized with keyhole limpet hemocyanin/CFA showed reduced production of IFN-gamma by restimulated draining lymph node cells, suggesting a similar defect in DC function in vivo. Similarly, infection of aP2-deficient mice with the natural mouse pathogen ectromelia virus resulted in substantially lower production of IFN-gamma by CD8+ T cells. Thus, FABP aP2 plays an important role in DC function and T cell priming, and provides an additional link between metabolic processes and the regulation of immune responses.  相似文献   

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