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A cell-kinetic model for the application of the micronucleus test to polychromatic erythrocytes in mouse fetal liver, fetal blood, and maternal bone marrow after exposure to clastogenic agents is described. The time of expression and dose-response relationships obtained with γ-radiation, methyl methanesulphonate, procarbazine, mitomycin C and benzo[a]pyrene are analysed in terms of this model. The numbers of target cells damaged per unit dose has been calculated and the dose equivalents obtained. Maternal and fetal cells show similar sensitivity to γ-radiation, but fetal cells are markedly more sensitive to MMS and procarbazine. This probably due to differences in tissue distribution and metabolism. Maternal and fetal erythroid tissues can show linear and exponential dose-response relationships, which may not coincide (e.g. with MMS). It is concluded that risks from fetal exposure to genotoxic agents cannot be reliably predicted from in vivo tests restricted to adult animals. However, the micronucleus technique appled to fetal erythroid cells proveds a rapid and reliable short-term test, appropriate to minimising risks of genome damage during prenatal development.  相似文献   

Fetal cells are always present in maternal blood starting in the first trimester of pregnancy, however a rapid, simple, and consistent procedure for their isolation for prenatal non-invasive genetic investigation is still lacking. Sensitivity and recovery of fetal cells is jeopardized by the minute amount of circulating fetal cells and their loss during the enrichment procedure. We report here a single-step approach to isolate fetal cells from maternal blood which relies on the use of non-physiological conditions to modify cell densities before their separation in a density gradient and in a newly developed cell separation device. Isolated fetal cells have been investigated using cytochemistry, Soret band absorption microscopy, monoclonal antibodies for epsilon- and gamma-chain-Hb, monoclonal antibody for i-antigen, and by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Fetal cells were always detected in all 105 maternal blood samples investigated and fetal aneuploidies were correctly diagnosed by FISH, in a pilot study of pathological pregnancies, in fetal cells isolated from maternal blood obtained either before or after invasive procedure.  相似文献   

This article explores the feasibility of the use of automated microscopy and image analysis to detect the presence of rare fetal nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) circulating in maternal blood. The rationales for enrichment and for automated image analysis for "rare-event" detection are reviewed. We also describe the application of automated image analysis to 42 maternal blood samples, using a protocol consisting of one-step enrichment followed by immunocytochemical staining for fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and FISH for X- and Y-chromosomal sequences. Automated image analysis consisted of multimode microscopy and subsequent visual evaluation of image memories containing the selected objects. The FISH results were compared with the results of conventional karyotyping of the chorionic villi. By use of manual screening, 43% of the slides were found to be positive (>=1 NRBC), with a mean number of 11 NRBCs (range 1-40). By automated microscopy, 52% were positive, with on average 17 NRBCs (range 1-111). There was a good correlation between both manual and automated screening, but the NRBC yield from automated image analysis was found to be superior to that from manual screening (P=.0443), particularly when the NRBC count was >15. Seven (64%) of 11 XY fetuses were correctly diagnosed by FISH analysis of automatically detected cells, and all discrepancies were restricted to the lower cell-count range. We believe that automated microscopy and image analysis reduce the screening workload, are more sensitive than manual evaluation, and can be used to detect rare HbF-containing NRBCs in maternal blood.  相似文献   

Intense research has been carried out in recent years into methods that aim to harvest fetal genetic material from maternal blood as substitutes to amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. Just over 30 years have past since the first fetal cells were separated from maternal blood using flow cytometry highlighting the prospect of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormalities. The aim of this review paper is to describe the most commonly used cell separation methods with emphasis on the isolation of fetal cells from maternal blood. The most significant breakthroughs and advances in fetal cell separation are reviewed and critically analyzed. Although much has been accomplished using well established techniques, a rapid and inexpensive method to separate fetal cells with great accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency to maximize cell yield is still required. In the past decade MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) technologies have enabled the miniaturization of many biological and medical laboratory processes. Lab-on-chip systems have been developed and encompass many modules capable of processing different biological samples. Such chips contain various integrated components such as separation channels, micropumps, mixers, reaction and detection chambers. This article will also explore new emerging MEMS based separation strategies, which hope to overcome the current limitations in fetal cell separation.  相似文献   

Individual maternal and fetal flows to 706 placental cotyledons obtained from 9 chronically catheterized pregnant ewes and their fetuses (gestation age 123-141 days) were measured. The larger the cotyledon the greater the maternal and fetal blood flow to it. Both fetal and maternal flows to larger cotyledons, however, tended to be lower when corrected for the weight of the cotyledon perfused. Changes in fetal placental flow (dfgc, ml/min/g) occurring within 15 min of administration of 15 mg i.v. of captopril to the ewe were dependent on changes in fetal placental vascular resistance (dcotfr) and maternal flow (dmgc) according to the equation dfgc = 0.123 + 0.185 dmgc - 0.026 dcotfr. Changes in maternal placental flow occurring within 15 min of administration of 15 mg i.v. of captopril to the ewe were dependent on changes in maternal placental vascular resistance (dcotmr) and changes in fetal flow according to the equation dmgc = 0.483 + 0.496 dfgc - 0.0198 dcotmr. The changes in fetal flow over the next 1.5h of treatment with captopril at 6 mg/h were dependent on neither changes in fetal placental vascular resistance nor maternal placental flow. changes in maternal placental flows over the same time were no longer related to changes in fetal flow and depended only to a minimal extent on changes in maternal placental resistance. These analyses suggest that treatment of the pregnant ewe with captopril may have disturbed the normal relationships between maternal and fetal placental circulations.  相似文献   

Fetal cells, present in the blood of pregnant women, are potential targets for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. The fetal erythroblast has been the favorite target cell type. We investigated four methods of enrichment for fetal erythroblasts, identifying only three fetal erythroblasts in 573 ml of maternal blood. This is much less than the expected two to six fetal cells per ml of maternal blood. Hamada and Krabchi used a cell type-independent marker, i.e., the Y chromosome in maternal blood from male pregnancies after Carnoy fixation, leaving the nuclei for hybridization with X-and Y-chromosome-specific probes. We found with a similar technique 28 fetal cells in 15 ml of maternal blood. The fetal origin of cells was confirmed by hybridizing the nuclei with X- and Y-chromosome-specific probes, using two consecutive hybridizations with the two probes in opposite colors (reverse FISH). Candidate fetal cells were inspected after each hybridization. Only cells that were found to change the color of both probe signals from first to second hybridization were diagnosed as fetal. To reduce the labor-intensive slide screening load, we used semiautomated scanning microscopy to search for candidate cells. We conclude that erythroblasts form only a small fraction of fetal cells present in maternal blood.  相似文献   

Female fetal cells in maternal blood: use of DNA polymorphisms to prove origin   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The nucleated erythrocyte (NRBC) is one of the target fetal cell types for noninvasive genetic diagnosis using maternal peripheral blood. However, it is now known that pregnancy can stimulate the production of maternal NRBCs. When isolating female gamma-positive NRBCs, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis may show two X chromosome signals per nucleus, and therefore it cannot be conclusively determined whether the isolated cells are fetal or maternal in origin. The purpose of this study was to develop a means of verifying that a female cell is fetal on the basis of polymorphic short tandem repeat markers. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from women who had just undergone termination of pregnancy. Nucleated candidate fetal cells were isolated by flow-sorting using antibody to the gamma-chain of fetal hemoglobin and Hoechst 33342. FISH analysis was performed using X and Y chromosome specific probes. Female gamma-positive cells and leukocytes were micromanipulated separately and subjected to fluorescent polymerase chain reaction amplification of chromosome 21 and/or 18 STR markers (D21S11, D21S1411, D21S1412, and D18S535). In all ten cases analyzed, the gamma-positive female candidate fetal cells were determined to be fetal in origin by the presence of shared and nonshared DNA polymorphisms when compared with maternal leukocytes. These results show that genetic analysis can be performed on all fetal NRBCs, including female fetal cells that cannot be distinguished from maternal cells based on FISH analysis alone.  相似文献   

母体外周血中分离的胎儿有核红细胞(fNRBCs)包含胎儿完整的遗传信息,可用于无创产前诊断。fNRBCs的分离和富集方法主要分为三类:物理分选法、抗原-抗体结合分离法和增殖法。不同的方法获得的fNRBCs的数量和纯度不同,多种方法联合使用可以提高富集产物中fNRBCs的纯度和数量。本文就母体外周血中fNRBCs的分离和富集方法进行综述。  相似文献   

Rapid clearance of fetal DNA from maternal plasma.   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56       下载免费PDF全文
Fetal DNA has been detected in maternal plasma during pregnancy. We investigated the clearance of circulating fetal DNA after delivery, using quantitative PCR analysis of the sex-determining region Y gene as a marker for male fetuses. We analyzed plasma samples from 12 women 1-42 d after delivery of male babies and found that circulating fetal DNA was undetectable by day 1 after delivery. To obtain a higher time-resolution picture of fetal DNA clearance, we performed serial sampling of eight women, which indicated that most women (seven) had undetectable levels of circulating fetal DNA by 2 h postpartum. The mean half-life for circulating fetal DNA was 16.3 min (range 4-30 min). Plasma nucleases were found to account for only part of the clearance of plasma fetal DNA. The rapid turnover of circulating DNA suggests that plasma DNA analysis may be less susceptible to false-positive results, which result from carryover from previous pregnancies, than is the detection of fetal cells in maternal blood; also, rapid turnover may be useful for the monitoring of feto-maternal events with rapid dynamics. These results also may have implications for the study of other types of nonhost DNA in plasma, such as circulating tumor-derived and graft-derived DNA in oncology and transplant patients, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The suppression of proliferation of maternal lymphocytes by the lymphocytes of their own male newborns have been tested in a PHA-induced two-way stimulation system. The mixed lymphocyte cultures of 6 out of 12 such mother/son pairs had 23–50% metaphases with 46,XX karyotype. In 2 more cases 10% maternal metaphases have been observed. Hence, it appears that fetal lymphocytes are unable to suppress the proliferation of maternal cells completely.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Erythroblasts have been the most encouraging candidate cell type for noninvasive prenatal genetic investigation. We previously showed that human erythroblasts can be recovered from bone marrow and blood bank buffy coats by a physical cell separation. In the present study, we modified our previous methodology, taking into account the peculiar behavior of erythroblasts in response to modifications of pH and osmolality of the separation medium. METHODS: Twenty to forty milliters of cord blood were initially centrifuged on Ficoll/diatrizoate (1.085 g/ml). The interphase cells were further separated on a continuous density gradient (1.040-1.085 g/ml). Two different gradients were initially compared: the first was iso-osmolar and neutral, whereas the second also contained an ionic strength gradient and a pH gradient (triple gradient). A subsequent monocyte depletion was performed by using magnetic microbeads coated with anti-CD14 monoclonal antibody (mAb), and erythroblasts were purified by sedimentation velocity. Purified cells were investigated by analyses with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunocytochemistry with mAb against fetal hemoglobin and were cultured in vitro. RESULTS: When nucleated cells were spun on an iso-osmolar and neutral continuous density gradient, two separated bands of nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) were obtained: a light fraction banding at 1.062 g/ml and an heavy fraction banding at 1.078 g/ml. Conversely, when cells were spun in the triple gradient, NRBCs were shifted to the low-density region. Monocyte depletion by immunomagnetic microbeads and velocity sedimentation provided a pure erythroblast population. FACS and FISH analyses and immunocytochemistry substantiated the purity of the isolated cell fraction, which was successfully cultured in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that fetal erythroblasts can be purified up to homogeneity from cord blood, but further refinements of the isolation procedure are necessary before the same results can be obtained from maternal peripheral blood.  相似文献   

A microtechnique for determining the superoxide dismutase activity in erythrocytes is described. This technique involves the inhibition of luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence of superoxide anion generated by xanthine-xanthine oxidase. Measurements required a steady-state chemiluminescence whether superoxide dismutase was present or absent; the level of luminescence was correlated to enzyme activity. Superoxide dismutase activity measured by this technique was 836 +/- 112 micrograms/g of hemoglobin for whole blood and 834 +/- 109 micrograms/g of hemoglobin for erythrocytes. When the reference technique was applied to larger amounts of blood, the results were 862 +/- 58 and 858 +/- 116 micrograms/g of hemoglobin for whole blood and washed erythrocytes, respectively. The enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase from fetal blood (obtained by venipuncture in utero and of 19-26 weeks gestational age) was similar to that of adult blood, when measured by the new technique.  相似文献   



Bloodstream infections are responsible for thousands of deaths each year. The rapid identification of the microorganisms causing these infections permits correct therapeutic management that will improve the prognosis of the patient. In an attempt to reduce the time spent on this step, microorganism identification devices have been developed, including the VITEK® 2 system, which is currently used in routine clinical microbiology laboratories.


This study evaluated the accuracy of the VITEK® 2 system in the identification of 400 microorganisms isolated from blood cultures and compared the results to those obtained with conventional phenotypic and genotypic methods. In parallel to the phenotypic identification methods, the DNA of these microorganisms was extracted directly from the blood culture bottles for genotypic identification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing.


The automated VITEK® 2 system correctly identified 94.7 % (379/400) of the isolates. The YST and GN cards resulted in 100 % correct identifications of yeasts (15/15) and Gram-negative bacilli (165/165), respectively. The GP card correctly identified 92.6 % (199/215) of Gram-positive cocci, while the ANC card was unable to correctly identify any Gram-positive bacilli (0/5).


The performance of the VITEK® 2 system was considered acceptable and statistical analysis showed that the system is a suitable option for routine clinical microbiology laboratories to identify different microorganisms.

Fetal male DNA can be identified in maternal blood by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of Y-specific sequences. This technology has not reached a satisfactory accuracy and reproducibility in fetal gender determination because of the very low concentration of fetal cells. Our purpose was to evaluate the possibility of improving the reliability of this test by setting up a repeated amplification system. We amplified, by nested PCR of the Y-specific sequence DYS14, 137 DNA samples extracted from maternal peripheral blood (93 from male-bearing and 44 from female-bearing pregnancies ranging from the 6th to the 36th gestational week). Each maternal DNA sample was tested doubly, in two different PCR sessions, with a total of four amplifications. We obtained discordant results in the four amplifications in 82/137 (60%) samples. The best interpretation of these discordant results was obtained by applying a positivity cutoff of at least two positive amplifications for considering a DNA sample as belonging to a male-bearing pregnancy. We obtained a sensitivity of 83%, a specificity of 93%, a positive predictive value of 96% and a negative predictive value of 72% in fetal male gender diagnosis. By applying this quadruple testing system, we significantly improved PCR accuracy and predictive values compared with single and double testing of the same samples. We conclude that, for future investigations of fetal DNA retrieved from maternal blood, the application of a quadruple testing system is better than the single PCR test. Received: 18 August 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

All current methods of fetal karyotyping are invasive and carry a definite, albeit small, procedure-related risk. Because of this and testing costs, only women older than 35 years who have a greater risk for fetal aneuploidy are currently offered prenatal testing. But this detects only 20% to 25% of fetuses with Down syndrome. It would be a tremendous advance to find a noninvasive technique for prenatal diagnosis that carries no procedure-related risk and could be offered to all pregnant women. We describe a possible technique for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis that aims to identify fetal cells in the peripheral maternal circulation and successfully garner them for prenatal testing. Early attempts at fetal karyotyping were hampered by inaccurate diagnostic methods and cumbersome cell-counting techniques. Today, improved capabilities of identifying and enriching for fetal cells, coupled with sensitive methods of analysis such as the polymerase chain reaction, bring renewed enthusiasm to this task. Many technical issues, as well as serious questions regarding the test''s utility, still exist, however, and must be explored and answered before the capture of fetal cells in the maternal circulation translates into reality for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Summary The objective of this study was to compare several selection procedures with respect to expected genetic gain in the population hybrid across a range of initial allelic frequencies, degrees of dominance, and environmental variances. The methods compared were intrapopulation recurrent selection using full-sib or S1 families, full-sib and two half-sib reciprocal recurrent selection procedures, and convergent improvement applied to populations. Comparisons were made by calculating expected allelic frequency changes for each method. The optimal selection method for a given set of allelic frequencies and degree of dominance depended little on the environmental variance. Partly because of its short cycle, full-sib intrapopulation selection was the most effective method for the majority of allelic frequency combinations when the degree of dominance was small and an off-season nursery could be used to make recombinations. With larger values for the degree of dominance, S1 and reciprocal full-sib methods became optimal, the former method especially when favorable alleles had a high frequency and the latter when populations were highly divergent. When off-season nursery use was restricted to making self-pollinations or was absent, S1 selection was optimal for the majority of allelic frequency combinations. Convergent improvement was superior only for extremely divergent allelic frequencies and then only when the degree of dominance was less than 0.10. Half-sib reciprocal methods were never optimal, although the gain for the standard half-sib reciprocal procedure differed little from that of full-sib reciprocal selection when the degree of dominance was 0.75.  相似文献   

An association of AB0 blood groups and month of birth was examined in two groups, students and newborns in Tokyo. Among 4919 students born mainly in the 1960s, an apparent seasonal variation was shown in births of blood group B students. Among 3592 newborns at an obstetric clinic in the 1980s seasonal variation was also observed in all four blood groups. The ratio of 0 group to A group newborns (0/A ratio) from 0 mothers was lower than that from A mothers among the 0 and A pairs contrary to the expected effects of 0-A incompatibility. The 0/A ratio was apparently different by season and the 0/A ratio from 0 mothers was significantly lower than that from A mothers among those born during August-January. It is assumed that an association of birth season with AB0 blood group may be caused by some seasonally and secularly changing environmental "infertility factors" such as infectious microorganism which may have some common components with a particular blood group substance respectively and induce a loss of embryos selectively at a particular season.  相似文献   

Eosinophils are often purified in discontinuous gradients. Since continuous gradients usually provide a greater recovery of more highly purified cells, the present investigation was undertaken to compare the purification of eosinophils from normal whole blood in continuous and discontinuous gradients of Percoll. Contrary to our expectations, recovery and purity of eosinophils obtained from the discontinuous gradients were comparable to or higher than those from the continuous gradients of Percoll that were tested with whole blood. The purity of the modal fractions of eosinophils from the discontinuous gradients was between 88 and greater than 99% of the nucleated cells and from the continuous gradients, 80 to 93% of the nucleated cells. We have compared continuous and discontinuous gradients with many different kinds of cells. This is the first time we have found continuous and discontinuous gradients equally effective. We speculate this finding is related to the fact that the band capacities are vastly overloaded in these gradients. In addition, we tested the rate of superoxide production by eosinophils from the same donors after their purification by two different methods in discontinuous gradients. Eosinophils purified from normal whole blood in gradients of Percoll by a modification of the method of Roberts and Gallin [1985) Blood 65, 433-440) had a higher rate of superoxide production after stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate than those purified from leukocyte-rich plasma in gradients of Metrizamide by the method of Vadas et al. [1979) J. Immunol. 122, 1228-1236).  相似文献   

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