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Coordinated regulation of inductive events, both spatially and temporally, during animal development ensures that tissues are induced at their specific positions within the embryo. The ascidian brain is induced in cells at the anterior edge of the animal hemisphere by fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signals secreted from vegetal cells. To clarify how this process is spatially regulated, we first identified the sources of the FGF signal by examining the expression of brain markers Hr-Otx and Hr-ETR-1 in embryos in which FGF signaling is locally inhibited by injecting individual blastomeres with morpholino oligonucleotide against Hr-FGF9/16/20, which encodes an endogenous brain inducer. The blastomeres identified as the inducing sources are A5.1 and A5.2 at the 16-cell stage and A6.2 and A6.4 at the 24-cell stage, which are juxtaposed with brain precursors at the anterior periphery of the embryo at the respective stages. We also showed that all the cells of the animal hemisphere are capable of expressing Hr-Otx in response to the FGF signal. These results suggest that the position of inducers, rather than competence, plays an important role in determining which animal cells are induced to become brain tissues during ascidian embryogenesis. This situation in brain induction contrasts with that in mesoderm induction, where the positions at which the notochord and mesenchyme are induced are determined mainly by intrinsic competence factors that are inherited by signal-receiving cells.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling has been implicated in the generation of mesoderm and neural fates in chordate embryos including ascidians and vertebrates. In Ciona, FGF9/16/20 has been implicated in both of these processes. However, in FGF9/16/20 knockdown embryos, notochord fate recovers during later development. It is thus not clear if FGF signalling is an essential requirement for notochord specification in Ciona embryos. We show that FGF-MEK-ERK signals act during two distinct phases to establish notochord fate. During the first phase, FGF signalling is required during an asymmetric cell division to promote notochord at the expense of neural identity. Consistently, ERK1/2 is specifically activated in the notochord precursors following this cell division. Sustained activation of ERK1/2 is then required to maintain notochord fate. We demonstrate that FGF9/16/20 acts solely during the initial induction step and that, subsequently, FGF8/17/18 together with FGF9/16/20 is involved in the following maintenance step. These results together with others' show that the formation of a large part of the mesoderm cell types in ascidian larvae is dependent on signalling events involving FGF ligands.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we characterize the embryonic and adult actins and describe the embryonic expression of a muscle actin in the ascidian Styela. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that embryos, tadpole larvae, and adult organs contain three major and two minor isoforms of actin. Two of the major isoforms, which are present in the mantle, branchial sac, alimentary tract, and gonads of adults and in eggs, embryos, and heads and tails of tadpoles, are likely to be cytoplasmic actins. The third major isoform, which was enriched in the mantle and branchial sac of adults and localized primarily in the tails of tadpoles, is a muscle actin. The muscle actin isoform was not detected in eggs and early embryos. Radioactivity incorporation studies showed that the cytoplasmic actins were synthesized throughout early development, but muscle actin synthesis was first detected between the 16- and 64-cell stages, 2-3 hr after fertilization. Two lines of evidence indicate that embryonic muscle actin synthesis is directed in part by maternal mRNA. First, poly(A)+ RNA isolated from unfertilized eggs directed the synthesis of muscle actin in an mRNA-dependent reticulocyte lysate. Second, muscle actin was synthesized in anucleate egg fragments. Arguments are also presented that muscle actin synthesis is not directed exclusively by maternal mRNA. It is concluded that embryonic and adult Styela exhibit actin heterogeneity, that one of the actin isoforms is a muscle actin, and that the muscle actin is synthesized during embryogenesis under the direction of maternal and zygotic mRNA.  相似文献   

Ascidian larvae develop mesenchyme cells in their trunk. A fibroblast growth factor (FGF9/16/20) is essential and sufficient for induction of the mesenchyme in Ciona savignyi. We have identified two basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) genes named Twist-like1 and Twist-like2 as downstream factors of this FGF. These two genes are phylogenetically closely related to each other, and were expressed specifically in the mesenchymal cells after the 110-cell stage. Gene-knockdown experiments using a specific morpholino oligonucleotide demonstrated that Twist-like1 plays an essential role in determination of the mesenchyme and that Twist-like2 is a downstream factor of Twist-like1. In addition, both overexpression and misexpression of Twist-like1 converts non-mesenchymal cells to mesenchymal cells. We also demonstrate that the upstream regulatory mechanisms of Twist-like1 are different between B-line mesenchymal cells and the A-line mesenchymal cells called 'trunk lateral cells'. FGF9/16/20 is required for the expression of Twist-like1 in B-line mesenchymal precursor cells, whereas FGF, FoxD and another novel bHLH factor called NoTrlc are required for Twist-like1 to be expressed in the A-line mesenchymal precursor cells. Therefore, two different but partially overlapping mechanisms are required for the expression of Twist-like1 in the mesenchymal precursors, which triggers the differentiation of the mesenchyme in Ciona embryos.  相似文献   

Specification of germ layers is a crucial event in early embryogenesis. In embryos of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, endoderm cells originate from two distinct lineages in the vegetal hemisphere. Cell dissociation experiments suggest that cell interactions are required for posterior endoderm formation, which has hitherto been thought to be solely regulated by localized egg cytoplasmic factors. Without cell interaction, every descendant of posterior-vegetal blastomeres, including endoderm precursors, assumed muscle fate. Cell interactions are required for suppression of muscle fate and thereby promote endoderm differentiation in the posterior endoderm precursors. The cell interactions take place at the 16- to 32-cell stage. Inhibition of cell signaling by FGF receptor and MEK inhibitor also supported the requirement of cell interactions. Consistently, FGF was a potent signaling molecule, whose signaling is transduced by MEK-MAPK. By contrast, such cell interactions are not required for formation of the anterior endoderm. Our results suggest that another redundant signaling molecule is also involved in the posterior endoderm formation, which is likely to be mediated by BMP. Suppression of the function of macho-1, a muscle determinant in ascidian eggs, by antisense oligonucleotide was enough to allow autonomous endoderm specification. Therefore, the cell interactions induce endoderm formation by suppressing the function of macho-1, which is to promote muscle fate. These findings suggest the presence of novel mechanisms that suppress functions of inappropriately distributed maternal determinants via cell interactions after embryogenesis starts. Such cell interactions would restrict the regions where maternal determinants work, and play a key role in marking precise boundaries between precursor cells of different tissue types.  相似文献   

We disrupted the FOG-2 gene in mice to define its requirement in vivo. FOG-2(-/-) embryos die at midgestation with a cardiac defect characterized by a thin ventricular myocardium, common atrioventricular canal, and the tetralogy of Fallot malformation. Remarkably, coronary vasculature is absent in FOG-2(-/-) hearts. Despite formation of an intact epicardial layer and expression of epicardium-specific genes, markers of cardiac vessel development (ICAM-2 and FLK-1) are not detected, indicative of failure to activate their expression and/or to initiate the epithelial to mesenchymal transformation of epicardial cells. Transgenic reexpression of FOG-2 in cardiomyocytes rescues the FOG-2(-/-) vascular phenotype, demonstrating that FOG-2 function in myocardium is required and sufficient for coronary vessel development. Our findings provide the molecular inroad into the induction of coronary vasculature by myocardium in the developing heart.  相似文献   

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