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Mice that received a sublethal, intraperitoneal dose of viable Listeria monocytogenes, virulent strain 10403, exhibited a systemic increase in natural killer (NK) activity. The kinetics of the response differed with respect to the various effector cell populations analyzed. Resident peritoneal cells and peripheral blood leukocytes demonstrated high NK activity on Days 3, 7, and 10. Peak spleen and bone marrow NK activity was observed on Day 3, returning to normal levels by Day 7. In contrast, peritoneal exudate cells, elicited with proteose peptone, expressed enhanced NK activity for 60 days following infection with viable Listeria. Augmented NK activity was detected with all cell types as early as 12 hr after infection. The intraperitoneal injection of nonviable antigenic preparations derived from L. monocytogenes, strain 10403, resulted in the enhancement of peritoneal and splenic NK activity. In contrast, mice that received an intraperitoneal injection of avirulent Listeria, strain 19113, failed to express enhanced levels of NK activity. The genetic trait of anti-listerial resistance which is associated with non-H-2 linked genes was of no importance with respect to enhanced NK activity. Listeria-resistant C57BL/6J and Listeria-susceptible DBA/2J mice both produced systemic augmentation of NK activity following infection. NK activity was not abrogated by macrophage depletion or by treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 serum plus complement. These results confirm the potent immunostimulatory capacity of virulent Listeria for NK activity and provide further insight into the kinetics of this response in various lymphoid compartments. The protracted augmentation of NK activity of elicited peritoneal exudate cells as compared to nonelicited peritoneal cells in Listeria-primed mice suggests that the influx of inflammatory cells may provide NK-enriched and/or accessory populations for immunopotentiation of NK activity in inflammatory sites.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of cell-mediated immunity to the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is restricted by the H-2 complex of mice. Using C57BL/10 and C57BL/6 congenic strains of mice it was shown that compatibility of the H-2K locus, not the I region, was essential and sufficient for adoptive transfer and that H-2D compatibility was not relevant. Mutation at the H-2K locus prevented adoptive transfer, while mutation at the Ia-1 locus, as in the B6.C-H-2bm12 mutant of C57BL/6, did not affect adoptive transfer. The contrast between these findings and the previously accepted I region restriction of adoptive transfer of Listeria immunity is discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of different anti-human T-cell lymphocyte monoclonal antibodies to inhibit the effector function of the cytotoxic T-cell response against autologous Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-infected B-cell targets has been tested. It was found that monoclonal antibody, OKT3, which reacts with most human T cells, blocks the effector cell function in the absence of complement, an effect that was dose dependent. When monoclonal antibody OKT3 was tested at a concentration of 1 μg/ml, inhibition of cytotoxicity ranged between 50 and 80%. The F(ab′)2 fragment of OKT3 inhibited as well as the intact IgG molecule, indicating that the Fc portion of the antibody is not necessary for the cytotoxicity blocking. The Fab fragment of OKT3 had lower blocking activity per microgram of protein tested. Antibodies SC1, OKT11 (anti-pan T cell), OKT8 (anti-cytotoxic/suppressor subset), and L368 (anti-HLA) did not have any discernible blocking effects. However, antibodies SC1, OKT8, and L368 could abrogate the cytotoxic activity in the presence of complement. Blocking by OKT3 was not due to its being present on the cell surface in higher concentrations than the other monoclonal antibodies since cytofluorographic analysis demonstrated that the amount of OKT8 or L368 antibodies bound on the cells was greater than OKT3. In addition, blocking was not due to antigenic modulation since incubation with antibody OKT3-F(ab′)2 was not associated with a significant decrease in the amount of its reactive antigen. Under the conditions tested OKT3 did not affect cell viability or cause agglutination.  相似文献   

C57BL/6 mice chronically infected with the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani exhibit profoundly depressed splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity as measured by in vitro cytolysis of lymphoma target cells. Injection of infected mice with an interferon (IFN) inducer or in vitro treatment of infected splenocytes with IFN, a phorbol ester, or indomethacin failed to restore their NK activity to the degree shown by age-matched, uninfected mice. Fractionation of infected splenocytes by nylon wool, Sephadex G-10, or carbonyl iron and magnetism treatments was also unable to effect an increase in NK activity. Addition of infected splenocytes to uninfected ones in in vitro NK assays suppressed the NK activity of the latter, and the suppression could be partially or wholly abrogated by prior fractionation of infected splenocytes by the methods noted above. In vitro treatment of infected splenocytes with concanavalin A revealed the presence of NK activity in these cell populations. The results indicate that splenocytes in L. donovani-infected mice become insensitive to IFN stimulation; and the impairment of another, possibly IFN-independent pathway of NK-cell activation may also contribute to the observed L. donovani-induced depression in splenic NK activity in C57BL/6 mice.  相似文献   

Production of interferon (IFN) by Listeria monocytogenes (LM) in nonimmunized mouse spleen cell cultures was studied. IFN-gamma defined by virtue of its acid stability and antigenicity was produced in spleen cell cultures obtained from ddY mice, C57BL/6 mice, and BALB/c mice in response to heat-killed (HK) LM within 24 hr. On the other hand, production of IFN-alpha/beta was demonstrated in spleen cell cultures obtained from one of four nude mice (BALB/c, nu/nu). Therefore, it is important to know the reason why the spleen cells of mice other than nude mice did produce only IFN-gamma, but did not produce IFN-alpha/beta in response to HK-LM. Spleen cells obtained from ddY mice were fractionated, and the cellular source for IFN production of either IFN-alpha/beta or IFN-gamma induced by HK-LM was investigated. IFN-gamma was produced only by a mixture of T lymphocytes (nylon wool-nonadherent, Thy-1-positive cells) and macrophages by HK-LM. Neither T lymphocytes nor macrophages alone produced IFN by HK-LM. Macrophage-depleted spleen cells produced neither IFN-gamma nor IFN-alpha/beta, but these cells acquired the ability to produce IFN-alpha/beta, not IFN-gamma, only when they had been treated with IFN-alpha/beta. A possible mechanism of both IFN-gamma and IFN-alpha/beta induction by Listeria in mouse spleen cell cultures is discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship of filipin-sterol complexes to tight and gap junctions during their formation, maturation, internalization, and degradation was studied in separate cell lines. Filipin-sterol complexes tended to be excluded from mature junctions in tight junction forming COLO 316 cells and gap junction forming SW-13 cells. Once internalized, unlabeled junctional membrane appeared to fuse with heavily labeled vesicles, presumably lysosomes. Although the absence of filipin-sterol complexes from junctional membrane does not necessarily reflect the absolute sterol content of this membrane, the fact that filipin-sterol complexes are largely excluded from these areas indicates that this membrane is different from surrounding membrane. The absence of filipin-sterol complexes also permits the visualization of 'mixing' of this specialized unlabeled membrane domain with other filipin labeled membrane systems.  相似文献   

The extent of immunosuppression occurring in mice infected with the pathogenic African trypanosomes was studied. Spleen cells from Trypanosoma rhodesiense-infected C57BL/6J mice were tested for antigen-nonspecific suppressor-T-cell (Ts) activity after concanavalin A (Con A) treatment in vitro. After exposure to Con A, control and infected mouse spleen cells were added to responder spleen cell cultures stimulated with sheep erythrocytes (SRBC). Assays for the resultant plaque-forming cell responses to SRBC revealed that antigen-nonspecific Ts activity was lost during the first week of infection. Changes in infected mouse T-cell subpopulations, including a terminal loss of Lyt 2.2+ cells, accompanied but did not precede the demonstrable loss of Ts function. Splenic suppressor macrophages which arise during infections with T. rhodesiense also did not seem to be associated with the loss of antigen-nonspecific Ts activity. It is concluded that the generalized immunosuppression associated with experimental African trypanosomiasis extends to the mitogen-induced Ts population.  相似文献   

Of nine inbred murine strains sensitized intravenously with killed lyophilized Candida albicans and challenged 3 weeks later with a C. albicans filtrate, four strains were low responders and five were high responders in the in vivo release of migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma). An identical distribution of high- and low-responder strains occurred in response to sensitization with Mycobacterium bovis BCG and subsequent challenge with old tuberculin. Treatment of the murine strains with thymosin fraction 5 prior to sensitization and challenge had different effects: (a) the high-responder strains had a decrease in their release in vivo of the two lymphokines; (b) three of five of the low-responder strains had a striking increase in the in vivo release of MIF and IFN-gamma; and (c) one low-responder strain did not have its response altered. A parallelism existed between the capacity of a murine strain to release the two lymphokines in vivo on stimulation with C. albicans antigens and the capacity of that strain to resist intravenous infection with living C. albicans.  相似文献   

Chromatophore membrane formation was induced in low-aeration suspensions of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and highly purified chromatophore preparations were isolated at various intervals between 4 and 18 h. The levels of several functional components associated with the isolated structures were investigated. B-875, the light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll complex associated with the reaction center, was preferentially inserted into the chromatophore membrane during the early stages of induction, and thereafter its levels reached a steady state; b- and c-type cytochromes were also maintained at essentially constant levels. In contrast, the levels of B-850, the accessory light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll, together with its associated protein, continued to increase throughout the induction process. Increases in the levels of the major carotenoid component followed a similar course. These findings are consistent with a stepwise assembly mechanism for associated bacteriochlorophyll and protein components and suggest that separate regulatory mechanisms control the levels of functionally essential and accessory components within the membrane.  相似文献   

Investigation of creatine kinase isoenzyme activity in several cloned myogenic cell lines showed differences in B-type subunit expression. In cultures of myoblasts isolated from rat skeletal muscle by selective cell plating and in the cell lines M58 and M41, the activity of the mononucleated cells was of the BB isoenzyme. After cell fusion, MM, MB, and BB isoenzymes were present; the main activity was of the MM isoenzyme. In the myogenic lines L8 and L84, in cultures of mononucleated cells, creatine kinase activity was absent or barely detectable. The high creatine kinase activity after cell fusion was of the MM type. No BB and MB activity was detected in these lines at any stage of differentiation. The difference in expression of creatine kinase isoenzymes seems not to affect the expression of other parameters of differentiation.  相似文献   

Cells from intraembryonic mesenchyme, yolk sac, bursa of Fabricius, and thymus from chicken embryos at different stages of development were studied for the presence of IgG Fc receptors by EA-rosette formation and binding of heat-aggregated chicken IgG (agg IgG). Cells with Fc receptors were found in high frequency in the intraembryonic mesenchyme as early as on the third day of incubation, in the yolk sac on the 7th day, in the bursa on the 10th day, and in the thymus on the 16th day of embryonic development. In the bursa the number of agg IgG binding cells increased with the age of the embryo and remained high after hatching, whereas in the thymus the peak value (76%) was observed on the 16th embryonic day, and after hatching only about 10% of the cells expressed the agg IgG receptors. The results also suggest that the appearance of IgG Fc receptors precedes the expression of B-L (Ia-like) antigens and of cytoplasmic and surface immunoglobulins on early lymphoid cells of the chicken embryo.  相似文献   

The ability of an adherent Ia+, interleukin 1+ (IL-1) tumor cell line (P388AD) to present turkey gamma-globulin (TGG) to primed T lymphocytes was demonstrated and compared with normal antigen-presenting cells (APC) found in mouse spleen. P388AD tumor cells presented TGG to long-term cultures of TGG-reactive T cells (LTTC) and to lymph node-derived T cells which were enriched on nylon wool columns and subsequently depleted of endogenous antigen-presenting cells with anti-Ia antisera and complement. MHC-restricted antigen presentation by P388AD was observed when long-term cultures of TGG-reactive T cells were used as the responding T-cell population. Furthermore, antisera directed against I-region determinants expressed on the P388AD tumor cells inhibited TGG-specific T-cell proliferation in a dose-related fashion, suggesting a functional role for the tumor cell-associated Ia molecules. The kinetics of antigen presentation to LTTC by P388AD were similar to the kinetics observed for splenic APC, although the magnitude of the proliferative response to LTTC to TGG was generally lower when antigen (Ag) was presented by the tumor cells compared to splenic antigen-presenting cells (APC). However, the magnitude of T-cell proliferation of immune lymph node (LN) T cells was comparable when Ag was presented on tumor cells or splenic APC. Several experiments suggested that Ag uptake and/or processing may be less effective in P388AD tumor cells as compared to normal splenic APC. A nonadherent Ia+, IL-1- tumor cell line (P388NA), which was isolated from the same parental tumor as P388AD, was also tested for the ability to present Ag to primed T lymphocytes and Ag-reactive LTTC. In contrast, to P388AD, the nonadherent tumor cell failed to present TGG under identical culture conditions even though Ia molecules were expressed on the tumor cells and Ag uptake had occurred. However, the defect in Ag presentation by P388NA could be corrected if an exogenous source of purified interleukin 1 was supplied to the cultures. A unique opportunity thus exists with both the P388AD and P388NA tumor cell lines to decipher some of the molecular interactions leading to T-cell proliferation during antigen presentation.  相似文献   

Direct comparisons between intracellular pH and protein synthesis in the sea urchin egg and early embryo show that pH controls protein synthesis rate in a highly sensitive and reversible manner. The entire increase and maintenance of protein synthesis at fertilization or parthenogenetic activation could be accounted for by a permanent increase in intracellular pH. However, unfertilized eggs whose intracellular pH has been raised artificially by ammonia take at least 30 min longer to reach the rate of protein synthesis seen in fertilized eggs. This time lag for ammonia activation and the decrease in protein synthesis rate during mitosis suggest that other unknown factors can also influence protein synthesis rate during fertilization and early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from the yeast unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph KD115 when grown with a high unsaturated fatty acid supplement catalyse normal oxidative phosphorylation and dihydrolipate-dependent ATP synthesis in the absence of added cofactors. Mitochondria from unsaturated fatty acid depleted KD115 cells have half the unsaturated fatty acid content of supplemented cells and do not catalyse oxidative phosphorylation and dihydrolipoate dependent ATP synthesis. Dihydrolipoate-dependent ATP synthesis can be restored specifically by addition of cofactor amounts of oleic acid and oleoyl CoA. The results provide further evidence for a cofactor role for an unsaturated fatty acid in oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The formation of the valvular and septal primordia of the embryonic heart depends upon the migration of endocardial cushion tissue mesenchyme (CT) to populate the cardiac jelly (CJ) in specific heart regions (e.g., atrioventricular (AV) pads). It has been proposed that the migration of CT may be directed by macromolecules of the CJ. In this study, [3H]thymidine-labeled endocardial (EC) and CT cells were transplanted onto intact pre- and postmigratory AV pads in vitro to test whether the compositional or structural changes known to occur in the cardiac jelly during development influence the migration of cushion tissue cells. After transplantation of labeled donor cells, host AV pads were fixed, embedded, and sectioned, and autoradiography was performed to determine the distribution of labeled donor cells within the host CJ. The experiments indicate that transplanted mural EC cells remain primarily at the AV pad surface, while grafted CT cells of all developmental ages rapidly invade both developmentally young and older AV pads. Furthermore, CT cells readily migrate in a direction opposite to that of cells in vivo when transplanted to inverted AV pads from which the myocardium has been removed. It is concluded that the CJ matrix, which is clearly a suitable framework for CT cell migration, provides no direct cues to determining the polarity or extent of migration.  相似文献   

Glycophorin and the fragments isolated from trypsinizing intact rat, dog, sheep and human red blood cells (rbc's) neutralize the hemolytic action of the Portuguese Man-of-War venom. This action can be blocked by rabbit antisheep hemolysin and phytohemagglutinin, a lectin which preferentially binds to glycophorin. Concanavalin A, which binds to band-3 protein of rbc membranes, does not block the neutralizing action of rbc tryptic fragments or glycophorin. The concentrations of rat, dog, human and sheep glycophorin which half neutralize venom induced hemolysis are inversely and linearly proportional to the hemolytic sensitivities of these rbc's to the venom. These data implicate glycophorin as a possible binding site for the hemolytic component of the Portuguese Man-of-War venom.  相似文献   

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