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Wang S  Huang S  Liu N  Chen L  Oh C  Zhao H 《BMC genetics》2005,6(Z1):S28
There is currently a great interest in using single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genetic linkage and association studies because of the abundance of SNPs as well as the availability of high-throughput genotyping technologies. In this study, we compared the performance of whole-genome scans using SNPs with microsatellites on 143 pedigrees from the Collaborative Studies on Genetics of Alcoholism provided by Genetic Analysis Workshop 14. A total of 315 microsatellites and 10,081 SNPs from Affymetrix on 22 autosomal chromosomes were used in our analyses. We found that the results from the two scans had good overall concordance. One region on chromosome 2 and two regions on chromosome 7 showed significant linkage signals (i.e., NPL >or= 2) for alcoholism from both the SNP and microsatellite scans. The different results observed between the two scans may be explained by the difference observed in information content between the SNPs and the microsatellites.  相似文献   

We conducted genome-wide linkage scans using both microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Regions showing the strongest evidence of linkage to alcoholism susceptibility genes were identified. Haplotype analyses using a sliding-window approach for SNPs in these regions were performed. In addition, we performed a genome-wide association scan using SNP data. SNPs in these regions with evidence of association (P 相似文献   

Functional polymorphisms in endogenous antioxidant defense genes including manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX-1) have been linked with risk of cancer at multiple sites. Although it is presumed that these germline variants impact disease risk by altering the host’s ability to detoxify mutagenic reactive oxygen species, very few studies have directly examined this hypothesis. Concentrations of 8-isoprostane F2α (8-iso-PGF2α) and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxoxdG)—sensitive indicators of lipid peroxidation and DNA oxidation, respectively—were measured in 24-h urine samples obtained from 93 healthy, premenopausal women participating in a dietary intervention trial. In addition, DNA was extracted from blood for genotyping of MnSOD Val16Ala, CAT-262 C > T, and GPX1 Pro198Leu genotypes by Taqman assay. Although geometric mean concentrations of 8-iso-PGF2α and 8-oxoxdG varied across several study characteristics including race, education level, body mass index, and serum antioxidant levels, there was little evidence that these biomarkers differed across any of the examined genotypes. In summary, functional polymorphisms in endogenous antioxidant defense genes do not appear to be strongly associated with systemic oxidative stress levels in young, healthy women.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are highly prevalent disorders that account for a large part of the global burden of neurodegenerative diseases. Most AD and PD cases occur sporadically and it is generally agreed that they could arise through interactions among genetic and environmental factors. Candidate genes involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics, neurodegeneration and functioning of dopaminergic neurons were found to be associated with PD. Some of these genes interact with environmental factors that could modify PD risk. Thus, we found that the inverse association between smoking and the risk of PD depended on a polymorphism of the iNOS (inducible NO synthase) gene. We also found that the cytochrome P450 2D6 gene could have a modifying effect on the risk of PD among persons exposed to pesticides. Both interactions have biological plausibility supported by laboratory studies and could contribute to better understand the aetiology of PD. A single susceptibility gene has been identified in sporadic AD. The epsilon4 allele of epsilon polymorphism of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) is strongly associated with AD, the risk of AD being multiplied by 5 in persons carrying two epsilon4 alleles. The mechanism of the association between APOE and AD is poorly understood. A few interactions between the epsilon polymorphism and possible risk factors for AD have been described. However, these interactions had no biological plausibility and were likely due to chance.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that HIV-specific CD8(+) CTL are dysfunctional in HIV-infected individuals with progressive clinical disease. In the present studies, cytokine production by virus-specific CTL was assessed in the rhesus monkey model for AIDS to determine its contribution to the functional impairment of CTL. CTL from monkeys infected with nonpathogenic isolates of simian and simian-human immunodeficiency virus expressed high levels of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and IL-2 after in vitro exposure to a nonspecific mitogen or the optimal peptide representing a dominant virus-specific CTL epitope. However, similarly performed studies assessing these capabilities in CTL from monkeys infected with pathogenic immunodeficiency virus isolates demonstrated a significant dysfunction in the ability of the CTL to produce IL-2 and TNF-alpha. Importantly, CTL from vaccinated monkeys that effectively controlled the replication of a highly pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus isolate following challenge demonstrated a preserved capacity to produce these cytokines. These experiments suggest that defects in cytokine production may contribute to CTL dysfunction in chronic HIV or SIV infection. Moreover, an AIDS vaccine that confers protection against clinical disease evolution in this experimental model also preserves the functional capacity of these CTL to produce both IL-2 and TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

Interactions among the three structural domains of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1 toxins were investigated by functional analysis of chimeric proteins. Hybrid genes were prepared by exchanging the regions coding for either domain I or domain III among Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1C, and Cry1E. The activity of the purified trypsin-activated chimeric toxins was evaluated by testing their effects on the viability and plasma membrane permeability of Sf9 cells. Among the parental toxins, only Cry1C was active against these cells and only chimeras possessing domain II from Cry1C were functional. Combination of domain I from Cry1E with domains II and III from Cry1C, however, resulted in an inactive toxin, indicating that domain II from an active toxin is necessary, but not sufficient, for activity. Pores formed by chimeric toxins in which domain I was from Cry1Ab or Cry1Ac were slightly smaller than those formed by toxins in which domain I was from Cry1C. The properties of the pores formed by the chimeras are therefore likely to result from an interaction between domain I and domain II or III. Domain III appears to modulate the activity of the chimeric toxins: combination of domain III from Cry1Ab with domains I and II of Cry1C gave a protein which was more strongly active than Cry1C.  相似文献   

Species throughout the animal kingdom share not only housekeeping but also many key regulatory genes. Nonetheless, species differ from one another developmentally and thus, also morphologically. One of the general aims of comparative developmental genetics is to understand how similar molecules can generate the known diversity of biological form. Here, we argue that gene function can change in different ways during the evolution of developmental processes. Genes can be recruited to serve completely new functions in a new regulatory linkage (co-option), they can change their molecular specificity while remaining in the original (homologous) developmental program and can, at the same time, retain other functions. We describe evidence for such evolutionary patterns based on the comparison of loss-of-function mutations of homologous genes of the two free-living nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans and Pristionchus pacificus. Ultimately, it is the interplay of conservation and change of the specificity of genes and genetic networks that generates developmental novelty over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a complex disorder of the female reproductive system where endometrial tissue embeds and grows at extrauterine location leading to inflammation and pain. Hundreds of polymorphisms in several genes have been studied as probable risk factors of this debilitating disease. Bioinformatics tools have come a long way in augmenting the search for putative functional polymorphisms in human diseases. In this study we have explored 16 genes involved in the detoxification of xenobiotic chemicals that are implicated in endometriosis by utilising publically available programs like SIFT, Polyphen, Panther, FastSNP, SNPeffect and PhosSNP. The variations among different ethnic populations of the SNPs were studied. We then calculated the extent to which bioinformatics based predictions are concurrent with real world epidemiological, genotyping studies using a set of SNPs that have been studied in endometriosis case–control studies. Our study shows that there is a significant positive correlation (r = 0.569, p < 0.005) between the summary of the predicted scores taken from 4 different servers and the odds ratio found from epidemiological studies. This report has identified and catalogued various deleterious SNPs that could be important in endometriosis and could aid in further analysis by in vitro and in vivo methods for the better understanding of the disease pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Examples are presented in interactions between genetic factors and certain trace during development in experimental animals. One type of interaction irenatal nutritional manipulation. The other involved strain differences, which lead differential responses to dietary deficiency. The mutant gene pallid in mice produces abnormal development of the inner ear similar to that resulting from intrauterine manganese deficiency. This abnormality is prevented by manganese supplementation of prenant mutant mice, and as in manganese deficiency, appears to result from depressed synthesis of mucopolysaccharides. Are interaction between copper and the mutant gene cribkled in mice is describes. High dietary copper curing prenatal and abnormal life doubled postnatal survival of mutants and brought about alterations in other parameters. In A/J mice, which have a significant incidence of spontaneous cleft lip and palate, a marginal deficiency prenetally of dietary zinc did not cause an increased incidence of this anomaly. However, the incidence of other malformations was greatly increased in this strain but not in hybird controls. It is proposed that in man as in animals teratogenesis might involve genetic-nutritional interactions as well as multifractorial interactions including genes, nutrients, drugs, and other environmental agents.  相似文献   

Although intensive efforts have been undertaken to elucidate the genetic background of immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN), genetic factors associated with the pathogenesis of this disease are still not well understood. We designed a case-control association study that was based on linkage disequilibrium among single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the selectin gene cluster on chromosome 1q24-25, and we found two SNPs in the E-selectin gene (SELE8 and SELE13) and six SNPs in the L-selectin gene (SELL1, SELL4, SELL5, SELL6, SELL10, and SELL11) that were significantly associated with IgAN in Japanese patients. All eight SNPs were in almost complete linkage disequilibrium. SELE8 and SELL10 caused amino acid substitutions from His to Tyr and from Pro to Ser (chi2=9.02, P=.0026, odds ratio = 2.73 [95% confidence interval [CI] 1.38--5.38] for His-to-Tyr substitutions; chi2=17.4, P=.000031, odds ratio = 3.61 [95% CI 1.91--6.83] for Pro-to-Ser substitutions), and SELL1 could affect promoter activity of the L-selectin gene (chi2=19.5, P=.000010, odds ratio = 3.77 [95% CI 2.02--7.05]). The TGT haplotype at these three loci was associated significantly with IgAN (chi2=18.67, P=.000016, odds ratio = 1.88 [95% CI 1.41--2.51]). Our results suggest that these eight SNPs in selectin genes may be useful for screening populations susceptible to the IgAN phenotype that involves interstitial infiltration.  相似文献   

The search for genes underlying alcohol-related behaviours in rodent models of human alcoholism has been ongoing for many years with only limited success. Recently, new strategies that integrate several of the traditional approaches have provided new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying ethanol's actions in the brain. We have used alcohol-preferring C57BL/6J (B6) and alcohol-avoiding DBA/2J (D2) genetic strains of mice in an integrative strategy combining high-throughput gene expression screening, genetic segregation analysis, and mapping to previously published quantitative trait loci to uncover candidate genes for the ethanol-preference phenotype. In our study, 2 genes, retinaldehyde binding protein 1 (Rlbp1) and syntaxin 12 (Stx12), were found to be strong candidates for ethanol preference. Such experimental approaches have the power and the potential to greatly speed up the laborious process of identifying candidate genes for the animal models of human alcoholism.  相似文献   

We surveyed changes of the gene expression profile in caerulein-exposed pancreas using Affymetrix GeneChip system (39,000 genes). Up-regulation of genes coding for claudin 4, claudin 7, F11 receptor, cadherin 1, integrin beta 4, syndecan 1, heat shock proteins b1/90aa1, Serpinb6a, Serpinb6b, Serpinb9, Bax, Bak1, calpain 2, calpain 5, microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 alpha, S100 calcium-binding proteins A4/A10 were found in mouse pancreas exposed to caerulein for 12 h. In contrast, the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl2 was down-regulated. The functions of these genes concern tight junction formation, cell-cell/cell-matrix adhesions, stress response, protease inhibition, apoptosis, autophagy, and regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics. Caerulein-exposed pancreatic acinar cells were immunohistochemically stained for claudin 4, cadherin 1, integrin beta 4, heat shock protein b1, and Serpinb6a. In conclusion, we have newly identified a set of genes that are likely to be involved in endogenous self-protection mechanisms against acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the investigations of the newly detected antigen of chicken blood serum, called K2. It was established that the K2 antigen which was identified with isoimmune serum was a beta-globulin with the molecular weight over 200 000. The results of the genetic analysis based on sire-dam-offspring combinations seemed to indicate that the antigen under examination was controlled by a gene hypostatic to the gene controlling the previously described K1 allotype.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Genes with identical patterns of occurrence across the phyla tend to function together in the same protein complexes or participate in the same biochemical pathway. However, the requirement that the profiles be identical (i) severely restricts the number of functional links that can be established by such phylogenetic profiling; (ii) limits detection to very strong functional links, failing to capture relations between genes that are not in the same pathway, but nevertheless subserve a common function and (iii) misses relations between analogous genes. Here we present and apply a method for relaxing the restriction, based on the probability that a given arbitrary degree of similarity between two profiles would occur by chance, with no biological pressure. Function is then inferred at any desired level of confidence. RESULTS: We derive an expression for the probability distribution of a given number of chance co-occurrences of a pair of non-homologous orthologs across a set of genomes. The method is applied to 2905 clusters of orthologous genes (COGs) from 44 fully sequenced microbial genomes representing all three domains of life. Among the results are the following. (1) Of the 51 000 annotated intrapathway gene pairs, 8935 are linked at a level of significance of 0.01. This is over 30-fold greater than the 271 intrapathway pairs obtained at the same confidence level when identical profiles are used. (2) Of the 540 000 interpathway genes pairs, some 65 000 are linked at the 0.01 level of significance, some 12 standard deviations beyond the number expected by chance at this confidence level. We speculate that many of these links involve nearest-neighbor path, and discuss some examples. (3) The difference in the percentage of linked interpathway and intrapathway genes is highly significant, consistent with the intuitive expectation that genes in the same pathway are generally under greater selective pressure than those that are not. (4) The method appears to recover well metabolic networks. This is illustrated by the TCA cycle which is recovered as a highly connected, weighted edge network of 30 of its 31 COGs. (5) The fraction of pairs having a common pathway is a symmetric function of the Hamming distance between their profiles. This finding, that the functional correlation between profiles with near maximum Hamming distance is as large as between profiles with near zero Hamming distance, and as statistically significant, is plausibly explained if the former group represents analogous genes.  相似文献   

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