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It is well-known that most genetic variation affects quantitative traits, and natural or artificial selection can act to change quantitative features of organisms more rapidly than qualitative ones. Surprisingly, variability is not confined to outbred species, but also occurs in inbred mice at a much higher rate than expected from known mutation rates. The size and shape of organisms and their constituent parts are, at least in part, controlled by the number of cell divisions, and there is published evidence for the existence of developmental clocks, which may count cell divisions. A molecular model for a developmental clock was previously proposed. It depends on the DNA methylation of repeated sequences of DNA, where the methylation of each additional sequence is tied to DNA synthesis and therefore cell division. The number of repeats specifies the number of divisions which will occur before a signal is produced which can activate or inactivate one or more genes. It is known that crossing over occurs between sister chromatids, and where tandemly repeated sequences occur unequal exchange can generate a larger or smaller number of repeats. An example of this is seen in the well-known variability of "minisatellite" sequences in human DNA. Unequal sister chromatid exchange can occur in mitotic and meiotic cells in the germ line, and in the case of developmental clock sequences could generate variation in clock length which in turn would directly affect quantitative traits. These events can be regarded as a special case of molecular drive during evolution.  相似文献   

Nonadditive genetic variation and genetic disequilibrium are two important factors that influence the evolutionary trajectory of natural populations. We assayed quantitative genetic variation in a temporary-pond-dwelling population of Daphnia pulex over a full season to examine the role of nonadditive genetic variation and genetic disequilibrium in determining the short-term evolutionary trajectory of a cyclic parthenogen. Quantitative traits were influenced by three factors: (1) clonal selection significantly changed the population mean phenotype during the course of the growing season; (2) sexual reproduction and recombination led to significant changes in life-history trait means and the levels of expressed genetic variation, implying the presence of substantial nonadditive genetic variation and genetic disequilibrium; and (3) Egg-bank effects were found to be an important component of the realized year-to-year change. Additionally, we examined the impact of genetic disequilibria induced by clonal selection on the genetic (co)variance structure with a common principal components model. Clonal selection caused significant changes in the (co)variance structure that were eliminated by a single bout of random mating, suggesting that a build-up of disequilibria was the primary source of changes in the (co)variance structure. The results of this study highlight the complexity of natural selection operating on populations that undergo alternating phases of sexual and asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

The common pattern of replicated evolution of a consistent shape-environment relationship might reflect selection acting in similar ways within each environment, but divergently among environments. However, phenotypic evolution depends on the availability of additive genetic variation as well as on the direction of selection, implicating a bias in the distribution of genetic variance as a potential contributor to replicated evolution. Allometry, the relationship between shape and size, is a potential source of genetic bias that is poorly understood. The threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, provides an ideal system for exploring the contribution of genetic variance in body shape allometry to evolutionary patterns. The stickleback system comprises marine populations that exhibit limited phenotypic variation, and young freshwater populations which, following independent colonization events, have often evolved similar phenotypes in similar environments. In particular, stickleback diversification has involved changes in both total body size and relative size of body regions (i.e., shape). In a laboratory-reared cohort derived from an oceanic Alaskan population that is phenotypically and genetically representative of the ancestor of the diverse freshwater populations in this region, we determined the phenotypic static allometry, and estimated the additive genetic variation about these population-level allometric functions. We detected significant allometry, with larger fish having relatively smaller heads, a longer base to their second dorsal fin, and longer, shallower caudal peduncles. There was additive genetic variance in body size and in size-independent body shape (i.e., allometric elevation), but typically not in allometric slopes. These results suggest that the parallel evolution of body shape in threespine stickleback is not likely to have been a correlated response to selection on body size, or vice versa. Although allometry is common in fishes, this study highlights the need for additional data on genetic variation in allometric functions to determine how allometry evolves and how it influences phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic variation in CD19 expression correlates with autoimmunity   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Signaling thresholds influence the balance between humoral immunity and autoimmunity. Cell surface CD19 regulates intrinsic and Ag receptor-induced B lymphocyte signaling thresholds, and transgenic mice that overexpress CD19 by 3-fold generate spontaneous autoantibodies in a genetic background not associated with autoimmunity. To quantify the extent that genetically determined differences in expression of a single cell surface molecule can influence autoantibody production, we have assessed autoimmunity in a C57BL/6-transgenic mouse line with subtle 15-29% increases in CD19 cell surface expression (CD19 transgenic). Antinuclear Abs, especially anti-spindle pole Abs, rheumatoid factor, and autoantibodies for ssDNA, dsDNA, and histone were produced in these transgenic mice, but not littermate controls. This demonstrates that small changes in CD19 expression can induce autoantibody production. Remarkably, similar changes in CD19 expression were found on B cells from patients with systemic sclerosis, a multisystem disorder of connective tissue with autoantibody production. CD19 density on blood B cells from systemic sclerosis patients was significantly ( approximately 20%) higher compared with normal individuals, whereas CD20, CD22, and CD40 expression were normal. These results suggest that modest changes in the expression or function of regulatory molecules such as CD19 may shift the balance between tolerance and immunity to autoimmunity. Thereby autoimmune disease may result from a collection of subtle multigenic alterations that could include incremental density changes in cell surface signaling molecules.  相似文献   

Windig JJ  Veerkamp RF  Nylin S 《Heredity》2004,93(5):450-454
Evidence of changes in levels of genetic variation in the field is scarce. Theoretically, selection and a bottleneck may lead to the depletion of additive genetic variance (V(A)) but not of nonadditive, dominance variance (V(D)), although a bottleneck may converse V(D) to V(A). Here we analyse quantitative genetic variation for the Speckled Wood butterfly Pararge aegeria on the island of Madeira about 120 generations after first colonisation. Colonisation of the island involved both a bottleneck and strong natural selection, changing the average value of traits. Several life history and morphological traits with varying levels of change since colonisation were analysed. In accordance with expectations, all traits except one showed relatively low levels of V(A), with an average heritability (h(2)) of 0.078. Levels of V(D) for these traits were relatively high, 20-94% of total variance and on average 80% of V(G). The exception was a morphological trait that probably had not experienced strong natural selection after colonisation, for which a h(2) of 0.27 was found. Another interesting observation is that the population seems resistant to inbreeding effects, which may be the result of purging of deleterious alleles.  相似文献   

Predicting the spread of invasive species is a challenge for modern ecology. Although many invasive species undergo genetic bottlenecks during introduction to new areas resulting in a loss of genetic diversity, successful invaders manage to flourish in novel environments either because of pre-adaptations or because important traits contain adaptive variation enabling rapid adaptation to changing conditions. To predict and understand invasion success, it is crucial to analyse these features. We assessed the potential of a well-known invader, the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), to expand north of its current range in Europe. A short growing season and harsh overwintering conditions are apparent limiting factors for this species’ range. By rearing full-sib families from four geographically distinct populations (Russia, Estonia, Poland, Italy) at two fluctuating temperature regimes, we investigated (a) possible differences in survival, development time, and body size among populations and (b) the amount of adaptive variation within populations in these traits. All populations were able to complete their development in cooler conditions than in their current range. A significant genotype–environment interaction for development time and body size suggests the presence of adaptive genetic variation, indicating potential to adapt to cooler conditions. The northernmost population had the highest survival rates and fastest development times on both temperature regimes, suggesting pre-adaptation to cooler temperatures. Other populations had minor differences in development times. Interestingly, this species lacks the classical trade-off between body size and development time which could have contributed to its invasion potential. This study demonstrates the importance of considering both ecological and evolutionary aspects when assessing invasion risk.  相似文献   

Eight Indian laboratory stocks of Anopheles stephensi Liston could be grouped into three categories with, respectively, 14-22, 12-17 and 9-15 ridges on the egg-floats. The mode number of ridges among the eggs laid by individual females in these stocks was 16-19, 13-16 and 10-14, respectively. The category with the highest egg-float ridge number corresponded with the type-form and the lowest with var. mysorensis Sweet and Rao; the new egg-float category with ridge number modes of thirteen to sixteen was designated as 'intermediate'. All three forms, i.e. type-form, intermediate and myosorensis were observed in semi-urban areas while only intermediate and mysorensis were seen in rural areas. Breeding experiments indicated no post-copulatory barriers between the populations. Likelihood analysis of the results of crosses and back crosses indicated that variation in ridge number is controlled by more than one genetic factor. The stocks with different ridge numbers are best considered as 'ecological variants'.  相似文献   

The nature of the genetic variation for the activity of three enzymes (α-GPD, ME, and SOD) was studied by means of analyses of variance among full-sib and half-sib families. The results presented here indicate that the genetic variation of activity of these enzymes consist primarily of non-additive genetic variance. A moderate level of additive genetic variation was found only for α-GPD activity. We also examined the question whether an association exists between enzyme activities and selection for preadult developmental time. Using the method developed by Lande and Arnold (1983), significant directional selection was observed for α-GPD activity.  相似文献   

Indirect ecological effects (IEEs) are widespread and often as strong as the phenotypic effects arising from direct interactions in natural communities. Indirect effects can influence competitive interactions, and are thought to be important selective forces. However, the extent that selection arising from IEEs results in long-term evolutionary change depends on genetic variation underlying the phenotypic response-that is, a genotype-by-IEE interaction. We provide the first data on genetic variation in the response of traits to an IEE, and illustrate how such genetic variation might be detected and analysed. We used a model tri-trophic system to investigate the effect of host plants on two populations of predatory ladybirds through a clonal aphid herbivore. A split-family experimental design allowed us to estimate the effects of aphid host plant on ladybird traits (IEE) and the extent of genetic variation in ladybird predators for response to these effects (genotype-by-indirect environmental effect interaction). We found significant genetic variation in the response of ladybird phenotypes to the indirect effect of host plant of their aphid prey, demonstrating the potential for evolutionary responses to selection arising from the prey host.  相似文献   

Latitudinal, genetic variation in body size is a commonly observed phenomenon in many invertebrate species and is shaped by natural selection. In this study, we use a chromosome substitution and a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping approach to identify chromosomes and genomic regions associated with adaptive variation in body size in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster from the extreme ends of clines in South America and Australia. Chromosome substitution revealed the largest effects on chromosome three in both continents, and minor effects on the X and second chromosome. Similarly, QTL analysis of the Australian cline identified QTL with largest effects on the third chromosome, with smaller effects on the second. However, no QTL were found on the X chromosome. We also compared the coincidence of locations of QTL with the locations of five microsatellite loci previously shown to vary clinally in Australia. Permutation tests using both the sum of the LOD scores and the sum distance to nearest QTL peak revealed there were no significant associations between locations of clinal markers and QTL's. The lack of significance may, in part, be due to broad QTL peaks identified in this study. Future studies using higher resolution QTL maps should reveal whether the degree of clinality in microsatellite allele frequencies can be used to identify QTL in traits that vary along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   

The endangered mountain pygmy possum is the only Australian marsupial that hibernates under snow cover. Most of its alpine habitat was burnt by a rare fire in 2003, and habitat loss and disturbance have also occurred owing to ski resort development. Here we show that there has been a rapid loss of genetic variation following habitat loss associated with resort development, but no detectable loss of alleles or decrease in heterozygosity following the fire.  相似文献   



With the development of sequencing technologies, more and more sequence variants are available for investigation. Different classes of variants in the human genome have been identified, including single nucleotide substitutions, insertion and deletion, and large structural variations such as duplications and deletions. Insertion and deletion (indel) variants comprise a major proportion of human genetic variation. However, little is known about their effects on humans. The absence of understanding is largely due to the lack of both biological data and computational resources.


This paper presents a new indel functional prediction method HMMvar based on HMM profiles, which capture the conservation information in sequences. The results demonstrate that a scoring strategy based on HMM profiles can achieve good performance in identifying deleterious or neutral variants for different data sets, and can predict the protein functional effects of both single and multiple mutations.


This paper proposed a quantitative prediction method, HMMvar, to predict the effect of genetic variation using hidden Markov models. The HMM based pipeline program implementing the method HMMvar is freely available at https://bioinformatics.cs.vt.edu/zhanglab/hmm.  相似文献   

Yu. P. Altukhov suggested that heterozygosity is an indicator of the state of the gene pool. The idea and a linked concept of genetic ecological monitoring were applied to a new dataset on mtDNA variation in East European ethnic groups. Haplotype diversity (an analog of the average heterozygosity) was shown to gradually decrease northwards. Since a similar trend is known for population density, interlinked changes were assumed for a set of parameters, which were ordered to form a causative chain: latitude increases, land productivity decreases, population density decreases, effective population size decreases, isolation of subpopulations increases, genetic drift increases, and mtDNA haplotype diversity decreases. An increase in genetic drift increases the random inbreeding rate and, consequently, the genetic load. This was confirmed by a significant correlation observed between the incidence of autosomal recessive hereditary diseases and mtDNA haplotype diversity. Based on the findings, mtDNA was assumed to provide an informative genetic system for genetic ecological monitoring; e.g., analyzing the ecology-driven changes in the gene pool.  相似文献   

Forty-seven populations of Thlaspi caerulescens in Luxembourg were characterised for population size, soil mineral element composition and other habitat characteristics. Foliar concentrations of eight elements were assessed in 15 populations in the field and in eight populations cultivated in zinc (Zn)-cadmium (Cd)-nickel (Ni)-enriched soil. T. caerulescens favoured stony soil developed on steep, south-facing Emsian shale outcrops. All soil samples were nonmetalliferous. Soil pH ranged from 4.2 to 6.9. Field-growing plants had very high concentrations of heavy metals in the leaves (Zn, 3000-13 000 mg kg(-1); Cd, 11-44 mg kg(-1); Ni, 38-473 mg kg(-1)). Positive soil-plant correlations existed for Zn and Mn. In cultivation, significant genetic variation was found for biomass and six of eight mineral elements. For Cd and Zn, variation range among 48 half-sib families was two-fold (Cd, 183-334 mg kg(-1); Zn, 8030-16 295 mg kg(-1)). Most of the variation occurred among populations, consistent with the selfing mating system of those populations. There was a tight Zn-Cd genetic correlation (r = +0.83, P < 0.0001). The significance of the results to the conservation of T. caerulescens in Luxembourg is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The measurement of genetic variation is often an important component of endangered species management programs. Each of several tools available to measure genetic diversity has positive and negative attributes. Quantitative genetic techniques have not received much attention in the conservation field, yet they are likely to reveal variation that is most closely associated with components of fitness. In addition, quantitative genetics may not be as logistically difficult for threatened populations as was once thought. Finally, quantitative genetic models provide a better outlook for conservation programs than single-locus models.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic variation was assessed in a population of Crepis tectorum subsp. pumila , a winter annual confined to calcareous grassland on the Baltic island of öland (SE Sweden). Plants from 40 maternal sibships were grown in a greenhouse and scored for a large number of traits representing all stages of the life cycle. The study included several characters that have been subject to ecotypic differentiation as well as traits known to be under current selection. Highly significant family differences were found for all but one character, suggesting that past selection was too weak to eliminate the genetic variability of characters presumed to be adaptive and there is a potential for further adaptive change in most traits. Two additional traits treated as qualitative were also found to differ significantly among families. A parallel cultivation experiment showed that the extent of population divergence in a quantitative trait was positively correlated with the amount of inter- family variation, implying stability of the relative variability for substantial periods of time, a possible reflection of phenotypic constraints being expressed both within and between populations. Additional data indicated that genetic trade-offs among traits under simultaneous selection, year-to- year variation in selection in combination with a long-lived seed bank, and genotype × environment interactions, could prevent the erosion of genetic variability in some characters connected with fitness.  相似文献   

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