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Somatomedin-C or insulin-like growth factor I (Sm-C/IGF-I) and insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) have been implicated in the regulation of fetal growth and development. In the present study 32P-labeled complementary DNA probes encoding human and mouse Sm-C/IGF-I and human IGF-II were used in Northern blot hybridizations to analyse rat Sm-C/IGF-I and IGF-II mRNAs in poly(A+) RNAs from intestine, liver, lung, and brain of adult rats and fetal rats between day 14 and 17 of gestation. In fetal rats, all four tissues contained a major mRNA of 1.7 kilobases (kb) that hybridized with the human Sm-C/IGF-I cDNA and mRNAs of 7.5, 4.7, 1.7, and 1.2 kb that hybridized with the mouse Sm-C/IGF-I cDNA. Adult rat intestine, liver, and lung also contained these mRNAs but Sm-C/IGF-I mRNAs were not detected in adult rat brain. These findings provide direct support for prior observations that multiple tissues in the fetus synthesize immunoreactive Sm-C/IGF-I and imply a role for Sm-C/IGF-I in fetal development as well as postnatally. The abundance of a 7.5-kb Sm-C/IGF-I mRNA in poly(A+) RNAs from adult rat liver was 10-50-fold higher than in other adult rat tissues which provides further evidence that in the adult rat the liver is a major site of Sm-C/IGF-I synthesis and source of circulating Sm-C/IGF-I. Multiple IGF-II mRNAs of estimated sizes 4.7, 3.9, 2.2, 1.75, and 1.2 kb were observed in fetal rat intestine, liver, lung, and brain. The 4.7- and 3.9-kb mRNAs were the major hybridizing IGF-II mRNAs in all fetal tissues. Higher abundance of IGF-II mRNAs in rat fetal tissues compared with adult tissues supports prior hypotheses, based on serum IGF-II concentrations, that IGF-II is predominantly a fetal somatomedin. IGF-II mRNAs are present, however, in some poly(A+) RNAs from adult rat tissues. The brain was the only tissue in the adult rat where the 4.7- and 3.9-kb IGF-II mRNAs were consistently detected. Some samples of adult rat intestine contained the 4.7- and 3.9-kb IGF-II mRNAs and some samples of adult liver and lung contained the 4.7-kb mRNA. These findings suggest that a role for IGF-II in the adult rat, particularly in the central nervous system, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

M D Griswold  K Roberts  P Bishop 《Biochemistry》1986,25(23):7265-7270
Sulfated glycoprotein 2 (SGP-2), the major secretion product of Sertoli cells, was purified from cell culture medium by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The native protein consists of disulfide-linked monomers of 41,000 and 29,000 daltons which have a strong tendency to associate into multimers. The purified SGP-2 was subjected to amino acid analysis and contained high levels of Asx (11.1%), Glx (15.1%), and leucine (11.5%). The oligosaccharides on the purified SGP-2 were analyzed to determine the monosaccharide compositions and the molecular weights of the intact carbohydrate moieties. SGP-2 was shown to be 23.7% carbohydrate and consisted of 1% fucose, 3.5% mannose, 4.1% galactose, 7.1% N-acetylglucosamine, and 8.0% N-acetylneuraminic acid. No N-acetylgalactosamine was detected. When the SGP-2 was digested with proteases, the intact oligosaccharides were chromatographed over a Bio-Gel P-6 column and found to elute in a single symmetrical peak of approximately 3,300 g/mol. On the basis of these results, the oligosaccharides on SGP-2 were proposed to consist of triantennary chains similar to those found on fetuin. When the 35SO4(2-)-labeled SGP-2 was digested with Pronase, the free amino acids could be separated by chromatography from the oligosaccharide. The 35SO4(2-) was shown to be associated with the oligosaccharide portion of SGP-2.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) modulate the cellular action of the insulin-like growth factors. Inhibition or enhancement of IGF effects by these cell-secreted binding proteins have been described. We have purified two IGFBPs (23 and 29 kDa) from media conditioned by U-2 human osteosarcoma cells using ligand-affinity chromatography and reversed phase HPLC. N-terminal amino acid analysis of the 23 kDa protein revealed a unique sequence with variable homology to IGFBPs 1-4. The 29 kDa IGFBP was found to be nearly identical to a recently reported IGFBP. Because the affinity purified U-2 IGFBPs enhanced IGF-I-stimulated osteoblast mitogenesis, we suggest that one or both of these binding proteins enhance IGF action in bone.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells synthesize and secrete a transferrin-like protein (testicular transferrin) [Skinner & Griswold (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 1923-1925]. The purpose of the present study was to purify and characterize testicular transferrin and to compare it with serum transferrin. Testicular transferrin was obtained from the medium of cultured rat Sertoli cells, whereas serum transferrin was obtained from rat serum. Both proteins were purified with the use of phenyl-Sepharose hydrophobic chromatography and transferrin immunoaffinity chromatography. The purified proteins were shown to have similar molecular masses (75 000 Da) and amino acid compositions. The pattern of tryptic peptides from testicular and serum transferrin were found to be essentially the same when analysed by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. The carbohydrate composition of both transferrins was determined by several colorimetric assays and g.l.c. Testicular transferrin, isolated from cell culture medium, had increased amounts of glucose, galactose and glucosamine. Serum transferrin that was incubated with cell culture medium also had a large amount of associated glucose. The results show that testicular transferrin and serum transferrin are structurally very similar and are possibly products of the same gene expressed in two different tissues, the testis and liver. However, the amount of carbohydrate associated with these two proteins is different.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we have shown that insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) stimulates basal as well as ACTH-induced cortisol secretion from bovine adrenocortical cells more potently than IGF-I [1]. The steroidogenic effect of both IGFs is mediated through interaction with the IGF-I receptor, and modified by locally produced IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs). In the present study, we therefore characterized the IGFBPs secreted by bovine adrenocortical cells in primary culture, and investigated the effect of corticotropin (ACTH) and recombinant human IGF-I and IGF-II on the regulation of IGFBP synthesis. By Western ligand blotting, four different molecular forms of IGF-binding proteins were identified in conditioned medium of bovine adrenocortical cells with apparent molecular weights of 39-44 kDa, 34 kDA, 29-31 kDa, and 24 kDa. In accordance to their electrophoretic mobility, glycosylation status and binding affinity, these bands were identified by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting as IGFBP-3, IGFBP-2, IGFBP-1, and deglycosilated IGFBP-4, respectively. Quantification of the specific bands by gamma counting revealed that, in unstimulated cells, IGFBP-3 accounts for approximately half of the detected IGFBP activity, followed by IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-4. ACTH treatment predominantly increased the abundance of IGFBP-1 and to a lesser extent IGFBP-3 in a time and dose-dependent fashion. In contrast, IGF-I or IGF-II (6.5 nM) preferentially induced the accumulation of IGFBP-3 (1.9-fold) and to a lesser extent of IGFBP-4, but did not show any effect on IGFBP-1. When ACTH and IGFs were combined, an additive stimulatory effect on the accumulation of IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-4 was observed. In contrast to their different steroidogenic potency, no significant difference in the stimulatory effect of IGF-I and IGF-II on IGFBP secretion was found. In conclusion, bovine adrenocortical cells synthesize IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2, IGFBP-3, and IGFBP-4, and their secretion is regulated differentially by ACTH and IGFs. These results, together with earlier findings, suggest that IGF-binding proteins play a modulatory role in the regulation of differentiated adrenocortical functions. Therefore, bovine adult adrenocortical cells provide a useful tissue culture model in which the complex interactions between two IGF-ligands, at least four IGF binding proteins and two IGF-receptors can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Studies of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) mRNA translation products suggest synthesis as a high Mr precursor, larger than circulating forms. To search for a precursor, we characterized IGF-1 immunoreactivity and IGF bioactivity in extracts from the liver and other body tissues. Sequential extraction with neutral followed by acid buffer was superior to extraction with acid/ethanol or acid alone in yield of immunoreactivity and specific activity. Extracts of normal rat liver exhibited both immuno- and bioactivity parallel to that of recombinant IGF-1 and serum IGFs over a 25-fold concentration range. Based on immunoreactivity, the liver of a 134-g rat appears to contain 1.2 micrograms of IGF-1 equivalents, 50% of the 2.45 micrograms in the circulation. Diaphragm, spleen, and kidney contained no significant IGF bioactivity and 8, 17, and 32% of the IGF-1 immunoreactivity of normal liver, respectively. Although serum IGFs were found at 7.5 kDa after size exclusion chromatography at pH 3, hepatic extracts contained a predominant peak of immuno- and bioactivity of apparent molecular mass of 30-35 kDa; both sizes were present in liver perfusates. Both immunoaffinity chromatography followed by Western blotting and IGF-binding protein affinity chromatography followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed two predominant species, at 18-19 and 12 kDa. The 18-19-kDa species is consistent with the apparent size of the glycosylated propeptide encoded by IGF-1A mRNA, while the 12-kDa species may be nonglycosylated propeptide. Extract activity was pituitary-dependent; the livers of hypophysectomized rats contained 15.4 and 48.8% of normal immuno- and bioactivity, respectively. During fasting and refeeding of rats, fluctuations in hepatic extract IGF-1 immunoreactivity generally paralleled changes in serum IGF-1 (r = 0.93, p less than 0.001). These studies demonstrate that the liver contains a pituitary- and nutrition-dependent, high Mr form of IGF-1 with immunological and biological properties similar to circulating IGF-1. Processing of this 18-19-kDa molecule through a 12-kDa intermediate may contribute IGF-1 to the circulation.  相似文献   

The role of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) on the specific function of several steroidogenic cells has been recently reported. Since IGF-I is produced by several tissues, we have investigated whether bovine adrenal cells secrete this peptide. Purification of conditioned medium from adrenal cells incubated with [35S]methionine through affinity chromatography (monoclonal anti-IGF-I antibody), high pressure liquid chromatography, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a single band of similar Mr as pure recombinant IGF-I. Moreover, the purified adrenal-secreted IGF-I displaced bound 125I-IGF-I to its adrenal receptors, and pretreatment of adrenal cells with the purified peptide enhanced the acute corticotropin (ACTH)-induced cAMP production as recombinant IGF-I. The basal secretion of IGF-I (6 +/- 1 ng/48 h/10(6) cells) was stimulated 3-, 4.5-, and 9.5-fold by fibroblast growth factor, angiotensin II (A-II), and ACTH, respectively, but not by growth hormone. The stimulatory effects of A-II and ACTH were dose-dependent (ED50 congruent to 2.5 x 10(-8) and 1.5 x 10(-10) M, respectively), and the effects of both hormones were additive. Glucocorticoids were not the mediators of the effect of the two hormones on IGF-I secretion, since inhibition of their steroidogenic action by aminoglutethimide did not significantly modify IGF-I secretion. An immunoreactive IGF-I material was also secreted by mouse adrenal tumor cell line Y-1, but the stimulatory effect of ACTH was only 2-fold, and there was no effect of A-II. Since bovine adrenal cells contain specific IGF-I receptors and this peptide is required for the maintenance of some adrenal cell-specific function, the present data suggest that IGF-I may act in an autocrine fashion to stimulate adrenal cell differentiation stimulated by ACTH and A-II.  相似文献   

Summary Interactions between Leydig and Sertoli cells, as well as a stimulatory effect of FSH on Leydig cell activity, have been reported in many studies. In order to investigate these interactions, the ultrastructure of immature pig Leydig cells under different culture conditions has been studied. When cultured alone in a chemically defined medium, there is a marked regression of the Leydig cell smooth endoplasmic reticulum and a swelling of the mitochondria. Addition of FSH or hCG does not prevent these phenomena. Co-culturing of Leydig cells with Sertoli cells from the same animal maintains the smooth endoplasmic reticulum at the level seen in vivo and in freshly isolated Leydig cells. The addition of FSH to the co-culture stimulates its development and increases Leydig cell activity, as assessed by an increase in hCG binding sites and an increased steroidogenic response to hCG. These results suggest that Sertoli cells exert a trophic effect on Leydig cells, and that the stimulatory effect of FSH on Leydig cell function is mediated via the Sertoli cells. These results reinforce the concept of a local regulatory control of Leydig cell steroidogenesis.Post-Doctoral fellow supported by CIRIT, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain  相似文献   

The effects of insulin, somatomedin-C (Sm-C), epidermal growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), vitamin E, and retinoic acid on growth and function of immature cultured pig Sertoli cells were investigated. All these factors, except vitamin E, stimulated Sertoli cell DNA synthesis and proliferation. The mitogenic effects of insulin observed only at micromolar concentrations were similar to those induced by nanomolar concentrations of Sm-C or EGF, but significantly less than those induced by FGF. The effects of EGF and Sm-C were almost additive, whereas those of Sm-C and FGF were synergistic. After a 6-day treatment, FGF and retinoic acid induced a significant increase in the number of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptors per cell, and in FSH-induced cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) production. Sm-C, which alone had no effect on these two parameters, potentiated FGF action. Basal plasminogen activator activity was enhanced after the 6-day treatment with EGF plus insulin and, particularly, with FGF plus insulin. Similarly, the response of the latter group to FSH was significantly higher than in any other group of cells. FGF was also able to stimulate cell multiplication and enhanced the FSH receptor number of Sertoli cells isolated from 15- and 26-day-old rats. Thus, FGF is the most potent known mitogenic factor for cultured Sertoli cells, and it stimulates the phenotypic expression of these cells.  相似文献   

We have reported previously that insulin causes a complete but reversible desensitization to insulin action in rat hepatoma HTC cells in tissue culture, and that this insulin resistance is mediated by postbinding mechanisms rather than receptor down-regulation (Heaton, J. H., and Gelehrter, T. D. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 12257-12262). We report here that insulin causes a similar desensitization to the induction of tyrosine aminotransferase by the insulin-like growth factors IGF-I and IGF-II isolated from human plasma, and by multiplication-stimulating activity, the rat homologue of IGF-II. The results of both competition-binding studies and affinity cross-linking experiments indicate that insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) bind primarily to IGF receptors rather than to insulin receptors. The low concentrations at which these factors induce transaminase is consistent with their acting primarily via IGF receptors. This is confirmed by experiments utilizing anti-insulin receptor antibody which both inhibits 125I-insulin binding and shifts the concentration dependence of insulin induction of tyrosine aminotransferase to the right. This same immunoglobulin does not inhibit 125I-multiplication-stimulating activity binding and only minimally inhibits 125I-IGF-I binding. Anti-insulin receptor antibody also does not significantly shift the concentration dependence for the IGFs, suggesting that IGFs induce transaminase by acting via IGF receptors. Although insulin down regulates insulin receptors, it does not decrease IGF-I or IGF-II binding. We conclude that insulin causes desensitization of HTC cells to IGFs by affecting a postbinding step in IGF action, which may be common to the actions of both insulin and insulin-like growth factors.  相似文献   

Normal growth during childhood and adolescence is a complex process which requires the participation of a number of hormones and growth factors. Sm-C/IGF-I plays a central role in this process, with variations in both its serum concentration and the cellular responsiveness to it being important mechanisms regulating growth.  相似文献   

In the present study we examined the production of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs), in chromaffin cells, a model system for sympathetic neurons. Four IGFBPs of approximately 27, approximately 31, approximately 36 and a doublet of approximately 45-50 kDa, detected in Western ligand blots of conditioned medium, were identified in Western immunoblots as IGFBP-4, IGFBP-5, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3, respectively. In ligand blots IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-4 appeared as the most prominent species. IGF-I (1 nM) enhanced release of IGFBP-3 while dexamethasone (1 nM) diminished release of IGFBP-4. No significant proteolytic degradation of the IGFBPs was demonstrated. Cycloheximide completely attenuated release of the IGFBPs, indicating dependency on new synthesis of the proteins. These findings are consistent with autocrine modulation of the IGF system in bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin cells by IGFBPs. Furthermore, the specific stimulatory and inhibitory effects of IGF-I and dexamethasone, respectively, on release of the predominant species of IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-4, suggested that IGFBP production may be selectively modulated in a positive and negative manner.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that muscle cells secrete insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins. In the present study, BC3H-1 cells were shown to secrete one binding protein of Mr 32,000, whereas L6 cells secreted two binding proteins of Mr 31,000 and 24,000, as determined by ligand blotting. Subconfluent proliferating L6 cells secrete more of the Mr 24,000 binding protein, relative to the Mr 31,000 form. In contrast, differentiated L6 myotubes secreted similar quantities of the two forms. Insulin-like growth factor I preferentially stimulated secretion of the Mr 31,000 versus the Mr 24,000 binding protein from L6 cells and caused an increase in the secretion of the Mr 32,000 binding protein from BC3H-1 cells. The Mr 31,000 binding protein from L6 cells had a greater affinity for insulin-like growth factor II compared with insulin-like growth factor I, as did the Mr 32,000 binding protein of BC3H-1 cells. In contrast, the Mr 24,000 binding protein of L6 cells preferred insulin-like growth factor I. Neither porcine insulin nor relaxin competed for 125I-IGF-I binding. In conclusion, these muscle cell lines secrete only one or two forms of insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins. L6 cell differentiation is associated with a relative increase in the secretion of the Mr 31,000 binding protein compared with the Mr 24,000 form. Insulin-like growth factor I stimulates the secretion of its own binding proteins from muscle cells, and this may be an important mechanism for modulating cellular responsiveness to this growth factor.  相似文献   

The role of cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA)- and tyrosine kinase (TK)-dependent intracellular mechanisms in mediating the action of porcine growth hormone (GH) on insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) secretion by porcine ovarian granulosa cells was studied. It was observed that GH-induced stimulation of IGF-I secretion was accompanied by an increase in cAMP production. The stimulation of PKA by the addition of either a cAMP agonist or a phosphodiesterase inhibitor to the medium increased IGF-I release by the cells, indicating a direct stimulation of IGF-I release by cyclic nucleotides. Moreover, the stimulatory effect of GH on IGF-I was completely suppressed by the addition of the PKA blocker Rp-cAMPS. Neither TK blocker altered the basal IGF-I level, but both strongly suppressed the GH-induced increase in IGF-I accumulation. Taken together, these findings suggest that cAMP/PKA- and/or TK-dependent pathways may be involved in the mediation of GH action on IGF-I release by porcine granulosa cells.  相似文献   

By using immature porcine Sertoli cells cultured in serum-free defined medium, we report that medium conditioned by Sertoli cells contained immunoreactive somatomedin C/insulin-like growth factor 1 (SmC/IGF1) measured following acidic gel filtration. The release of this immunoreactive SmC/IGF1 was slightly increased following Sertoli cell treatment with fibroblast growth factor but not with follicle-stimulating hormone or growth hormone. On the other hand, human biosynthetic SmC/IGF1 exerts a potent stimulatory effect on Leydig cell differentiated functions such as LH/hCG-binding (greater than 4-fold) and hCG-stimulated testosterone secretion (greater than 15-fold). This effect was dose and time dependent and the maximal increase of Leydig cell function was observed following 48 h treatment with 50 ng/ml SmC/IGF1. The steroidogenic action of the peptide was not related to Leydig cell growth since both cell number and 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA were not or slightly (approximately equal to 1.5-fold) increased in the optimal conditions with SmC/IGF1 treatment (100 ng/ml for 48 h). Moreover, the concomitant treatment of Leydig cells by both arabinoside C (10(-5) M), a DNA synthesis inhibitor, and SmC/IGF1 did not modify the stimulating effect of the peptide on LH/hCG-binding and hCG-stimulated testosterone production. Taken together, the present findings support the concept that Sertoli cell derived SmC/IGF1 could be a potent regulator of Leydig cell differentiated functions.  相似文献   

IGF-1对细胞凋亡的抑制调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胰岛素样生长因子-1(insulin—like growth factor,IGF—1)是胰岛素样生长因子家族中的一种,通过与IGF-1受体相结合产生生物学效应,是通过内分泌、自分泌和旁分泌的三种途径分泌的低分子多肽。近些年来,研究发现IGF-1不仅具有胰岛素类似的功能以及介导生长激素的作用,还是多种类型细胞凋亡的一个重要抑制因子。本文就IGF-1抑制细胞凋亡的信号转导途径和IGF-1对Bcl-2家族、caspases家族以及关键转录因子的调控机制作一综述。  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor types 1 and 2 (IGF-1; IGF-2) and insulin-like peptides are all members of the insulin superfamily of peptide hormones but bind to several distinct classes of membrane receptor. Like the insulin receptor, the IGF-1 receptor is a heterotetrameric receptor tyrosine kinase, whereas the IGF-2/ mannose 6-phosphate receptor is a single transmembrane domain protein that is thought to function primarily as clearance receptors. We recently reported that IGF-1 and IGF-2 stimulate the ERK1/2 cascade by triggering sphingosine kinase-dependent "transactivation" of G protein-coupled sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors. To determine which IGF receptors mediate this effect, we tested seven insulin family peptides, IGF-1, IGF-2, insulin, and insulin-like peptides 3, 4, 6, and 7, for the ability to activate ERK1/2 in HEK293 cells. Only IGF-1 and IGF-2 potently activated ERK1/2. Although IGF-2 was predictably less potent than IGF-1 in activating the IGF-1 receptor, they were equipotent stimulators of ERK1/2. Knockdown of IGF-1 receptor expression by RNA interference reduced the IGF-1 response to a greater extent than the IGF-2 response, suggesting that IGF-2 did not signal exclusively via the IGF-1 receptor. In contrast, IGF-2 receptor knockdown markedly reduced IGF-2-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation, with no effect on the IGF-1 response. As observed previously, both the IGF-1 and the IGF-2 responses were sensitive to pertussis toxin and the sphingosine kinase inhibitor, dimethylsphingosine. These data indicate that endogenous IGF-1 and IGF-2 receptors can independently initiate ERK1/2 signaling and point to a potential physiologic role for IGF-2 receptors in the cellular response to IGF-2.  相似文献   

Our aim has been to characterize the molecular mechanisms regulating the expression of the channel-forming tight-junctional protein claudin-2 in response to the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), which is elevated, for example, in active Crohn’s disease. TNFα caused an 89% decrease of the paracellular resistance in colonic HT-29/B6 cells, whereas transcellular resistance was unaltered. The claudin-2 protein level was increased by TNFα without changes in subcellular tight-junctional protein localization as revealed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Enhanced gene expression was identified as the source of this increase, since claudin-2-specific mRNA and promoter activity was elevated, whereas mRNA stability remained unaltered. Specific inhibitors and phospho-specific antibodies revealed that the increased gene expression of claudin-2 after TNFα treatment was mediated by the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathway. Thus, the up-regulation of claudin-2 by TNFα is attributable to the regulation of the expression of the gene, as a result of which epithelial barrier function is disturbed, for example, during chronic intestinal inflammation. J. Mankertz and M. Amasheh contributed equally to this work. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Sonnenfeld-Stiftung Berlin.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are crucial for many aspects of development, growth, and metabolism yet control of their activity by IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) remains controversial. The effect of IGFBP-1 depends on its phosphorylation status; phosphorylated IGFBP-1 inhibits IGF actions whereas the nonphosphorylated isoform is stimulatory. In order to understand this phenomenon, we purified phosphorylated IGFBP-1 from normal human plasma by immunoaffinity chromatography. Unexpectedly, the resulting preparation enhanced IGF-stimulated 3T3-L1 fibroblast proliferation, due to the presence of a co-purified protein of approximately 700 kDa. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry and Western immunoblotting analysis identified this co-purified protein as alpha(2)-macroglobulin (alpha(2)M). Anti-alpha(2)M antibodies co-immunoprecipitated IGFBP-1 from human plasma and from (125)I-IGFBP-1.alpha(2)M complexes formed in vitro. The (125)I-IGFBP-1/alpha(2)M association could be inhibited with excess unlabeled IGFBP-1. Surface plasmon resonance analysis indicated that alpha(2)M preferentially associates with the phosphorylated isoform of IGFBP-1 and that when complexed to alpha(2)M, IGFBP-1 can still bind IGF-I. These findings have functional significance since alpha(2)M protects IGFBP-1 from proteolysis and abrogates the inhibitory effect of phosphorylated IGFBP-1 on IGF-I stimulated 3T3-L1 cell proliferation. We conclude that alpha(2)M is a binding protein of IGFBP-1 which modifies IGF-I/IGFBP-1 actions resulting in enhanced IGF effects. In line with its role in regulating the clearance and activity of other growth factors, we predict that alpha(2)M has a novel and important role in controlling the transport and biological activity of IGFs.  相似文献   

Androgen hormones and growth factors are implicated in pedicle formation and antler transformation in deer. The potential to form a pedicle and an antler is only found in the antlerogenic periosteum (AP) overlying the presumptive antler growth region. Histological studies (Li and Suttie, '94) showed that AP consists of an inner cellular layer and an outer fibrous layer. Pedicle and antler are mainly derived from the cellular layer cells of the AP. Ossification takes place in four stages: intramembranous (IMO), transitional (OPC), pedicle endochondral (pECO) and antler endochondral (aECO). However, the precise mechanism whereby androgen hormones and growth factors control pedicle and antler formation is unknown. The aim of this study was to use cell culture techniques to investigate how testosterone and IGF1 affects the proliferation of antlerogenic cells from the four ossification stages of pedicle/antler in vitro. The results showed that in serum-free medium IGF1 stimulated the proliferation of antlerogenic cells from all four ossification stages in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, testosterone alone did not show any mitogenic effects on these antlerogenic cells. However, in the presence of IGF1, testosterone increased proliferation of the antlerogenic cells from the IMO and the OPC stages (pedicle tissue), and reduced proliferation of the antlerogenic cells from transformation point (TP) and aECO stages (antler tissue). Therefore, the results from the present in vitro study support the in vivo findings that androgen hormones stimulate pedicle formation but inhibit antler growth. The change in the mitogenic effects of testosterone on antlerogenic cells from positive to negative occurs approximately at the change in ossification type from OPC to pECO. Therefore, these results reinforce the hypothesis that the transformation from a pedicle to an antler takes place at the time when the ossification type changes from OPC to pECO rather than at the time when the pedicle grows to its full species-specific height.  相似文献   

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