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Jet injection can be used to introduce genes into the cells of differentiated tissues of living animals and organ cultures. When a solution of plasmid DNA is jet injected into a selected tissue or organ, cells lying in or near the path of the jet injection are transfected with the DNA and the introduced gene(s) are expressed. Since there is minimal morbidity from each jet injection, multiple injections can be performed at the same or nearby sites. Both mRNA and protein expression from transfected genes can be quantitated using standard methods. In addition, the technique is an efficient means of DNA immunization. Methodology for using jet injection to transfer plasmid DNA into the cells of skin, fat, mammary gland, and muscle are described.  相似文献   

Gene transfer into mammalian somatic cells in vivo.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Direct gene transfer into mammalian somatic tissues in vivo is a developing technology with potential application for human gene therapy. During the past 2 years, extensive progress and numerous breakthroughs have been made in this area of research. Genetically engineered retroviral vectors have been used successfully to infect live animals, effecting foreign gene expression in liver, blood vessels, and mammary tissues. Recombinant adenovirus and herpes simplex virus vectors have been utilized effectively for in vivo gene transfer into lung and brain tissues, respectively. Direct injection or particle bombardment of DNA has been demonstrated to provide a physical means for in situ gene transfer, while carrier-mediated DNA delivery techniques have been extended to target specific organs for gene expression. These technological developments in conjunction with the initiation of the NIH human gene therapy trials have marked a milestone in developing new medical treatments for various genetic diseases and cancer. Various in vivo gene transfer techniques should also provide new tools for basic research in molecular and developmental genetics.  相似文献   

In vivo gene transfer by low-volume jet injection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Previously, we have established an in vivo electroporation method for gene transfer into muscle by injection of DNA with a needle followed by electric pulse delivery using needle-type electrodes and proved that this method is effective for the systemic delivery of cytokines. To perform the needleless gene delivery, we combined jet injection of DNA with electroporation using plate-type electrodes. For delivery of beta-galactosidase- and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-expressing plasmids into muscles, there was no significant difference between the previous needle-mediated method and the newly developed jet-injection method. When pCAGGS-IL-5 was introduced into tibialis anterior, quadricipital and back sural muscles by this new method, the serum IL-5 levels reached 3.4 +/- 0.9, 5.7 +/- 1.7 and 8.4 +/- 2.7 ng/ml at day 5, respectively. Although the peak values of IL-5 achieved by the jet-injection method in these muscles were lower than that of the highest value achieved by needle-mediated gene delivery into anterior tibial muscle, this new method could deliver plasmid into relatively large muscles with better efficiency than the needle-mediated method. Thus the jet-injection method provides a useful means of gene delivery into large muscles, which is essential for future use in human gene therapy.  相似文献   

A lyophilized, heat-killed, phenol preserved typhoid vaccine (5 x 10(8) cells) suspended in 0.1 ml unadsorbed concentrated tetanus vaccine (10 Lf) was administered in man by intradermal route. This association of the two vaccines resulted in milder postvaccinal reactions: moreover, the immunological properties of typhoid vaccine, as certified by the passive protection test of the mouse with sera of the vaccines and the H and O agglutinin titres found in these immune sera, were perfectly conserved. Consequently, the mixed typhoid-tetanus vaccination in man by intradermal route is possible and advantageous for practical and economical reasons.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity and the reactogenicity of an unadsorbed Tetanus vaccine, intradermally administered in man as a booster immunization associated or not with lyophilized Typhoid vaccine, were comparatively studied. There were no differences in postvaccinal reactions between the Tetanus vaccine administered alone or associated with Typhoid vaccine as well as between the unadsorbed and adsorbed Tetanus vaccine. The booster inoculation carried out with Tetanus vaccine by i.d. route with doses of 10 Lf/0.1 ml proved to be effective, inducing to all the subjects a definite protective titre, maintaining for at least one year.  相似文献   

Intact chick embryos at 40 h incubation were transfected in vivo with chimeric vectors expressing chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) under different promoter sequences. The cationic lipid, dioctadecylamidoglycyl spermine (DOGS) used as the transfecting agent had no noticeable toxic effects on embryonic development. CAT activity was monitored 48 h post-transfection on homogenates of embryos dissected free of all annexes. Of the various constructs tested, those containing the AP-1 response element linked to CAT (TRE-tk-CAT) gave high expression and consistent enzyme responses within groups. Co-transfection experiments in which embryos were exposed simultaneously to a CAT vector containing the cAMP response element and to a vector expressing the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A showed that the promoters of the introduced genes can be regulated by their respective transacting factors. This method may therefore represent a general tool for introducing genes into intact vertebrate embryos at precise developmental times.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, we describe a simple technique to introduce DNA into cells through cracks and/or pores in cell membranes caused by intracellular ice crystal formation induced by liquid nitrogen. We mixed mouse BALB 3T3 cells and pSV2-neo DNA and froze the cell suspension under various conditions to determine those optimum for the introduction of DNA into mammalian cells. We found that brief treatment with liquid nitrogen, which showed only moderate cell killing, resulted in the induction of G-418 resistant colonies. These results suggest that this new technique is useful for transfection of genes into mammalian cells. This work was supported by a Grant-in Aid from the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the Comprehensive 10-Year Strategy for Cancer Control, Japan.  相似文献   

A technique for fertilizing zebrafish eggs by injection of sperm nuclei is described. Eggs that cleave normally can develop into swimming larvae and give rise to fertile adults. If sperm nuclei are preincubated for 20 min with DNA encoding the green fluorescent protein, transgene expression can be detected in all cells of the embryo. The use of condensed sperm nuclei allows injection with a small bore pipette, which is critical for successful injection of the relatively small zebrafish egg. This technique enables the generation of ubiquitously expressing transgenic zebrafish directly by microinjection. Hence, experiments involving transgenic fish can be completed in days, without the need for growing and breeding founders. This technique may also be used to generate transgenic lines, as transgene expression was visible in the offspring of transgenic founders. The method described here is likely to be applicable to other teleosts, such as medaka and salmon.  相似文献   

Gene transfer into cultured mammalian embryos by electroporation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To gain a better understanding of mammalian development at the molecular level, technology is needed that allows the transfer of exogenous genes into desired embryonic regions at defined stages of development. Our strategy has been to use electroporation (EP) of plasmid DNA following whole-embryo culture (WEC). In our gene transfer system, postimplantation rodent embryos are taken out of the uterus and a purified DNA solution of mammalian expression plasmid constructs is injected into the neural tube. A square-pulse current is delivered using an electroporator with an optimizer. Electroporated embryos are allowed to develop in the WEC system for 24--48 h. Within the targeted area, the proportion of transfected cells varied from 10% to approximately 100% depending on the test conditions (e.g., DNA concentration, voltage, duration of EP, and pulse number). The EP--WEC system has several advantages including rapid gene expression, minimal laboratory work, precisely targeted regions, and no risk for human beings. Application of the method is useful in improving our understanding of early neural development (E7--E12 in mice), e.g., alteration of gene function via ectopic expression, interference with dominant negative proteins, and fate mapping with marker genes. In addition, EP can complement genetic approaches such as the generation of knockout and transgenic mice.  相似文献   

While chickens have many properties that are advantageous for embryological studies, their genetic analysis has been restricted. However, by using retrovirus vector systems in combination with classical techniques of experimental developmental biology, it has recently become possible to analyze the function of genes involved in the development of this organism. Avian retrovirus vectors are unique in that they can be divided into two categories: replication-competent and replication-defective (replication-incompetent). By choosing the vectors correctly, there are many experimental applications of these vectors such as induction of constitutive (or regulated) gene expression in a restricted region of tissues, organs and embryos; cell lineage analysis; and formation of concentration gradients of morphogens in micromass cultures. In this paper, several retrovirus vectors available for the chicken will be introduced and their applications in developmental biology will be reviewed.  相似文献   

Jet injectors employ high-velocity liquid jets that penetrate into human skin and deposit drugs in the dermal or subdermal region. Although jet injectors have been marketed for a number of years, relatively little is known about the interactions of high-speed jets with soft materials such as skin. Using polyacrylamide gels as a model system, the mechanics of jet penetration, including the dependence of jet penetration on mechanical properties, was studied. Jets employed in a typical commercial injector, (orifice diameter: 152 microm, velocity: 170-180 m/s) were used to inject fluid into polyacrylamide gels possessing Young's moduli in the range of 0.06-0.77 MPa and hardness values in the range of 4-70 H(OO). Motion analysis of jet entry into polyacrylamide gels revealed that jet penetration can be divided into three distinct events: erosion, stagnation, and dispersion. During the erosion phase, the jet removed the gel at the impact site and led to the formation of a distinct cylindrical hole. Cessation of erosion induced a period of jet stagnation ( approximately 600 micros) characterized by constant penetration depth. This stage was followed by dispersion of the liquid into the gel. The dispersion took place by crack propagation and was nearly symmetrical with the exception of injections into 10% acrylamide (Young's modulus of 0.06 MPa). The penetration depth of the jets as well as the rate of erosion decreased with increasing Young's modulus. The mechanics of jet penetration into polyacrylamide gels provides an important tool for understanding jet injection into skin.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens-gene transfer into wheat tissues   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
DNA can be transferred by Agrobacterium tumefaciens to wheat, albeit at very low frequencies. Transfer of agrobacterial DNA occurred in cultures where the embryos had been subjected to partial enzymatic digestion prior to cocultivation with the bacteria. It is unclear whether this is by the normal process mediated by the Ti virulence genes and the border repeats of the T-DNA. The Southern hybridization patterns indicate that in one cell line the T-DNA had undergone extensive rearrangements, and might indicate that the process of T-DNA transfer and integration might differ in the case of cereals. This could suggest the method of transfer and ultimately the expression of these genes in cereal cells may be different to that observed in other monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species.  相似文献   

We have developed and characterized cultures of healthy and dystrophic canine myoblasts for the evaluation of various gene transfer protocols. The number of desmin-positive myoblasts was elevated (>>80%) in cultures of myoblasts obtained from different muscle territories, the diaphragm muscle giving rise to the purest cultures. Myoblasts from dogs turned out to be a very convenient source of well transfectable and transducible cells. Transfection with plasmid DNA allowed efficient transgene expression (50% of β-galactosidase positive cells and about 375 ng luciferase/mg protein after transfection with a calcium phosphate-precipitated plasmid). Infection with high concentrations of adenoviral and retroviral vectors allowed transgene (β-galactosidase or mini-dystrophin) detection in about 75 to 90% of the canine cells. Therefore, primary dog myoblast cultures represent a useful in vitro model for viral and non-viral gene delivery, as well as for functional evaluation and cell grafting with applications in genetic diseases, vaccination or production of circulating therapeutic proteins. Reiner Bischoff is now at This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Electric impulses (8 kV/cm, 5 microseconds) were found to increase greatly the uptake of DNA into cells. When linear or circular plasmid DNA containing the herpes simplex thymidine kinase (TK) gene is added to a suspension of mouse L cells deficient in the TK gene and the cells are then exposed to electric fields, stable transformants are formed that survive in the HAT selection medium. At 20 degrees C after the application of three successive electric impulses followed by 10 min to allow DNA entry there result 95 (+/- 3) transformants per 10(6) cells and per 1.2 micrograms DNA. Compared with biochemical techniques, the electric field method of gene transfer is very simple, easily applicable, and very efficient. Because the mechanism of DNA transport through cell membranes is not known, a simple physical model for the enhanced DNA penetration into cells in high electric fields is proposed. According to this ' electroporation model' the interaction of the external electric field with the lipid dipoles of a pore configuration induces and stabilizes the permeation sites and thus enhances cross membrane transport.  相似文献   

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