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Permissive TC7 cells were separately transfected with simian virus 40 (SV40) EcoRI/Hap II A (74% genome) DNA fragments and EcoRI/Hap II B (26% genome) DNA fragments in the presence of DEAE-dextran. Fusion of the progeny of recipient cells receiving the A fragment, TC7 (SV40/74) cells, with TC7 (SV40/26) cells, which had received the B fragment, resulted in SV40 rescue. TC7 (SV40/74 + 26) cells, which had simultaneously received both complementary subgenomes, either spontaneously produced SV40 upon subculture or yielded virus upon treatment with iododeoxyuridine. In addition, fusion of rat cells containing the EcoRI/Hap II A fragment with TC7 (SV40/26) cells resulted in SV40 rescue. Cytopathology, V-antigen production, neutralization, and electron microscopy were parameters used to verify that the rescued virus was SV40. No infectious virus was produced when the combinations of cells fused did not total a complete SV40 genome equivalent.  相似文献   

Clonal cells derived from HepG2 cells transfected with a plasmid containing hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA secrete hepatitis B surface antigen particles, nucleocapsids, and virions (M. A. Sells, M.-L. Chen, and G. Acs, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:1005-1009, 1987) which elicit acute hepatitis in chimpanzees (G. Acs, M. A. Sells, R. H. Purcell, P. Price, R. Engle, M. Shapiro, and H. Popper, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:4641-4644, 1987). We report here the initial characterization of the viral nucleic acids produced in this culture system. Kinetic analyses of nuclear, cytoplasmic, and extracellular HBV DNAs were performed by Southern blotting with radiolabeled HBV strand-specific probes. The results from these analyses indicate that at the stationary cellular growth phase, there is a dramatic increase in the rate at which HBV DNA accumulates. Incomplete double- and single-stranded forms of the HBV genome were detected in the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions as well as in the extracellular medium. In addition, the nuclear DNA apparently includes multiple complete copies of the HBV genome chromosomally integrated and full-length covalently closed circular HBV DNA. Multiple HBV-specific polyadenylated RNAs with lengths of 3.5, 2.5, and 2.1 kilobases were identified by Northern (RNA) blot analysis. S1 nuclease mapping and primer extension identified a single 3' end and multiple unique initiation sites corresponding to nucleotides just 5' to the pre-S1 region, as well as upstream and within the pre-S2 and precore regions. The nucleic acid profile obtained from these analyses is essentially a facsimile of that obtained by studying liver tissue from HBV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

Molluscum contagiosum virus propagated in FL cells of human amnion origin has a one-step growth cycle time of 12 to 14 h. The appearance and exponential increase of intracellular virus preceded the release of extracellular virus by approximately 2 h. Demonstration of comparable titers of extracellular and intracellular virus at the end of the replication cycle indicated that a substantial amount of virus remained associated with cells exhibiting cytopathogenic changes. Mean buoyant density values of virus in sucrose ranged from 1.275 to 1.278 g/cm3, but in CsCl the virus banded at densities at 1.325 to 1.340 and 1.261 to 1.281 g/cm3. Although virus infectivity was not affected by high concentrations of CsCl, it was found by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis that the salt removed several nonglycosylated polypeptides with estimated molecular weights of 15,000 to 60,000. This suggested that the high-density band (1.325 to 1.340) may reflect the loss of these structural components. The half-life of virus infectivity was approximately 26.5 h at 26 degrees C and 11.2 h at 37 degrees C. Although the virus was rapidly inactivated at 50 degrees C, it could be stabilized at this temperature by the presence of 1.0 M MgCl2. Virus did not agglutinate newborn chick, adult chicken, or type "0" human erythrocytes. Virus infectivity was found to be sensitive to acid pH but resistant to treatment with diethyl ether or chloroform. The replication of molluscum virus in FL cells was not inhibited by 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, or cytosine arabinonucleoside in noncytotoxic concentrations of 200 to 400 mug/ml, but greater than 99% reduction in the yield of herpes simplex virus or vaccinia virus in FL cells was obtained with 200 mug of these compounds per ml. Guanidinium chloride in concentrations of 100 to 200 mug/ml reduced molluscum virus yields by more than 99.9%.  相似文献   

The regulation of glycogen metabolism in C-6 astrocytoma and C-1300 neuroblastoma cells in culture has been investigated. Two modes of control of glycogen metabolism appear to be operative. The regulation of intracellular glycogen concentrations and the predominant forms of glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen synthase vary with (a) the available energy supply, and (b) altered intracellular concentration of cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP). Both cell lines respond to glucose in the medium; when glucose levels are high, glycogen is synthesized, glycogen phosphorylase a decreases, and glycogen synthase a increases. When glucose in the medium decreases to a critical level, the phosphorylase a increases and glycogen concentrations in the cells decrease in aprallel with the medium glucose. The critical glucose concentration is 2.5 mM for the astrocytoma cells and 4 mM for the neuroblastoma cells. Insulin promotes the conversion of phosphorylase to the b form and synthase to the a form in both cell lines. All of these changes occur without alteration in the intracellular cyclic AMP concentrations. When cyclic AMP concentrations are increased in either cell line, phosphorylase a is increased, synthase a is decreased, and glycogen concentrations decrease. Isobutyl methylxanthine is effective in promoting glycogenolysis in both cell lines. Norepinephrine is effective with the astrocytoma cells, and prostaglandin E1 is effective with the neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

We constructed five chimeric clones between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVMAC) and four SIVMAC mutants by recombinant DNA techniques. Three chimeric clones and all mutants with an alteration in either the vif, vpx, vpr, or nef gene were infectious to human CD4-positive cell lines. The susceptibility of macaque monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to infection by these mutants and chimeras was examined in vitro. Macaque PBMC supported the replication of wild-type and vpx, vpr, and nef mutant SIVMAC strains. A chimera carrying the long terminal repeats (LTRs), gag, pol, vif, and vpx of SIVMAC and tat, rev, vpu, and env of HIV-1 was also replication competent in PBMC. In contrast, HIV-1, the vif mutant of SIVMAC, a chimera containing rev and env of SIVMAC, and a chimera containing vpx, vpr, tat, rev, and env of SIVMAC did not grow in PBMC. Western immunoblotting analysis of the replicating chimera in PBMC confirmed the hybrid nature of the virus. These data strongly suggested that the sequence important for macaque cell tropism lies within the LTR, gag, pol, and/or vif sequences of the SIVMAC genome.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBR) and turkey herpesvirus were examined for growth in cells cultured on three different substrates. The substrates were glass, DEAE-dextran and collagen gel. With two of the viruses, HSV-1 and IBR, there were no apparent differences in production as a function of substrate. In contrast, the amount of the turkey herpesvirus which was recovered varied greatly with the substrate. Titers were highest on glass, followed by DEAE-dextran and then collagen gel. Our previous studies have indicated that the substrate on which anchorage-dependent cells are grown in vitro has an affect on a number of biological and biochemical properties. The present study indicates that the production of commercially important biologicals can be affected by the substrate.  相似文献   

"Spontaneously" or SV40 virus transformed AL/N mouse cell lines were passed repeatedly through syngeneic mice. Cell lines were re-established in culture from minced pieces of tumors in the presence of concentrated fetal calf serum or from tumor cells dispersed by trypsin. The aim of this study was to compare the two cell lines in regard to the selection processes which operate during such procedures by characterization of the resulting cell lines. Measurements of growth in tissue culture on substratum showed no significant difference between any of the transformed cell lines. The SV40 transformed cells and its derivative cells had a low anchorage requirement for growth. The greatest anchorage requirement for growth was in the normal untransformed cells and in the derivative cells from the "spontaneously" transformed cells which were established from minced tumors. The spontaneously transformed cells and all derivative cells had high tumorigenicity (TD50 is less than 10-2). The SV40 transformed cells had no observable tumorigenicity (TD50 is greater than 10-8), except when injected into irradiated mice (TD50 = 1-5 X 10-5 in the immunocompetent mice, 5 X 10-4 in the irradiated mice). The SV40 transformed derivative cells maintained their SV40 specific T antigen and their susceptibility to lysis by specific antiserum.  相似文献   

A fraction of permissive cells survive simian virus 40 (SV40) infection. The frequency of such surviving cells depends only upon the concentration of infecting virus, both parental and progeny, to which the cells are exposed during the course of selection. Surviving clones, which can be freed of virus by cloning in the presence of SV40 antiserum, are indistinguishable from parental cells in their growth of characteristics and display no SV40 antigen; thus they are not transformed. Most surviving clones are less than 10% as susceptible as parental cells to SV40 infection; 5 to 10% are less than 1% as susceptible. None of these SV40-resistant clones is absolutely resistant to SV40 infection. Analysis of 16 independently arising resistant clones indicates that they all block SV40 infection at an early stage after adsorption and eclipse but before full uncoating. Viral mutants have been isolated that partially overcome the block to infection in these cells; these host range viruses plaque on resistant lines fivefold more efficiently than wild-type SV40 and have a characteristic plaque morphology. Fluctuation analysis indicates that resistant cells arise spontaneously during the growth of normally susceptible permissive cells. Thus, SV40-resistant cells are selected for, not induced by, SV40 infection.  相似文献   

We have begun to characterize the genomic structure and replication of the baboon papovavirus simian agent 12 (SA12). We have defined a wild-type clone of SA12 (SA12 wt100) by plaque purification from a heterogeneous stock. The functional map of SA12 wt100 can be aligned with those of the other primate papovaviruses by assigning one of the two EcoRI sites as 0/1.0 map units. The origin of bidirectional viral DNA replication maps near 0.67 map units, consistent with the limits of sequences homologous to origin sequences in the other papovaviruses. DNA sequence analysis shows that the organization of the SA12 genome is similar to that of the other primate papovaviruses studied. The arrangement and sequence of functional elements in the origin of replication region, as well as the sequences of the N-terminal regions of early protein products, indicate that SA12 is most closely related to the human virus BK, next most closely related to JC virus, and less closely related to simian virus 40. Unlike BK virus, SA12 is capable of productive infection of African green monkey kidney cells.  相似文献   

Large-scale production and concentration procedures have been standardized to study the biological properties of Rauscher leukemia virus produced from the high-passaged JLS-V9-H mouse bone marrow cell line. Virus produced early (days 4 to 6) in the harvest and refeed cycle contained higher levels of ribonucleic acid-directed deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity and was more infectious than Rauscher leukemia virus produced later (days 7 to 10) in the growth period. The peak of virus production as detected by physical assays (virus particle count, protein, and p30 antigen) was highest at day 6, whereas the optimum biological and ribonucleic acid-directed deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity occurred 24 h earlier. When product characterization values of each concentrate were adjusted to a specific activity (i.e., per milligram of protein) basis, virus particle counts averaged 4 x 10(11) through days 5 to 9, and the peak infectivity occurred at day 4, whereas ribonucleic acid-directed deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity was highest at day 4 (endogenous) and 5 (exogenous). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel analysis revealed only slight differences in the polypeptide pattern of Rauscher leukemia virus harvested from cultures of varying age, although Rauscher leukemia virus produced between days 3 and 5 contained more glycoprotein than either earlier or later harvests.  相似文献   

Large-scale production and concentration procedures have been standardized to study the biological properties of Rauscher leukemia virus produced from the high-passaged JLS-V9-H mouse bone marrow cell line. Virus produced early (days 4 to 6) in the harvest and refeed cycle contained higher levels of ribonucleic acid-directed deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity and was more infectious than Rauscher leukemia virus produced later (days 7 to 10) in the growth period. The peak of virus production as detected by physical assays (virus particle count, protein, and p30 antigen) was highest at day 6, whereas the optimum biological and ribonucleic acid-directed deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity occurred 24 h earlier. When product characterization values of each concentrate were adjusted to a specific activity (i.e., per milligram of protein) basis, virus particle counts averaged 4 x 10(11) through days 5 to 9, and the peak infectivity occurred at day 4, whereas ribonucleic acid-directed deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity was highest at day 4 (endogenous) and 5 (exogenous). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel analysis revealed only slight differences in the polypeptide pattern of Rauscher leukemia virus harvested from cultures of varying age, although Rauscher leukemia virus produced between days 3 and 5 contained more glycoprotein than either earlier or later harvests.  相似文献   

Expression of simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen efficiently immortalizes and transforms primary cells. We previously reported that a hybrid polyomavirus-SV40 large T antigen, PyT1-521-SVT336-708, binds to both p53 and pRb but does not transform an established rat cell line (J. J. Manfredi and C. Prives, J. Virol. 64:5250-5259, 1990). Here we show that this hybrid large T antigen is capable of immortalizing primary rat cells. Plasmids that express resistance to G418 sulfate and either SV40 large T antigen or PyT1-521-SVT336-708 were transfected into primary rat embryo fibroblasts, and cell lines were established. The cell lines that expressed PyT1-521-SVT336-708 were not fully transformed but did exhibit altered growth properties. Although these PyT1-521-SVT336-708-expressing lines did not form foci, they did grow in low serum and grew to a high saturation density; these cell lines also formed colonies in soft agar, but their colonies were much smaller than those seen with an SV40 large-T-antigen-expressing line. PyT1-521-SVT336-708 also demonstrated the ability to cooperate with activated Ha-ras to form foci on primary rat embryo fibroblasts. Surprisingly, two types of morphologies in such lines were observed: refractile and spindle shaped. Although there was no correlation between T-antigen level and morphology, all lines that displayed refractile morphology expressed high levels of p21ras. Since the p53 binding activity of PyT1-521-SVT336-708 appears to be intact, these results suggest that there are functions residing in the amino end of SV40 large T antigen which are necessary for full transformation that are missing from the amino end of polyomavirus large T antigen. Conversely, conferring the ability to bind to p53 on an amino-terminal fragment of polyomavirus large T antigen, although not enough to allow full transformation function, does increase its oncogenic activity in saturation density and soft agar growth assays.  相似文献   

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