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In 1989-1990 the epidemiologic studies about the impact of of Czarnobyl events on the health of children in Kraków and Nowy Sacz region were performed. The morphologic and functional changes of thyroid gland in children were estimated. Almost 90% of children in both districts received the iodine preparations for prophylactic reason. The mean time of intake was between 5-10 days following the Czarnobyl explosion. There were no relationship between the dose of iodine absorbed during prophylactic action and incidence of goiter. The prevalence of goiter amounted to 34.8-47.6% in boys and girls consecutively in Kraków district and 53.8-70.5% in Nowy Sacz. No hormonal changes in T3, T4 and TSH serum concentration were found in children with goiter and those without goiter. The complications after iodine intake were transient and seen only in a small number of children.  相似文献   

Program of investigations of effects of radiation and iodine prophylaxis undertaken after Czarnobyl accident in Kraków region had to be modified due to goiter endemy in this region. These modifications included: 1) Division of the region into 3 areas (voivodship Nowy Sacz, urban voivodship Kraków and area of Kielce and Swietokrzyskie mountains). 2) Study on iodine uptake in food and urinary secretion. 3) Examination of iodine level in drinking water, add an attempt of calculation of radiation dose absorbed by thyroid. Characterization of selected areas, principles of selection of study groups are presented as well as organizational details and methods of data collection.  相似文献   

Following the Czernobyl accident, an epidemiologic study was undertaken in which the daily iodine intake was estimated in 15% of the population studied. Iodine excretion was measured in single morning urine specimens. The iodine content was also assessed in the water form wells and in cow-milk at farms in randomly chosen villages in the region of Krynica and Nowy Sacz. On the basis of a 24-hour diet recall, the mass of each food product consumed daily was estimated for 483 persons in the Kraków voivodship (14.4% of the total population) and for 397 persons in the Nowy Sacz voivodship (15.8% of the total population). Using this data, the nutrient content of the daily diet was calculated for each studied individual. Measurements of iodine content in water and cow-milk show relatively lower iodine levels in the Nowy Sacz voivodship. The estimated value of the iodine content in milk (5.5 micrograms/100 g of milk) was considered in the estimates of the chemical composition of the daily diet of the inhabitants of this region. The mean values of the daily energy as well as the protein and calcium consumption in all subpopulations grouped with respect to domicile, age and sex, fell within the recommended daily allowances for these groups. The iodine content, while widely scattered, concentrated around low values. The median values of the iodine content in children of age 3-10 years, age 10-16 years and in adults, were 66%, 48% and 25-40% of the recommended daily allowances, respectively. No particular differences in the food intakes were observed between inhabitants of Kraków and Nowy Sacz voivodships. Nor were significant differences found in the urine iodine excretion in groups of these regions. The low iodine content in the daily food intake may be an essential factor in the ethiology of the increasing number of thyroid goiter.  相似文献   

The radioactive contamination of Poznań Region was recognized after Chernobyl accident as average. The predicted values of minimal (inhalation) and maximal (inhalation and ingestion) committed dose equivalent to the thyroid varied from 2.5 (min) to 24.7 (max) mSv in different groups of adults and children. To follow up the results of iodine prophylaxis and some aspects of possible thyroid gland morphological and functional changes 11086 persons were carefully investigated clinically and biochemically. Among these 11086 persons were 42.6% males and 57.4% females both adults from 17 till 40 year and children up do 16 years. The following parameters were reviewed: pregnancy, time of residence in the region, thyroid abnormalities, family history concerning thyroid diseases, iodine intake in April and May 1986 with possible side effects, changes in the thyroid size observed before and after 1986, degree and kind of thyroid enlargement, serum concentration of T3, T4, TSH, ATMA and ATG titre and finally the effectiveness of thyroid blockade at 24, 48 and 72 h after ingestion of Lugol's solution. Side effects of the ingestion of potassium iodide from 30-70 mg were observed in 153 cases, 36 of them consulted medical doctors but in no case the side effects (dominated by vomiting) threatened the life. In the investigated group were 144 pregnant women. Majority, because 88% of them delivered the baby on or after time and 6.9% before time, 4.9% of natural abortions were noted but non artificial. In the group of children thyroid gland abnormalities before 1986 were reported in 3 cases in 23 after 1986 it is after Chernobyl accident. This information is interesting but needs more precise analysis of different dependencies occurring. The data obtained indicated the existence in Poznań. Region the goiter endemy because 27.5% of investigated children and adults had goiter classified as grades O-B, I, II and III. The elevation or diminution of T3 values were noted in 1164 cases, for T4 in 418 cases and for TSH in 1412 cases. The presence of antimembrane and antithyroglobulin antibodies were observed in 303 cases. All persons with changes observed in thyroid morphology and function are periodically controlled and the results will be published separately. The investigations performed and results presented concern the early aspects of radioactive contamination and effects of iodine prophylaxis. The answer regarding late effects including thyroid cancer needs further multi year studies for which the clinical material investigated in different parts of Poland and well documented should be used as model group for further periodical studies.  相似文献   

The results of the investigations of radioactive contamination after the Chernobyl catastrophe and subsequent iodine prophylaxis on the thyroid gland function and morphology in Northeast Poland. The aim of the study was to determine whether kalium iodine in one dose during radioactive contamination in Poland limited the radioactive dose in the thyroid gland and if significant disadvantageous side-effects in the intrathyroid and extrathyroid occurred. Additionally during the studies we tried to determine if radioactive iodine contamination which occurred in the region of the Medical Academy in Bia?ystok caused an increase in thyroid disease. It is interesting to note the different results obtained after radioactive contamination with the results from the investigations in this same territory in 1983-1985. In 1983-1985, before the Chernobyl catastrophe, 6,921 persons in Northeast Poland were investigated. In 1986-1988, immediately after the disaster 4,010 persons were investigated. The main study according to grant No MZ-XVII was carried out in three provinces: Bia?ystok, Suwa?ki and Olsztyn. In this investigation 10,011 persons born before April 26, 1986 and after January 1, 1936 participated, 5,789 townspeople and 4,222 villagers, 3,987 children up to 16 years of age it the time of the disaster 1,973 boys and 2,009 girls; 6,024 adults 2,509 men and 3,516 women were drawn from a register. Committed doses to the thyroid in the investigated region were one of the highest in Poland and depended on age group and were depended on time of prophylaxis non proportional. Iodine prophylaxis was provided mainly with one dose of Lugol solution about 90%, 95% children and 30% adults took iodine. The majority of the population (53.3%-74%) were given iodine in April. From May 1st to 5th 23.0-43.4% received iodine, but after May 5th very few persons. Iodine was well tolerated, but Lugol Solution was better tolerated than other kinds of iodine. Only 241 (4.4%) cases had side effects, mainly vomiting (143), symptoms such as stomach ache, diarrhea, dyspnoe, skinrash etc. in lesser numbers. 12% (29 persons) were seen by a physician. In the investigated population were 200 pregnant women aged 19-40 years of which the majority (177) delivered full term healthy babies. Only 1 interrupted pregnancy and 7 had spontaneous abortion. Changes in the thyroid were noticed by 187 persons (2.3%-11.7%) most of which were enlargement of the thyroid, but only a few were confirmed by a physician. In the studied population from 1989 to 1990 over 30% of the population had struma.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The radiological contamination of Wroc?aw Region after Czernobyl accident was evaluated as moderate. In the frame of Research Programme MZ-XVII 4310 persons (2012 men and 2298 women) were randomly selected and investigated. Among them were 1525 children up to 16 years old. 925 children and 854 adults took potassium iodide; only minority in April but majority between May 1st and May 5th. Side effects was rare phenomenon seen in about 5% of those who ingested potassium iodide and in majority of cases was very mild (with rash and vomiting as most common clinical symptoms). Only 13 persons with side effects have visited physicians. Among 955 women aged 19-40 years 71 were pregnant in May 1986. 55 of them delivered on time, 3 before time. Average health state of newborns was 9.1 according to Apgar scale. 10 women have had spontaneous abortion and 3 decided to terminate pregnancy in first 6 weeks. The physical examination revealed the presence of diffuse goiter in 384 persons and of nodular goiter in 23 persons. In majority of cases the goiter was small, OB or I. according to WHO classification.  相似文献   

MOST IMPORTANT OBSERVATIONS: (FROM COUNTRY-WIDE POPULATION STUDIES) 1. In some voivodships localized in south-east and north-east parts of Poland thyroids of young children would, without protective measures, accumulate more then 60 MsV of radioiodine, thus exceeding intervention level settled for the country. 2. Thyroid function of newborns exposed to radioiodine during neonatal life was normal and frequency of neonatal hypothyroidism similar to that seen in years before Czernobyl accident. 3. Potassium iodide administrated to newborns in some of them profuced transient rise of TSH (Wolff-Chaikoff phenomenon), thus suggesting, that ki dose settled for newborns could be to high. 4. Thyroid radioiodine dose accumulated in thyroids of older children, teenagers and adults was in majority of regions well below the dose of 50 MsV. 5. The frequency of non-toxic diffuse goiter, especially in traditional endemic goiter area was found to be high, but is also relatively high in others regions of Poland and seems to depend on iodine deficiency or relative iodine deficiency. 6. The frequency of other thyroid disorders is within the limit reported in countries with relative iodine deficiency. 7. More than 95% of children and teenagers took protective, single dose of potassium iodide (about 10 millions). 8. Approximately 27% of adults took protective dose of potassium iodide (about 7 millions). 9. Organization of protective action in 11 north-east and south-east voivodoships was good about 75% of all obtain ki solution within 24 hours. In the rest of the country where protective action was ordered april 30, in afternoon hrs only about 25% obtained ki the same day and the rest during next 48-72 hrs. 10. The fact that prior to the protective action limited number of children was given iodine alcohol solution permitted for external use speaks about the fear and panic observed in Poland in first days after Czernobyl accident. 11. Extrathyroidal side-effects after ki administration appeared in about 5% were usually light or moderate and in majority of cases disappearing without medical assistance. Vomiting was most commonly seen side-effect in young children, thus suggesting that either dose, or the chemical form of the drug for this group of age was unproper. 12. Intrathyroidal side-effects of single dose of ki was rare phenomenon seen mostly in newborns, very young children and some adults with history of thyroid disease in the past. 13. Its possible that even small dose of radioiodine accumulated in thyroid produce immunological response leading to the appearance of thyroid antibodies in blood serum.  相似文献   

The analysis of the level of antidiphtheria immunity in different age group of the adult population has shown that postvaccinal immunity resulting from immunization with adsorbed DT toxoid with reduced antigen content gradually decreases after the period of two years. The immune stratum remains sufficiently numerous only among persons aged 18-27 years (93.3%), persons over 38 years constitute a high risk group with respect to the possibility of diphtheria infection: the proportion of persons protected against this infection amounts to 71.3% in the age group of 38-47 years and 54.9% in the age group over 48 years, that is not sufficient.  相似文献   

An assessment of effectiveness of the administering of single dose of stable iodine in Poland on the reduction of 131I doses in thyroid has been performed. 5-compartment model of metabolism of iodine developed by Johnson has been used to evaluate predicted levels of stable iodine and 131I content in thyroid and commitment dose equivalent H50 for different doses of stable iodine and various age and sex group population. The measured values of 131I concentration in air and in milk and standard values for milk and food consumption and inhalation rate as well as metabolic parameters were used. Theoretical calculations showed that administering of stable iodine on 1986-04-28, 1986-04-29, 1986-04-30 and 1986-05-01 could have reduced committed dose equivalent H50 form ingestion with inhalation pathway by about 44%, 40%, 26%, 12% respectively. On the basis of measured 131I activity in the thyroid for inhabitants from different districts in Poland (1400 measurement) committed dose equivalents were determined and analysis of radiation hazard from 131I were performed. In the most contaminated regions of Poland average H50 doses for children 1-5 and 5-10 years old are close to 50 mSv (permissible level for population) and maximal doses exceed this limit four times. These maximal doses occurred for about from 5% inhabitants from these area. In the moderate and low contaminated regions of Poland the average doses are fivefold and tenfold less respectively.  相似文献   

The study, supported by program MZ-XVII, was carried on 4567 inhabitants of the area of Szczecin (2350 females and 2217 males). The population was chosen randomly, according to a simple drawing scheme. All subjects were clinically examined using standardised questionnaires. In 3468 persons (including 1807 girls and women, 1661 boys and men) apart form clinical examination, the assessment of thyrotropin, thyroxine and triiodothyronine in serum and frequency of antithyroglobulin antibodies and antithyroid membrane antibodies were evaluated. The data indicate that 94% of children in Szczecin's region received the prophylactic dose of iodine, mostly between the 1st and the 5th of May 1986. Only 17% of the adults received iodine. The most common preparation was Lugol solution given in a single dose. Among all persons who received iodine, only in 5% of subjects the side effects were noted (mostly in children), including symptoms of gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, abdomen pain) and occasionally intrathyroid side effects (thyroid pains). In examined population the high frequency of thyroid enlargement, mainly in women (up to 43-44% at the age group 30-50 years) was found. The frequency of clinical diagnosis of thyroid disease was higher in women than in man (most often the diffuse goiter, rarely the nodular goiter). The frequency of thyroid enlargement and clinical diagnosis of thyroid disease was not dependent on prophylactic iodine intake. The iodine prophylaxis did not influence on thyroid hormones and TSH serum levels and on frequency of antithyroid antibodies.  相似文献   

An aim of the introduction is to remained the scale of radiological contamination in Poland after the accident in the Czernobyl Power Station, the evaluation of findings which led to prophylactic administration of potassium iodide first in part of Poland and later Country-wide. The introduction gives also the history of Research Programme MZ-XVII and its implementation in several regions of Poland. The main aims of the Programme were: 1. Estimation of radioiodine dose accumulated in thyroids of children, youths and adults who lived in different parts of Poland and evaluation whether these doses could lead to the development of thyroid disorders. 2. Evaluation of thyroid function in those exposed to radioiodine in different trimesters of preneonatal life, who were born euthyroid and who were given potassium iodine in first days of life. 3. Evaluation of efficacy of single dose of potassium iodide and estimation of possible intrathyroid and extrathyroid side-effects after prophylactic iodide administration. The foundations of the Programme and Centers involved in its implementation are also specified.  相似文献   

Prophylactic activity and side action of antiinfluenza lactoglobulin were studied under conditions of controlled epidemiological trial in 6361 persons during the epidemiological rise of influenza incidence. The data obtained pointed to the absence of any protective effect of antiinfluenza lactoglobulin. Marked allergenic properties of lactoglobulin and development of sensitization in the persons under observation were found during the study of the side-effect of the preparation. Thus, the absence of prophylactic efficacy and the sensitizing action of antiinfluenza lactoglobulin pointed to the inexpediency of its use for prophylactic and therapeutic purpose.  相似文献   

Use of DNA fingerprinting in population studies is complicated by a number of methodical problems caused by the necessity to work with a large amount of experimental data and insufficient reproducibility of the results. In this work, possible approaches to overcome methodical difficulties faced by the authors during elaboration of the experimental technique are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports a primer set for amplifying a partial fragment of about 610 bp in the fast mutating mitochondrial control region in shrimps of the genus Penaeus (Decapoda: Penaeidae). The utility of this amplified fragment for studying population differentiation and structuring, compared with more conservative mitochondrial genes (16S rRNA and COI), was explored in P. merguiensis populations over a vast geographical range based on sequence and RFLP analyses. The results indicate that the mitochondrial control region provides more informative sites and reveals more haplotypes, making it most useful for evaluating genetic variations within and between populations of Penaeus species.  相似文献   

A consequence of the Chernobyl disaster was the isolated increase of small air ions for a limited time period over Athens-Greece. Taking advantage of this unique condition we studied the relation of log daily mean concentrations of small positive air ions, small negative air ions, NO2 and SO2 with the total daily number of asthma attacks attendances at the region's largest chest diseases hospital for 35 days following the disaster and during a same time period in the preceding four years. No correlation was found between air ionization and asthma attacks, though the study was of a rather short duration and several possible influencing factors such as aeroallergen concentrations were not taken into consideration.  相似文献   

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