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中国牛肝菌目的研究和增补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
臧穆  袁明生 《真菌学报》1993,12(4):275-282
在研究我国川西、滇、桂、海南岛的牛肝菌目标本中,发现二新种:网盖金牛肝菌和黑牛肝菌,后者属黑牛肝菌组,新组。并报道了婆罗洲牛肝菌、美丽牛肝菌、怪形牛肝菌、焰色牛肝菌、黑紫牛肝菌、长柄条孢牛肝菌和西藏金牛肝菌的分布型和所呈现的印度-马来西亚热带成分的相适关联。  相似文献   

亚洲热带牛肝菌的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了有关亚洲分布的热带牛肝菌 ,其中如红色条孢牛肝菌Boletellusfallax (Corner)Watling ,褐微孔牛肝菌BoletusfuscimicroporusZangetPetersen ,sp .nov .,刺牛肝菌Boletochaetespinifera (PatetBaker)Singer,白色华牛肝菌SinoboletusalbiolusZangetPetersen ,sp .nov .,粘盖华牛肝菌SinoboletusgelatinosusZangetPetersen .sp .nov .,巨孔绒盖牛肝菌XerocomusmagniporusZangetPetersen .和腹牛肝菌GastroboletusboedijniLohw .原记录于云南丽江 ,今见于泰国  相似文献   

本文报道牛肝菌属一新种,属于牛肝菌组和短管牛肝菌亚组(新亚组)。  相似文献   

中国牛肝菌目包括疣孢牛肝菌科和牛肝菌科,已知231种,本文报道了中国疣孢牛肝菌科四属,即:南牛肝菌属Austroboletus,(7种);条孢牛肝菌属Boletellus,(20种),原花孢年肝菌属Heimiella,(3种)和疣孢牛肝菌属Strobilomyces,(17种)。本文讨论了该科的地理分布和菌根组合。  相似文献   

在研究我国川西、滇、桂、海南岛的牛肝菌目标本中,发现二新种:网盖金牛肝菌(Aureoboletus reticuloceps)和黑牛肝菌(Boletus nigricans),后者属黑牛肝菌组,新组(Boletus sect.Nigres)。并报道了婆罗洲牛肝菌、美丽牛肝菌、怪形牛肝菌、焰色牛肝菌、黑紫牛肝菌、长柄条孢牛肝菌和西藏金牛肝菌的分布型和所呈现的印度——马来西亚热带成分的相适关联。  相似文献   

我国牛肝菌属一新种,微眇牛肝菌   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在福建省新发现一担子果极小的微眇牛肝菌,其盖径仅1-4mm,柄高3-6mm,极罕见,暂归于牛肝菌属黄肉牛肝菌组。  相似文献   

本文报道松塔牛肝菌属四个新种,即:裸皱松塔牛肝菌Strobilomyces gla-bellus Ying sp.nov.,阔裂松塔牛肝菌S.latirimosus Ying sp.nov.,微茸松塔牛肝菌S.subnudus Ying sp.nov.,短绒松塔牛肝菌S.velutinus Ying sp.nov.;及四个中国新记录种,即:柔鳞松塔牛肝菌S.mollis Corner,疣鳞松塔牛肝菌S.nigricans Berk.,锥鳞松塔牛肝菌S.polypyramis Hook.,半裸松塔牛肝菌S.semi-nudus Hongo.松塔牛肝菌属Strobilomyces以其具有变黑的担子果与菌幕、不粘的菌盖上有疣状、绵绒状或刺状鳞片以及黑褐色带明显纹饰的孢子而易于识别。Singer(1945)按孢子纹饰的不同将松塔牛肝菌属分为两个组,其一为具疣、刺和网纹的种类;另一为具纵贯孢子两端的翼状棱纹的种类。对于后者的归属问题,Pegler & Young持不同见解,并于1981建立了非洲牛肝菌属AfroboletusPegler & Young以纳孢子具翼状纵棱和孢缘边(rim)的种类;含2—4种,分布在非洲近赤道的地区。在中国,松塔牛肝菌属已报道过三个种,即:松塔牛肝菌Strobilomyces,floc-copus(Vahl.ex Fr.)Karst.光头松塔牛肝菌S.glabriceps Chiu和混淆松塔牛肝菌S.confusus Sing.。裘维蕃(1948,1957)曾描述过网孢松塔牛肝菌Strobi-lomyces retisporus(Pat.et Bak.)Gilb.但因其子实体色鲜红至褐红而不变黑色、子层体淡暗黄色且菌肉不变红-黑色、孢子具网纹而宜转隶于Heimiellia Boedijn(1951)。文中有新分类单位和国内已知种的分种检索表、新种的拉丁文和英文描述并有绘图和扫描电镜照片示明孢子纹饰。  相似文献   

对三种中国产牛肝菌进行了重新研究。将中华绒盖牛肝菌Xerecomus sinensis移至Boletus中,组合为B.sinensis;将南亚牛肝菌B.borneensis从我国牛肝菌区系中排除;确认短管牛肝菌B.brevitubus为Phlebopus marginatus的同物异名。  相似文献   

中国牛肝菌目包括疣孢牛肝菌科和牛肝菌科,已知231种,本文报道了中国疣孢牛肝菌科四属,即:南牛肝菌属Austroboletus,(7种);条孢牛肝菌属Boletellus,(20种),原花孢年肝菌属Heimiella (3种)和疣孢牛肝菌属Strobilomyces (17种)。本文讨论了该科的地理分布和菌根组合。  相似文献   

中国绒盖牛肝菌属一新种——叔群绒盖牛肝菌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
臧穆  林津添等 《菌物系统》2002,21(4):480-482
报道绒盖牛肝菌属一新种-叔群绒盖牛肝菌,提供了英文,拉丁文描述及插图。  相似文献   

The structural, flowering, and fruit-setting patterns of inflorescences of mature Hamlin and Valencia orange and Marsh grapefruit trees were studied for three years. Several development patterns were found, some of which were relatively consistent for the different varieties or years of study. The sequence of anthesis on an inflorescence was: apical flower first, then basal flower, then the subapical flower. Terminals on which the earlier flowers appeared tended to have more inflorescences than those on which flowers appeared later. Inflorescences on which earlier flowers appeared also produced more flowers than those which began flowering later. Inflorescences that began flowering later were more likely to have leaves or have a greater number of leaves than earlier inflorescences. More than half of the inflorescences carried no leaves, and most of these had one flower. No evidence of a relationship between number of flowers and length of the inflorescence was found. Fruit set occurred primarily during the latter part of the flowering period. Many fruit were set on inflorescences without leaves, but on the basis of percent of flowers setting fruit, inflorescences with leaves were more productive. The greatest fruit set occurred in the subapical position on the inflorescence. With growth changes these fruit often appeared to be developing in the apical position. These patterns generally differed little from year to year. Variations may have been due to the differences in the number of flowers produced by the trees. Results were also similar between Hamlin and Valencia oranges. Patterns on Marsh grapefruit resembled those for the oranges but were frequently less consistent.  相似文献   

We have examined sperm morphology and dimensions in Eutherian mammals. In most Eutherians, sperm heads are round or oval and spermatozoa have short tails (average sperm length about 65 microns; range = 33-121 microns). Rodents, however, clearly depart from the typical Eutherian pattern in that they show a broad array of head morphs and an extreme range of sperm dimensions (35-250 microns). In order to trace the evolutionary changes that rodent sperm have undergone, we have used phylogenetic relationships based on biogeographical, morphological, chromosomal and genic data, and we have superimposed onto them the information available on sperm traits. Analyses were carried out for five rodent groups on which enough information was available. The evolutionary trends which emerged from these studies have two main points in common: throughout evolution spermatozoa have become enlarged and morphologically more complex, and this process seems to have taken place independently in different lineages. A general model was developed which outlines the different evolutionary pathways that rodent sperm have undergone. The adaptive significance of the increase in head complexity and the elongation of the sperm tail remains obscure. We have integrated information from evolutionary, physiological and behavioural studies to address this issue. We argue that two main selective forces may have favoured these changes: female selection within the reproductive tract and sperm competition. The female tract represents a formidable barrier for spermatozoa and its provides an environment where numerous interactions take place. The extent of these barriers and the complexity of these poorly understood interactions suggest that females may be exercising a strong selection, which may enable them to favour particular types of spermatozoa or ejaculates from particular males. Throughout their evolution males must have evolved adaptations to overcome these barriers, and the conflicting interests of choosy females. Sperm competition is a potent evolutionary force among mammals, which has influenced not only the evolution of sperm numbers but also changes in sperm dimensions. Thus, sperm competition has favoured the elongation of the sperm tail, which has led to the attainment of faster swimming speed, an important factor when sperm from rival males compete to reach the ova first.  相似文献   

The theory of endosymbiosis describes the origin of plastids from cyanobacterial-like prokaryotes living within eukaryotic host cells. The endosymbionts are much reduced, but morphological, biochemical, and molecular studies provide clear evidence of a prokaryotic ancestry for plastids. There appears to have been a single (primary) endosymbiosis that produced plastids with two bounding membranes, such as those in green algae, plants, red algae, and glaucophytes. A subsequent round of endosymbioses, in which red or green algae were engulfed and retained by eukaryotic hosts, transferred photosynthesis into other eukaryotic lineages. These endosymbiotic plastid acquisitions from eukaryotic algae are referred to as secondary endosymbioses, and the resulting plastids classically have three or four bounding membranes. Secondary endosymbioses have been a potent factor in eukaryotic evolution, producing much of the modern diversity of life.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have occurred with increasing frequency in recent years with eutrophication and other anthropogenic alterations of coastal ecosystems. Many of these blooms severely alter or degrade ecosystem function, and are referred to here as ecosystem disruptive algal blooms (EDABs). These blooms are often caused by toxic or unpalatable species that decrease grazing rates by planktonic and benthic herbivores, and thereby disrupt the transfer of nutrients and energy to higher trophic levels, and decrease nutrient recycling. Many factors, such as nutrient availability and herbivore grazing have been proposed to separately influence EDAB dynamics, but interactions among these factors have rarely been considered. Here we discuss positive feedback interactions among nutrient availability, herbivore grazing, and nutrient regeneration, which have the potential to substantially influence the dynamics of EDAB events. The positive feedbacks result from a reduction of grazing rates on EDAB species caused by toxicity or unpalatability of these algae, which promotes the proliferation of the EDAB species. The decreased rates also lower grazer‐mediated recycling of nutrients and thereby decrease nutrient availability. Since many EDAB species are well‐adapted to nutrient‐stressed environments and many exhibit increased toxin production and toxicity under nutrient limitation, positive feedbacks are established which can greatly increase the rate of bloom development and the adverse effects on the ecosystem. An understanding of how these feedbacks interact with other regulating factors, such as benthic/pelagic nutrient coupling, physical forcing, and life cycles of EDAB species provides a substantial future challenge.  相似文献   

番茄红素与癌   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
番茄红素是主要的类胡萝卜素之一,最近的科学研究发现,它对人类健康有重要的作用。本文介绍了番茄红素的食物来源、生物合成、物理化学特性和生理活性,它的抗癌效果与其抗氧化活性有关。很多的流行病学研究证明,番茄红素对一些类型的癌有预防效果,如前列腺癌和消化道癌。体内和体外的癌细胞培养研究也支持这一结论。因此,具有广泛用途的番茄红素,将有希望成为最重要的一个化学防癌物质。  相似文献   

Abstract— The arylsulphatase A and B patterns of human tissues and leucocytes have been established by isoelectric focussing. Assay conditions, which enable an evaluation of these patterns as quantitatively as possible, have been studied. The dependences of the enzyme patterns on the origin of the tissues and on the storage conditions have been determined. The arylsulphatase A obtained by isoelectric focussing exhibits cerebroside sulphatase activity in the presence of detergents. A purified preparation of the arylsulphatase B likewise shows a significant, although low, cerebroside sulphatase activity. In cases of the conventional types of metachromatic leucodystrophy the arylsulphatase A activity is missing, while in an atypical form of this disease ('ML Variant' according to A ustin et al . (1965) the arylsulphatase A, B and C activities are deficient. In both forms, however, residual activities of the deficient enzymes could be detected which showed isoelectric points identical to those of the normal enzymes.
The following nomenclature is proposed: 'Variant B' for the conventional type, in which the arylsulphatase B activity is present, and 'Variant O' for the exceptional cases, in which all arylsulphatase activities are deficient. The significance of the cerebroside sulphatase activity of arylsulphatase B for a possible residual turnover of cerebroside sulphates in the conventional type of the disease is discussed.  相似文献   

细胞器与细胞凋亡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
闫玲  苗琦 《生物物理学报》2002,18(3):271-276
细胞凋亡是由基因控制的有序生理过程,细胞内各组分在这一过程中相互协调,组成了精细的调控系统。除细胞核外,线粒体是近年发现与凋亡密切相关的细胞器,它经多种因子诱发可以释放细胞色素c等因子参与到凋亡途径中。进一步的研究发现,在一定条件下,内质网、溶酶体等也与凋亡活动有关。这些细胞器在细胞凋亡中的作用及其机制是目前的研究热点。  相似文献   

磷酸肌醇家族与细胞功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
磷酸肌醇具有信号前体的作用,在激动剂作用下可产生第二信使,近年研究表明磷酸肌醇家族成员要 也可作为脂质第二信使将效应器蛋白聚集于特定膜区以调控它们的组装或活性。磷酸肌醇与蛋白的结合主要依赖于PH、FYVE及PTB结构域。磷酸肌醇家族成员参与许多细胞活动诸如离子转运,膜泡运输,信号转导,细胞骨架再组装和核基因调控。  相似文献   

C. H. Fry 《Ibis》1969,111(1):23-29
The manner in which bee-eaters cope with the stinging honey-bees which comprise their principal food was investigated by aviary studies of Merops bullocki. Worker Apis are de-venomed by an innate sequence of beating the insect and rubbing its abdomen against the perch. Treatment improves with experience. Drone bees are distinguished by the birds from workers but are not instantly recognised as non-venomous; they are subjected to low intensity rubbing combined with non-venomous prey treatment concomitant with their size. Non-Hymenoptera, including some insects which superficially resemble bees, are recognised as non-venomous and are not rubbed, but are beaten until immobilized. Bee-eaters appear to have partial immunity to venom.  相似文献   

Abstract— The merits of alternative approaches to the inference of evolutionary trees have been much discussed, but there have been few attempts to compare inferences systematically or to pinpoint the source of differences. The two major classes of approach are via likelihood inference under an evolutionary model and estimates based upon parsimony methods. Within the general class of likelihood approaches, there are differences depending upon the particular class of models considered. This paper makes comparisons of the characteristics of inferences for the case of quantitative variation (of allele frequencies, for example), concentrating on the case of very small numbers of populations where explicit solutions are possible, but also upon features which apply as well to inferences for larger groups of populations. The parsimony method of "minimum evolution" was proposed by Edwards and Cavalli-Sforza (1964) to provide an approximation to the likelihood solution for an intractable model. In fact, its estimated phylogenies are closest to those of a more recent model of Felsenstein (1981) which, like parsimony, produces a fundamentally unrooted tree. Likelihood estimates based upon models involving an implicit or explicit root are radically different. These differ also from each other, depending upon whether or not the root is explicitly estimated, and upon whether or not a model for the fissioning of populations is included. Some general features of the comparisons can be summarized.  相似文献   

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