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A comparative analysis of sperm-head morphology and measurements in 17 species from nine genera of African Murinae: Rattus rattus, Mastomys coucha, M. huberti, M. erythroleucus, Mastomys sp. 2, Praomys albipes, P. fumatus, Mus mahomet, Arvicanthis somalicus, A. abyssinicus, A. dembeensis, Arvicanthis sp., Lemniscomys macculus, Pelomys harringtoni, Acomys cahirinus, Acomys sp., Uranomys ruddi, was carried out. Spermatozoa of all examined species are of the same basic type. They consist of an asymmetrical head, falciform or scythelike in shape, and a tail attached to the ventrocaudal surface of the head. There are great interspecific differences in sperm morphology and size. The significance of this variation for estimation of taxonomic aspects and phylogenetic relationships among the species, as well as between them and other groups, is discussed. The sperm morphology supports a close evolutionary relationship among the genera Lemniscomys and Arvicanthis. It also indicates that Pelomys is distinctive. The relationships between Acomys and Uranomys are discussed.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogenetics of decapod crustaceans has been based on sequence data from a limited number of genes. These have included rapidly evolving mitochondrial genes, which are most appropriate for studies of closely related species, and slowly evolving nuclear ribosomal RNA genes, which have been most useful for resolution of deep branches within the Decapoda. Here we examine the utility of the nuclear gene that encodes arginine kinase for phylogenetic reconstruction at intermediate levels (relationships among genera and families) within the decapod infraorder Brachyura (the true crabs). Analyses based on arginine kinase sequences were compared and combined with those for the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene. All of the genera in our taxon sample were resolved with high support with arginine kinase data alone. However, some of these genera were grouped into clades that are in conflict with recognized brachyuran families. A phylogeny based on cytochrome oxidase I was consistent with the arginine kinase phylogeny, but with weaker support. A recently proposed measure of phylogenetic informativeness indicated that arginine kinase was generally more informative than cytochrome oxidase I for relationships above the level of genus. Combined analysis of data from both genes provided strong support for clades that are in conflict with current assignments of genera to the families Epialtidae, Mithracidae, Pisidae, and Portunidae.  相似文献   

Higher-level relationships among catfishes were investigated by parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of two nuclear genes across 110 catfish species representing 36 of 37 families and Conorhynchos (family incertae sedis). Analysis of 3660 aligned base pairs from the rag1 and rag2 genes confirms monophyly of Siluriformes, of most siluriform families and of a number of multifamily groups, some recognized, some novel. South American Loricarioidei are recovered as the sistergroup to other catfishes which are divided into Diplomystidae and Siluroidei. This result contrasts with the prevailing hypothesis that Diplomystidae is the sister to all other catfishes. Monophyly of Siluroidei is supported by rag data including a unique three-codon deletion from rag1. Deep within Siluroidei are 12 large, strongly supported groups with poorly resolved interrelationships. Five are single families: Cetopsidae, Plotosidae, Chacidae, Siluridae and Pangasiidae. Four others are monophyletic taxa ranked here as superfamilies: Clarioidea (Clariidae, Heteropneustidae), Arioidea (Ariidae, Anchariidae), Pimelodoidea (Pimelodidae, Pseudopimelodidae, Heptapteridae, Conorhynchos), Ictaluroidea (Ictaluridae, Cranoglanididae). South American Doradoidea (Doradidae, Auchenipteridae) and Aspredinidae are a sistergroup pair. Sisoroidea (without Aspredinidae), Ailia+Laides, Horabagridae, and Bagridae (without Rita) form a large, predominantly Asian clade, "Big Asia." Mochokidae, Malapteruridae, Amphiliidae, Claroteidae, and African schilbids are united as a species-rich African clade, "Big Africa." The three large continental clades, "Big Asia," "Big Africa" and Neotropical Loricarioidei suggest a prevalence of intracontinental diversification of catfishes. South America is the home of the Gymnotiformes, putative sistergroup of catfishes, plus two of the deepest siluriform clades, Loricarioidei and Diplomystidae, thus suggesting an ancient siluriform presence if not origin there. The rag phylogeny does not identify any African-South American catfish clade. The well-known African-Asian relationships within families Clariidae and Bagridae are confirmed, as is the recently found North American-Asian relationship between Ictaluridae and Cranoglanididae.  相似文献   

Previously, anilioids (Aniliidae, Anomochilidae, Cylindrophiidae and Uropeltidae) were considered the only extant, non‐macrostomatan alethinophidian snakes. Although their monophyly and intrarelationships remained poorly established, their fossoriality, small gape, and inferred phylogenetic position have been important evidence in orthodox scenarios about early snake evolution. Recent molecular studies including aniliids, cylindrophiids and uropeltids indicate anilioid polyphyly, with the latter two families comprising a clade nested within Macrostomata. We carried out the first molecular phylogenetic analysis to include the very poorly known and seemingly rare Anomochilidae. Only partial sequences of 12S and 16S rRNA mitochondrial genes could be amplified from tissue collected from a single dead specimen of Anomochilus leonardi. Amplification failed for nuclear and other mitochondrial genes, and for all the investigated genes for the holotype and paratype of A. leonardi. Analyses recovered a para‐ or polyphyletic Anilioidea. Anomochilus is recovered as most closely related to Cylindrophis maculatus (rendering Cylindrophiidae possibly paraphyletic). The relatively small amount of available data produces only moderate levels of support, but the stability of taxa and agreement across different analytical methods and with larger analyses of snake phylogeny support the abandonment of Anilioidea as a natural taxon, and the recognition of a higher category for a clade comprising Asian anilioids (Anomochilidae, Cylindrophiidae and Uropeltidae).  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the plastid gene psaB were completed for 182 species of Orchidaceae (representing 150 different genera) and outgroup families in Asparagales. These data were analyzed using parsimony, and resulting trees were compared to a rbcL phylogeny of Orchidaceae for the same set of taxa after an additional 30 new rbcL sequences were added to a previously published matrix. The psaB tree topology is similar to the rbcL tree, although the psaB data contain less homoplasy and provide greater bootstrap support than rbcL alone. In combination, the two-gene tree recovers the five monophyletic subfamilial clades currently recognized in Orchidaceae, but fails to resolve the positions of Cypripedioideae and Vanilloideae. These new topologies help to clarify some of the anomalous results recovered when rbcL is analyzed alone. Both genes appear to be absent from the plastid genome of several achlorophyllous orchids, but are present in the form of presumably non-functional pseudogenes in Cyrtosia. This study is the first to document the utility of psaB sequences for phylogenetic studies of plants below the family level.  相似文献   



Molecular evolutionary studies share the common goal of elucidating historical relationships, and the common challenge of adequately sampling taxa and characters. Particularly at low taxonomic levels, recent divergence, rapid radiations, and conservative genome evolution yield limited sequence variation, and dense taxon sampling is often desirable. Recent advances in massively parallel sequencing make it possible to rapidly obtain large amounts of sequence data, and multiplexing makes extensive sampling of megabase sequences feasible. Is it possible to efficiently apply massively parallel sequencing to increase phylogenetic resolution at low taxonomic levels?  相似文献   

In order to enhance our understanding of the evolutionary history of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri spp.), we newly sequenced and analyzed data from seven complete mitochondrial genomes representing six squirrel monkey taxa. While previous studies have lent insights into the taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus, phylogenetic relationships and divergence date estimates among major squirrel monkey clades remain unclear. Using maximum likelihood and Bayesian procedures, we inferred a highly resolved phylogenetic tree with strong support for a sister relationship between Saimiri boliviensis and all other Saimiri, for monophyly of Saimiri oerstedii and Saimiri sciureus sciureus, and for Saimiri sciureus macrodon as the sister lineage to the S. oerstedii/S. s. sciureus clade. We inferred that crown lineages for extant squirrel monkeys diverged around 1.5 million years ago (MYA) in the Pleistocene Epoch, with other major clades diverging between 0.9 and 1.1 MYA. Our results suggest a relatively recent timeline of squirrel monkey evolution and challenge previous conceptions about the diversification of the genus and its expansion into Central America.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt-b) gene is widely used in systematic studies to resolve divergences at many taxonomic levels. The present study focuses mainly on the utility of cyt-b as a molecular marker for inferring phylogenetic relationship at various levels within the fish family Cichlidae. A total of 78 taxa were used in the present analysis, representing all the major groups in the family Cichlidae (72 taxa) and other families from the suborders Labroidei and Percoidei. Gene trees obtained from cyt-b are compared to a published total evidence tree derived from previous studies. Minimum evolution trees based on cyt-b data resulted in topologies congruent with all previous analyses. Parsimony analyses downweighting transitions relative to transversions (ts1:tv4) or excluding transitions at third codon positions resulted in more robust bootstrap support for recognized clades than unweighted parsimony. Relative rate tests detected significantly long branches for some taxa (LB taxa) which were composed mainly by dwarf Neotropical cichlids. An improvement of the phylogenetic signal, as shown by the four-cluster likelihood mapping analysis, and higher bootstrap values were obtained by excluding LB taxa. Despite some limitations of cyt-b as a phylogenetic marker, this gene either alone or in combination with other data sets yields a tree that is in agreement with the well-established phylogeny of cichlid fish. Received: 11 October 2000 / Accepted: 26 February 2001  相似文献   

The avian family Aegothelidae (Owlet-nightjars) comprises nine extant species and one extinct species, all of which are currently classified in a single genus, Aegotheles. Owlet-nightjars are secretive nocturnal birds of the South Pacific. They are relatively poorly studied and some species are known from only a few specimens. Furthermore, their confusing morphological variation has made it difficult to cluster existing specimens unambiguously into hierarchical taxonomic units. Here we sample all extant owlet-nightjar species and all but three currently recognized subspecies. We use DNA extracted primarily from museum specimens to obtain mitochondrial gene sequences and construct a molecular phylogeny. Our phylogeny suggests that most species are reciprocally monophyletic, however A. albertisi appears paraphyletic. Our data also suggest splitting A. bennettii into two species and splitting A. insignis and A. tatei as suggested in another recent paper.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships and geographic distribution of Greek roaches (Rutilus spp.) were investigated by analyzing the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequence of 84 specimens collected from 15 southern Balkan lakes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of five highly divergent haplotype groups with mean pairwise sequence divergence between them ranging from 4.1 to 9%, namely at the level of values reported for different species. These five groups correspond to four species namely Rutilus rutilus, Rutilus prespensis, Rutilus panosi and Rutilus ylikiensis. On the other hand, the existence of two highly divergent haplotype groups, which are currently attributed to R. rutilus, suggests the re-examination of the current taxonomic status of this species.  相似文献   

Attempts to analyze variation in the rates of molecular evolution among mammalian lineages have been hampered by paucity of data and by nonindependent comparisons. Using phylogenetically independent comparisons, we test three explanations for rate variation which predict correlations between rate variation and generation time, metabolic rate, and body size. Mitochondrial and nuclear genes, protein coding, rRNA, and nontranslated sequences from 61 mammal species representing 14 orders are used to compare the relative rates of sequence evolution. Correlation analyses performed on differences in genetic distance since common origin of each pair against differences in body mass, generation time, and metabolic rate reveal that substitution rate at fourfold degenerate sites in two out of three protein sequences is negatively correlated with generation time. In addition, there is a relationship between the rate of molecular evolution and body size for two nuclear-encoded sequences. No evidence is found for an effect of metabolic rate on rate of sequence evolution. Possible causes of variation in substitution rate between species are discussed.  相似文献   

Resolving evolutionary relationships in groups that underwent fast radiation in deep time is a problem for molecular phylogeny, as the scant phylogenetic signal that characterises short internal branches is generally swamped by more recent substitutions. We implement an approach, that maps how the support for rival phylogenies changes when analysing subsets of sites with either faster and more heterogeneous rates or slower and more homogeneous rates, to address a long-standing problem in deuterostome phylogeny - the interrelationships of the eleutherozoan echinoderm classes. We show that miRNA genes are phylogenetically uninformative as to the relationships of asteroids, echinoids and ophiuroids, consistent with a rapid radiation of these groups as suggested by their fossil record. Using three nuclear rRNAs and seven nuclear housekeeping genes, we map the support for the three possible phylogenetic arrangements of asteroids, ophiuroids and echinoids when moving between subsets of the data with very similar or very different rates of evolution. Only one of the three possible topologies (asteroids (ophiuroids + echinoids)) strengthens when the most rate-homogeneous subset of data are analysed. The other two possible pairings become stronger in a less reliable data subset, which includes the fastest and thus homoplasy-rich data in our alignment. Thus, while superficial analysis of our concatenated alignment identifies asteroids and ophiuroids as sister taxa, more thorough analyses suggest that ophiuroids may be more closely related to echinoids. Divergence of these echinoderm groups, using a relaxed molecular clock, is estimated to have occurred within ∼5 million years. Our results illustrate that the analytic approach of phylogenetic signal dissection can be a powerful tool to investigate rapid radiations in deep geologic time.  相似文献   

Orthologs generally are under selective pressure against loss of function, while paralogs usually accumulate mutations and finally die or deviate in terms of function or regulation. Most ortholog detection methods contaminate the resulting datasets with a substantial amount of paralogs. Therefore we aimed to implement a straightforward method that allows the detection of ortholog clusters with a reduced amount of paralogs from completely sequenced genomes. The described cross-species expansion of the reciprocal best BLAST hit method is a time-effective method for ortholog detection, which results in 68% truly orthologous clusters and the procedure specifically enriches single-copy orthologs. The detection of true orthologs can provide a phylogenetic toolkit to better understand evolutionary processes. In a study across six photosynthetic eukaryotes, nuclear genes of putative mitochondrial origin were shown to be over-represented among single copy orthologs. These orthologs are involved in fundamental biological processes like amino acid metabolism or translation. Molecular clock analyses based on this dataset yielded divergence time estimates for the red/green algae (1,142 MYA), green algae/land plant (725 MYA), mosses/seed plant (496 MYA), gymno-/angiosperm (385 MYA) and monocotyledons/core eudicotyledons (301 MYA) divergence times. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

本文基于实验室筛选得到的13 对内含子标记,在鲸偶蹄目的15 个物种中进行有效扩增,并重建了这15
个物种的系统发育关系。结果表明,抹香鲸总科(Physeteroidea) 位于齿鲸亚目(Odontoceti)的基部,从而支
育问题。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic utility of chloroplast (atpB-rbcL, petD, rps16, trnL-F) and nuclear (ETS, ITS) DNA regions was investigated for the tribe Spermacoceae of the coffee family (Rubiaceae). ITS was, despite often raised cautions of its utility at higher taxonomic levels, shown to provide the highest number of parsimony informative characters, in partitioned Bayesian analyses it yielded the fewest trees in the 95% credible set, it resolved the highest proportion of well resolved clades, and was the most accurate region as measured by the partition metric and the proportion of correctly resolved clades (well supported clades retrieved from a combined analysis regarded as “true”). For Hedyotis, the nuclear 5S-NTS was shown to be potentially as useful as ITS, despite its shorter sequence length. The chloroplast region being the most phylogenetically informative was the petD group II intron.We also present a phylogeny of Spermacoceae based on a Bayesian analysis of the four chloroplast regions, ITS, and ETS combined. Spermacoceae are shown to be monophyletic. Clades supported by high posterior probabilities are discussed, especially in respect to the current generic classification. Notably, Oldenlandia is polyphyletic, the two subgenera of Kohautia are not sister taxa, and Hedyotis should be treated in a narrow sense to include only Asian species.  相似文献   

Four protein-encoding mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b , NADH-dehydrogenase subunits 1, 2 and 4) and one nuclear (c-mos) gene were sequenced to infer phylogenetic relationships among Old and New World representatives of racers and whipsnakes, Coluber (sensu lato). New World Coluber ( Coluber sensu stricto, including Masticophis ) and Salvadora proved to have affinities with the Old World non-racer colubrine genus Ptyas (and possibly Elaphe s.l. and Coronella ), whereas Old World ' Coluber ' form several basally related clades; these are (1) Hemorrhois -( Spalerosophis-Platyceps ); (2) Hierophis , with Eirenis nested within this paraphyletic genus and (3) ' Coluber ' dorri as the sister taxon to Macroprotodon cucullatus . The position of ' Coluber ' zebrinus along with Hemerophis socotrae located at the base of the Old World racer radiation forming the possible sister group to all remaining Palearctic racers and whipsnakes remains less well supported. Nevertheless, inter- and subgeneric relationships among many of the Old World racer groups have been resolved.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the development of a fast and accurate molecular identification system for human-associated liver fluke species (Opisthorchis viverrini, Opisthorchis felineus, and Clonorchis sinensis) using the PCR-RFLP analysis of the 18S-ITS1-5.8S nuclear ribosomal DNA region. Based on sequence variation in the target rDNA region, we selected three species-specific restriction enzymes within the ITS1 regions, generating different restriction profiles among the species: MunI for O. viverrini, NheI for O. felineus, and XhoI for C. sinensis, respectively. Each restriction enzyme generated different-sized fragments specific to the species examined, but no intraspecific polymorphism or cross-reaction between the species was detected in their restriction pattern. These results indicate that PCR-linked restriction analysis of the ITS1 region allows for the rapid and reliable molecular identification among these opisthorchid taxa. In addition, phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences using different methods (MP, ML, NJ, and Bayesian inference) displayed O. viverrini and O. felineus as a sister group, but this relationship was not strongly supported. The failure of recovering a robust phylogeny may be due to the relatively small number of synapomorphic characters shared among the species, yielding weak phylogenetic signal. Alternatively, rapid speciation within a very short period time could be another explanation for the relatively poorly resolved relationships among these species. Our data are insufficient for discriminating between sudden cladogenesis and other potential causes of poor resolution. Further information from independent loci might help resolve this phylogeny.  相似文献   

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