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Callichthyids take a basal position in the loricarioid evolutionary lineage leading up to an algae scraping feeding mechanism in the loricariid family. Therefore, the study of the morphology and development of a callichthyid representative would contribute to a better knowledge on the differences in cranial morphology and their impact on feeding ecology within this superfamily. Therefore, development in the chondrocranium of Corydoras aeneus was studied based on 22 cleared and stained specimens and 6 series of serial sections. The latter sections were also digitized and used for 3D reconstructions. Development overall follows the typical siluriform trends in chondrocranial development. Even the low complexity of the chondrocranium at hatching fits the trend observed in other siluriforms, although other studies showed loricarioid hatchlings to generally show more complex chondrocrania. In contrast to other catfish, in C. aeneus, the notochord was never found to protrude into the hypophyseal fenestra. In addition, also differing from other siluriforms, a commissura lateralis is present, a state also reported for Ancistrus cf. triradiatus (Geerinckx et al., [2005] J Morphol 266:331-355). The splanchnocranium again has the typical siluriform shape during its ontogeny, with the presence of a compound hyosymplectic-pterygoquadrate plate, although not fused to the neurocranium or interhyal at any time during ontogeny, a state described earlier for Callichthys callichthys (Hoedeman, [1960a] Bull Aquat Biol 1:73-84; Howes and Teugels, [1989] J Zool Lond 219:441-456). The most striking difference found in comparison to other catfishes, however, involves thebranchial basket, which arises as a single element with a further differentiation from the middle arches on in both a rostral and caudal direction.  相似文献   

The family Callichthyidae, divided into the subfamilies Corydoradinae and Callichthyinae, contains more than 200 species of armoured catfishes distributed throughout the Neotropics, as well as fossil species dating from the Palaeocene. Both subfamilies are very widely distributed throughout the continent, with some species ranges extending across multiple hypothesized biogeographical barriers. Species with such vast geographical ranges could be made up of multiple cryptic populations that are genetically distinct and have diverged over time. Although relationships among Callichthyinae genera have been thoroughly investigated, the historical biogeography of the Callichthyinae and the presence of species complexes have yet to be examined. Furthermore, there is a lack of fossil‐calibrated molecular phylogenies providing a time frame for the evolution of the Callichthyinae. Here, we present a novel molecular data set for all Callichthyinae genera composed of partial sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear markers. These data were used to construct a fossil‐calibrated tree for the Callichthyinae and to reconstruct patterns of spatiotemporal evolution. All phylogenetic analyses [Bayesian, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony (MP)] resulted in a single fully resolved and well‐supported hypothesis for the Callichthyinae, where Dianema is the sister group of all the remaining genera. Results suggest that the ancestry of most Callichthyinae genera originated in the Amazonas basin, with a number of subsequent ancestral dispersal events between adjacent basins. High divergences in sequences and time were observed for several samples of Hoplosternum littorale, Megalechis picta and Callichthys callichthys, suggesting that these species may contain cryptic diversity. The results highlight the need for a taxonomic revision of species complexes within the Callichthyinae, which may reveal more diversity within this relatively species‐poor lineage.  相似文献   

Synopsis Three sympatric, closely related armoured catfishes showed a similar, bimodal breeding season in coastal plain swamps in Suriname (South America). The bimodal pattern of reproduction inCallichthys callichthys,Hoplosternum littorale andHoplosternum thoracatum was correlated to the annual distribution of rainfall. Floating bubble nests were constructed throughout the period of swamp inundation (rainy season). Close inspection of the timing of reproduction ofH. littorale in northern South America revealed the relationship between reproduction and rainfall, but also unexpected differences in the length of the breeding season. Strong interspecific competition among the three species was probably avoided through differentiation of nest sites with respect to water depth, distance to the nearest tree, distance to the edge of the swamp, and cover above the nest. Nests ofH. littorale were built in herbaceous swamps, whileC. callichthys andH. thoracatum build their nests in swamp-forest. Nests ofC. callichthys were observed in extremely shallow water or in holes. Few nests of the three species were observed in canals. Over large parts of their geographical rangeC. callichthys andH. thoracatum are found in small rainforest streams. Several aspects of the reproductive ecology and behaviour of both species are probably related to the unpredictability of the stream habitat.  相似文献   

Karyotypic and cytogenetic characteristics of Vimba vimba and V. elongata were investigated using differential staining techniques (sequential C-banding, Ag- and CMA3-staining) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with 28S rDNA probe. The diploid chromosome number in both species was 2n = 50 with 8 pairs of metacentrics, 14 pairs of submetacentrics to subtelocentrics and 3 pairs of subtelo- to acrocentrics. The largest chromosome pair of the complements was characteristically subtelo- to acrocentric. The nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in both species were detected in the telomeres of a single, middle-sized subtelocentric chromosome pair, a pattern common in a number of other Leuciscinae. FISH with rDNA probe produced consistently positive hybridization signals detected in the same regions indicated by Ag-staining and CMA3-fluorescence. The distribution of C-positive heterochromatin was identical in both species, including a conspicuous size polymorphism of heterochromatic blocks in the largest metacentric and subtelo- to acrocentric chromosomal pairs. No heteromorphic sex chromosomes were detected. A single analyzed individual of V. melanops possessed the same karyotype and NOR phenotype as V. vimba and V. elongata. The apparent karyotype homogeneity and chromosomal characteristics of ribosomal DNA in all three species of the genus Vimba is consistent to that found in most other representatives of the European leuciscine cyprinid fishes.  相似文献   

Chromosome data are fundamental in evolution. However, there has been no attempt to synthesize and evaluate the significance of such information from a phylogenetic perspective in the giant genus Solanum, which was the aim of this work. New and published information of the main cytotaxonomic features (chromosome number, polyploidy, total length of the haploid complement, mean chromosome length, mean arm ratio, karyotype formula, nuclear DNA amount, number/position of rDNA sites) was compiled and mapped onto an embracing Solanaceae phylogeny, performing Ancestral States Reconstruction. There were 506 Solanum species with chromosome counts (49.7% from an estimated total of 1,018 spp.), with x?=?12 being the most frequent number (97%). Species with karyotypes represent 18.8%, while 8% have been studied with any molecular cytogenetic technique. Chromosome characters showed transitions associated with supported nodes, some of which have undergone fewer transitions than others. The common ancestor of all Solanum was a diploid with 2n?=?24, a karyotype with st and/or t chromosomes, 2C DNA content of 1–1.2 pg, one locus of 18–5.8–26S rDNA and one of 5S, both loci being asyntenic. The chromosomal variables behave as homoplastic, with reversions in all branches. The analysed characters were sorted from more to less conserved: asynteny of rDNA loci; number of sites of 18–5.8–26S; chromosome number; karyotype formula; number of 5S loci. This pattern of chromosomal evolution distinguishes Solanum from closely related genera and from genera from other families with a similar number of species.  相似文献   

Based mainly on morphological characters, the phylogenetic relationships among genera and some species groups of the neotropical family Callichthyidae were examined. A study of the osteology of a generalized callichthyid, Callichthys callichthys (Linnaeus), with detailed comparisons among representatives of the remaining genera in the family, is presented and used as a basis for the phylogenetic analysis. A single most parsimonious tree supported the monophyly of the family Callichthyidae based on 28 derived features and the division of the family in the subfamilies Corydoradinae and Callichthyinae. In the subfamily Corydoradinae, the genus Aspidoras is the sister-group of the clade formed by Corydoras plus Brochis. Five derived features support the monophyly of this clade and four support the monophyly of Brochis. No characters, however, were found to support the genus Corydoras. In the subfamily Callichthyinae, Dianema and Hopbstemum are sister-taxa. Megalechis represents the sister-group of Dianema plus Hoplosternum and Lepthoplosternum represents the sister-group to Megalechis plus Dianema plus Hopbstemum. Finally, Callichthys is considered the least derived member of the subfamily, and is hypothesized as the sister-group of the remaining species. A key to all callichthyid genera is provided.  相似文献   

Development in the osteocranium of Corydoras aeneus was studied based on 48 cleared and stained specimens and 10 series of serial sections. Development overall follows the general trends observed in siluriform development, with ossifications appearing as a response to functional demands. Early development of the skull occurs in two distinct phases. In a first phase, several new bony elements, all of dermal origin and related to feeding, appear shortly after yolk depletion (4.4 mm SL). Between 5 and 8 mm SL, developmental priorities seem to shift to size increase of the cartilaginous skull and no new bony elements appear. Finally, a second phase of osteogenesis occurs from 8 to 18 mm SL, in which all remaining dermal and perichondral bones appear. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sound production during reproductive behaviour, dyadic encounters and distress situations was investigated in the callichthyid catfish Corydoras paleatus. Sounds were broad-band, pulsed, acoustic signals produced during abduction of the pectoral spines. Only males emitted trains of sounds during courting and trains of sounds of shorter duration during dyadic encounters. Several males, which are usually smaller than females, courted one gravid female without obvious cooperation or competition between them. During mating, one previously vocalizing male clasped the female's barbels with one pectoral spine and inseminated the eggs. The number of successful spawnings, days until spawning, and number of eggs laid was not related to the number of males (one, two or three) combined with one female. Males did not behave aggressively towards each other during courting or in dyadic encounters. In distress situations, when fish were hand held, both sexes and juveniles produced single sounds. The dominant frequency was negatively correlated with body size and the sound duration was positively correlated with relative length of pectoral spines (standardized to body length). This acoustical behaviour in C. paleatus differs considerably from Hoplosternum thoracatum, a representative of the callichthyine subfamily, in which vocalization was observed during territorial behaviour in males and aggressive behaviour in both sexes. This is the first report of a major difference in vocalizing behaviour within one teleost family.  相似文献   

Twenty-two populations of seven species of Cremanthodium from high altitude regions of western China were observed karyologically. C. ellisii, C. microglossum, C. brunneo-pilosum, C. stenoglossum, C. discoideum and C. lineare all had the same chromosome number of 2 n = 58 whereas C. humile had 2 n = 60. All chromosome numbers of these species are documented here for the first time. The basic number of x = 30 is new for this genus. The karyotypes of all species belong to 2A type according to Stebbins' asymmetry classification of karyotypes. Two basic chromosome numbers, x = 30 and x = 29 in Cremanthodium , correspond exactly to two branching patterns in this genus, sympodial versus monopodial. The systematic and taxonomic statuses of the sympodial species need further study. The karyomorphological data provide no support to the sectional subdivision in Cremanthodium .  相似文献   

Ancistrus is the most speciose genus of the tribe Ancistrini, with 58 valid species and many yet to be described. Cytogenetic studies were conducted on five apparently undescribed species from the Amazon basin, which showed different diploid numbers: Ancistrus sp. Purus (2n = 34); Ancistrus sp. Macoari (2n = 46); Ancistrus sp. Dimona (2n = 52); Ancistrus sp. Vermelho (2n = 42) and Ancistrus sp. Trombetas (2n = 38). All species possessed only one pair of NOR‐carrying chromosomes, but with extensive variation in both the location on the chromosome as well as in the position of the ribosomal sites on the karyotype. The karyotypic evolution of Ancistrus species seems to be based on chromosomal rearrangements, with a tendency to a reduction of the diploid number. Two new instances of XX/XY sex chromosomes for Ancistrus species, based on the heteromorphism in the male karyotype, were also recorded. The large karyotypic diversity among Ancistrus species may be related to biological and behavioural characteristics of these fish that include microhabitat preferences, territoriality and specialized reproductive tactics. These characteristics may lead to a fast rate of fixation of chromosomal mutations and eventually speciation across the basin.  相似文献   

Karyotypes in 16 representative taxa of the Ophrys genus are compared, based on Feulgen-stained somatic metaphase chromosomes. The karyotypes of O. omegaifera subsp. israelitica, O. ulupinara, O. lycia, O. argolica subsp. lucis, O. argolica subsp. lesbis, O. climacis and O. reinholdii subsp. reinholdii are described for the first time. Karyological analyses indicate relationships among the species with respect to their asymmetry indices. All Ophrys taxa studied were diploid with 2n = 2x = 36 chromosomes. One B chromosome has been detected among the chromosomes of O. argolica subsp. lucis. All karyotypes are symmetrical, consisting of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. The longest chromosomes of all the investigated specimens contain a secondary constriction. It is determined that there is a correlation between the total number of chromosomes having secondary constrictions and the evolutionary development order of the taxa. Based on nuclear DNA content, analysis was carried out by flow cytometer using propodium iodide as fluorochrome, 2C nuclear DNA content of 16 Ophrys species varying between 20.80 pg (O. argolica subsp. lucis) and 23.11 pg (O. omegaifera subsp. israelitica). Karyotype asymmetry relationships are discussed according to the bidimensional scatter plots of A1–A2, CVCL–CVCI, CVCL–MCA and CVCI–MCA.  相似文献   

Abstract In some living osteichthyans (e.g. the armoured catfishes) the postcranial dermal skeleton exhibits tooth-like structures (odontodes) similar to those present in the dermal skeleton of the ancient craniates. We have undertaken this work to compare odontode with tooth development, structure, attachment to a bony support and replacement. We studied the odontodes fixed on the scutes (i.e. postcranial dermal plates) in a growth series of Corydoras aeneus using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Odontodes are constituted of a pulp cavity surrounded by a cone of dentine itself capped with hypermineralized substance. The pulp cavity is devoid of nerves and blood vessels and there are no odontoblastic processes in the dentine. The dentine cone is firmly attached to a circular bony protuberance of the scute surface, the pedicel or attachment bone, by means of a ligament. An odontode anlage develops as a small invagination of a dermal papilla projecting into the epidermis, the basal cell layer of which constitutes a dental epithelium. First, dentine is deposited, next the hypermineralized substance, then the ligament and attachment bone. Odontodes develop in two positions with regard to the scute surface: a primary position when new odontodes form at the posterior border of the enlarging scute; a secondary position when new odontodes replace old odontodes that have been shed during thickening of the scute. In this case, the ligament and part of the base of the dentine cone are resorbed but not the pedicel of attachment bone, which is covered by deposition of scute matrix after the odontode has been shed. Within the scute matrix, the embedded pedicels of successive generations of odontodes are preserved, forming piles in the scutes of adult specimens.  相似文献   

After 80 years of misidentifications, the analysis of the holotype of Corydoras arcuatus plus several non-type specimens attributed to this species allowed its recognition and also revealed a new species, both sharing the following diagnostic features: a long, arched, continuous black stripe that runs parallel to the dorsal profile of the body and extends at least from the anterior margin of the first dorsolateral body plate to the posterior portion of caudal peduncle; absence of transverse black bars on caudal fin; infraorbital 2 in contact with sphenotic and compound pterotic. In addition to these features, C. arcuatus can be distinguished from congeners by having the posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with laminar serrations directed towards their origins. The new species can be additionally distinguished from its congeners by presenting the following combination of features: ventral surface of trunk entirely or partially covered by relatively large and coalescent platelets; absence of spots or blotches on dorsal fin; and posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with serrations directed towards their tips. Finally, an identification key to all arc-striped species of Corydoras is provided.  相似文献   

六种犁头尖属植物(天南星科)的核型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了 6种 8个居群犁头尖属 ( Typhonium Schott)植物的核型 ,其结果如下 :( 1 )独角莲 ( T.gigan-teum)北京居群 2 n=4 x=5 2 =4 4m+ 7sm+ 1 st;( 2 )鞭檐犁头尖 ( T.flagelliforme)金平居群 2 n=3x=2 4 =3m+ 9sm( 4 SAT) + 1 2 st,河内居群 2 n=4 x=32 =7m+ 2 0 st+ 4sm+ 1 t;( 3)单籽犁头尖 ( T. calcicolum)西畴居群2 n=4 x=5 2 =2 1 sm+ 2 3m( 5 SAT) + 8st;( 4 )犁头尖 ( T.blumei)重庆居群 2 n=4 x=5 2 =4 0 m( 1 SAT) + 1 2 sm( 3SAT) ;( 5 )马蹄犁头尖 ( T.trilobatum)西双版纳居群 2 n=2 x=1 8=4 sm( 2 SAT) + 1 2 m+ 2 st,河内居群 2 n=2 x=1 8=2 st+ 9m+ 7sm;( 6 )金慈菇 ( T. roxburgii)个旧居群 2 n=2 x=1 8=8sm+ 1 0 m( 2 SAT)。其中鞭檐犁头尖 2 n=2 4、32 ,金慈菇 2 n=1 8均为首次报道 ,同时分析讨论了本属植物染色体基数和倍性的多样性及其可能的原始基数  相似文献   

Rábová M  Ráb P  Ozouf-Costaz C 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):413-422
When surveying the karyotype diversity of European loaches of the genus Cobitis to identify species involved in hybrid polyploid complexes, an extensive polymorphism in number and location of NORs was discovered in C. vardarensis using Ag-staining, C-banding, CMA3-fluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This species had 2n=50, the karyotype contained 13 pairs of metacentric, 10 pairs of submetacentric and two pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes. The NOR-bearing chromosomes included one medium-sized metacentric pair with a large CMA3-positive heterochromatic pericentromeric block, one small metacentric as well as one large submetacentric pairs. Ribosomal sites were always located in telomeres of these chromosomes. Each of the pair of NOR-bearing chromosomes occurred in three variants – (1) presence and/or (2) absence of NORs on both homologues and (3) heterozygous combination where only one of the homologues bears NORs. Altogether, 10 different NOR cytotypes from 27 theoretically possible ones were discovered among 20 indviduals examined. The number of NORs ranged from two to five per specimen. The results regarding the number and locations of NORs as revealed by banding techniques were confirmed using FISH with rDNA probe. NOR sites were of CMA3-positive, suggesting that ribosomal sites are associated with GC-rich DNA. Very similar structural polymorphism with multiple NORs is expressed in the Danubian loach C. elongatoides indicating a close relationship between both species.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between fertilization modalities and the morphology of male reproductive apparatus, two species of Auchenipteridae, Auchenipterus nuchalis and Tatia intermedia , and six species of Callichthyidae, Callichthys callichthys , Corydoras aeneus , Corydoras bondi , Corydoras ehrhardti , Corydoras potaroensis and Hoplosternum littorale were studied. The species analysed show either internal or external fertilization, the latter including the so called 'sperm drinking' type of mating. An anal fin modified as an intromittent organ, a pair of seminal vesicles, and the release of sperm in the form of discrete bundles (spermatozeugmata) characterize the male reproductive apparatus of the internal fertilizer A. nuchalis . Seminal vesicles are present also in C. aeneus , C. bondi , C. ehrhardti , C. potaroensis and H. littorale , species performing 'sperm drinking' spawning. In contrast, regardless of the family, species showing the more classic type of external fertilization lack specialized accessory organs. Where occurring, the major function of seminal vesicles is the secretion of mucins. The role of these mucosubstances, in relation to spermatozeugmata formation, in internal fertilizers, or the protection of sperm passing through the female gut, in the 'sperm-drinking' species, is discussed. Variation, between families, in the shape of testis and accessory structures, as well as in the type of spermatogenesis was found. Neither the reproductive modalities nor the phylogenetic relationships, however, appear to fully account for these differences.  相似文献   

Genome evolution in the genus Sorghum (Poaceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The roles of variation in DNA content in plant evolution and adaptation remain a major biological enigma. Chromosome number and 2C DNA content were determined for 21 of the 25 species of the genus Sorghum and analysed from a phylogenetic perspective. METHODS: DNA content was determined by flow cytometry. A Sorghum phylogeny was constructed based on combined nuclear ITS and chloroplast ndhF DNA sequences. KEY RESULTS: Chromosome counts (2n = 10, 20, 30, 40) were, with few exceptions, concordant with published numbers. New chromosome numbers were obtained for S. amplum (2n = 30) and S. leiocladum (2n = 10). 2C DNA content varies 8.1-fold (1.27-10.30 pg) among the 21 Sorghum species. 2C DNA content varies 3.6-fold from 1.27 pg to 4.60 pg among the 2n = 10 species and 5.8-fold (1.52-8.79 pg) among the 2n = 20 species. The x = 5 genome size varies over an 8.8-fold range from 0.26 pg to 2.30 pg. The mean 2C DNA content of perennial species (6.20 pg) is significantly greater than the mean (2.92 pg) of the annuals. Among the 21 species studied, the mean x = 5 genome size of annuals (1.15 pg) and of perennials (1.29 pg) is not significantly different. Statistical analysis of Australian species showed: (a) mean 2C DNA content of annual (2.89 pg) and perennial (7.73 pg) species is significantly different; (b) mean x = 5 genome size of perennials (1.66 pg) is significantly greater than that of the annuals (1.09 pg); (c) the mean maximum latitude at which perennial species grow (-25.4 degrees) is significantly greater than the mean maximum latitude (-17.6) at which annual species grow. CONCLUSIONS: The DNA sequence phylogeny splits Sorghum into two lineages, one comprising the 2n = 10 species with large genomes and their polyploid relatives, and the other with the 2n = 20, 40 species with relatively small genomes. An apparent phylogenetic reduction in genome size has occurred in the 2n = 10 lineage. Genome size evolution in the genus Sorghum apparently did not involve a 'one way ticket to genomic obesity' as has been proposed for the grasses.  相似文献   

The influence of chromosome variability on the production of euploid spermatozoa was investigated in a suitable biological model, the Akodon molinae system. This consists of individuals whose chromosome constitution is 2n = 42, 2n = 43, or 2n = 44. The only difference between these three karyotypes occurs through a Robertsonian rearrangement combined with two pericentric inversions. Thus, the animals with 2n = 42 (simple homozygotes or SH) have two large metacentric chromosomes number 1; animals with 2n = 43 (heterozygotes or Ht) have a chromosome 1 and two subterminal chromosomes la and lb homologues of the long and short arms of the chromosome 1, respectively; animals with 2n = 44 (double homozygotes or DH) have a pair of la and a pair of lb chromosomes. The gametic euploidy frequency correlated with each chromosome constitution was evaluated on the basis of the DNA content of spermatozoa, which was determined microdensitometrically after the Feulgen reaction, taking into account the site of the spermatozoa along the male genital tract. A comparative assessment of gametic aneuploidy frequency in caput epididymis versus vas deferens demonstrated (1) a falloff in euploid production in passing from the 2n = 42 to the 2n = 44 chromosome forms, alongside a high degree of intragroup variability, and (2) a lower aneuploidy frequency in the vas deferens than in caput epididymis in all the forms considered. These two features, taken together with similar results in the mouse chromosome variability system, suggest that a selection mechanism is operative against aneuploid spermatozoa in the epididymis. This finding is of interest in a wider perspective, since it might turn out to be valid for many mammals.  相似文献   

Three species of closely related armoured catfishes, Hoplosternum littorale, H. thoracatum and Callichthys callichtkys , are widely distributed throughout (sub)tropical South America, but a detailed inspection of collection localities in both Suriname and the South American continent reveals a clear pattern. Hoplosternum littorale is not found in rainforest creeks and clear-water rivers draining the Precambrium Guiana and Brazilian Shields. Here, waters are extremely poor in dissolved minerals. In salinity tolerance experiments, 1-week-old larvae of H. littorale were found to be incapable of surviving in rainwater that is also very poor in electrolytes. Probably for the same reason, H. littorale is not collected in black-water rivers like the Rio Negro. Within the Amazon river-system H. litiorale is found in sediment-laden white-water rivers originating in the Andes. Larvae of H. thoracatum and C. caiiichthys are able to survive and develop further in rainwater and consequently have a less restricted distribution than H. littorale . Both species are found in clear water and black water. All three species tolerate salinities up to 2000 mg Cl/1, and show a marked decrease in growth at low salinities.  相似文献   

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