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Regino Zamora 《Oecologia》1990,84(3):376-379
Summary The taxonomic composition and size of arthropods captured by Pinguicula nevadense, an endemic carnivorous plant of the high-mountain zone of the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain), are analysed. The actual prey of P. nevadense and the available arthropods trapped by mimic-traps are compared, in order to identify the capture constraints of the plant. The results show that P. nevadense captures various arthropod taxa. Winged insects, especially Nematocera, make up the main component of the diet. The range of prey sizes in all P. nevadense populations studied is similar. The taxonomic composition of arthropods trapped by the mimic-traps is similar to that of the actual prey of P. nevadense. However, the plant captures prey only below a specific size threshold. These size constraints appear to be the principal factor determining the actual prey of this carnivorous plant.  相似文献   

The relationship between the June drop of almond fruits(cv. Truoito) and the levels of extractable and diffusible IAA of the fruit wasstudied. June drop started almost simultaneously with thedecreasein the concentration of extractable free and ester IAA from seeds and theamountof diffusible free IAA from persisting fruits. The drop lasted for a period ofabout 17 days, during which time the auxin decreased constantly. In a secondexperiment, the relationship between fruit size, fruit drop and level of auxinwas examined. The fruits were classified according to size into threecategories, large, intermediate and small. Throughout the experiment thepercentage of small fruits that abscised (70%) was five times higher than thatof the other categories of fruits. The small persisting fruits had lower levelsof extractable free and diffusible free IAA than fruits of intermediate andlarge size. When the process of abscission advanced and the diffusion of theauxin had been interrupted, an increase in the concentration of extractablefreeand peptidic IAA in the seeds and pericarps of the abscising fruits wasobservedcompared with the persisting fruits.  相似文献   

The inclusion of drug-resistance plasmids (R-plasmids) in Escherichia coli strains has been shown to determine the formation of specific surface structures which could modify bacterial surface characteristics relevant for pathogenic processes.Thirtyone R-plasmids (from different incompatibility groups) have been transferred to three E. coli laboratory strains, and surface hydrophobicity modifications have been measured by three methods: salting-out, adsorption to hexadecane and adsorption to xylene.The results obtained show that the presence of R-plasmids produced variations which are dependent on the receptor strains and measuring method employed. Also, it has been found that the plasmids behave differently depending on the strain in which they are included.The results obtained by the salting-out method are not correlative with those obtained by adsorption to hydrocarbons, probably due to the implication of different hydrophobic molecules in the interaction with salt or hydrocarbons.Concluding, the choice of receptor strain and measuring method are of great importance for the investigation of surface hydrophobicity (and probably other characteristics) encoded by R-plasmids.Abbreviations TSB Trypticase soya broth - TSA trypticase soya agar  相似文献   

Substantial quantities of mRNA encoding the abundant Em polypeptide accumulate, in planta, in developing embryos of maize (Zea mays L.). By contrast, accumulation of Em mRNA is only barely detectable in embryos with the vp-5/vp-5 genotype [an abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient viviparous phenotype]. Em mRNA is not detectable within viviparous embryos of the vp-1/vp-1 genotype that are non-responsive to ABA. Culture of immature wild-type and vp-5/vp-5 embryos in the presence of exogenous ABA or of an osmotically active agent prevents precocious germination and results in expression of the Em genes. When vp-1/vp-1 embryos are cultured under similar conditions, only the application of osmotic stress prevents precocious germination. However, Em mRNA does not accumulate either in ABA-treated or stressed, arrested embryos, indicating a requirement for ABA perception through a VP-1-mediated mechanism for Em gene expression. Nevertheless, vp-1/vp-1 embryos do show both ABA and stress responses at the molecular level. Treatment with ABA causes the accumulation of mRNA encoding a polypeptide of approx. 30 kDa, whilst osmotic stress induces the accumulation both of a 30-kDa polypeptide and a set of approx. 20-kDa polypeptides. This indicates the existence of discrete, parallel ABA and stress response pathways in developing maize embryos.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - cDNA copy-DNA - DAP days after pollination - kDa kilodaltons - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - LEA late embryogenesis abundant - NEpHGE non-equilibrium pH gradient gel electrophoresis - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Savtchenko  L. P. 《Neurophysiology》2004,36(2):102-110
Using mathematical modeling, we studied the biophysical aspects of the growth of the cell membrane and the growth of the actin network of the cytoskeleton of a neuron cultured on the rigid sublayer and the correlation between these processes. To describe the dynamics of the growth of the cytoskeleton limited by the cell membrane, we used the model of the thermal ratchet. Using the approaches of theoretical biophysics, we obtained a simple biophysical criterion that governs the selection of an alternative scenario of the formation of the cell, either growth of a single neurite or growth of a number of neurites. This criterion depends on the value of the adhesion between the cell and the substrate, the dimension of the actin monomer, and the thermal energy determining the frequency of thermal fluctuations of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Aeromonas salmonicida variants were characterized for alterations in their cell surface structure and used to examine reconstitution of the surface protein layer (A-layer). Variants lacking outer membrane O-polysaccharide were devoid of A-layer and excreted stainable floret-like material of the surface protein (A-protein). One variant, showing partial loss of O-polysaccharide, was associated with a disrupted A-layer and excretion of some A-protein. Variants lacking A-protein but possessing O-polysaccharide rapidly absorbed and concentrated sufficient excreted A-protein at the cell surface to coat the cells with a single confluent layer. Although differences in electrophoretic mobilities of A-proteins and O-polysaccharides from typical and atypical strains were evident, the different A-proteins and A-protein-deficient variants were interchangeable for reconstitution of a surface protein layer. No association of A-protein with cell surfaces of unrelated gram-negative bacteria was observed.Abbreviations A-layer additional surface protein layer - A-protein surface protein - Ast Aeromonas salmonicida typical - Asa Aeromonas salmonicida atypical - A- phenotypically A-protein-negative variant - O- phenotypically O-polysaccharide-negative variant - Owk phenotypically O-polysaccharide weak variant - BHI brain heart infusion - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   

Summary The bulk of the yolk proteins and lipoproteins constituting the yolks of mature oocytes in birds are synthesized by the liver and transported via the plasma to the oocytes where they are incorporated by micropinocytosis. Evidence is presented indicating that oocytes of hens possessing a mutation identified by Jones, Briles, and Schjeide as a restricted ovulator gene fail to incorporate normal amounts and proportions of low density lipoproteins, lipovitellin and possibly other proteins making up the bulk of the yolk material. Plasma albumin is taken into the yolks but the other proteins synthesized by the liver for deposition within the oocytes accumulate in the plasma, attaining very high levels. The possible nature of the lock preventing normal deposition of the excluded yolk proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

This study focuses on different factors affecting the level of aggression in the desert ant Cataglyphis fortis. We found that the readiness to fight against conspecific ants was high in ants captured close to the nest entrance (0- and 1-m distances). At a 5-m distance from the nest entrance the level of aggression was significantly lower. As the mean foraging range in desert ants by far exceeds this distance, the present account clearly shows that in C. fortis aggressive behavior is displayed in the context of nest, rather than food-territory defense. In addition, ants were more aggressive against members of a colony with which they had recently exchanged aggressive encounters than against members of a yet unknown colony. This finding is discussed in terms of a learned, enemy-specific label-template recognition process.  相似文献   

Neurohormone C (NC) is a glycopeptide isolated from bovine hypothalamus, which inhibits Ca-calmodulin (CaM)-dependent cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) and is a regulator of Ca in the cell. Distribution of [45Ca]CaCl2 in the mitochondria and reticulum (SR) of heart and brain mitochondria and changes of Ca-binding proteins in these organelles under NC influence have been studied in the myocardium before and after isoproterenol-induced necrosis. Intraperitoneal administration of 80–100 mU of PDE inhibitory activity of NC to rats did not cause any noticeable changes in the protein content of intracellular organelles, but altered the affinity of certain proteins to45Ca2+. This property of NC was especially noticable after isoproterenol necrosis. Necrotic injury of the myocardium induced Ca2+ storage in the mitochondria and SR of brain, and decreased the Ca2+ concentration in myocardial mitochondria. NC injection to the animals with necrosis was followed by Ca2+ release from all the studied organelles.  相似文献   

Summary With the aid of the embryo rescue technique, interspecific hybrids in the genusHelianthus could be raised with a recovery rate of 41%. Altogether, 33 different hybrid combinations were realized using the cultivated form, both as a female and male parent. The hybrids obtained have been identified by different methods, i.e., by comparison of leaf morphology, pollen stainability, chromosome number and by RFLP analysis. The former three methods are useful to obtain global information, while the RFLP analysis allows a rapid and safe characterization in early developmental stages of the hybrids.  相似文献   

In the mid-1930s, Karl von Frisch proposed the equivalent of an odor-search hypothesis for honey bee recruitment to food sources. A decade later he switched to the equivalent of a dance language hypothesis (though he apparently did not consider his conclusions as hypotheses in either case). The later and more exotic hypothesis rapidly gained acceptance, but it failed its first experimental tests in the mid-1960s; searching recruits did not behave as von Frisch indicated they should under the language hypothesis. His earlier and more conservative odor-search hypothesis meshed better with results obtained in those test experiments. Language advocates then ignored basic precepts of scientific process, rejected and/or ignored results not in accord with their favored hypothesis, and instead repeatedly sought additional supportive evidence. While so doing, they inadvertently accumulated yet more evidence counter to von Frisch's original intent. By invoking ad hoc modifications and qualifications, advocates weakened, rather than strengthened, the hypothesis they continued to embrace. That strict adherence to the language hypothesis has had an unfortunate result; the exclusive investment in that line of research by various governmental agencies has failed to provide practical help to beekeepers or growers in the past half-century.  相似文献   

On the basis of symposium contributions onChlorella, Hibbertia, Eucalyptus, Ambrosia and on numerical approaches some fundamental problems of (bio)systematics, evolution, and taxonomic categories are discussed: Methods available for analysing affinities; conflicting evidence from phenetic, biochemical, cytogenetic and other analyses; further classification problems in cases of intermediacy, etc. While sibs of various levels and their natural hierarchy often can be objectively defined, this appears impossible for particular taxonomic levels itself (e. g. species). A single objective taxonomic system of organisms is unrealistic. Certain guiding lines for relative and practicable concepts of species and genus are proposed.Presented at the symposium Speciation and the Species Concept during the XIIth International Botanical Congress, Leningrad, July 8, 1975.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activity in the obligate methaneoxidizing bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) was added ammonia. This observation was extended to include other ammonia. This observation was extended to include other representative N2-fixing species of methanotrophs. The ammonia switch-off of nitrogenase in M. capsulatus (Bath) was reversed on washing cells to remove excess ammonia, in the presence of chloramphenicol, suggesting that a form of covalent modification of nitrogenase may occur. Replacing the oxidizable substrate methanol with formaldehyde, formate, ethanol or hydrogen had no effect on nitrogenase switch-off. A number of potential nitrogen sources or intermediates of nitrogen metabolism such as glutamine, asparagine, glutamate and alanine when tested, did not effect switch-off. However, the rapid inhibition of nitrogenase activity of M. capsulatus (Bath) could be achieved by adding the uncoupler carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone or nitrite. The glutamine synthetase inhibitor methionine sulphoximine blocked the switch-off effect of ammonia, indicating that the metabolism of ammonia may be essential for switch-off to occur. Inhibitors of glutamate synthase did not alleviate the ammonia switch-off response. Methionine sulphoximine did not alleviate the rapid inhibition of nitrogenase by carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone indicating that the shortterm regulation of nitrogenase by uncouplers and ammonia proceed via different mechanisms.Abbreviations MSX methionine-DL-sulphoximine - DON 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine - GS glutamine synthetase - GOGAT glutamine 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (glutamate synthase) - CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone  相似文献   

Summary The exact nature of the circulatory pathways in dog spleen, particularly with reference to the intermediate circulation and the possible existence of direct arteriovenous connections, has been studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of microcorrosion casts. A new casting procedure was developed in which minimal amounts of material were injected into contracted spleens, thus filling preferentially the faster channels for flow. Extensive filling of the red pulp was thereby avoided, leaving an open view of blood vessels and their connections. The depth of focus of the SEM, incomparably greater than those of transmission electron or light microscopes, enabled vascular pathways to be traced over considerable distances.Using this approach, we have obtained clear evidence for abundant connections between arterial capillaries and venous sinuses (i.e., closed circulation). Typically, the terminal arteriole bifurcates repeatedly, in quick succession, giving rise to as many as twelve short capillaries, each leading directly to at least one sinus. However, an open circulation also exists, inasmuch as the majority of all capillaries end in the marginal zone around lymphatic nodules. In the dilated spleen, direct connections to sinuses are rarely visible but endings in the red pulp are found, in addition to those going to the marginal zone.  相似文献   

Summary Alternative methods for shoot regeneration in protoplast derived cultures were developed in Nicotiana paniculata and Physalis minima. In both species protoplast derived callus is not regeneratable to shoots by conventional methods, e.g. hormone treatment. Leaf discs and stem segments of N. paniculata and P. minima were incubated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens shooter strains harbouring pGV 2215 or pGV 2298 or wildtype strain B6S3. After 36 h of co-incubation protoplasts were prepared. (Leaf disc and stem segment cloning). Co-cultivation experiments were also undertaken with protoplasts of both species. Transformed clones, characterized by their hormone independent growth and octopine production, could be isolated after about two months. Transformation frequencies of leaf disc and stem segment cloning and co-cultivation experiments varied from 5×10–3 to 5×10–5. After about one year of cultivation on hormone-free culture medium, shoots could be recovered from colonies of N. paniculata, transformed by the strain harbouring pGV 2298. In protoplast derived colonies of P. minima, shoot induction was obtained only after transformation by bacteria carrying pGV 2215. This demonstrates the importance of the particular shooter mutant, as well as the response of the host plant. Transformed shoots of P. minima produced octopine, whereas octopine production in transformed shoots and callus of N. paniculata was undetectable after one year of cultivation, though T-DNA was still present in the plant genome. Transformed shoots of N. paniculata and P. minima do not produce any roots. Shoots of N. paniculata have an especially tumerous phenotype. Shoots of both species were successfully grafted to normal donor plants of N. tabacum.Abbreviations B5-h Gamborg medium without hormones (Gamborg 1968) - V47 protoplast medium (Binding 1974) - D2a protoplast medium (Li et al. 1980) - MS-h Murashige and Skoog medium without hormones (Murashige and Skoog 1962) Dedicated to Professor Dr. G. Melchers in occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

Palienko  I. A. 《Neurophysiology》2001,33(3):169-174
In 80 healthy humans, we studied changes in the frequency spectrum and values of the relative spectral coefficients for subsequent 1-Hz-wide frequency bands under conditions of simultaneous lateralized stimulation of the retinal zones, which form receptive fields for the right- and for the left-brain hemispheres; light of different colors was used for stimulation. We found that reactions of the right and left hemispheres to such stimulations demonstrated obvious specificity; spatial characteristics of these reactions were obtained. Changes in the values of most corresponding spectral coefficients in the hemispheres usually had similar directions and demonstrated similarity in their intensities, which is indicative of a complementary pattern of the interhemispheric interaction. Reciprocal changes in the corresponding spectral coefficients in the hemispheres were observed more rarely. Modifications of EEG upon red-green stimulations of different polarity were found to be similar, which can be a manifestation of the moderating influence of the right hemisphere on the left one.  相似文献   

Cells of the slime strain of Neurospora crassa synthesize a coherent extracellular material which remains attached to the cell surface, but is released into the liquid medium by shaking. The material was purified and studied by different criteria. By electron microscopy it appears as long wavy sheets which strongly bind concanavalin A, but not wheat germ agglutinin, and maintain their integrity in the absence of structural polysaccharides. Analysis of the purified material revealed that it was free of contaminating membranes; it contained more than 70% protein, 1% neutral sugars (glucose, mannose, fucose and galactose), less than 2% lipids and ca. 4% not-characterized hexosaminelike compounds. Its polypeptide pattern as determined by PAGE was complex. The significance of this material is discussed.Abbreviations used Au-WGA colloidal gold-wheat germ agglutinin - Endo H endo--N-acetylglucosaminidase H - Fe-Con A ferritin labcled concanavalin A - FITC-Con A fluorescent concanavalin A - PEM proteinaceous extracellular material - PMSF phenylmethyl sulfphonyl fluoride - BSDA bovine serum albumin - CTAB cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide - DOC-Na sodium deoxychlate - DTT dl-dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylene diamine tetracetic acid  相似文献   

We studied the effect of nestmate separation on trophallaxis in the polydomous ant Cataglyphis iberica. After dividing three colonies into two equivalent subgroups, one queenright and one queenless, we quantified the frequency of trophallaxis within each subgroup, between the workers from the two subgroups (mixed trophallaxis), and trophallaxis involving the queen. Observations of trophallaxis were conducted over four periods of time: for 2 weeks before the separation of the two subgroups, 8 weeks during separation, immediately after reunification, and 3 weeks following reunification. Subgroups were identically fed on the eve of each day of observation. Group separation induced an increase in mixed frequencies of trophallaxis just after reunification, after which trophallaxis returned to the initial level observed before separation. Previous results showed that group separation in C. iberica induces hydrocarbon profile divergence and that reunification restores this chemical modification. The current results seem to indicate that increased trophallaxis permits a uniform odor to be reestablished among previously separated ants. Trophallaxis involving the queen is infrequent and does not seem to be crucial in the process of odor exchange. Our data confirm that trophallaxis plays a key role in establishing the Gestalt colony odor, particularly among naturally separated satellite nests in a polydomous species like C. iberica.  相似文献   

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