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The high pH state of Chara plasmalemma (Bisson, M.A., Walker, N.A. 1980. J. Membrane Biol. 56:1-7) was investigated to obtain detailed current-voltage (I/V) and conductance-voltage (G/V) characteristics in the pH range 7.5 to 12. The resting conductance started to increase at a pH as low as 8.5, doubling at pH 9.5, but the most notable increases occurred between pH 10.5 and 11.5, as observed previously (Bisson, M.A., Walker, N.A. 1980. J. Membrane Biol. 56:1-7; Bisson, M.A., Walker, N.A. 1981. J. Exp. Bot. 32:951-971). The slopes (and shapes) of the I/V curves varied even over minutes, suggesting a shifting population of open channels. Possible contributions of the permeabilities to H+ and OH-, PH and POH, respectively, to the increase in membrane conductance were calculated in the pH range 8.5 to 12. If PH is the main cause for the increase in conductance, it would have to rise by three orders of magnitude between pH 8.5 and 11.5, implying an enormous increase in the open-channel population as pH rises. On the other hand, a comparatively constant POH over that pH range would result in an increase in conductance due to the rise of OH- concentration. This indicates unchanging open-channel population. The transient excitation conductances at pH 7.5 and 11.5 were compared at a range of membrane PD (potential difference) levels. At more positive PD levels (near 0) the transient conductances showed little change as pH was increased. However, near the excitation threshold the conductance at high pH was slower to reach peak and its amplitude was diminished compared to that at neutral pH. This effect was found to be partially due to the pH change itself and partially due to less negative membrane PD at high pH. The changes in excitation transients developed gradually as pH of the medium was increased. These findings are discussed with a recent model of excitation in mind (Shiina, T., Tazawa, M. 1988. J. Membrane Biol. 106:135-139).  相似文献   

This work is intended to estimate the contribution of either laminar or turbulent dispersion during spontaneous breathing on one hand, and at high-frequency pulmonary ventilation on the other. For that purpose, we performed a computer simulation of a mathematical model of gas transport in the human airways governed by a combination of axial convection and longitudinal dispersion. Calculations were carried out by incorporating two dispersion coefficients, proposed by Taylor and Scherer respectively, into the mathematical model. Moreover, computations were performed with five constant flow rates and two inert heavy (SF6) and light (He) gases to enhance the effect of mixing. It is concluded that Taylor laminar dispersion cannot play a significant role in the human airways; however, it seems that convective gas mixing with disturbed dispersion - corresponding to a regime of quasi-steady state-can account for most gas transport during spontaneous respiration and high-frequency ventilation.  相似文献   

Multicellular activity and the EEG were recorded from the somatosensory cortex by means of metal microelectrodes 30 µ in diameter in chronic experiments on waking unrestrained cats. Unit activity was separated into three different amplitudes by means of a discriminator. Three types of spontaneous activity were distinguished: with continuous, burst, and grouped discharges. Despite the outwardly identical picture of the spontaneous EEG activation reaction, parallel processes, differing in sign and distribution of unit activity were discovered in the neuron population. Their combinations were very varied. This activity could increase in frequency at all amplitude levels or at only one or two levels, accompanied by inhibition of discharges (or by no change) at other levels. The character of reorganization was shown to depend largely on the degree of the spontaneous EEG activation reaction and on the type of spontaneous unit activity. Computer analysis of the changes in the mean discharge frequency showed that during EEG activation stimulation of unit activity (55%) predominated over depression (21%). In some cell populations the sequence of discharges was altered without any change in mean frequency. The experimental results are discussed from the standpoint of the role of unit activity in spontaneous EEG activation.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 339–348, July–August, 1980.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of the different patterns of chest wall deformation that occur with different body positions and modes of breathing on regional lung deformation and ventilation. Using the parenchymal marker technique, we determined regional lung behavior during mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing in five anesthetized recumbent dogs. Regional lung behavior was related to the patterns of diaphragm motion estimated from X-ray projection images obtained at functional residual capacity (FRC) and end inspiration. Our results indicate that 1) in the prone and supine positions, FRC was larger during mechanical ventilation than during spontaneous breathing; 2) there were significant differences in the patterns of diaphragm motion and regional ventilation between mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing in both body positions; 3) in the supine position only, there was a vertical gradient in lung volume at FRC; 4) in both positions and for both modes of breathing, regional ventilation was nonlinearly related to changes in lobar and overall lung volumes; and 5) different patterns of diaphragm motion caused different sliding motions and differential rotations of upper and lower lobes. Our results are inconsistent with the classic model of regional ventilation, and we conclude that the distribution of ventilation is determined by a complex interaction of lung and chest wall shapes and by the motion of the lobes relative to each other, all of which help to minimize distortion of the lung parenchyma.  相似文献   

We examined the variability and determinants of the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) at rest and during exercise in 61 trained cyclists. Fasting (10-12 h) RER was measured at rest and during exercise at 25, 50, and 70% of peak power output (W(peak)), during which blood samples were drawn for [lactate] and [free fatty acid] ([FFA]). Before these measurements, training volume, dietary intake and muscle fiber composition, [substrate], and enzyme activities were determined. There was large interindividual variability in resting RER (0.718-0.927) that persisted during exercise of increasing intensity. The major determinants of resting RER included muscle glycogen content, training volume, proportion of type 1 fibers, [FFA] and [lactate], and %dietary fat intake (adjusted r(2) = 0.59, P < 0.001). Except for muscle fiber composition, these variables also predicted RER at 25, 50, and 70% W(peak) to different extents. The key determinant at 25% W(peak) was blood-borne [substrate], at 50% was muscle [substrate] and glycolytic enzyme activities, and at 70% was [lactate]. Resting RER was also a significant determinant of RER at 25 (r = 0.60) and 50% (r = 0.44) W(peak).  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - Biological tissues are composed of cells surrounded by the extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM can be thought of as a fibrous polymer network, acting as a natural...  相似文献   

We examined the effect of sudden withdrawal of respiratory oscillations of arterial PCO2 (CO2 oscillations) at resting metabolic rate on the control of respiration in 11 anesthetized paralyzed vagotomized dogs in normoxic normocapnia. A double-lumen endotracheal tube was inserted so that the left and right lungs were ventilated independently. By alternately ventilating each lung, we could completely abolish CO2 oscillations without affecting the mean blood gas levels (withdrawal of CO2 oscillations). The CO2 oscillation was calculated from arterial pH oscillation measured by a rapidly responding intra-arterial pH electrode. Respiratory center output was monitored by use of a moving time average of the phrenic neurogram. A 3-min period of withdrawal of CO2 oscillations was bracketed by two control periods (simultaneous ventilation of lungs for 3 min) to avoid the confounding effect of the baseline drift in the respiratory center output. The amplitude of the CO2 oscillations in the control was 2.33 +/- 0.89 (SD) Torr. When the difference in the mean level of arterial PCO2 between the control and withdrawal of CO2 oscillations was minimized (-0.09 +/- 0.54 Torr; P greater than 0.25), we found negligible change in the minute phrenic activity during withdrawal of CO2 oscillations (-0.02 +/- 6.11% of the control, P greater than 0.98, n = 49; 99% confidence interval -2.36 to 2.32%). Thus we conclude that the maintenance of normal respiration at rest is not critically dependent on a phasic afferent input to the respiratory center arising from respiratory CO2 oscillations.  相似文献   

Extracellular afferent neural activity was recorded in vivo from cranial nerve IX (glossopharyngeal) from mechanoreceptors in the first gill arch of anesthetized, spontaneously breathing channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Single unit and paucifiber recordings show that both phasic and tonic receptors were active during normal ventilation. Phasic receptors were characterized as having a burst of activity during some phase of the ventilatory cycle. Most of these occurred during peak adduction or peak abduction. Phasic receptors were not active during spontaneous apnic periods. Tonic receptors were always active, even during apneas, firing frequency was modulated by breathing movements with peak activity occurring during adduction. Flow-sensitive mechanoreceptors were identified in anesthetized, paralyzed catfish. These receptors decreased activity when the ventilatory water flow was stopped. Hypercapnia (5% CO(2) in air) stimulated ventilatory rate and amplitude but had no effect on mechanoreceptor activity. The discharge characteristics of branchial mechanoreceptors indicate that they could be involved in the timing and coordination of ventilatory movements and maintenance of the 'gill curtain' to minimize ventilatory dead space. Unlike ventilatory mechanoreceptors in the air breathing organs of gar and lungs of lungfish and tetrapods, branchial mechanoreceptors were insensitive to hypercapnia.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of aging on the elastic properties of lung tissue and the chest wall, simultaneously quantifying the contribution of each component to static inspiratory muscle work in resting and exercising adults. We further evaluated the interaction of aging and habitual physical activity on respiratory mechanics. Static lung volumes and elastic properties of the lung and chest wall (pressure-volume relaxation maneuvers) in 29 chronically sedentary and 29 habitually active subjects, grouped by age, were investigated: young (Y, 20-30 years), middle-aged (M, 40-50 years), and older (O, >60 years). Using static pressure-volume data, we computed the elastic work of breathing (joules per liter, J.l(-1)), including inspiratory muscle work, over resting and exercising tidal volume excursions. Elastic work of the lung (Y = 0.79 +/- 0.05; M = 0.47 +/- 0.05; O = 0.43 +/- 0.05 J.l(-1)) and chest wall (Y = -0.49 +/- 0.06; M = -0.12 +/- 0.07; O = 0.04 +/- 0.05 J.l(-1) ) changed significantly with age (P < 0.05). With aging, a parallel displacement of the chest wall pressure-volume curve resulted in a shift from energy being stored primarily during expiration to energy storage during inspiration, and driving expiration, both at rest and during exercise. Although deviating significantly from young adults, this did not significantly elevate static inspiratory muscle work but resulted in a redistribution of the tissues on which this work was performed and the phase of the respiratory cycle in which it occurred. Nevertheless, static inspiratory muscle work remained similar across age groups, at rest and during exercise, and habitual physical activity failed to influence these changes.  相似文献   

Sara Y  Virmani T  Deák F  Liu X  Kavalali ET 《Neuron》2005,45(4):563-573
Spontaneous synaptic vesicle fusion is a common property of all synapses. To trace the origin of spontaneously fused vesicles in hippocampal synapses, we tagged vesicles with fluorescent styryl dyes, antibodies against synaptotagmin-1, or horseradish peroxidase. We could show that synaptic vesicles recycle at rest, and after spontaneous exo-endocytosis, they populate a reluctantly releasable pool of limited size. Interestingly, vesicles in this spontaneously labeled pool were more likely to re-fuse spontaneously compared to vesicles labeled with activity. We found that blocking vesicle refilling at rest selectively depleted neurotransmitter from spontaneously fusing vesicles without significantly altering evoked transmission. Furthermore, in the absence of the vesicle SNARE protein synaptobrevin (VAMP), activity-dependent and spontaneously recycling vesicles could mix, suggesting a role for synaptobrevin in the separation of the two pools. Taken together these results suggest that spontaneously recycling vesicles and activity-dependent recycling vesicles originate from distinct pools with limited cross-talk with each other.  相似文献   

The instantaneous pressure applied by the respiratory muscles [Pmus(t)] of a patient under ventilatory support may be continuously assessed with the help of a model of the passive respiratory system updated cycle by cycle. Inspiratory activity (IA) is considered present when Pmus goes below a given threshold. In six patients, we compared IA with (i) inspiratory activity (IAref) obtained from esophageal pressure and diaphragmatic EMG and (ii) that (IAvent) detected by the ventilator. In any case, a ventilator support onset coincides with an IA onset but the opposite is not true. IA onset is always later than IAref beginning ((0.21 +/- 0.10 s) and IA end always precedes IAref end (0.46 +/- 0.16 s). These results clearly deteriorate when the model is not updated.  相似文献   

Glucose ingestion at rest and during prolonged exercise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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