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Concurrent naive and memory CD8(+) T cell responses to an influenza A virus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Memory Thy-1(+)CD8(+) T cells specific for the influenza A virus nucleoprotein (NP(366-374)) peptide were sorted after staining with the D(b)NP(366) tetramer, labeled with CFSE, and transferred into normal Thy-1.2(+) recipients. The donor D(b)NP(366)(+) T cells recovered 2 days later from the spleens of the Thy-1.2(+) hosts showed the CD62L(low)CD44(high)CD69(low) phenotype, characteristic of the population analyzed before transfer, and were present at frequencies equivalent to those detected previously in mice primed once by a single exposure to an influenza A virus. Analysis of CFSE-staining profiles established that resting tetramer(+) T cells divided slowly over the next 30 days, while the numbers in the spleen decreased about 3-fold. Intranasal infection shortly after cell transfer with a noncross-reactive influenza B virus induced some of the donor D(b)NP(366)(+) T cells to cycle, but there was no increase in the total number of transferred cells. By contrast, comparable challenge with an influenza A virus caused substantial clonal expansion, and loss of the CFSE label. Unexpectedly, the recruitment of naive Thy-1.2(+)CD8(+)D(b)NP(366)(+) host D(b)NP(366)(+) T cells following influenza A challenge was not obviously diminished by the presence of the memory Thy-1.1(+)CD8(+)D(b)NP(366)(+) donor D(b)NP(366)(+) set. Furthermore, the splenic response to an epitope (D(b)PA(224)) derived from the influenza acid polymerase (PA(224-233)) was significantly enhanced in the mice given the donor D(b)NP(366)(+) memory population. These experiments indicate that an apparent recall response may be comprised of both naive and memory CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

流感病毒是长期威胁人类健康最主要的病毒之一.灭活流感疫苗主要产生针对病毒血凝素的菌株特异性抗体,当新出现的流感病毒株与疫苗株不匹配时,疫苗的有效性将会大大降低.由于季节性流感病毒的抗原漂移和突变的持续出现,人们迫切地需要找到更广泛的保护方式.在以往的研究中,人们逐渐意识到细胞免疫的重要性,尤其是预先存在的记忆T细胞能靶...  相似文献   

Reverse genetics was used to analyze the host range of two avian influenza viruses which differ in their ability to replicate in mouse and human cells in culture. Engineered viruses carrying sequences encoding amino acids 362 to 581 of PB2 from a host range variant productively infect mouse and human cells.  相似文献   

The synthetic peptide comprising the 317-341 region of human influenza A virus (H1N1 subtype) hemagglutinin elicits peptide-specific antibody and helper T cell responses and confers protection against lethal virus infection. Molecular mapping of the 317-329 region, which encompasses the epitope recognized by peptide-specific T cells, revealed that the minimal size required for T cell activation was the 317-326 segment. The most likely peptide alignment, which placed 320Leu to pocket 1 of the I-E(d) peptide binding groove, was predicted by molecular mechanics calculations performed with the parental and with the Ala-substituted analogs. In line with the prediction data, the results of the peptide binding assay, where the relative binding efficiency to I-E(d) molecules expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells was monitored, identified the 320-326 core sequence interacting with the major histocompatibility class II peptide binding groove. Functional analysis of Ala-substituted variants by functional assays and by calculating the surface-accessible areas of the single peptidic amino acids in the I-E(d)-peptide complexes demonstrated that 324Pro is a primary contact residue for the T cell receptor. Our results show that this type of analysis offers a suitable tool for molecular mapping of helper T cell epitopes and thus provides valuable data for subunit vaccine design.  相似文献   

There is a need to develop a universal vaccine against influenza virus infection to avoid developing new formulations of a seasonal vaccine each year. Many of the vaccine strategies for a universal vaccine target strain-conserved influenza virus proteins, such as the matrix, polymerase, and nucleoproteins, rather than the surface hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins. In addition, non-disease-causing viral vectors are a popular choice as a delivery system for the influenza virus antigens. As a proof-of-concept, we have designed a novel influenza virus immunogen based on the NP backbone containing human T cell epitopes for M1, NS1, NP, PB1 and PA proteins (referred as NPmix) as well as a construct containing the conserved regions of influenza virus neuraminidase (N-terminal) and hemagglutinin (C-terminal) (referred as NA-HA). DNA vectors and vaccinia virus recombinants expressing NPmix (WR-NP) or both NPmix plus NA-HA (WR-flu) in the cytosol were tested in a heterologous DNA-prime/vaccinia virus-boost vaccine regimen in mice. We observed an increase in the number of influenza virus-specific IFNγ-secreting splenocytes, composed of populations marked by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells producing IFNγ or TNFα. Upon challenge with influenza virus, the vaccinated mice exhibited decreased viral load in the lungs and a delay in mortality. These findings suggest that DNA prime/poxvirus boost with human multi-epitope recombinant influenza virus proteins is a valid approach for a general T-cell vaccine to protect against influenza virus infection.  相似文献   

A human memory T cell subset with stem cell-like properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunological memory is thought to depend on a stem cell-like, self-renewing population of lymphocytes capable of differentiating into effector cells in response to antigen re-exposure. Here we describe a long-lived human memory T cell population that has an enhanced capacity for self-renewal and a multipotent ability to derive central memory, effector memory and effector T cells. These cells, specific to multiple viral and self-tumor antigens, were found within a CD45RO(-), CCR7(+), CD45RA(+), CD62L(+), CD27(+), CD28(+) and IL-7Rα(+) T cell compartment characteristic of naive T cells. However, they expressed large amounts of CD95, IL-2Rβ, CXCR3, and LFA-1, and showed numerous functional attributes distinctive of memory cells. Compared with known memory populations, these lymphocytes had increased proliferative capacity and more efficiently reconstituted immunodeficient hosts, and they mediated superior antitumor responses in a humanized mouse model. The identification of a human stem cell-like memory T cell population is of direct relevance to the design of vaccines and T cell therapies.  相似文献   

CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) are required to restrain the immune system from mounting an autoaggressive systemic inflammatory response, but why their activity can prevent (or allow) organ-specific autoimmunity remains poorly understood. We have examined how TCR specificity contributes to Treg activity using a mouse model of spontaneous autoimmune arthritis, in which CD4(+) T cells expressing a clonotypic TCR induce disease by an IL-17-dependent mechanism. Administration of polyclonal Tregs suppressed Th17 cell formation and prevented arthritis development; notably, Tregs expressing the clonotypic TCR did not. These clonotypic Tregs exerted Ag-specific suppression of effector CD4(+) T cells using the clonotypic TCR in vivo, but failed to mediate bystander suppression and did not prevent Th17 cells using nonclonotypic TCRs from accumulating in joint-draining lymph nodes of arthritic mice. These studies indicate that the availability of Tregs with diverse TCR specificities can be crucial to their activity in autoimmune arthritis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. T cells play a central role in HCV clearance; however, there is currently little understanding of whether the disease outcome in HCV infection is influenced by the choice of TCR repertoire. TCR repertoires used against two immunodominant HCV determinants--the highly polymorphic, HLA-B*0801 restricted (1395)HSKKKCDEL(1403) (HSK) and the comparatively conserved, HLA-A*0101-restricted, (1435)ATDALMTGY(1443) (ATD)--were analyzed in clearly defined cohorts of HLA-matched, HCV-infected individuals with persistent infection and HCV clearance. In comparison with ATD, TCR repertoire selected against HSK was more narrowly focused, supporting reports of mutational escape in this epitope, in persistent HCV infection. Notwithstanding the Ag-driven divergence, T cell repertoire selection against either Ag was comparable in subjects with diverse disease outcomes. Biased T cell repertoires were observed early in infection and were evident not only in persistently infected individuals but also in subjects with HCV clearance, suggesting that these are not exclusively characteristic of viral persistence. Comprehensive clonal analysis of Ag-specific T cells revealed widespread use of public TCRs displaying a high degree of predictability in TRBV/TRBJ gene usage, CDR3 length, and amino acid composition. These public TCRs were observed against both ATD and HSK and were shared across diverse disease outcomes. Collectively, these observations indicate that repertoire diversity rather than particular Vβ segments are better associated with HCV persistence/clearance in humans. Notably, many of the anti-HCV TCRs switched TRBV and TRBJ genes around a conserved, N nucleotide-encoded CDR3 core, revealing TCR sequence mosaicism as a potential host mechanism to combat this highly variant virus.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a gamma-herpes virus which establishes latent, life-long infection in more than 95% of the human adult population. Despite its growth transforming capacity, most carriers control EBV associated malignacies efficiently and remain free of EBV+ tumors. Though EBV is controlled by a potent immune response, this virus uses latency to persist in vivo. This review summarizes work which has been done to characterize T cell responses to EBV. The CD8 T cell responses are rather well characterized and have been shown by several groups to be highly focused towards early lytic antigens. Much less is known about CD4 T cell epitopes, due to the small size of the CD4 compartment. However, recent data indicate a control of lytic and latent cycles of EBV by specific CD4+ T cells. A clear understanding of the T cell response to EBV is important with a view to developing immunotherapies for the virus and its related malignancies.  相似文献   

The correlation between properties of the T cell memory pool and the two regulatory mechanisms of cell death (apoptosis) and memory entry (differentiation) is investigated mathematically. Apoptosis of T cells occurs at the end of an immune response, removing unwanted activated T cells. T cells escaping apoptosis enter the memory pool composed of T cells specific for previously encountered antigens. We find that the relative efficiencies of these two pathways determine the clonal distribution and the long-term stability of the memory pool by regulating the number of new entries. The main result presented in this paper is that immunological memory of previously encountered pathogens cannot be erased by either severe or repeat infections with a particular pathogen (the diversity of the memory pool is ensured) only if apoptosis and/or memory differentiation are regulated by population dependent processes. Furthermore, vaccination properties are improved significantly by population dependent mechanisms and our mathematical analysis reveals that the T cell population must communicate with other parts of the immune system to ensure optimal performance of immunological memory.  相似文献   

To ensure immune tolerance, regulatory T cell (Treg) numbers must be maintained by cell division. This process has been thought to be strictly dependent on the Treg TCR interacting with MHC class II. In this study, we report that Treg division does not absolutely require cell-autonomous TCR signaling in vivo, depending on the degree of IL-2-mediated stimulation provided. At steady state IL-2 levels, Tregs require cell-autonomous TCR signaling to divide. However, when given exogenous IL-2 or when STAT5 is selectively activated in Tregs, Treg division can occur independently of MHC class II and TCR signaling. Thus, depending on the amount of IL-2R stimulation, a wide range of TCR signals supports Treg division, which may contribute to preservation of a diverse repertoire of Treg TCR specificities. These findings also have therapeutic implications, as TCR signaling by Tregs may not be required when using IL-2 to increase Treg numbers for treatment of inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   

Decline in cellular immunity in aging compromises protection against infectious diseases and leads to the increased susceptibility of the elderly to infection. In particular, Ag-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response against virus is markedly reduced in an aged immune system. It is of great importance to explore novel strategy in eliciting effective antiviral CTL activity in the elderly. In this study, the efficacy and mechanisms of immunization with immune complexes in overcoming age-associated deficiency in cellular immunity were investigated. In this study, we show that the severely depressed CTL response to influenza A in aged mice can be significantly restored by immunization with immune complexes consisting of influenza A virus and mAb to influenza A nucleoprotein. The main mechanisms underlying this recovery of CTL response induced by immune complex immunization in aged mice are enhanced dendritic cell function and elevated production of IFN-gamma in both CD4(+) Th1 and CD8(+) CTLs. Thus, these results demonstrate that immune complex immunization may represent a novel strategy to elicit effective virus-specific cytotoxic response in an aged immune system, and possibly, to overcome age-related immune deficiency in general.  相似文献   

In this work, we have tried to establish whether human memory T cells may be protected from Fas (CD95)-induced apoptosis when correctly activated by Ag, and not protected when nonspecifically or incorrectly activated. In particular, we wanted to investigate the molecular mechanisms that regulate the fate of memory T cells following an antigenic challenge. To address this issue, we chose an experimental system that closely mimics physiological T cell activation such as human T cell lines and clones specific for viral peptides or alloantigens. We demonstrate that memory T cells acquire an activation-induced cell death (AICD)-resistant phenotype when TCRs are properly engaged by specific Ag bound to MHC molecules. Ag concentration and costimulation are critical parameters in regulating the protective effect. The analysis of the mechanisms involved in the block of CD95 signal transduction pathways revealed that the crucial events are the inhibition of CD95-associated IL-1beta-converting enzyme (ICE)-like protease (FLICE) activation and poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase cleavage, and the mRNA expression of FLICE-like inhibitory protein. Furthermore, we have observed that TCR-mediated neosynthesis of FLICE-like inhibitory protein mRNA is suppressed either by protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors or cyclosporin A. In conclusion, the present analysis of the effects of TCR triggering on the regulation of AICD suggests that AICD could be inhibited in human memory T cells activated in vivo by a foreign Ag, but may become operative when the Ag has been cleared.  相似文献   

A role for TCR affinity in regulating naive T cell homeostasis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Homeostatic signals that control the overall size and composition of the naive T cell pool have recently been identified to arise from contact with self-MHC/peptide ligands and a cytokine, IL-7. IL-7 presumably serves as a survival factor to keep a finite number of naive cells alive by preventing the onset of apoptosis, but how TCR signaling from contact with self-MHC/peptide ligands regulates homeostasis is unknown. To address this issue, murine polyclonal and TCR-transgenic CD8+ cells expressing TCR with different affinities for self-MHC/peptide ligands, as depicted by the CD5 expression level, were analyzed for their ability to respond to and compete for homeostatic factors under normal and lymphopenic conditions. The results suggest that the strength of the TCR affinity determines the relative "fitness" of naive T cells to compete for factors that support cell survival and homeostatic proliferation.  相似文献   

Upon adoptive transfer into histocompatible mice, naive CD8(+) T cells stimulated ex vivo by TCR+IL-4 turn into long-lived functional memory cells. The liver contains a large number of so formed memory CD8(+) T cells, referred to as liver memory T cells (T(lm)) in the form of cell clusters. The CD62L(low) expression and nonlymphoid tissue distribution of T(lm) cells are similar to effector memory (T(em)) cells, yet their deficient cytotoxicity and IFN-γ inducibility are unlike T(em) cells. Adoptive transfer of admixtures of TCR+IL-4-activated Vβ8(+) and Vβ5(+) CD8(+) T cells into congenic hosts reveals T(lm) clusters that are composed of all Vβ5(+) or Vβ8(+), not mixed Vβ5(+)/Vβ8(+) cells, indicating that T(lm) clusters are formed by clonal expansion. Clonally expanded CD8(+) T cell clusters are also seen in the liver of Listeria monocytogenes-immune mice. T(lm) clusters closely associate with hepatic stellate cells and their formation is IL-15/IL-15R-dependent. CD62L(low) T(LM) cells can home to the liver and secondary lymphoid tissues, remain CD62L(low), or acquire central memory (T(cm))-characteristic CD62L(hi) expression. Our findings show the liver as a major site of CD8(+) memory T cell growth and that T(lm) cells contribute to the pool of peripheral memory cells. These previously unappreciated T(lm) characteristics indicate the inadequacy of the current T(em)/T(cm) classification scheme and help ongoing efforts aimed at establishing a unifying memory T cell development pathway. Lastly, our finding of T(lm) clusters suggests caution against interpreting focal lymphocyte infiltration in clinical settings as pathology and not normal physiology.  相似文献   

The results in this report indicate that the OKT3 monoclonal antibody, which is specific for a human T cell differentiation antigen present on 90 to 95% of peripheral T cells, can exert several effects that regulate the generation and expression of human influenza virus-immune cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). The OKT3 antibody, but not OKT1 or OKT11 (which bind to all peripheral T cells), is able to inhibit anti-influenza CTL effector cell activity. An F(ab')2 preparation of OKT3 IgG were as effective as whole IgG for the inhibition of CTL effectors, indicating that the inhibitory activity of the antibody was not a function of the Fc portion of the molecule. OKT3 IgG and OKT3 F(ab')2 fragments (but not OKT4, OKT8, or OKI were able to inhibit the generation of anti-influenza CTL. The culture of human lymphoid cells with OKT3 in the presence or absence of influenza virus induced radioresistant cells that could suppress the CTL response of fresh autologous lymphocytes to influenza. These results suggest that T cell functions can be regulated by signals that are initiated by the binding of antibody to cell surface molecules that may not be related to the T cell antigen-specific receptor(s).  相似文献   

Since the number of human cases of infection with avian H5N1 influenza viruses is ever increasing, a pandemic outbreak caused by these viruses is feared. Therefore, in addition to virus-specific antibodies, there is considerable interest in immune correlates of protection against these viruses, which could be a target for the development of more universal vaccines. After infection with seasonal influenza A viruses of the H3N2 and H1N1 subtypes, individuals develop virus-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses, which are mainly directed against the relatively conserved internal proteins of the virus, like the nucleoprotein (NP). Virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are known to contribute to protective immunity against infection, but knowledge about the extent of cross-reactivity with avian H5N1 influenza viruses is sparse. In the present study, we evaluated the cross-reactivity with H5N1 influenza viruses of polyclonal CTL obtained from a group of well-defined HLA-typed study subjects. To this end, the recognition of synthetic peptides representing H5N1 analogues of known CTL epitopes was studied. In addition, the ability of CTL specific for seasonal H3N2 influenza virus to recognize the NP of H5N1 influenza virus or H5N1 virus-infected cells was tested. It was concluded that, apart from some individual epitopes that displayed amino acid variation between H3N2 and H5N1 influenza viruses, considerable cross-reactivity exists with H5N1 viruses. This preexisting cross-reactive T-cell immunity in the human population may dampen the impact of a next pandemic.  相似文献   

A model of human immunodeficiency virus infection in T helper cell clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a mathematical model of the activation and proliferation of a clone of T helper cells in response to a replicating antigen. This is able to show types of behaviour akin to persistent infection and to immune memory. This model is expanded to include the infection and destruction of activated T helper cells by human immunodeficiency virus and the growth of a population of circulating human immunodeficiency virus. The resulting model is used to investigate the circumstances under which the human immunodeficiency virus can destabilize persistent infections and destroy immune memory, and to illustrate the impact of antigenic stimulation of infected T helper cell clones upon human immunodeficiency virus replication rates.  相似文献   

A process comprising of size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and anion-exchange chromatography (AEC) was investigated for downstream processing of cell culture-derived influenza A virus. Human influenza virus A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) was propagated in serum-free medium using MDCK cells as a host. Concentrates of the virus were prepared from clarified and inactivated cell culture supernatants by cross-flow ultrafiltration as described before. SEC on Sepharose 4 FF resulted in average product yields of 85% based on hemagglutination (HA) activity. Productivity was maximized to 0.15 column volumes (cv) of concentrate per hour yielding a reduction in total protein and host cell DNA (hcDNA) to 35 and 34%, respectively. AEC on Sepharose Q XL was used to separate hcDNA from virus at a salt concentration of 0.65 M sodium chloride. Product yields >80% were achieved for loads >160 kHAU/mL of resin. The reduction in hcDNA was 67-fold. Split peak elution and bimodal particle volume distributions suggested aggregation of virions. Co-elution with hcDNA and constant amounts of hcDNA per dose indiciated association of virions to hcDNA. An overall product yield of 52% was achieved. Total protein was reduced more than 19-fold; hcDNA more than 500-fold by the process. Estimation of the dose volume from HA activity predicted a protein content at the limit for human vaccines. Reduction of hcDNA was found insufficient (about 500 ng per dose) requiring further optimization of AEC or additional purification steps. All operations were selected to be scalable and independent of the virus strain rendering the process suitable for vaccine production.  相似文献   

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