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The role of Th17 cells in cancer patients remains unclear and controversial. In this study, we have analyzed the phenotype of in vitro primed Th17 cells and further characterized their function on the basis of CCR4 and CCR6 expression. We show a novel function for a subset of IL-17-secreting CD4(+) T cells, namely, CCR4(+)CCR6(+)Th17 cells. When cultured together, CCR4(+)CCR6(+)Th17 cells suppressed the lytic function, proliferation, and cytokine secretion of both Ag-specific and CD3/CD28/CD2-stimulated autologous CD8(+) T cells. In contrast, CCR4(-)CCR6(+) CD4(+) T cells, which also secrete IL-17, did not affect the CD8(+) T cells. Suppression of CD8(+) T cells by CCR4(+)CCR6(+)Th17 cells was partially dependent on TGF-β, because neutralization of TGF-β in cocultures reversed their suppressor function. In addition, we also found an increase in the frequency of CCR4(+)CCR6(+), but not CCR4(-)CCR6(+) Th17 cells in peripheral blood of hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Our study not only underlies the importance of analysis of subsets within Th17 cells to understand their function, but also suggests Th17 cells as yet another immune evasion mechanism in hepatocellular carcinoma. This has important implications when studying the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, as well as designing effective immunotherapy protocols for patients with cancer.  相似文献   

The generation and maintenance of virus-specific CD4(+) T cells in humans are not well understood. We used short in vitro stimulation assays followed by intracellular cytokine staining to characterize the timing, magnitude, and Ag specificity of CD4(+) T cells over the course of primary EBV infection. Lytic and latent protein-specific CD4(+) T cells were readily detected at presentation with acute infectious mononucleosis and declined rapidly thereafter. Responses to BZLF-1, BMLF-1, and Epstein-Barr nuclear Ag-3A were more commonly detected than responses to Epstein-Barr nuclear Ag-1. Concurrent analyses of BZLF-1-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells revealed differences in the expansion, specificity, and stability of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell-mediated responses over time. Peripheral blood EBV load directly correlated with the frequency of EBV-specific CD4(+) T cell responses at presentation and over time, suggesting that EBV-specific CD4(+) T cell responses are Ag-driven.  相似文献   

Due to their potent immunostimulatory capacity, dendritic cells (DC) have become the centerpiece of many vaccine regimens. Immature DC (DCimm) capture, process, and present Ags to CD4(+) lymphocytes, which reciprocally activate DCimm through CD40, and the resulting mature DC (DCmat) loose phagocytic capacity, but acquire the ability to efficiently stimulate CD8(+) lymphocytes. Recombinant vaccinia viruses (rVV) provide a rapid, easy, and efficient method to introduce Ags into DC, but we observed that rVV infection of DCimm results in blockade of DC maturation in response to all activation signals, including CD40L, monocyte-conditioned medium, LPS, TNF-alpha, and poly(I:C), and failure to induce a CD8(+) response. By contrast, DCmat can be infected with rVV and induce a CD8(+) response, but, having lost phagocytic activity, fail to process the Ag via the exogenous class II pathway. To overcome these limitations, we used the CMV protein pp65 as a model Ag and designed a gene containing the lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 targeting sequence (Sig-pp65-LAMP1) to target pp65 to the class II compartment. DCmat infected with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 induced proliferation of pp65-specific CD4(+) clones and efficiently induced a pp65-specific CD4(+) response, suggesting that after DC maturation the intracellular processing machinery for class II remains intact for at least 16 h. Moreover, infection of DCmat with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 resulted in at least equivalent presentation to CD8(+) cells as infection with rVV-pp65. These results demonstrate that despite rVV interference with DCimm maturation, a single targeting vector can deliver Ags to DCmat for the effective simultaneous stimulation of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells.  相似文献   

Immunity to the opportunistic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is dependent on cell-mediated immunity. Individuals with defects in cellular immunity, CD4(+) T cells in particular, are susceptible to infection with this pathogen. In host defense against a number of pathogens, CD8(+) T cell responses are dependent upon CD4(+) T cell help. The goal of these studies was to determine whether CD4(+) T cells are required for the generation of antifungal CD8(+) T cell effectors during pulmonary C. neoformans infection. Using a murine intratracheal infection model, our results demonstrated that CD4(+) T cells were not required for the expansion and trafficking of CD8(+) T cells to the site of infection. CD4(+) T cells were also not required for the generation of IFN-gamma-producing CD8(+) T cell effectors in the lungs. In CD4(-) mice, depletion of CD8(+) T cells resulted in increased intracellular infection of pulmonary macrophages by C. neoformans, increasing the pulmonary burden of the infection. Neutralization of IFN-gamma in CD4(-)CD8(+) mice similarly increased macrophage infection by C. neoformans, thereby blocking the protection provided by CD8(+) T cells. Altogether, these data support the hypothesis that effector CD8(+) T cell function is independent of CD4(+) T cells and that IFN-gamma production from CD8(+) T cells plays a role in controlling C. neoformans by limiting survival of C. neoformans within macrophages.  相似文献   

The lung is an important entry site for respiratory pathogens such as influenza A virus. In order to combat such invading infectious agents, effector/memory T cells home to the lung and other peripheral tissues as well as lymphoid organs. In this process, chemokines and their receptors fulfill important roles in the guidance of T cells into such organs and specialized microenvironments within tissues. In this study, we determined if CD4(+) T cells residing in different lung compartments and draining lymph nodes of influenza A virus-infected and na?ve mice express receptors allowing their recirculation into secondary lymphoid tissues. We found high levels of l-selectin and CC chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7) expression in lung-derived CD4(+) T cells, similar to that detected on T cells in secondary lymphoid organs. Upon influenza A virus infection, the bulk of gamma interferon-positive (IFN-gamma(+)) and IFN-gamma(-) CD4(+) T cells recovered from lung parenchyma retained functional CCR7, whereas virus-specific IFN-gamma-producing T cells were CCR7(-). In contrast, a majority of virus-specific IFN-gamma(+) T cells in the lung draining lymph node were CCR7(+). Independent of infection, CD4(+) T cells obtained from the lung airways exhibited the lowest expression level of l-selectin and CCR7, indicating that T cells at this anatomical site represent the most differentiated effector cell type, lacking the ability to recirculate. Our results suggest that effector/memory T cells that enter inflammatory sites retain functional CCR7 expression, which is lost only upon response to viral antigen and after localization to the final effector site.  相似文献   

Blockade of costimulatory signals is a promising therapeutic target to prevent allograft rejection. In this study, we sought to characterize to what extent CTLA-4 engagement contributes to the development of transplantation tolerance under the cover of CD40/CD40L and CD28/CD86 blockade. In vitro, we found that inhibition of the primary alloresponse and induction of alloantigen hyporesponsiveness by costimulation blockade was abrogated by anti-CTLA-4 mAb. In addition, regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells (T(REG)) were confirmed to play a critical role in the induction of hyporesponsiveness by anti-CD40L and anti-CD86 mAb. Our data indicated that CTLA-4 engagement is not required for activation or suppressor function of T(REG). Instead, in the absence of either CTLA-4 signaling or T(REG), CD8(+) T cell division was enhanced, whereas the inhibition of CD4(+) T cell division by costimulation blockade remained largely unaffected. In vivo, the administration of additional anti-CTLA-4 mAb abrogated anti-CD40L- and anti-CD86 mAb-induced cardiac allograft survival. Correspondingly, rejection was accompanied by enhanced allograft infiltration of CD8(+) cells. We conclude that CTLA-4 signaling and T(REG) independently cooperate in the inhibition of CD8(+) T cell expansion under costimulation blockade.  相似文献   

The CD16(+) monocyte (Mo) subset produces proinflammatory cytokines and is expanded in peripheral blood during progression to AIDS, but its contribution to HIV pathogenesis is unclear. In this study, we investigate the capacity of human CD16(+) and CD16(-) Mo subsets to render resting CD4(+) T cells permissive for HIV replication. We demonstrate that CD16(+) Mo preferentially differentiate into macrophages (Mphi) that activate resting T cells for productive HIV infection by producing the CCR3 and CCR4 ligands CCL24, CCL2, CCL22, and CCL17. CD16(+), but not CD16(-), Mo-derived Mphi from HIV-infected and -uninfected individuals constitutively produce CCL24 and CCL2. Furthermore, these chemokines stimulate HIV replication in CD16(-) Mo:T cell cocultures. Engagement of CCR3 and CCR4 by CCL24 and CCL2, respectively, along with stimulation via CD3/CD28, renders T cells highly permissive for productive HIV infection. Moreover, HIV replicates preferentially in CCR3(+) and CCR4(+) T cells. These findings reveal a new pathway of T cell costimulation for increased susceptibility to HIV infection via engagement of CCR3 and CCR4 by chemokines constitutively produced by CD16(+) Mo/Mphi. Thus, expansion of CD16(+) Mo in peripheral blood of HIV-infected patients and their subsequent recruitment into tissues may contribute to chronic immune activation and establishment of viral reservoirs in resting T cells.  相似文献   

Primary viral infections, including primary HIV infection, trigger intense activation of the immune system, with marked expansion of CD38(+)CD8(+) T cells. Whether this expansion involves only viral-specific cells or includes a degree of bystander activation remains a matter of debate. We therefore examined the activation status of EBV-, CMV-, and influenza virus (FLU)-specific CD8(+) T cells during primary HIV infection, in comparison to HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells. The activation markers CD38 and HLA-DR were strongly expressed on HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells. Surprisingly, CD38 expression was also up-regulated on CD8(+) T cells specific for other viruses, albeit to a lesser extent. Activation marker expression returned to normal or near-normal values after 1 year of highly active antiretroviral therapy. HIV viral load correlated with CD38 expression on HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells but also on EBV-, CMV-, and FLU-specific CD8(+) T cells. In primary HIV infection, EBV-specific CD8(+) T cells also showed increased Ki67 expression and decreased Bcl-2 expression, compared with values observed in HIV-seronegative control subjects. These results show that bystander activation occurs during primary HIV infection, even though HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells express the highest level of activation. The role of this bystander activation in lymphocyte homeostasis and HIV pathogenesis remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Gene expression in antigen-specific CD8+ T cells during viral infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Following infection with intracellular pathogens, Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells become activated and begin to proliferate. As these cells become activated, they elaborate effector functions including cytokine production and cytolysis. After the infection has been cleared, the immune system returns to homeostasis through apoptosis of the majority of the Ag-specific effector cells. The surviving memory cells can persist for extended periods and provide protection against reinfection. Little is known about the changes in gene expression as Ag-specific cells progress through these stages of development, i.e., naive to effector to memory. Using recombinant MHC class I tetramers, we isolated Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells from mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus at various time points and performed semiquantitative RT-PCR. We examined expression of: 1) genes involved in cell cycle control, 2) effector and regulatory functions, and 3) susceptibility to apoptosis. We found that Ag-specific CD8(+) memory T cells contain high steady-state levels of Bcl-2, BAX:, IFN-gamma, and lung Kruppel-like factor (LKLF), and decreased levels of p21 and p27 mRNA. Moreover, the pattern of gene expression between naive and memory cells is distinct and suggests that these two cell types control susceptibility to apoptosis through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this study, we have examined the relative contributions of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in controlling an acute or chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. To study acute infection, we used the LCMV Armstrong strain, which is cleared by adult mice in 8 to 10 days, and to analyze chronic infection, we used a panel of lymphocyte-tropic and macrophage-tropic variants of LCMV that persist in adult mice for several months. We show that CD4+ T cells are not necessary for resolving an acute LCMV infection. CD4+ T-cell-depleted mice were capable of generating an LCMV-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response and eliminated virus with kinetics similar to those for control mice. The CD8+ CTL response was critical for resolving this infection, since beta 2-microglobulin knockout (CD8-deficient) mice were unable to control the LCMV Armstrong infection and became persistently infected. In striking contrast to the acute infection, even a transient depletion of CD4+ T cells profoundly affected the outcome of infection with the macrophage- and lymphocyte-tropic LCMV variants. Adult mice given a single injection of anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody (GK1.5) at the time of virus challenge became lifelong carriers with high levels of virus in most tissues. Unmanipulated adult mice infected with the different LCMV variants contained virus for prolonged periods (> 3 months) but eventually eliminated infection from most tissues, and all of these mice had LCMV-specific CD8+ CTL responses. Although the level of CTL activity was quite low, it was consistently present in all of the chronically infected mice that eventually resolved the infection. These results clearly show that even in the presence of an overwhelming viral infection of the immune system, CD8+ CTL can remain active for long periods and eventually resolve and/or keep the virus infection in check. In contrast, LCMV-specific CTL responses were completely lost in chronically infected CD4-depleted mice. Taken together, these results show that CD4+ T cells are dispensable for short-term acute infection in which CD8+ CTL activity does not need to be sustained for more than 2 weeks. However, under conditions of chronic infection, in which CD8+ CTLs take several months or longer to clear the infection, CD4+ T-cell function is critical. Thus, CD4+ T cells play an important role in sustaining virus-specific CD8+ CTL during chronic LCMV infection. These findings have implications for chronic viral infections in general and may provide a possible explanation for the loss of human immunodeficiency virus-specific CD8+ CTL activity that is seen during the late stages of AIDS, when CD4+ T cells become limiting.  相似文献   

The low precursor frequency of individual virus-specific CD8(+) T cells in a naive host makes the early events of CD8(+) T cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation in response to viral infection a challenge to identify. We have therefore examined the response of naive CD8(+) T cells to pulmonary influenza virus infection with a murine adoptive transfer model using hemagglutinin-specific TCR transgenic CD8(+) T cells. Initial activation of CD8(+) T cells occurs during the first 3 days postinfection exclusively within the draining lymph nodes. Acquisition of CTL effector functions, including effector cytokine and granule-associated protease expression, occurs in the draining lymph nodes and differentially correlates with cell division. Division of activated CD8(+) T cells within the draining lymph nodes occurs in an asynchronous manner between days 3 and 4 postinfection. Despite the presence of Ag for several days within the draining lymph nodes, dividing T cells do not appear to maintain contact with residual Ag. After multiple cell divisions, CD8(+) T cells exit the draining lymph nodes and migrate to the infected lung. Activated CD8(+) T cells also disseminate throughout lymphoid tissue including the spleen and distal lymph nodes following their emigration from draining lymph nodes. These results demonstrate an important role for draining lymph nodes in orchestrating T cell responses during a local infection of a discrete organ to generate effector CD8(+) T cells capable of responding to infection and seeding peripheral lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is associated with impaired proliferative, cytokine, and cytotoxic effector functions of HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells that probably contribute significantly to viral persistence. Here, we investigated the potential role of T cells with a CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory phenotype in suppressing virus-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation during chronic HCV infection. In vitro depletion studies and coculture experiments revealed that peptide specific proliferation as well as gamma interferon production of HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells were inhibited by CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. This inhibition was dose dependent, required direct cell-cell contact, and was independent of interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor beta. Interestingly, the T-cell-mediated suppression in chronically HCV-infected patients was not restricted to HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells but also to influenza virus-specific CD8(+) T cells. Importantly, CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells from persons recovered from HCV infection and from healthy blood donors exhibited significantly less suppressor activity. Thus, the inhibition of virus-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation was enhanced in chronically HCV-infected patients. This was associated with a higher frequency of circulating CD4(+)CD25(+) cells observed in this patient group. Taken together, our results suggest that chronic HCV infection leads to the expansion of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells that are able to suppress CD8(+) T-cell responses to different viral antigens. Our results further suggest that CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells may contribute to viral persistence in chronically HCV-infected patients and may be a target for immunotherapy of chronic hepatitis C.  相似文献   

A CD8+ T cell lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood is associated with the establishment of latency following intranasal infection with murine gammaherpesvirus-68. Remarkably, a large percentage of the activated CD8+ T cells of mice expressing different MHC haplotypes express V beta 4+ TCR. Identification of the ligand driving the V beta 4+CD8+ T cell activation remains elusive, but there is a general correlation between V beta 4+CD8+ T cell stimulatory activity and establishment of latency in the spleen. In the current study, the role of CD4+ T cells in the V beta 4+CD8+ T cell expansion has been addressed. The results show that CD4+ T cells are essential for expansion of the V beta 4+CD8+ subset, but not other V beta subsets, in the peripheral blood. CD4+ T cells are required relatively late in the antiviral response, between 7 and 11 days after infection, and mediate their effect independently of IFN-gamma. Assessment of V beta 4+CD8+ T cell stimulatory activity using murine gammaherpesvirus-68-specific T cell hybridomas generated from latently infected mice supports the idea that CD4+ T cells control levels of the stimulatory ligand that drives the V beta 4+CD8+ T cells. As V beta 4+CD8+ T cell expansion also correlates with levels of activated B cells, these data raise the possibility that CD4+ T cell-mediated B cell activation is required for optimal expression of the stimulatory ligand. In addition, in cases of low ligand expression, there may also be a direct role for CD4+ T cell-mediated help for V beta 4+CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

The requirement for costimulation in antiviral CD8+ T cell responses has been actively investigated for acutely resolved viral infections, but it is less defined for CD8+ T cell responses to persistent virus infection. Using mouse polyoma virus (PyV) as a model of low-level persistent virus infection, we asked whether blockade of the CD40 ligand (CD40L) and CD28 costimulatory pathways impacts the magnitude and function of the PyV-specific CD8+ T response, as well as the humoral response and viral control during acute and persistent phases of infection. Costimulation blockade or gene knockout of either CD28 or CD40L substantially dampened the magnitude of the acute CD8+ T cell response; simultaneous CD28 and CD40L blockade severely depressed the acute T cell response, altered the cell surface phenotype of PyV-specific CD8+ T cells, decreased PyV VP1-specific serum IgG titers, and resulted in an increase in viral DNA levels in multiple organs. CD28 and CD40L costimulation blockade during acute infection also diminished the memory PyV-specific CD8+ T cell response and serum IgG titer, but control of viral persistence varied between mouse strains and among organs. Interestingly, we found that CD28 and CD40L costimulation is dispensable for generating and/or maintaining PyV-specific CD8+ T cells during persistent infection; however, blockade of CD27 and CD28 costimulation in persistently infected mice caused a reduction in PyV-specific CD8+ T cells. Taken together, these data indicate that CD8+ T cells primed within the distinct microenvironments of acute vs persistent virus infection differ in their costimulation requirements.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play a central role in the control of persistent HIV infection in humans. The kinetics and general features of the CTL response are similar to those found during other persisting virus infections in humans. During chronic infection there are commonly between 0.1 and 1.0% of all CD8+ T cells in the blood that are specific for immunodominant virus epitopes, as measured by HLA class I peptide tetramers. These figures are greatly in excess of the numbers found by limiting dilution assays; the discrepancy may arise because in the latter assay, CTLs have to divide many times to be detected and many of the HIV-specific CD8+ T cells circulating in infected persons may be incapable of further division. Many tetramer-positive T cells make interferon-gamma, beta-chemokines and perforin, so are probably functional. It is not known how fast these T cells turn over, but in the absence of antigen they decay in number. Impairment of CTL replacement, because CD4+ T helper cells are depleted by HIV infection, may play a major role in the development of AIDS.  相似文献   

In vivo studies have shown that regulatory CD4(+) T cells regulate conventional CD4(+) T cell responses to self- and environmental Ags. However, it remains unclear whether regulatory CD4(+) T cells control CD8(+) T cell responses to self, directly, or indirectly by decreasing available CD4(+) T cell help. We have developed an experimental mouse model in which suppressive and helper T cells cannot mediate their functions. The mouse chimeras generated were not viable and rapidly developed multiple organ autoimmunity. These features were correlated with strong CD8(+) T cell activation and accumulation in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs. In vivo Ab treatment and secondary transfer experiments demonstrated that regulatory CD4(+) T cells play an important direct role in the prevention of peripheral CD8(+) T cell-mediated autoimmunity.  相似文献   

CCR8 was initially described as a Th2 cell-restricted receptor, but this has not been fully tested in vivo. The present study used ex vivo and in vivo approaches to examine the distribution and functional significance of CCR8 among CD4+ T cells. Populations of cytokine-secreting CD4+ T cells were generated in primed mice with Th1 or Th2 cell-mediated pulmonary granulomas, respectively elicited by i.v. challenge with either Mycobacteria bovis purified protein derivative- or Schistosoma mansoni egg Ag (SEA)-coated beads. Cytokine-producing CD4+ T cells were isolated from Ag-stimulated draining lymph node cultures by positive selection. Quantitative analysis of cytokine mRNA indicated enriched populations of IFN-gamma-, IL-4-, and IL-10-producing cells. Analysis of chemokine receptor mRNA indicated that IL-10+ cells selectively expressed CCR8 in the SEA bead-elicited type 2 response. The IL-10+CCR8+ populations were CD25+ and CD44+ but lacked enhanced Foxp3 expression. Adoptive transfer to naive recipients indicated that IL-10+ T cells alone could not transfer type 2 inflammation. Analysis of SEA bead-challenged CCR8-/- mice indicated significantly impaired IL-10 production as well as reductions in granuloma eosinophils. Adoptive transfer of CD4+CCR8+/+ T cells corrected cytokine and inflammation defects, but the granuloma eosinophil recruitment defect persisted when donor cells were depleted of IL-10+ cells. Accordingly, local IL-10 production correlated with CCR8 ligand (CCL1) expression and the appearance of CCR8+ cells in granulomatous lungs. Thus, IL-10-producing, CCR8+CD4+CD25+CD44+ T cells are generated during SEA challenge, which augment the Th2-mediated eosinophil-rich response to the parasite Ags.  相似文献   

The uptake, transport, and presentation of Ags by lung dendritic cells (DCs) are central to the initiation of CD8 T cell responses against respiratory viruses. Although several studies have demonstrated a critical role of CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs for the initiation of cytotoxic T cell responses against the influenza virus, the underlying mechanisms for its potent ability to prime CD8 T cells remain poorly understood. Using a novel approach of fluorescent lipophilic dye-labeled influenza virus, we demonstrate that CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs are the dominant lung DC population transporting influenza virus to the posterior mediastinal lymph node as early as 20 h postinfection. By contrast, CD11b(high)CD103(neg) DCs, although more efficient for taking up the virus within the lung, migrate poorly to the lymph node and remain in the lung to produce proinflammatory cytokines instead. CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs efficiently load viral peptide onto MHC class I complexes and therefore uniquely possess the capacity to potently induce proliferation of naive CD8 T cells. In addition, the peptide transporters TAP1 and TAP2 are constitutively expressed at higher levels in CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs, providing, to our knowledge, the first evidence of a distinct regulation of the Ag-processing pathway in these cells. Collectively, these results show that CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs are functionally specialized for the transport of Ag from the lung to the lymph node and also for efficient processing and presentation of viral Ags to CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

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