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We examined the potential role of fibronectin in chemotactic factor stimulation of neutrophil adherence to plastic. Monoclonal antibody to human fibronectin significantly reduced chemotactic peptide stimulation of adherence but did not reduce adherence stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate or aggregation stimulated by either agent. Stimulation of neutrophils by chemotactic peptide was also associated with loss of cell surface fibronectin detected by immunofluorescence or binding of radiolabeled collagen. These data suggest that chemotactic peptides stimulate neutrophils to release Fn and that Fn mediates the attachment of neutrophils to plastic surfaces.  相似文献   

The ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) from yeast mitochondria has been reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles essentially according to the procedure described for the reconstitution of AAC from bovine heart mitochondria (Kr?mer and Heberger (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 863, 289-296). Liposomes were prepared from the mixed micelles of dodecyl octaoxyethylene ether (C12E8)-solubilized protein and egg yolk phosphatidylcholine by removing the detergent with Amberlite treatment. The micelles were treated with Amberlite either by repeatedly passing through small columns filled with Amberlite XAD-2 beads or by stepwise addition of Amberlite beads to the micelles. All the important variables of the reconstitution components were kept at optimal level and the liposomes obtained by both the methods of Amberlite treatment were analysed for (3H)CAT binding, orientation of AAC and nucleotide exchange activity. Reconstituted AAC showed 80% right side out orientation in the liposomes prepared by either procedure. Lipsomes prepared by the Amberlite column procedure exhibited higher CAT binding but lower ADP exchange activity. Liposome preparation by the stepwise addition of Amberlite is suggested to be the method of choice for functional reconstitution of yeast AAC in view of the higher nucleotide transport activity associated with the liposomes prepared by this method.  相似文献   

One of the major evolutionary events that transformed an endosymbiotic bacterium into a mitochondrion was the acquisition of the ATP/ADP carrier (AAC) in order to supply the host with respiration-derived ATP. Along with the mitochondrial carrier, an unrelated carrier is known, which is characteristic of intracellular chlamydiae, plastids, parasitic intracellular eukaryote Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and the genus Rickettsia of obligate endosymbiotic α-proteobacteria. This nonmitochondrial carrier was recently described in rickettsia-like endosymbionts (RLE), a group of obligate intracellular bacteria classified with the order Rickettsiales, which have diverged after free-living α-proteobacteria but before sister groups of the Rickettsiaceae assemblage (true rickettsiae) and mitochondria. Published controversial phylogenetic data on nonmitochondrial AAC were re-analyzed in the present work, using both DNA and protein sequences and various methods including Bayesian analysis. The data presented are consistent with the classic endosymbiont theory for the origin of mitochondria and suggest that even the last but one common ancestor of rickettsiae and organelles was an endosymbiotic bacterium, in which AAC first originated.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) is generally believed to function as a homodimer (Wt. Wt). It remains unknown whether the two monomers possess two independent but fully anticooperative channels or they form a single central channel for nucleotide transport. Here we generated fusion proteins consisting of two tandem covalent-linked AAC monomers and studied the kinetics of ADP/ATP transport in reconstituted proteoliposomes. Functional 64-kDa fusion proteins Wt-Wt and Wt-R294A (wild-type AAC linked to a mutant having low ATP transport activity) were expressed in mitochondria of yeast transformants. Compared to homodimer Wt. Wt, the fusion protein Wt-Wt retained the transport activity and selectivity of ADP versus ATP. The strongly divergent selectivities of Wt and R294A were partially propagated in the Wt-R294A fusion protein, suggesting a limited cooperativity during solute translocation. The rates of ADP or ATP transport were significantly higher than those predicted by the two-channel model. Fusion proteins for Wt-R204L (Wt linked to an inactive mutant) and R204L-Wt were not expressed in aerobically grown yeast cells, which contained plasmid rearrangements that regenerated the fully active 32-kDa homodimer Wt. Wt, suggesting that these fusion proteins are inactive in ADP/ATP transport. These results favor a single binding center gated pore model [Klingenberg, M. (1991) in A Study of Enzymes, Vol. 2: pp. 367-388] in which two AAC subunits cooperate for a coordinated ADP/ATP exchange through a single channel.  相似文献   

The adenine nucleotide carrier, or Ancp, is an integral protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is established that the inactive Ancp bound to one of its inhibitors (CATR or BA) is a dimer, but different contradictory models were proposed over the past years to describe the organization of the active Ancp. In order to decide in favor of a single model, it is necessary to establish the orientations of the N- and C-termini and thus the parity of the Ancp transmembrane segments (TMS). According to this, we have constructed a gene encoding a covalent tandem dimer of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Anc2p and we demonstrate that it is stable and active in vivo as well as in vitro. The properties of the isolated dimer are strongly similar to those of the native Anc2p, as seen from nucleotide exchange and inhibitor binding experiments. We can therefore conclude that the native Anc2p has an even number of TMS and that the N- and C-terminal regions are exposed to the same cellular compartment. Furthermore, our results support the idea of a minimal dimeric functional organization of the Ancp in the mitochondrial membrane and we can suggest that TMS 1 of one monomer and TMS 6 of the other monomer in the native dimer are very close to each other.  相似文献   

The expression of a key mitochondrial membrane component, the ADP/ATP carrier, was investigated in two aerobic yeast species, Kluyveromyces lactis and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Although the two species differ very much in their respiratory capacity, the expression of the carrier in both yeast species was decreased under partially anaerobic conditions and was induced by nonfermentable carbon sources. The single ADP/ATP carrier encoding gene was deleted in S. pombe. The null mutant exhibits impaired growth properties, especially when cultivated at reduced oxygen tension, and is unable to grow on a nonfermentable carbon source. Our results suggest that the inability of K. lactis and S. pombe to grow under anaerobic conditions can be related in part to the absence of a functional ADP/ATP carrier due to repression of the corresponding gene expression.  相似文献   

A concise review is given of the research in our laboratory on the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) and the uncoupling protein (UCP). Although homologous proteins, their widely different functions and contrasts are stressed. The pioneer role of research on the AAC, not only for the mitochondrial but also for other carriers, and the present state of their structure-function relationship is reviewed. The function of UCP as a highly regulated H+ carrier is described in contrast to the largely unregulated ADP/ATP exchange in AAC. General principles of carrier catalysis as derived from studies on the AAC and UCP are elucidated.  相似文献   

Anions were found to have a number of different effects on the reconstituted ADP / ATP carrier from mitochondria. (1) Binding of adenine nucleotides to the active site of the translocator is competitively inhibited by various anions. These anions can be arranged in a sequence of increasing competitive effect due to their order in a lyotropic series, and also due to increasing charge. (2) Apart from this competition effect, the presence of a sufficiently high concentration of anions turned out to be absolutely essential for functional ADP / ATP exchange in the reconstituted system. The activating anions too can be arranged in sequence, similar to that of the competition effect. The adenine nucleotide transport shows sigmoidal dependence on the stimulating anions with a Hill coefficient of n = 2. Addition of anions does not change the basic amount of functionally active translocator molecules. (3) The different effects of anions, i.e., inhibition and activation, were shown to take place at different sites and to be due to different mechanisms. Anions compete with substrates both at the outer (cytosolic) and at the inner (matrix) active site, whereas anion activation is observed solely by interaction with the cytosolic side of the translocator protein. (4) Activation of the reconstituted ADP / ATP exchange by anions could be discriminated from an activating influence of anionic phospholipids in the surroundings of the carrier protein.  相似文献   

Anions were found to have a number of different effects on the reconstituted ADP/ATP carrier from mitochondria. (1) Binding of adenine nucleotides to the active site of the translocator is competitively inhibited by various anions. These anions can be arranged in a sequence of increasing competitive effect due to their order in a lyotropic series, and also due to increasing charge. (2) Apart from this competition effect, the presence of a sufficiently high concentration of anions turned out to be absolutely essential for functional ADP/ATP exchange in the reconstituted system. The activating anions too can be arranged in sequence, similar to that of the competition effect. The adenine nucleotide transport shows sigmoidal dependence on the stimulating anions with a Hill coefficient of n = 2. Addition of anions does not change the basic amount of functionally active translocator molecules. (3) The different effects of anions, i.e., inhibition and activation, were shown to take place at different sites and to be due to different mechanisms. Anions compete with substrates both at the outer (cytosolic) and at the inner (matrix) active site, whereas anion activation is observed solely by interaction with the cytosolic side of the translocator protein. (4) Activation of the reconstituted ADP/ATP exchange by anions could be discriminated from an activating influence of anionic phospholipids in the surroundings of the carrier protein.  相似文献   

We have identified in a human cDNA library a clone (hp2F1) whose cognate RNA is growth-regulated. The insert has been sequenced and the nucleotide sequence shows a strong homology to the nucleotide sequences of the ADP/ATP carrier cDNA and gene, respectively, isolated from Neurospora crassa and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The putative amino acid sequence of hp2F1 shows an 87% homology to the amino acid sequence of the ADP/ATP carrier from beef heart mitochondria. We conclude that the insert of hp2F1 contains the full coding sequence of a human ADP/ATP carrier. The steady-state RNA levels of the ADP/ATP carrier are growth-regulated. They increase when quiescent cells are stimulated by serum, platelet-derived growth factor, or epidermal growth factor, but not by platelet-poor plasma or insulin. RNA levels of the ADP/ATP carrier decrease instead when growing HL-60 cells are induced to differentiate by either phorbol esters or retinoic acid.  相似文献   

Distinct steps in the import of ADP/ATP carrier into mitochondria   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
Transport of the precursor to the ADP/ATP carrier from the cytosol into the mitochondrial inner membrane was resolved into several consecutive steps. The precursor protein was trapped at distinct stages of the import pathway and subsequently chased to the mature form. In a first reaction, the precursor interacts with a protease-sensitive component on the mitochondrial surface. It then reaches intermediate sites in the outer membrane which are saturable and where it is protected against proteases. This translocation intermediate can be extracted at alkaline pH. We suggest that it is anchored to the membrane by a so far unknown proteinaceous component. The membrane potential delta psi-dependent entrance of the ADP/ATP carrier into the inner membrane takes place at contact sites between outer and inner membranes. Completion of translocation into the inner membrane can occur in the absence of delta psi. A cytosolic component which is present in reticulocyte lysate and which interacts with isolated mitochondria is required for the specific binding of the precursor to mitochondria.  相似文献   

The electrogenic transport of ATP and ADP by the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) was investigated by recording transient currents with two different techniques for performing concentration jump experiments: 1) the fast fluid injection method: AAC-containing proteoliposomes were adsorbed to a solid supported membrane (SSM), and the carrier was activated via ATP or ADP concentration jumps. 2) BLM (black lipid membrane) technique: proteoliposomes were adsorbed to a planar lipid bilayer, while the carrier was activated via the photolysis of caged ATP or caged ADP with a UV laser pulse. Two transport modes of the AAC were investigated, ATP(ex)-0(in) and ADP(ex)-0(in). Liposomes not loaded with nucleotides allowed half-cycles of the ADP/ATP exchange to be studied. Under these conditions the AAC transports ADP and ATP electrogenically. Mg(2+) inhibits the nucleotide transport, and the specific inhibitors carboxyatractylate (CAT) and bongkrekate (BKA) prevent the binding of the substrate. The evaluation of the transient currents yielded rate constants of 160 s(-1) for ATP and >/=400 s(-1) for ADP translocation. The function of the carrier is approximately symmetrical, i.e., the kinetic properties are similar in the inside-out and right-side-out orientations. The assumption from previous investigations, that the deprotonated nucleotides are exclusively transported by the AAC, is supported by further experimental evidence. In addition, caged ATP and caged ADP bind to the carrier with similar affinities as the free nucleotides. An inhibitory effect of anions (200-300 mM) was observed, which can be explained as a competitive effect at the binding site. The results are summarized in a transport model.  相似文献   

The ADP/ATP carrier was studied by a fluorescent substrate, formycin diphosphate which is the only fluorescent ADP analogue to bind. Its low quantum yield, short decay time and spectral overlap with tryptophan has as yet prevented its wider use.By incorporating fluorescent acceptors of formycin diphosphate fluorescence, anthracene-maleimide and vinylanthracene, into the membrane, these difficulties were circumvented. Only bound formycin diphosphate transfers energy to the probes so that the secondary emission of these probes is a measure for membrane-bound formycin diphosphate.The fluorescent transfer is inhibited by ADP, bongkrekate and carboxy-atractylate whether added before or after incubation of formycin diphosphate showing that only binding to the adenine nucleotide carrier is measured. It also shows directly that the earlier demonstrated ADP fixation by bongkrekate is indeed a displacement into the matrix.The fluorescence decay time of the bound formycin diphosphate is measured as 1.95 ns compared to 0.95 ns of the free formycin diphosphate, indicating that formycin diphosphate is bound at the carrier in a non-polar environment.The depolarization decay time was found to be larger than 15 ns, indicating that carrier-bound formycin diphosphate is immobile within this time period.  相似文献   

The terminal step of ATP synthesis in intact mitochondria is catalyzed by the ATP synthase (F(0)F(1)) that works in close synchrony with the P(i) and ADP/ATP carriers. Each carrier consists of only a single polypeptide chain in dimeric form, while the ATP synthase is highly complex consisting in animals of 17 known subunit types and more than 30 total subunits. Although structures at high resolution have been obtained for the water-soluble F(1) part of the ATP synthase consisting of only five subunit types, such structures have not been obtained for either the complete ATP synthase or the P(i) and ADP/ATP carriers. Here, we report that all three proteins are localized in highly purified cristae-like vesicles obtained by extensive subfractionation of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Moreover, using a multiwell detergent screening assay, 4 nonionic detergents out of 80 tested were found to disperse these cristae-like vesicles into single soluble complexes or "ATP synthasomes" that contain the ATP synthase in association with the P(i) and ADP/ATP carriers. These studies offer new mechanistic insights into the terminal steps of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and set the stage for future structural efforts designed to visualize in atomic detail the entire complex involved. They also provide evidence that the cristae are a subcompartment of the inner membrane.  相似文献   

A palmitoyl CoA-protein complex was isolated from bovine heart mitochondria and purified to homogeneity. The elution profile of the [14C]palmitoyl CoA bound protein from a hydroxyapatite column was identical to that seen when [3H]carboxyatractylate was used as the bound ligand. A sample of the palmitoyl CoA-protein complex from a peak fraction of the column appeared to be homogeneous by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The mobility of the protein bound with palmitoyl CoA was identical to the one bound with carboxyatractylate and the molecular weight was estimated to be 30,000 daltons. Compared to the stable palmitoyl CoA-protein complex, purification of the unliganded carrier from mitochondria at 22°C resulted in a disaggregated protein. These physical characteristics of the palmitoyl CoA-protein complex correspond to those identified for the ADPATP carrier. The results further confirm the specificity of the fatty acyl CoA ligand for the adenine nucleotide translocase and support the concept that it may be a physiological modulator of adenine nucleotide translocation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial and cytosolic ATP/ADP ratios in rat liver in vivo.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The ratio of ATP content/ADP content in livers from unanaesthetized fed rat was 0.9 in the mitochondrial matrix and 6.9 in the cytosol; the values for starved (48 h) animals were 1.0 and 5.9 respectively. The mitochondrial ratios observed in unanaesthetized animals were higher than in haemoglobin-free-perfused liver and lower than in isolated hepatocytes. Possible reasons for these differences may be related to oxygen supply and/or other factors. Further, data from anaesthetized rats with the liver exposed are given: mitochondrial ATP/ADP ratios were decreased with pentobarbital, but less so with ketamine as narcotic agent.  相似文献   

The ADP/ATP carrier of yeast (309 amino acids) is an abundant transmembrane protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane whose import involves well-defined steps (Pfanner, N., and Neupert, W. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 7528-7536). Analysis of the in vitro import of gene fusion products containing ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) sequences at the amino terminus and mouse dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) at the carboxyl terminus indicates that the first 72 amino acids of the soluble carrier protein, a hydrophilic region of the protein, are not by themselves sufficient for initial binding to the AAC receptor on the mitochondrial surface. However, an AAC-DHFR gene fusion containing the first 111 residues of the ADP/ATP carrier protein exhibited binding to mitochondria at low temperature (2 degrees C) and internalization at 25 degrees C to a mitochondrial space protected from proteinase K in the same manner as the wild-type ADP/ATP carrier protein. The AAC-DHFR protein, in contrast to the wild-type AAC protein imported into mitochondria under optimal conditions, remained extractable at alkaline pH and appeared to be blocked at an intermediate step in the AAC import pathway. Based on its extraction properties, this AAC-DHFR hybrid is proposed to be associated with a proteinaceous component of the import apparatus within mitochondria. These data indicate that the import determinants for the AAC protein are not located at its extreme amino terminus and that protein determinants distal to the first 111 residues of the carrier may be necessary to move the protein beyond the alkali-extractable step in the biogenesis of a functional AAC protein.  相似文献   

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