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A method was developed for fluorescent microassay of pepsin with a fluorescent reagent, fluorescamine, and a nonquenching substrate, succinyl-albumin. In this method hydrolysis of succinyl-albumin by pepsin at pH 2,0 was stopped by adding phosphate buffer, pH 6.1, and newly liberated amino groups in the reaction mixture were determined quantitatively by fluorescence after adding fluorescamine. Fluorescence increased linearly with 1.0 to 18 ng of hog pepsin. The assay was 200 times more sensitive than the modified micromethod of Anson [(1939) J. Gen. Phys.22, 79–89].  相似文献   

A microassay for protein determination using microwaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A spectrophotometric method for the microdetermination of periodate   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
1. A method is described for measuring the concentration of periodate over the range 0.2-20mum by adding 1,2-di-(p-dimethylaminophenyl)ethane-1,2-diol to a sample solution. Periodate cleaves this compound to from two molecules of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, the extinction of which is then read at 352mmu. 2. The method has been used to follow the course of periodate oxidations of serine methyl ester, ribonuclease A and ribonuclease S-protein. Addition of the reagent stops further periodate reaction by reducing the remaining periodate to iodate. 3. The presence of protein does not interfere with the assay.  相似文献   

A microassay for protein that is linear from 0.1 to 5 μg of protein and does not detect collagen has been developed. The assay is based on the ability of bromosulphophthalein (BSP) to form BSP-protein complexes which precipitate at low pH. Maximum precipitation occurs when 30 or more BSP molecules are bound per albumin molecule. Collagen is not detected because too little BSP binds to this protein to precipitate it. This assay should be of great value to those who grow dispersed cell cultures on a collagen substrate.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient microassay method for the titration of interferon was developed by the use of microtest plates for handling a large number of samples. L929 cells pretreated with interferon were infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and cultured in the presence of 3H-uridine. The activity was expressed by the reduction of extracellular radioactive RNA released after destruction of the infected cells, which was measured in terms of the radioactivity incorporated into cold TCA-insoluble materials in the culture fluid. The interferon titer determined by this method was in the same order as that by the plaque reduction method. The activity by this method was parallel to, but lower than that expressed by the yield reduction of infectious viruses. This method requires only 0.025 ml of each test sample with higher than 1 NIH ref. unit/ml to detect its interferon activity and takes 2 to 3 days for assaying hundreds of samples.  相似文献   

This report describes an accurate and sensitive method for quantitatively measuring periodate concentration. The substances used to determine periodate are 4(p-nitrophenoxy)1,2-butanediol and 4(2,4-dinitrophenoxy)1,2-butanediol. These substances are readily oxidized by periodate yielding β-nitrophenoxy aldehydes which undergoes a facile β-elimination in base to yield the colored nitrophenolate ion. The concentration of the nitrophenolate ion is thus equivalent to the concentration of periodate. This report documents the validity of this reaction as an analytical method. The method was shown to be capable of accurately measuring periodate in concentrations as low as 10?8M. Its value in biochemical analyses was demonstrated by quantitatively measuring the amount of periodate used to oxidize small quantities of adenosine 5′-phosphate, d-arabitol and d-glucose. Its accuracy, sensitivity and ease of use was shown by its utility in estimating the molecular weight of yeast transfer RNA using about 6 A260 units of this material.  相似文献   

Simple and rapid fluorimetric method for DNA microassay.   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
4′,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole · 2HCl (DAPI) forms a specific complex with DNA, and this fact has been used for the quantitative fluorimetric estimation of DNA. The method permits the estimation of concentrations of DNA as low as 5 × 10−10 g/ml, even in the presence of a 20-fold excess of RNA. Complex formation depends on the DNA to DAPI ratio, DNA structure, ionic strength, and the presence of essential bivalent anions and cations.  相似文献   

A simple microassay is described for determining protein levels in individual mosquitoes; this method should be useful on a routine basis in the field. This method requires only a small portion of a homogenate of a single mosquito. Sugar-fed adult female Anopheles albimanus showed a slow decline in protein level for 14 days post-emergence. Blood volumes and blood-meal protein levels were microassayed, and changes in protein level were monitored throughout the reproductive cycle. Blood-fed Anopheles albimanus protein levels return only slowly to pre-feeding levels following egg deposition.  相似文献   

Pinnell and Martin's [(1968) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA61, 708–716] standard assay for lysyl oxidase is modified to determine activity in small samples. Data collected by both methods are comparable, and the microassay has the advantages of being economical and rapid.  相似文献   

This report describes a microassay procedure for mammalian histidine decarboxylase (HDC) based on the measurement of [14C]O2 formed from l-[1-14C]histidine. This assay is particularly useful for quick measurement of HDC activity both in microgram quantities of cell or tissue extract and in tissues that contain significant levels of endogenous histamine.Using this assay, we have shown that the pH optimum, Km and thermolability of HDC are similar for extracts prepared both from normal rat peritoneal mast cells and from the Furth mouse mastocytoma. HDC activity could be detected in homogenates prepared from 105 rat mast cells, and it was expressed on a per cell basis. Mast cell HDC activity varied with the strain of rat from which the cells were obtained and with the season when they were assayed.  相似文献   

A microassay for ATPase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A newly developed microtechnique for quantitating activity of myosin ATPase (EC is more sensitive and less time-consuming than existing spectrophotometric methods. Measurement of ATPase activity using the new method can be accomplished in a final volume of 0.25 ml, allowing the assay to be conducted in individual wells of 96-well microplates commonly used for the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The microassay is performed by adding purified myosin to microplate wells followed by addition of ATP to initiate the enzymatic reaction. The reaction is subsequently terminated by addition of an acidic solution containing malachite green and ammonium molybdate. The level of inorganic phosphate produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of ATP is measured by scanning the microplates using a microELISA plate reader. An entire 96-well microplate can be scanned in less than 2 min, and data from the microassay can be transferred directly to a microprocessor for statistical analysis. The microassay is capable of detecting between 0.2 and 3 nmol of inorganic phosphate in a reaction volume of 50 microliter, and the ATPase activity of as little as 10 ng of rat cardiac myosin can be measured. The increased sensitivity compared with that of other spectrophotometric assays and ease of performing the microassay enable a detailed analysis of the enzymatic properties of cardiac myosin to be conducted on large numbers of small tissue specimens. Several kinetic properties of rat cardiac myosin were determined using this technique.  相似文献   

A microassay for elastin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An assay for insoluble elastin is described. The procedure involves isolation of elastin by 5 m guanidine and autoclaving. The residue is solubilized with elastase and the protein released estimated colorimetrically. This assay method is sensitive in the range: 50–300 μg.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid microassay for DNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A quantitative microassay for the detection of bacterial and tissue collagenase is presented. Collagen in acetic acid solution forms a thin, tenacious film upon contact with a dried agar surface. The digestion of the film by collagenase is detected by subsequent staining with Coomassie blue. Undigested film is stained dark blue while areas of collagenase digestion remain clear. The technique can be employed in two ways: with collagen-coated glass coverslips as a rapid screening method or with collagen-lined capillary tubes for precise quantitation. The assay has a sensitivity comparable to those assays using radioactively labeled collagen substrates and requires only 5 to 60 min of incubation.  相似文献   

Recent advances in gene sequencing and rational drug design have re-emphasized the need for new methods for protein analysis, classification, and structure and function prediction. In this article, we introduce a new method for analyzing protein sequences based on Sammon''s non-linear mapping algorithm. When applied to a family of homologous sequences, the method is able to capture the essential features of the similarity matrix, and provides a faithful representation of chemical or evolutionary distance in a simple and intuitive way. The merits of the new algorithm are demonstrated using examples from the protein kinase family.  相似文献   

Greenberg's fluorimetric assay for arylamidase N activity (1) has been standardized and modified for determination of the activity in small freezedried neural lobe tissue samples (0.2–1.0 μg).  相似文献   

An assay for UDP-glucuronic acid [J. Singh, L. R. Schwarz, and F. J. Wiebel, Biochem. J. 189, 369–372 (1980)] has been utilized for determining UDP-glucose dehydrogenase activity. The assay for UDP-glucuronic acid, a product of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase, is based on the fluorometric determination of -glucuronosyl benzo(a)pyrene. This compound is formed from UDP-glucuronic acid and 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene in a reaction catalyzed by the glycuronosyl transferase of guinea pig microsomes. Unreacted 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene is removed by extraction with chloroform-methanol, and the amount of gluconosylbenzo(a)pyrene formed is determined fluorometrically. Because this assay for UDP-glucose dehydrogenase is about 500 times more sensitive than spectrophotometric assays, it can be used to measure the amount of enzyme extractable from milligram quantities of connective tissue. Some kinetic properties of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase extracted from rabbit tissue have been determined. No evidence of different forms of the enzyme in rabbit liver, cartilage, or corneal stroma was found.  相似文献   

A microassay for proteolytic activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quantitative procedure for measuring proteolytic activity, utilizing azoalbumin as substrate, has been developed for use in microtiter plates. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reader is used to measure absorbance. The procedure is sensitive, as well as being both rapid and economical. It is particularly convenient for measuring large numbers of samples, such as fractions from column chromatography.  相似文献   

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