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Platelets were briefly fixed in paraformaldehyde/glutaraldehyde and then incubated with 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate under conditions suitable for the cytochemical detection of adenylate cyclase activity. The adenylate cyclase activity of these platelets retains the ability to respond to prostaglandins E1, D2, I2 (prostacyclin), forskolin and fluoride. Sites of stimulated adenylate cyclase activity were localized cytochemically by the reaction of lead with the reaction product imidodiphosphate to form deposits of lead imidodiphosphate that are visible in the electron microscope. Reaction product deposition was seen only in the dense tubule system of human platelets when the incubation medium contained forskolin, prostacyclin, or prostaglandin D2 at concentrations known to stimulate the enzyme in intact platelets. Epinephrine, an antagonist of adenylate cyclase inhibited the cytochemical reaction stimulated by prostacyclin. The fact that the cytochemical reaction was induced by agonists that stimulate the enzyme through two different types of prostaglandin receptors and by forskolin, which acts distal to the receptors, confirms that the method specifically detects adenylate cyclase. The presence of adenylate cyclase in the dense tubules may be significant for the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ and arachidonic acid metabolism by this membrane system.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural cytochemical localization of ouabain-sensitive, potassium dependent p-nitrophenyl phosphatase (K(+)-NPPase) of the Na(+)-/K(+)-ATPase complex and adenylate cyclase (cAMPase) activities, in washed inactivated human platelets, are described. The one-step lead-citrate method, under similar incubation conditions, was used to determine both activities. K(+)-NPPase appeared in both plasma membrane and the surface-connected canalicular system (SCCS) of the platelets. These data suggest a uniform distribution of the enzyme throughout membrane systems which are in contact with the external medium. cAMPase activity was strictly localized in tubules of the dense tubular system (DTS) when incubation medium contained prostaglandin E1, prostaglandin D2 or forskolin, at concentrations known to stimulate the enzyme in platelets that are intact. This fact and the inhibition of cytochemical reaction by thrombin confirm that the one-step lead-citrate method is a useful procedure in determining adenylate cyclase, abolishing the unfavorable conditions of previously reported methods.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural cytochemical localization of ouabain-sensitive, potassium dependent p-nitrophenyl phosphatase (K+-NPPase) of the Na+-/K+-ATPase complex and adenylate cyclase (cAMPase) activities, in washed inactivated human platelets, are described. The one-step lead-citrate method, under similar incubation conditions, was used to determine both activities. K+-NPPase appeared in both plasma membrane and the surface-connected canalicular system (SCCS) of the platelets. These data suggest a uniform distribution of the enzyme throughout membrane systems which are in contact with the external medium. cAMPase activity was strictly localized in tubules of the dense tubular system (DTS) when incubation medium contained prostaglandin E1, prostaglandin D2 or forskolin, at concentrations known to stimulate the enzyme in platelets that are intact. This fact and the inhibition of cytochemical reaction by thrombin confirm that the one-step lead-citrate method is a useful procedure in determining adenylate cyclase, abolishing the unfavorable conditions of previously reported methods.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural localization of adenylate cyclase was studied in bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes. Adenylate cyclase was observed on the plasma membrane of the oocyte and occasionally on the plasma membrane of cumulus cells. The cytochemical observations presented demonstrate that there is more adenylate cyclase in cumulus-oocyte complexes after in vitro stimulation with forskolin. The presence of adenylate cyclase upon the oocyte was more pronounced. In addition adenylate cyclase appeared to be localized on the cumulus cells, especially between junctional complexes of cumulus cells and on cumulus cell processes contacting the oocyte. The cumulus cells never showed the presence of adenylate cyclase in the absence of forskolin. No changes in the presence of adenylate cyclase were observed during in vitro meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

Summary Adenylate cyclase activity was demonstrated in the cilia, dendritic knob and axon of rat olfactory cells by using a strontium-based cytochemical method. The activity in the cilia and the dendritic knob was enhanced by non-hydrolyzable GTP (guanosine triphosphate) analogues and forskolin, and inhibited by Ca2+, all in agreement with biochemical reports of the odorant-sensitive adenylate cyclase. The results support the hypothesis of cyclic AMP working as a second messenger in olfactory transduction and imply that the transduction sites exist not only in the olfactory cilia but also in the dendritic knob. Enzymatic activity was also observed in the olfactory dendritic shaft by treating the tissue with 0.0002% Triton X-100, although the properties and role of the enzyme in this region are uncertain. The detergent inhibited the enzymatic activity in the cilia and the dendritic knob.  相似文献   

Summary The cytochemical localization of adenylate cyclase was studied in relation to the secretory function of the anterior pituitary glands of male rats. The reaction product of adenylate cyclase was localized on the outside of plasma membranes, but was not detected intracellularly. High activity of adenylate cyclase was detected on somatotrophs and microvilli of follicular cells, whereas no activity was found on thyrotrophs or corticotrophs. Although most of the gonadotrophs showed little or no adenylate-cyclase activity, some was detected in a small number of gonadotrophs in the central portion of the gland. In somatotrophs, activity was not detected on the plasma membranes facing perivascular spaces where exocytotic extrusion of secretory granules was frequently observed, although the remaining areas of plasma membranes of the same somatotrophs were associated with high levels of adenylate-cyclase activity. These findings indicate that the association of a high level of adenylate-cyclase activity is not directly related to the ability of the plasma membranes to fuse with secretory granule membranes.  相似文献   

Cytochemical localizations of adenylate cyclase and 3′,5′-nucleotide phosphodiesterase were performed on aggregating Dictytostelium discoideum myxamoebae. The adenylate cyclase reaction product was localized on the inner surface of the plasma membrane. The phosphodiesterase reaction product was localized on the outer surface of the plasma membrane. Differences in enzyme activity were noted according to the state of cell (isolated or aggregated) and according to the cell position in larger aggregates. Heavy precipitation indicative of adenylate cyclase activity was not observed in isolated amoebae, but was often observed in streams and in some cells of aggregates. The precipitation indicative of phosphodiesterase activity could be found in isolated amoebae and in peripheral cells of aggregates.  相似文献   

A series of 9-substituted adenine derivatives inhibited adenylate cyclase activity (ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing) EC of a particulate preparation of human blood platelets. A 3--6 fold elevation of adenylate cyclase activity by prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) was inhibited in a concentration-related manner by 9-(tetrahydro-5-methyl-2-furyl) adenine (SQ 22,538), 9-(tetrahydro-2-furyl) adenine (SQ 22,536), 9-cyclopentyladenine (SQ 22,534), 9-furfuryladenine (sQ 4647) and 9-benzyladenine (SQ 218611). The I50 values ranged from 21 microM for SQ 22,538 to 140 microM for SQ 21,611. These same adenine derivatives reversed the inhibition by PGE1 of ADP-induced aggregation and the PGE1-stimulated elevation of adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP). The reversal of platelet aggregation inhibition by SQ 22,536 and SQ 4647 was concentration-related with I50 values of 30 microM in each case, whereas SQ 22,534 and SQ 21,611 reversed inhibition by 30% at 100 microM. SQ 22,536, SQ 22,534 and SQ 21,611 also blocked the increase in cyclic AMP levels in a concentration-related manner with I50 values of 1, 4 and 60 microM, respectively. SQ 4647 inhibited the elevation of cyclic AMP by more than 85% at 1000 microM. The adenine derivatives had no effect on platelet aggregation or on cyclic AMP levels in the absence of PGE1. These results provide additional evidence that the inhibition of platelet aggregation by PGE1 is mediated by cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Summary A modified cytochemical technique with 5-adenylylimidodiphosphate as substrate, was used to examine the distribution of adenylate cyclase in cells comprising the transepithelial Na+ transport pathway in isolated frog skin epithelium. Particular attention was paid to the effects of fixation on the activity and localization of adenylate cyclase. Fixation in glutaraldehyde alone or in combination with paraformaldehyde reduced the amount of reaction product, while better results were obtained using unfixed tissues. Optimum results were obtained following stimulation of adenylate cyclase with forskolin and in the presence of specific metabolic inhibitors. Adenylate cyclase was localized in the basolateral membranes of the principal cells which constitute a functional syncytium for Na+ transport and was absent from the apical membranes of the outermost granulosum cells. This distribution is consistent with the transepithelial Na+ transport model and defines the functional morphology of the cells involved in Na+ transport across frog skin. The results are compatible with the process of Na+ re-absorption across other epithelial cells, verifying that frog skin is a convenient model-tissue to study Na+ transport mechanisms. Adenylate cyclase was also found in membranes of the mitochondria-rich cells, a minor and parallel Na+ transporting pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The adenylate cyclase activity in the theca folliculi of the mouse Graafian follicle was investigated using the electron microscopic cytochemistry. Deposits of reaction product are recognized on the plasma membrane of the fibroblast, theca cell and transitional cell from the fibroblast-like cell to the theca cell (partially or incompletely differentiated theca cell) after incubation with adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) as an effective substrate for adenylate cyclase. This fact indicates that these cells have the receptor on the plasma membrane, and the adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMP system is important for the steroid secretion or the collagen fiber production. It is difficult to clarify by this method the relationship between the adenylate cyclase activity and the functional differentiation of the theca cell.Supported by a grant from the Japanese Educational ministry  相似文献   

The kinetic characteristics of substrate utilization by hepatic adenylate cyclase were investigated under a variety of incubation conditions, including veriations in pH, [substrate], [Mg2+], and in the absence or presence of glucagon. Activities were compared with ATP and 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate (App(NH)p) as substrates. The Km for both substrates was about 50 muM; Vmax given with App(NH)p was about 40% lower than obtained with ATP as substrate. In the presence of a saturating concentration of substrate (1 mM), basal activity was increased 4-fold by increasing [Mg2+] from 5 to 50 mM. The stimulatory effect of Mg2+ was not due to an allosteric action since basal activity was only marginally enhanced (40%) when the substrate concentration was reduced to 10 muM. As suggested by deHaen ((1974 J. Biol. Chem. 249, 2756), it is likely that Mg2+ increases enzyme activity by decreasing the concentration of an inhibitory, unchelated form of substrate that competes with the productive magnesium-substrate complex at the active site. Activity-pH profiles differed with ATP and App(NH)p as substrates; a shift in pH optimum was observed which correlated with the different pKa of the terminal phosphate groups of ATP and App(nh)p, and which reflect the concentration of protonated substrate (ATPH-3 minus) present in the incubation medium. Accordingly, protonated substrate is the predominant inhibitory species of unchelated substrate and probably has a considerably higher affinity for the active site than does the magnesium-substrate complex. Glucagon-stimulated activity was less susceptible to inhibition by protonated substrate than is the basal state as evidenced by lower stimulatory effect when the [Mg2+] was increased from 5 to 20 mM. However, increasing the [Mg2+] from 20 to 50 mM resulted in marked inhibition of glucagon-stimulated activity, particularly in the presence of 10 muM substrate. Conversely, at a fixed [Mg2+], concentrations of substrate at least 20-fold higher than the Km were required to achieve maximal hormone-stimulated activity. These findings suggest that the unchelated, fully ionized form of substrate serves as an activating ligand, as has been observed with guanine nucleotides at considerably lower concentrations. Thus, Mg2+ affects adenylate cyclase activity by forming the productive substrate complex and by titrating the inhibitory protonated and activating free forms of substrate. As a result of these effects of unchelated substrate, it proved difficult to evaluate the kinetic parameters involved in substrate binding and utilization and the effects of hormone thereon when substrate was added as the only source of activating ligand. However, linear Michaelis kinetic data were obtained by adding the activating ligand 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate with glucagon and by making appropriate adjustments of pH and [Mg2+]. Vmax was increased 4-fold without changes in Km by the actions of 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate and glucagon.  相似文献   

Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and other agents that elevate cGMP levels are known to inhibit the aggregation of human platelets. Published data suggest that cGMP attenuation of agonist-induced Ca2+ transients is involved in this effect. The present study shows that elevation of cGMP increases the rate of the Ca2+ extrusion pump located in the plasma membrane (PM) but does not have a direct effect on the Ca2+ accumulating pump of the dense tubules (DT). The study verifies that SNP can specifically elevate the cGMP level in the platelet. The kinetics of the Ca2+ extrusion system were studied in situ in platelets overloaded with the cytoplasmic Ca2+ indicator quin2 according to a published protocol developed in this laboratory. Elevation of cGMP by means of (10 microM) SNP increased the Vm of the Ca(2+)-ATPase pump by 63%, without affecting its Km (66-80 nM) or Hill coefficient (1.6-1.8). Dibutyryl-cGMP (Bt2-cGMP), preincubated for 45 min at 1 mM, increased the Vm by a factor of 2.2 +/- 0.4. The experiments did not give any indication that SNP or Bt2-cGMP change the rate of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger which makes a minor contribution to Ca2+ extrusion in the studied [Ca2+]cyt range. The rate constant for passive leakage of Ca2+ across the PM was increased by 32 +/- 4% by SNP and 90 +/- 34% by Bt2-cGMP. The net result is that the free Ca2+ in the cytoplasm ([Ca2+]cyt) at 'rest' is lowered from control values of 112 nM to 89 nM or 80 nM, respectively. The kinetics of Ca2+ uptake by the dense tubules were determined in situ using the fluorescence of chlorotetracycline (CTC) according to protocols developed in this laboratory. Analysis showed that SNP and Bt2-cGMP had no effect on the Vm or Km of the dense tubular pump, and did not affect the rate constant for passive leakage. The agents did decrease resting [Ca2+]dt by 25% or 30%, respectively, but this result can be explained purely in terms of the reduced [Ca2+]cyt. The effects of cGMP (vs. cAMP) on the PM and DT pumps are closely correlated with reported effects of cGMP/cAMP induced phosphorylation of a protein of the molecular weight of the PM pump and a 22 kDa activator of the DT pump. Cyclic AMP increases the rate of both the PM and the DT pumps, whereas cGMP increases the rate of the PM pump only.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural cytochemical procedure to demonstrate adenyl cyclase in mammalian organs was used in insects. After several modifications, an utilizable method was applied for the detection of the enzyme in the various tissues. Adenylate cyclase which can be stimulated with octopamine was localized on the membrane of the glial cells and the axolemma of certain large axons in the insect brain. Adenylate cyclase which could be activated by NaF and isoproterenol was also demonstrated in the lipid droplets of glial cells of the brain. With the simultaneous application of NaF and isoproterenol, rather strong adenylate cyclase activity could be detected on the surface of the corpora allata cells both in the cells situated on the glandular surface and the central part of the gland. In contrast in the corpus cardiacum enzyme activity was only observable on the basal lamina of the glandular surface. An appreciable amount of reaction product, indicating the presence of the enzyme, could be found on the surface of the lipid droplets in the fat body situated near the glandular tissues. In the heart muscle, reaction product referring to enzyme activation could not be demonstrated with the help of the methods applied.  相似文献   

Summary Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) was used as a marker enzyme for the endoplasmic reticulum in mouse megakaryocytes and platelets. G6Pase activity was localized in the dense tubular system of the platelets. Enzyme activity was also observed in the nuclear envelope, and in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the megakaryocytes. However, the Golgi apparatus of the megakaryocyte was never involved. The present study has added new cytochemical evidence for the hypothesis that the dense tubular system of the platelet originates from the endoplasmic reticulum of the megakaryocyte.  相似文献   

In experiments with human platelets it has been shown, that stimulation of adenylate cyclase by carbacycline (CC)--a stable analog of prostacyclin, does not affect the initial pHi decrease caused by thrombin and PAF, but it abolishes the second phase of pHi changes, a pHi increase resulted from Na+/H+ exchange activation. CC also abolishes pHi increase induced by ionophore A23187 and the activator of protein kinase C, phorbol ester (TPA). The results obtained suggest that cAMP exerts inhibitory action on the agonist induced activation of Na+/H+ exchange but does not affect its pHi-sensitivity in the resting cell.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor, pertussis-toxin substrates (Gi, the inhibitory G-protein) and adenylate cyclase was determined in human platelets. The alpha 2-adrenergic receptor and pertussis-toxin substrate activity codistribute with surface membranes identified by a novel fluorescent-lectin method. The platelet granule fractions did not contain detectable Gi. Only 2-4% of the total pertussis-toxin substrate activity appears in soluble fractions, and this amount was not increased upon addition of purified beta gamma units or after pretreatment of platelets with adrenaline. There is no evidence for compartmentation of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor or Gi to account for the low-affinity component of agonist binding to the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor in human platelet membranes. Translocation of Gi from plasma membrane to platelet cytosol or granules does not appear to play any significant role in the mechanism of alpha 2-receptor-mediated platelet activation.  相似文献   

The level of cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in human platelets and the activity of platelet adenylate cyclase in response to prostaglandin E1 stimulation do not change during two days storage at room temperature in ACD solution. However, the level of cyclic AMP is lower in platelets stored in ACD solution than in platelets from blood anticoagulated by ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid.  相似文献   

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