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An efficient DNA extraction protocol and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for detecting Leptosphaeria maculans from infected seed lots of oilseed rape were developed. L. maculans, the causal agent of blackleg, a damaging disease in oilseeds rape/canola worldwide, was listed as a quarantine disease by China in 2009. China imports several millions of tons of oilseeds every year. So there is a high risk that this pathogen will be introduced to China via contaminated seeds. Seed contamination is one of the most significant factors in the global spread of phytopathogens. Detection of L. maculans in infected seed lots by PCR assay is difficult due to the low level of pathogen mycelium/spores on seeds and PCR inhibitors associated with the seeds of oilseed rape. In our study, these two major obstacles were overcome by the development of a two‐step extraction protocol combined with a nested PCR. This extraction protocol (kit extraction after CTAB method) can efficiently extract high‐quality DNA for PCR. Amplification results showed that the detection threshold for conventional PCR and nested PCR was, respectively, 1 ng and 10 fg of DNA per μl in mycelia samples. On contaminated seed lots of oilseed rape, the detection threshold of conventional and nested PCR was 709 fg/μl and 709 ag/μl of DNA, respectively. The DNA extraction protocol and PCR assay developed in this study can be used for rapid and reliable detection of L. maculans from infected seeds of oilseed rape .  相似文献   

The avirulence gene AvrLm4–7 of Leptosphaeria maculans, the causal agent of stem canker in Brassica napus (oilseed rape), confers a dual specificity of recognition by two resistance genes (Rlm4 and Rlm7) and is strongly involved in fungal fitness. In order to elucidate the biological function of AvrLm4–7 and understand the specificity of recognition by Rlm4 and Rlm7, the AvrLm4–7 protein was produced in Pichia pastoris and its crystal structure was determined. It revealed the presence of four disulfide bridges, but no close structural analogs could be identified. A short stretch of amino acids in the C terminus of the protein, (R/N)(Y/F)(R/S)E(F/W), was well‐conserved among AvrLm4–7 homologs. Loss of recognition of AvrLm4–7 by Rlm4 is caused by the mutation of a single glycine to an arginine residue located in a loop of the protein. Loss of recognition by Rlm7 is governed by more complex mutational patterns, including gene loss or drastic modifications of the protein structure. Three point mutations altered residues in the well‐conserved C–terminal motif or close to the glycine involved in Rlm4‐mediated recognition, resulting in the loss of Rlm7‐mediated recognition. Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana (tobacco) and particle bombardment experiments on leaves from oilseed rape suggested that AvrLm4–7 interacts with its cognate R proteins inside the plant cell, and can be translocated into plant cells in the absence of the pathogen. Translocation of AvrLm4–7 into oilseed rape leaves is likely to require the (R/N)(Y/F)(R/S)E(F/W) motif as well as an RAWG motif located in a nearby loop that together form a positively charged region.  相似文献   

Leucine‐rich repeat receptor‐like proteins (LRR‐RLPs) are highly adaptable parts of the signalling apparatus for extracellular detection of plant pathogens. Resistance to blackleg disease of Brassica spp. caused by Leptosphaeria maculans is largely governed by host race‐specific R‐genes, including the LRR‐RLP gene LepR3. The blackleg resistance gene Rlm2 was previously mapped to the same genetic interval as LepR3. In this study, the LepR3 locus of the Rlm2 Brassica napus line ‘Glacier DH24287’ was cloned, and B. napus transformants were analysed for recovery of the Rlm2 phenotype. Multiple B. napus, B. rapa and B. juncea lines were assessed for sequence variation at the locus. Rlm2 was found to be an allelic variant of the LepR3 LRR‐RLP locus, conveying race‐specific resistance to L. maculans isolates harbouring AvrLm2. Several defence‐related LRR‐RLPs have previously been shown to associate with the RLK SOBIR1 to facilitate defence signalling. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) and co‐immunoprecipitation of RLM2‐SOBIR1 studies revealed that RLM2 interacts with SOBIR1 of Arabidopsis thaliana when co‐expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana. The interaction of RLM2 with AtSOBIR1 is suggestive of a conserved defence signalling pathway between B. napus and its close relative A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Leptosphaeria maculans is the most ubiquitous fungal pathogen of Brassica crops and causes the devastating stem canker disease of oilseed rape worldwide. We used minisatellite markers to determine the genetic structure of L. maculans in four field populations from France. Isolates were collected at three different spatial scales (leaf, 2-m2 field plot, and field) enabling the evaluation of spatial distribution of the mating type alleles and of genetic variability within and among field populations. Within each field population, no gametic disequilibrium between the minisatellite loci was detected and the mating type alleles were present at equal frequencies. Both sexual and asexual reproduction occur in the field, but the genetic structure of these populations is consistent with annual cycles of randomly mating sexual reproduction. All L. maculans field populations had a high level of gene diversity (H = 0.68 to 0.75) and genotypic diversity. Within each field population, the number of genotypes often was very close to the number of isolates. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that >99.5% of the total genetic variability was distributed at a small spatial scale, i.e., within 2-m2 field plots. Population differentiation among the four field populations was low (GST < 0.02), suggesting a high degree of gene exchange between these populations. The high gene flow evidenced here in French populations of L. maculans suggests a rapid countrywide diffusion of novel virulence alleles whenever novel resistance sources are used.  相似文献   

Blackleg disease of Brassica napus caused by Leptosphaeria maculans (Lm) is largely controlled by the deployment of race‐specific resistance (R) genes. However, selection pressure exerted by R genes causes Lm to adapt and give rise to new virulent strains through mutation and deletion of effector genes. Therefore, a knowledge of effector gene function is necessary for the effective management of the disease. Here, we report the cloning of Lm effector AvrLm9 which is recognized by the resistance gene Rlm9 in B. napus cultivar Goéland. AvrLm9 was mapped to scaffold 7 of the Lm genome, co‐segregating with the previously reported AvrLm5 (previously known as AvrLmJ1). Comparison of AvrLm5 alleles amongst the 37 re‐sequenced Lm isolates and transgenic complementation identified a single point mutation correlating with the AvrLm9 phenotype. Therefore, we renamed this gene as AvrLm5‐9 to reflect the dual specificity of this locus. Avrlm5‐9 transgenic isolates were avirulent when inoculated on the B. napus cultivar Goéland. The expression of AvrLm5‐9 during infection was monitored by RNA sequencing. The recognition of AvrLm5‐9 by Rlm9 is masked in the presence of AvrLm4‐7, another Lm effector. AvrLm5‐9 and AvrLm4‐7 do not interact, and AvrLm5‐9 is expressed in the presence of AvrLm4‐7. AvrLm5‐9 is the second Lm effector for which host recognition is masked by AvrLm4‐7. An understanding of this complex interaction will provide new opportunities for the engineering of broad‐spectrum recognition.  相似文献   

Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers suitable for population genetic studies and genetic mapping were developed for Leptosphaeria maculans, a fungal pathogen of canola (Brassica napus). Polymorphism was evaluated using 14 isolates from diverse geographical locations. Each locus had either two or three alleles. Cross‐species amplification was observed for almost all loci in L. biglobosa ‘brassicae’ and L. maculans ‘lepidii’.  相似文献   

The 51 isolates, the causing agents of maize eyespot, were identified as Kabatiella zeae with morphological and molecular methods. The structure of the MAT locus in K. zeae JLMHK‐9 strain contains MAT1‐1 and MAT1‐2 genes which are transcribed in opposite directions, DNA lyase gene (APN2) which is adjacent to the 3′ flanking region of MAT1‐2‐1 gene and a pleckstrin homology domain (PH) which is adjacent to the 3′ flanking region of MAT1‐1‐1 gene. The specific primers are used to identify the mating types of K. zeae isolates collected from six provinces in China, and our findings speculate that K. zeae is a homothallic species.  相似文献   

 Offspring from asymmetric hybrids between Brassica napus and the three B-genome species Brassica nigra, Brassica juncea and Brassica carinata were analysed for the presence of B-genome markers and resistance to the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, the causal agent of blackleg disease. Twenty five plants from each species combination were analysed in the first backcross (BC1) generation, 30 plants in BC2 and 60 plants in BC3. The plants were analysed by 46 RFLP markers detecting 85 loci dispersed throughout the B. nigra genome. The plants with additional B. carinata DNA had a decrease in the presence of RFLP markers ranging from 59% in BC1 to 36% in BC2 and down to 11% in BC3. Similar results were obtained in the lines with additional DNA from B. juncea where the 60% presence of RFLP markers in BC1 was reduced to 33% in BC2 and to 10% in BC3. However presence of the markers were significantly lower in the B. nigra-derived material where BC1 had 46%, BC2 25% and BC3 8%. Since at least two loci could be detected on each end of the eight linkage groups of the B genome, the degree of symmetry was estimated. After one back-cross between 0.5 and 1.25% intact chromosomes were retained, whereas in BC2 this frequency was 0.21% for all three B-genome donor species. The maintenance of half-chromosomes ranged from 2.63% to 5.38% in BC1 and between 0.73% and 1.15% in BC2. No chromosome arms were found in any of the BC3 plants. In total, four co-segregating markers for cotyledon and adult-leaf resistance to L. maculans were found which detected six loci located on linkage groups 2, 5 and 8. When the results from the three donor species were compared, one triplicate region in the B genome had preserved the resistance loci in all three species. Received: 19 January 1999 / Accepted: 30 January 1999  相似文献   

Brassica napus (rapeseed) is a recent allotetraploid plant and the second most important oilseed crop worldwide. The origin of B. napus and the genetic relationships with its diploid ancestor species remain largely unresolved. Here, chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from 488 B. napus accessions of global origin, 139 B. rapa accessions and 49 B. oleracea accessions were populationally resequenced using Illumina Solexa sequencing technologies. The intraspecific cpDNA variants and their allelic frequencies were called genomewide and further validated via EcoTILLING analyses of the rpo region. The cpDNA of the current global B. napus population comprises more than 400 variants (SNPs and short InDels) and maintains one predominant haplotype (Bncp1). Whole‐genome resequencing of the cpDNA of Bncp1 haplotype eliminated its direct inheritance from any accession of the B. rapa or B. oleracea species. The distribution of the polymorphism information content (PIC) values for each variant demonstrated that B. napus has much lower cpDNA diversity than B. rapa; however, a vast majority of the wild and cultivated B. oleracea specimens appeared to share one same distinct cpDNA haplotype, in contrast to its wild C‐genome relatives. This finding suggests that the cpDNA of the three Brassica species is well differentiated. The predominant B. napus cpDNA haplotype may have originated from uninvestigated relatives or from interactions between cpDNA mutations and natural/artificial selection during speciation and evolution. These exhaustive data on variation in cpDNA would provide fundamental data for research on cpDNA and chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Geographic barriers can partition genetic diversity among populations and drive evolutionary divergence between populations, promoting the speciation process and affecting conservation goals. We integrated morphological and genomic data to assess the distribution of variation in the flat‐headed cusimanse (Crossarchus platycephalus), a species of least conservation concern, on either side of the River Niger in Nigeria. Ecological disturbances affect the conservation status of many other animals in this region. The two populations were differentiated in the snout and fore limbs, with greater morphological diversity in the western population. We used Restriction site Associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) and identified two genotypic clusters in a STRUCTURE analysis. Individuals from the eastern population are almost entirely assigned to one cluster, whereas genotypes from the western population are a mixture of the two clusters. The population from west of the River Niger also had higher heterozygosity. The morphological and population genetic data are therefore in agreement that the population from west of the River Niger is more diverse than the eastern population, and the eastern population contains a subset of the genetic variation found in the western population. Our results demonstrate that combining morphological and genotypic measures of diversity can provide a congruent picture of the distribution of intraspecific variation. The results also suggest that future work should explore the role of the River Niger as a natural barrier to migration in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Pollen beetles, Meligethes spp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), are among the most damaging pests of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Increasing populations of pyrethroid‐resistant pollen beetles coupled with the prohibition of synthetic pest control products in organic farming means that other direct control methods are needed. A laboratory study was therefore conducted to evaluate the effect of natural products, combinations of natural products and additives as well as natural and synthetic insecticides on mortality of pollen beetles. In addition, field trials under both integrated and organic production were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of six natural products, nine combinations of natural products, two synthetic insecticides (integrated‐production trials only), two natural insecticides and two additives to reduce pollen beetles. The laboratory trial, using both a curative and preventive approach, showed that two of the eight natural products (lavender oil and stone meal) caused a mortality of over 98% within the first day of application. The other natural products were only partially effective compared with the untreated control. In the field trials, the natural products reduced the number of pollen beetles 1 day after application compared with the untreated control in both trial years and production systems. Promising substances were stone meal, Silico‐Sec and liquid manure. Nevertheless, the efficacy was not consistent, and no effect on oilseed rape yield was observed. In spite of this, these products have the potential to control pollen beetles under field conditions with comparable effects to synthetic insecticides. Further research should therefore focus on timing and frequency of applications as well as on the formulation of the natural products to increase the persistency of the products under field conditions.  相似文献   

Blackleg caused by Leptosphaeria maculans is one of the most important diseases affecting oilseed rape worldwide. Sinapis arvensis is valuable for the transfer of blackleg resistance to oilseed rape (Brassica napus) because this species contains high resistance against various aggressive isolates of the blackleg fungus. These include at least one Australian isolate which has been found to overcome resistance originating from species with the Brassica B genome, until now the major source for interspecific transfer of blackleg resistance. Backcross offspring from intergeneric crosses between Brassica napus and S. arvensis were subjected to phytopathological studies and molecular cytogenetic analysis with genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH). The BC3S progenies included fertile plants exhibiting high seedling (cotyledon) and adult plant resistance associated with the presence of an acrocentric addition chromosome from S. arvensis. In addition, some individuals with adult plant resistance but cotyledon susceptibility were observed to have a normal B. napus karyotype with no visible GISH signals, indicating possible resistant introgression lines. Phytopathological analysis of selfing progenies from 3 different highly resistant BC3 plants showed that seedling and adult plant resistance are probably conferred by different loci. Received: 20 September 1999 / Accepted: 25 March 2000  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait loci (QTL), involved in the polygenic field resistance of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) to light leaf spot disease, were mapped using 288 DNA markers on 152 doubled-haploid (DH) lines derived from the cross ‘Darmor-bzh’בYudal’. Over two years (1995 and 1996), the DH population was evaluated for light leaf spot resistance on leaves (L) and stems (S), and for blackleg disease resistance in same field trials. For the L resistance criterion, a total of five and seven QTL were detected in 1995 and in 1996 respectively, accounting for 53% and 57% of the genotypic variation. For the S criterion, three and five QTL were identified in 1995 and in 1996 respectively, explaining 29% and 43% of the genotypic variation. The locations of the QTL detected were quite consistent over the two years (4- and 2-year common QTL for L and S, respectively). Three genomic regions, located on the DY5, DY10 and DY11 groups, were common to the resistance on leaves and stems. In comparison with the QTL for blackleg resistance described by Pilet et al. (1998), two regions on the DY6 and DY10 groups, were associated with the two disease resistances. These ‘multiple disease resistance’ (‘MDR’) QTL may correspond to genes involved in common resistance mechanisms towards the two pathogens or else to clusters of resistance genes. Received: 21 November 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

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