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The 20S proteasome is made up of four stacked heptameric rings, which in eucaryotes assemble from 14 different but related subunits. The rules governing subunit assembly and placement are not understood. We show that a different kind of proteasome forms in yeast when the Pre9/alpha3 subunit is deleted. Purified pre9Delta proteasomes show a two-fold enrichment for the Pre6/alpha4 subunit, consistent with the presence of an extra copy of Pre6 in each outer ring. Based on disulfide engineering and structure-guided suppressor analyses, Pre6 takes the position normally occupied by Pre9, a substitution that depends on a network of intersubunit salt bridges. When Arabidopsis PAD1/alpha4 is expressed in yeast, it complements not only pre6Delta but also pre6Delta pre9Delta mutants; therefore, the plant alpha4 subunit also can occupy multiple positions in a functional yeast proteasome. Importantly, biogenesis of proteasomes is delayed at an early stage in pre9Delta cells, suggesting an advantage for Pre9 over Pre6 incorporation at the alpha3 position that facilitates correct assembly.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is a large protein complex, responsible for degradation of ubiquinated proteins in eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic proteasome formation is a highly ordered process that is assisted by several assembly chaperones. The assembly of its catalytic 20S core particle depends on at least five proteasome‐specific chaperones, i.e., proteasome‐assembling chaperons 1–4 (PAC1–4) and proteasome maturation protein (POMP). The orthologues of yeast assembly chaperones have been structurally characterized, whereas most mammalian assembly chaperones are not. In the present study, we determined a crystal structure of human PAC4 at 1.90‐Å resolution. Our crystallographic data identify a hydrophobic surface that is surrounded by charged residues. The hydrophobic surface is complementary to that of its binding partner, PAC3. The surface also exhibits charge complementarity with the proteasomal α4–5 subunits. This will provide insights into human proteasome‐assembling chaperones as potential anticancer drug targets.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic 20S proteasomes are complex oligomeric proteins. The maturation process of the 14 different - and -subunits has to occur in a highly coordinate manner. In addition -subunits are synthesized as proproteins and correct processing has to be guaranteed during complex maturation. The structure formation can be subdivided in different phases. The knowledge of the individual phases is summarized in this publication. As a first step the newly synthesized monomers have to adopt the correct tertiary structure, a process that might be supported in the case of the -subunits by the intramolecular chaperone activity postulated for the prosequences. Subsequently the -subunits form ring-like structures thereby providing docking sites for the different -subunits. The result most likely is a double ring structure (13S precursor) representing half-proteasomes, which contain immature proproteins. Two 13S precursors associate to form the proteolytically inactive 16S assembly intermediate which still contains unprocessed -monomers. In addition the chaperone Hsc73 is present within these particles suggesting an essential role during the structure formation process. The processing of monomers with an N-terminal threonine occurs within the 16S particles and is achieved autocatalytically by two subsequent processing events finally leading to the mature, active 20S proteasome.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) possesses a proteasome system analogous to the eukaryotic ubiquitin‐proteasome pathway. Mtb requires the proteasome to resist killing by the host immune system. The detailed assembly process and the gating mechanism of Mtb proteasome have remained unknown. Using cryo‐electron microscopy and X‐ray crystallography, we have obtained structures of three Mtb proteasome assembly intermediates, showing conformational changes during assembly, and explaining why the β‐subunit propeptide inhibits rather than promotes assembly. Although the eukaryotic proteasome core particles close their protein substrate entrance gates with different amino terminal peptides of the seven α‐subunits, it has been unknown how a prokaryotic proteasome might close the gate at the symmetry axis with seven identical peptides. We found in the new Mtb proteasome crystal structure that the gate is tightly sealed by the seven identical peptides taking on three distinct conformations. Our work provides the structural bases for assembly and gating mechanisms of the Mtb proteasome.  相似文献   

The quality control of proteins mediated by the plasticity of the proteasome system is regulated by the timely and flexible formation of this multisubunit proteolytic enzyme complex. Adaptable biogenesis of the 20S proteasome core complex is therefore of vital importance for adjusting to changing proteolytic requirements. However, the molecular mechanism and the cellular sites of mammalian proteasome formation are still unresolved. By using precursor complex-specific antibodies, we now show that the main steps in 20S core complex formation take place at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Thereby, the proteasome maturation protein (POMP)--an essential factor of mammalian proteasome biogenesis--interacts with ER membranes, binds to alpha1-7 rings, recruits beta-subunits stepwise and mediates the association of mammalian precursor complexes with the ER. Thus, POMP facilitates the main steps in 20S core complex formation at the ER to coordinate the assembly process and to provide cells with freshly formed proteasomes at their site of function.  相似文献   

Regulation of apoptosis by the ubiquitin and proteasome pathway   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Regulated proteolysis plays important roles in cell physiology as well as in pathological conditions. In most of the cases, regulated proteolysis is carried out by the ubiquitin- and proteasome-dependent proteolytic system, which is also in charge of the bulk of cytoplasmic proteolysis. However, apoptosis or the process of programmed cell death is regulated by a different proteolytic system, i.e . by caspases, a family of specialized cysteine proteases. Nevertheless, there is plenty of evidence of a crosstalk between the apoptotic pathways and the ubiquitin and proteasome system, whose function in apoptosis appears to be very complex. Proteasome inhibitors induce apoptosis in multiple cell types, while in other they are relatively harmless or even prevent apoptosis induced by other stimuli. Proteasomes degrade specific proteins during apoptosis, but on the other hand some components of the proteasome system are degraded by caspases. The knowledge about the involvement of the ubiquitin- and proteasome-dependent system in apoptosis is already clinically exploited, since proteasome inhibitors are being tested as experimental drugs in the treatment of cancer and other pathological conditions, where manipulation of apoptosis is desirable.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is a multi‐catalytic ATP‐dependent protease complex that recognizes and cleaves damaged or misfolded proteins to maintain cellular homeostasis. The 26S subunit consists of 20S core and 19S regulatory particles. 20S core particle consists of a stack of heptameric alpha and beta subunits. To elucidate the structure‐function relationship, we have dissected protein‐protein interfaces of 20S core particle and analyzed structural and physiochemical properties of intra‐alpha, intra‐beta, inter‐beta, and alpha‐beta interfaces. Furthermore, we have studied the evolutionary conservation of 20S core particle. We find the size of intra‐alpha interfaces is significantly larger and is more hydrophobic compared with other interfaces. Inter‐beta interfaces are well packed, more polar, and have higher salt‐bridge density than other interfaces. In proteasome assembly, residues in beta subunits are better conserved than alpha subunits, while multi‐interface residues are the most conserved. Among all the residues at the interfaces of both alpha and beta subunits, Gly is highly conserved. The largest size of intra‐alpha interfaces complies with the hypothesis that large interfaces form first during the 20S assembly. The tight packing of inter‐beta interfaces makes the core particle impenetrable from outer wall of the cylinder. Comparing the three domains, eukaryotes have large and well‐packed interfaces followed by archaea and bacteria. Our findings provide a structural basis of assembly of 20S core particle in all the three domains of life.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is an eukaryotic ATP-dependent, dumbbell-shaped protease complex with a molecular mass of approximately 2000 kDa. It consists of a central 20S proteasome, functioning as a catalytic machine, and two large V-shaped terminal modules, having possible regulatory roles, composed of multiple subunits of 25–110 kDa attached to the central portion in opposite orientations. The primary structures of all the subunits of mammalian and yeast 20S proteasomes have been determined by recombinant DNA techniques, but structural analyses of the regulatory subunits of the 26S proteasome are still in progress. The regulatory subunits are classified into two subgroups, a subgroup of at least 6 ATPases that constitute a unique multi-gene family encoding homologous polypeptides conserved during evolution and a subgroup of approximately 15 non-ATPase subunits, most of which are structurally unrelated to each other.  相似文献   

Here, we report a novel mechanism of proteasome inhibition mediated by Thiostrepton (Thsp), which interacts covalently with Rpt subunits of the 19S proteasome and proteasome substrates. We identified Thsp in a cell‐based high‐throughput screen using a fluorescent reporter sensitive to degradation by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Thiostrepton behaves as a proteasome inhibitor in several paradigms, including cell‐based reporters, detection of global ubiquitination status, and proteasome‐mediated labile protein degradation. In vitro, Thsp does not block the chymotrypsin activity of the 26S proteasome. In a cell‐based IκBα degradation assay, Thsp is a slow inhibitor and 4 hrs of treatment achieves the same effects as MG‐132 at 30 min. We show that Thsp forms covalent adducts with proteins in human cells and demonstrate their nature by mass spectrometry. Furthermore, the ability of Thsp to interact covalently with the cysteine residues is essential for its proteasome inhibitory function. We further show that a Thsp modified peptide cannot be degraded by proteasomes in vitro. Importantly, we demonstrate that Thsp binds covalently to Rpt subunits of the 19S regulatory particle and forms bridges with a proteasome substrate. Taken together, our results uncover an important role of Thsp in 19S proteasome inhibition.  相似文献   

The 19S regulatory complex (RC) of 26S proteasomes is a 900–1000 kDa particle composed of 18 distinct subunits (S1–S15) ranging in molecular mass from 25 to 110 kDa. This particle confers ATP-dependence and polyubiquitin (polyUb) recognition to the 26S proteasome. The symmetry and homogenous structure of the proteasome contrasts sharply with the remarkable complexity of the RC. Despite the fact that the primary sequences of all the subunits are now known, insight has been gained into the function of only eight subunits. The six ATPases within the RC constitute a subfamily (S4-like ATPases) within the AAA superfamily and we have shown that they form specific pairs in vitro[1]. We have now determined that putative coiled-coils within the variable N-terminal regions of these proteins are likely to function as recognition elements that direct the proper placement of the ATPases within the RC. We have also begun mapping putative interactions between non-ATPase subunits and S4-like ATPases. These studies have allowed us to build a model for the specific arrangement of 9 subunits within the human regulatory complex. This model agrees with recent findings by Glickman et al. [2] who have reported that two subcomplexes, termed the base and the lid, form the RC of budding yeast 26S proteasomes.  相似文献   

One fundamental feature of mutant forms of p53 consists in their accumulation at high levels in tumors. At least in the case of neomorphic p53 mutations, which acquire oncogenic activity, stabilization is a driving force for tumor progression. It is well documented that p53 mutants are resistant to proteasome-dependent degradation compared with wild-type p53, but the exact identity of the pathways that affect mutant p53 stability is still debated. We have recently shown that macroautophagy (autophagy) provides a route for p53 mutant degradation during restriction of glucose. Here we further show that in basal conditions of growth, inhibition of autophagy with chemical inhibitors or by downregulation of the essential autophagic genes ATG1/Ulk1, Beclin-1 or ATG5, results in p53 mutant stabilization. Conversely, overexpression of Beclin-1 or ATG1/Ulk1 leads to p53 mutant depletion. Furthermore, we found that in many cell lines, prolonged inhibition of the proteasome does not stabilize mutant p53 but leads to its autophagic-mediated degradation. Therefore, we conclude that autophagy is a key mechanism for regulating the stability of several p53 mutants. We discuss plausible mechanisms involved in this newly identified degradation pathway as well as the possible role played by autophagy during tumor evolution driven by mutant p53.  相似文献   

The proteasome is a cellular protease responsible for the selective degradation of the majority of the intracellular proteome. It recognizes, unfolds, and cleaves proteins that are destined for removal, usually by prior attachment to polymers of ubiquitin. This macromolecular machine is composed of two subcomplexes, the 19S regulatory particle (RP) and the 20S core particle (CP), which together contain at least 33 different and precisely positioned subunits. How these subunits assemble into functional complexes is an area of active exploration. Here we describe the current status of studies on the assembly of the 20S proteasome (CP). The 28-subunit CP is found in all three domains of life and its cylindrical stack of four heptameric rings is well conserved. Though several CP subunits possess self-assembly properties, a consistent theme in recent years has been the need for dedicated assembly chaperones that promote on-pathway assembly. To date, a minimum of three accessory factors have been implicated in aiding the construction of the 20S proteasome. These chaperones interact with different assembling proteasomal precursors and usher subunits into specific slots in the growing structure. This review will focus largely on chaperone-dependent CP assembly and its regulation.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin (Ub)-mediated proteasome-dependent proteolysis is critical in regulating multiple biological processes including apoptosis. We show that the unstructured BH3-only protein, NOXA, is degraded by an Ub-independent mechanism requiring 19S regulatory particle (RP) subunits of the 26S proteasome, highlighting the possibility that other unstructured proteins reported to be degraded by 20S proteasomes in vitro may be bona fide 26S proteasome substrates in vivo. A lysine-less NOXA (NOXA-LL) mutant, which is not ubiquitinated, is degraded at a similar rate to wild-type NOXA. Myeloid cell leukemia 1, but not other anti-apoptotic BCL-2 family proteins, stabilizes NOXA by interaction with the NOXA BH3 domain. Depletion of 19S RP subunits, but not alternate proteasome activator REG subunits, increases NOXA half-life in vivo. A NOXA-LL mutant, which is not ubiquitinated, also requires an intact 26S proteasome for degradation. Depletion of the 19S non-ATPase subunit, PSMD1 induces NOXA-dependent apoptosis. Thus, disruption of 26S proteasome function by various mechanisms triggers the rapid accumulation of NOXA and subsequent cell death strongly implicating NOXA as a sensor of 26S proteasome integrity.  相似文献   

CARD8 is a pattern-recognition receptor that forms a caspase-1-activating inflammasome. CARD8 undergoes constitutive autoproteolysis, generating an N-terminal (NT) fragment with a disordered region and a ZU5 domain and a C-terminal (CT) fragment with UPA and CARD domains. Dipeptidyl peptidase 8 and dipeptidyl peptidase 9 inhibitors, including Val-boroPro, accelerate the degradation of the NT fragment via a poorly characterized proteasome-mediated pathway, thereby releasing the inflammatory CT fragment from autoinhibition. Here, we show that the core 20S proteasome, which degrades disordered and misfolded proteins independent of ubiquitin modification, controls activation of the CARD8 inflammasome. In unstressed cells, we discovered that the 20S proteasome degrades just the NT disordered region, leaving behind the folded ZU5, UPA, and CARD domains to act as an inhibitor of inflammasome assembly. However, in Val-boroPro–stressed cells, we show the 20S proteasome degrades the entire NT fragment, perhaps due to ZU5 domain unfolding, freeing the CT fragment from autoinhibition. Taken together, these results show that the susceptibility of the CARD8 NT domain to 20S proteasome-mediated degradation controls inflammasome activation.  相似文献   

Conjugation of proteins to ubiquitin plays a central role for a number of cellular processes including endocytosis, DNA repair and degradation by the 26S proteasome. However, ubiquitination is reversible as a number of deubiquitinating enzymes mediate the disassembly of ubiquitin-protein conjugates. Some deubiquitinating enzymes are associated with the 26S proteasome contributing to and regulating the particle's activity. Here, we characterise fission yeast Uch2 and Ubp6, two proteasome associated deubiquitinating enzymes. The human orthologues of these enzymes are known as Uch37 and Usp14, respectively. We report that the subunit Uch2/Uch37 is the major deubiquitinating enzyme associated with the fission yeast 26S proteasome. In contrast, the activity of Ubp6 appears to play a more regulatory and/or structural role involving the proteasome subunits Mts1/Rpn9, Mts2/Rpt2 and Mts3/Rpn12, as Ubp6 becomes essential when activity of these subunits is compromised by conditional mutations. Finally, when the genes encoding Uch2/Uch37 and Ubp6 are disrupted, the cells are viable without showing obvious signs of impaired ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, indicating that other deubiquitinating enzymes may remedy for the redundancy of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Proteasome is a ‘proteolytic factory’ that constitutes an essential part of the ubiquitin‐proteasome pathway. The involvement of proteasome in regulation of all major aspects of cellular physiology makes it an attractive drug target. So far, only inhibitors of the proteasome entered the clinic as anti‐cancer drugs. However, proteasome regulators may also be useful for treatment of inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. We established in our previous studies that the peptide Tat2, comprising the basic domain of HIV‐1 Tat protein: R49KKRRQRR56, supplemented with Q66DPI69 fragment, inhibits the 20S proteasome in a noncompetitive manner. Mechanism of Tat2 likely involves allosteric regulation because it competes with the proteasome natural 11S activator for binding to the enzyme noncatalytic subunits. In this study, we performed alanine walking coupled with biological activity measurements and FTIR and CD spectroscopy to dissect contribution of a charge and conformation of Tat2 to its capability to influence peptidase activity of the proteasome. In solution, Tat2 and most of its analogs with a single Ala substitution preferentially adopted a conformation containing PPII/turn structural motifs. Replacing either Asp10 or two or more adjacent Arg/Lys residues induced a random coil conformation, probably by disrupting ionic interactions responsible for stabilization of the peptides ordered structure. The random coil Tat2 analogs lost their capability to activate the latent 20S proteasome. In contrast, inhibitory properties of the peptides more significantly depended on their positive charge. The data provide valuable clues for the future optimization of the Tat2‐based proteasome regulators. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have developed S. cerevisiae as a model system for mechanistic studies of the 26S proteasome. The subunits of the yeast 19S complex, or regulatory particle (RP), have been defined, and are closely related to those of mammalian proteasomes. The multiubiquitin chain binding subunit (S5a/Mcb1/Rpn10) was found, surprisingly, to be nonessential for the degradation of a variety of ubiquitin-protein conjugates in vivo. Biochemical studies of proteasomes from rpn10 mutants revealed the existence of two structural subassemblies within the RP, the lid and the base. The lid and the base are both composed of 8 subunits. By electron microscopy, the base and the lid correspond to the proximal and distal masses of the RP, respectively. The base is sufficient to activate the 20S core particle for degradation of peptides, but the lid is required for ubiquitin-dependent degradation. The lid subunits share sequence motifs with components of the COP9/signalosome complex, suggesting that these functionally diverse particles have a common evolutionary ancestry. Analysis of equivalent point mutations in the six ATPases of the base indicate that they have well-differentiated functions. In particular, mutations in one ATPase gene, RPT2, result in an unexpected defect in peptide hydrolysis by the core particle. One interpretation of this result is that Rpt2 participates in gating of the channel through which substrates enter the core particle.  相似文献   

泛素/蛋白酶体途径及其在高等植物有性生殖中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泛素/蛋白酶体途径是真核细胞内蛋白质降解的主要途径之一,涉及细胞内一系列基本生理过程。本文就蛋白泛素/酶体途径的组成及生化特性,泛素/蛋白酶体途径的一些生物学功能,研究泛素/蛋白酶体途径的一些技术和方法,泛素/蛋白酶体途径与高等植物有性生殖等方面作了较全面论述。  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(16):2959-2975.e7
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Muscular functions decline and muscle mass decreases during ageing. In the rat, there is a 27% decrease in muscle protein between 18 and 34 months of age. We examined age-related changes in the proteasome-dependent proteolytic pathway in rats at 4, 18, 24, 29 and 34 months of age. The three best characterised activities of the proteasome (chymotrypsin-like, trypsin-like and peptidylglutamyl peptide hydrolase) increased to 29 months and then decreased in the senescent animal. These variations in activity were accompanied by an identical change in the quantity of 20S proteasome measured by Western blot, whereas the S4 subunit of the 19S regulator and the quantity of ubiquitin-linked proteins remained constant. mRNA of subunits C3, C5, C9, and S4 increased in the senescent animal, but ubiquitin mRNA levels were unchanged. These findings suggest that the 20S proteasome may be partly responsible for the muscular atrophy observed during ageing in the rat.  相似文献   

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