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虱目是哺乳类和鸟类体表的专性寄生虫。在虱科、阴虱科、长角鸟虱科和兽羽虱科的某些寄生虱种中发现了线粒体基因组裂化现象, 其线粒体基因组裂化成了多个环状的线粒体染色体, 如体虱(Pediculus humanus)、头虱(pediculus capitis)和阴虱(Pthirus pubis)的线粒体基因组分别裂化形成20个、20个和14个微环染色体。微环染色体可能是基因删除和同源重组的结果, 关于线粒体基因组裂化的具体原因和机制, 目前并不清楚, 推测可能是进化选择或随机遗传漂变的结果或与线粒体单链DNA结合蛋白的缺失有关。鉴于线粒体基因组裂化研究对于深入理解线粒体的起源和进化方面具有重要意义, 文章以虱目裂化线粒体基因组为主线, 列举了动物裂化线粒体基因组和裂化特征, 阐述了虱目裂化线粒体基因组的研究现状, 分析了虱目线粒体基因组裂化的类型、原因和机制, 并对该领域未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The species of Ardeicola parasitic on the Ibis genus Threskiornis are reviewed-clayae Brelih, freemani sp.n., ibis Le Souef & Bullen, indicus Brelih, intermedia sp.n., nippon Hajela & Tandan-and a key for their identification is presented. Notes on the affinities of the species and a discussion on the distribution of Ardeicola on Threskiornis are included.  相似文献   

The species of Ibidoecus parasitic on the Ibis genus Threskiornis are reviewed-clausus (Giebel), dianae Tandan, insularis sp.n., tandani sp.n., threskiornis Bedford-and a key for their identification presented. The host and geographical distribution of the phthirapteran parasites of this genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Fossil lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) reconsidered   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract.  Five papers describing fossils considered to be Phthiraptera (lice) by their authors are reviewed. We place the specimens described in three papers in the Acari (mites) and regard them as probably not fossils. A fourth paper describes what appears to be a fossil insect. However, we do not consider it to be a louse. The fifth paper describes a more recent fossil that differs little from extant lice.  相似文献   

Molecular systematics of Goniodidae (Insecta: Phthiraptera)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The higher level phylogenetic relationships within the avian feather lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) are extremely problematic. Here we investigate the relationships of 1 family (Goniodidae), sometimes recognized as distinct within Ischnocera, using parsimony and likelihood analyses of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. These data support monophyly for a restricted definition of traditional Goniodidae, but recognition of this family would result in paraphyly of the large heterogeneous family Philopteridae. We show that the New World Chelopistes is not related to other members of Goniodidae, despite similarities in morphology, but rather is the sister taxon to Oxylipeurus. Within Goniodidae, genera are divided into those occurring on Galliformes (the Goniodes complex) and those occurring on Columbiformes (the Coloceras complex). Within the well-sampled Coloceras complex, or Physconelloidinae, several groups are identified. However, traditionally recognized genera such as Coloceras and Phvsconelloides appear to be paraphyletic. Whereas the phylogeny of Goniodidae reflects some aspects of host relationships, biogeography also influences coevolutionary history.  相似文献   

Data on the fauna, abundance and prevalence of chewing lice collected from 360 specimens of 13 sedentary species of passerine birds in Yakutia are given. A total of 3206 specimens of chewing lice belonging to 27 species of 6 genera were collected. Most of the studied bird species were infested with several chewing lice species. Exchange of parasites may take place between some bird species in the study region.  相似文献   

A recent molecular analysis strongly supported sister group relationship between flamingos (Phoenicopteridae) and grebes (Podicipedidae), a hypothesis which has not been suggested before. Flamingos are long-legged filter-feeders whereas grebes are morphologically quite divergent foot-propelled diving birds, and sister group relationship between these two taxa would thus provide an interesting example of evolution of different feeding strategies in birds. To test monophyly of a clade including grebes and flamingos, I performed a cladistic analysis of 70 morphological characters which were scored for 17 taxa. Parsimony analysis of these data supported monophyly of the taxon (Podicipedidae + Phoenicopteridae) and the clade received high bootstrap support. Previously overlooked morphological, oological and parasitological evidence is recorded which supports this hypothesis, and which makes the taxon (Podicipedidae + Phoenicopteridae) one of the best supported higher-level clades within modern birds. The phylogenetic significance of some fossil flamingo-like birds is discussed. The Middle Eocene taxon Juncitarsus is most likely the sister taxon of the clade (Podicipedidae + (Palaelodidae + Phoenicopteridae)) although resolution of its exact systematic position awaits revision of the fossil material. Contrary to previous assumptions, it is more parsimonious to assume that flamingos evolved from a highly aquatic ancestor than from a shorebird-like ancestor.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 157–169.  相似文献   

A new species, Colpocephalum abhotti, is described for specimens off the type-host, Threskiornis aethio-pica ahbotti, from Aldabra.  相似文献   

Few estimates of relative substitution rates, and the underlying mutation rates, exist between mitochondrial and nuclear genes in insects. Previous estimates for insects indicate a 2-9 times faster substitution rate in mitochondrial genes relative to nuclear genes. Here we use novel methods for estimating relative rates of substitution, which incorporate multiple substitutions, and apply these methods to a group of insects (lice, Order: Phthiraptera). First, we use a modification of copath analysis (branch length regression) to construct independent comparisons of rates, consisting of each branch in a phylogenetic tree. The branch length comparisons use maximum likelihood models to correct for multiple substitution. In addition, we estimate codon-specific rates under maximum likelihood for the different genes and compare these values. Estimates of the relative synonymous substitution rates between a mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (EF-1alpha) gene in lice indicate a relative rate of several 100 to 1. This rapid relative mitochondrial rate (>100 times) is at least an order of magnitude faster than previous estimates for any group of organisms. Comparisons using the same methods for another group of insects (aphids) reveals that this extreme relative rate estimate is not simply attributable to the methods we used, because estimates from aphids are substantially lower. Taxon sampling affects the relative rate estimate, with comparisons involving more closely related taxa resulting in a higher estimate. Relative rate estimates also increase with model complexity, indicating that methods accounting for more multiple substitution estimate higher relative rates.  相似文献   

Avian lice occupy different habitats in the host plumage that the physical environment outside the host body may affect in several ways. Interactions between host plumage and water may be an important source of such effects. Here, we use a comparative approach to examine the effect of a host's diving behavior on the taxonomic richness of its lice. Louse genera richness was significantly lower in clades of diving birds than on their nondiving sister clades. Species richness of host and body mass did not differ significantly between these clades; thus, these factors did not bias our results. This study suggests that the hosts' diving behavior can effectively influence ectoparasite communities.  相似文献   

Some species of parasites occur on a wide range of hosts while others are restricted to one or a few host species. The host specificity of a parasite species is determined, in part, by its ability to disperse between host species. Dispersal limitations can be studied by exploring the genetic structure of parasite populations both within a single species of host and across multiple host species. In this study we examined the genetic structure in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of two genera of lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) occurring on multiple sympatric species of doves in southern North and Central America. One genus, Columbicola, is generally less host-specific than the other, Physconelloides. For both genera we identified substantial genetic differentiation between populations of conspecific lice on different host species, generally 10-20% sequence divergence. This level of divergence is in the range of that often observed between species of these two genera. We used nested clade analysis to explore fine scale genetic structure within species of these feather lice. We found that species of Physconelloides exhibited more genetic structure, both among hosts and among geographical localities, than did species of Columbicola. In many cases, single haplotypes within species of Columbicola are distributed on multiple host species. Thus, the population genetic structure of species of Physconelloides reveals evidence of geographical differentiation on top of high host species specificity. Underlying differences in dispersal biology probably explain the differences in population genetic structure that we observed between Columbicola and Physconelloides.  相似文献   

The fauna of chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from migratory birds was studied in 2008–2009 and 2017 on the Curonian Spit, at Rybachy Biological Station of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Altogether, 35 species of chewing lice were collected off 2010 birds of 65 species. An annotated list of species is presented, including 11 species new to the Russian Federation, 29 species new to the Northwest of Russia, and 2 new host records: Menacanthus eurysternus from Carduellis carduellis and Ricinus frenatusfromCarduellis spinus.  相似文献   

The lice, Haffneria grandis and Saemundssonia were extracted from their hosts, skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae). Lice were extracted from dead birds by combing feathers, while lice from live birds were extracted using a delousing chamber containing chloroform vapour. Lice were measured and the data analysed by canonical discriminant analysis. Lice show variation in morphology that is useful in identifying some of these hosts. This variation is presumably due to micro-environmental pressure provided by each host. Our interpretation is that these chewing lice have evolved to be adapted to each skua taxon; different sizes and morphologies of skua taxa result in different sizes and morphologies of Haffneria grandis and Saemundssonia.  相似文献   

Although the Democratic Republic of the Congo is considered a megadiverse country, the Congo Basin is not recognized as a conservation priority because of gross underestimates of species diversity and endemism, especially for invertebrate taxa. Examining ectoparasitic chewing lice parasitizing birds in this region could provide valuable information pertaining to the diversity of invertebrate taxa as well as host–parasite interactions within the Congo Basin. In this study, we used molecular and morphological data to examine avian louse diversity. From 60 parasitized birds, we documented 39 new host associations, and at least 12 and 17 species of amblyceran and ischnoceran chewing lice, respectively. Morphologically, we identified a minimum of 13 new species. Due to a lack of available reference material, we were unable to identify some specimens and it is likely many, if not all of these, represent new species. Our sampling efforts, morphological examinations and molecular analyses reveal an astounding amount of louse diversity in the Congo Basin.  相似文献   

The louse genus Carduiceps Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1939 is widely distributed on sandpipers and stints (Calidrinae). The current taxonomy includes three species on the Calidrinae (Carduiceps meinertzhageni, Carduiceps scalaris, Carduiceps zonarius) and four species on noncalidrine hosts. We estimated a phylogeny of four of the seven species of Carduiceps (the three mentioned above and Carduiceps fulvofasciatus) from 13 of the 29 hosts based on three mitochondrial loci, and evaluated the relative importance of flyway differentiation (same host species has different lice along different flyways) and flyway homogenization (different host species have the same lice along the same flyway). We found no evidence for either process. Instead, the present, morphology‐based, taxonomy of the genus corresponds exactly to the gene‐based phylogeny, with all four included species monophyletic. Carduiceps zonarius is found both to inhabit a wider range of hosts than wing lice of the genus Lunaceps occurring on the same group of birds, and to occur on Calidris sandpipers of all sizes, both of which are unexpected for a body louse. The previously proposed family Esthiopteridae is found to be monophyletic with good support. The concatenated dataset suggests that the pigeon louse genus Columbicola may be closely related to the auk and diver louse genus Craspedonirmus. These two genera share some morphological characters with Carduiceps, but no support was obtained for grouping these three genera together. Based on mitochondrial data alone, the relationships among genera within this proposed family cannot be properly assessed, but some previously suggested relationships within this proposed family are confirmed.  相似文献   

Multiple genes and the monophyly of Ischnocera (Insecta: Phthiraptera).   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Whereas most traditional classifications identify Ischnocera as a major suborder of lice in the order Phthiraptera, a recent molecular study based on one gene did not recover monophyly of Ischnocera. In this study we test the monophyly of Ischnocera using sequences of portions of three different genes: two nuclear (EF1 alpha and 18S) and one mitochondrial (COI). Analysis of EF1 alpha and COI sequences did not recover monophyly of Ischnocera, but these genes provided little support for ischnoceran paraphyly because homoplasy is high among the divergent taxa included in this study. Analysis of 18S sequences recovered ischnoceran monophyly with strong support. Sequences from these three gene regions showed significant conflict with the partition homogeneity test, but this heterogeneity probably arises from the dramatic differences in substitution rates. In support of this conclusion, Kishino-Hasegawa tests of the EF1 alpha and COI genes did not reject several trees containing ischnoceran monophyly. Combined analysis of all three gene regions supported monophyly of Ischnocera, although not as strongly as analysis of 18S by itself. In sum, although rapidly evolving genes can retain some phylogenetic signal for deep phylogenetic relationships, strong support for such relationships is likely to come from more slowly evolving genes.  相似文献   

We studied inheritance at three microsatellite loci in eight F, and two F2 families of the body (clothes) louse of humans, Pediculus humanus. The alleles of heterozygous female-parents were always inherited in a Mendelian fashion in these families. Alleles from heterozygous male-parents, however, were inherited in two different ways: (i) in a Mendelian fashion and (ii) in a non-Mendelian fashion, where males passed to their offspring only one of their two alleles, that is, 100% nonrandom transmission. In male body lice, where there was non-Mendelian inheritance, the paternally inherited set of alleles was eliminated. We interpret this pattern of inheritance as evidence for extreme transmission ratio distortion of paternal alleles in this species.  相似文献   

The Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus is a waterbird commonly found in saline and brackish lagoons throughout the Mediterranean Region. We have gathered existing data on Greater Flamingos in Turkey and carried out field surveys to present the most up to date information on wintering (1999–2014) and breeding (1969– 2014). The wintering population of flamingos shows an increasing trend with 54,947±20,794 individuals mainly concentrated in the Gediz, Büyük Menderes and Çukurova deltas, respectively. Breeding attempts were recorded in at least seven wetlands in Turkey in the past, yet after 1999 most of the colonies were abandoned due to basin scale intensive water management practices in Central Anatolia. Currently, only Tuz Lake and Gediz Delta are used as regular breeding sites, while breeding has been recorded sporadically in Ac?göl and Ak?ehir Lakes. The breeding colony of Tuz Lake is of prime importance at the Mediterranean scale, with the number of young chicks in 2011, 2012 and 2013 accounting for the highest number of fledglings in the Mediterranean Region and West Africa (18,418, 20,274 and 20,292 respectively). Finally, building upon the previous findings about Turkey and the western Mediterranean metapopulation links, recent resightings of Turkish flamingos (despite the limited numbers) confirm post-fledging and natal dispersal reaching the western Mediterranean Basin and West Africa. Flamingos from Turkey were also found to disperse to Israel and to a region outside the known flyways of the western Mediterranean and West African flamingos (i.e. to Israel and UAE). Thus, Turkey, due to its geographic position, appears to be a crossroad between the western and eastern Mediterranean Region and southwest Asia.  相似文献   

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