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Analysis of 14 cystic fibrosis mutations in five South European populations   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
Summary We have analysed five Southern European populations (Albanian, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Yugoslavian) for 14 cystic fibrosis (CF) mutations. The most frequent mutations, apart from F508, were G542X (6.04%), R1162X (3.61%) and N1303K (3.24%). Each of the other analysed mutations were present at a frequency of less than 1% (R347P, R334W, S549RA, S549I, G551D, R553X and W1282X), and four mutations (D110H, I507, S549RT, and S1255X) were not found in this sample. The data presented here allows the use of mutation analysis in 69.5% of Spanish, 58% of Greek, and 56.5% of Italian CF cases.  相似文献   

The spectrum of cystic fibrosis mutations.   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Although the major mutation causing cystic fibrosis accounts for almost 70% of mutant chromosomes screened, almost 300 sequence alterations have been identified in the gene during the past two and a half years. At least 230 of these mutations are probably associated with disease. This rapid accumulation of data is in part due to the highly coordinated effort by members of the Cystic Fibrosis Genetic Analysis Consortium. The information is not only essential to genetic diagnosis, but also will aid in understanding the structure and function of the protein, and possibly in correlating genotype with phenotype.  相似文献   

Several mutations have been identified in the first nucleocide binding fold (NBF) of the cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. We have analyzed the DNA sequences of exons 10 and 11 in five different mammalian species, marmoset, mouse, cow, pig, and sheep; the amino acid conservation studied for nine disease mutations; and two “benign” mutations. For exon 10,87% homology at the DNA level and 93.5% at the amino acid level were found for these species. For exon 11, the lowest homology (70%), as found in mouse and the highest in marmoset (93%), whereas the amino acid sequence conservation ranged from 82.5 to 100%. All codons involved in CF mutations are highly conserved throughout evolution.  相似文献   

Methods for analysis of multiple cystic fibrosis mutations   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Summary A large number of mutations causing cystic fibrosis (CF) have been reported. In an attempt to improve methods for genetic diagnosis and for heterozygote screening, we evaluated methods for efficient analysis of the F508, G542X, G551D, R553X, and N1303K mutations. We found that multiple mutations can be analyzed simultaneously using hybridization with allelespecific oligonucleotides. Alternatively all of these mutations can be detected by amplification of DNA followed by restriction enzyme digestion and analysis on polyacrylamide gels. A previously reported method for use of modified primers for DNA amplification to allow detection of virtually any single-base change by restriction enzyme analysis proved particularly useful. The common F508 mutation and three mutations in exon 11 were analyzed using a multiplex amplification reaction followed by double digestion with restriction enzymes and electrophoresis in a single lane on a polyacrylamide gel. In a sample of 439 CF chromosomes from North American Caucasians, the frequencies of various mutations were as follows: F508=75.8%, G542X=2.7%, G551D=3.2%, R553X=1.4%, and N1303K=1.4% for a total of 84.5% detection of CF chromosomes by analysis for these five mutations.  相似文献   

Potential biological markers for cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease were identified by comparative proteomics profiling of nasal cells from deletion of phenylalanine residue 508 (F508del)-homozygous CF patients and non-CF controls. From the non-CF 2-DE gels, 65 spots were identified by MS, and a reference 2-DE map was thus established. The majority of those correspond to ubiquitously expressed proteins. Consistent with the epithelial origin of this tissue, some of the identified proteins are epithelial markers (e.g. cytokeratins, palate lung and nasal epithelium clone protein (PLUNC), and squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1). Comparison of this protein profile with the one similarly obtained for CF nasal cells revealed a set of differentially expressed proteins. These included proteins related to chronic inflammation and some others involved in oxidative stress injury. Alterations were also observed in the levels of cytoskeleton proteins, being probably implicated with cytoskeleton organization changes described to occur in CF-airways. Lower levels were found for some mitochondrial proteins suggesting an altered mitochondrial metabolism in CF. Differential expression was also found for two more enzymes that have not been previously associated to CF. Further studies will clarify the involvement of such proteins in CF pathophysiology and whether they are targets for CF therapy.  相似文献   

A cohort of 31 cystic fibrosis patients showing pancreatic sufficiency and bearing an unidentified mutation on at least one chromosome was analyzed through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the whole coding region of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene, including intron-exon boundaries. Three new and 19 previously described mutations were detected. The combination of these with known mutations detected by other methods, allowed the characterization of mutations on 56/62 (90.3%) chromosomes. Among those identified, 17 can be considered responsible for pancreatic sufficiency, since they were found in patients carrying a severe mutation on the other chromosome. Among these presumed mild mutations, eight were detected more than once, R352Q being the most frequent in this sample (4.83%). Intragenic microsatellite analysis revealed that the six chromosomes still bearing unidentified mutations are associated with five different haplotypes. This may indicate that these chromosomes bear different mutations, rarely occurring among cystic fibrosis patients, further underlying the molecular heterogeneity of the genetic defects present in patients having pancreatic sufficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Three polymorphic DNA marker loci (INT1L1, D7S23 and D7S399) map to a chromosomal region that is very close to the cystic fibrosis (CF) locus in terms of genetic distance. These marker loci have been used to analyse the linkage disequilibrium in 137CF families from two South European countries (Italy and Spain). The markers can be analysed for differences in linkage disequilibrium more easily in these populations than in North Europeans, in whom the disequilibrium between the allelic systems defined by the probes and CF is much greater and on a plateau through the genetic region. The different levels of disequilibrium found in the studied populations suggest that D7S399 and D7S23 are both closer to CF than INT1L1, and provide additional information on the origins and homogeneity of the CF defect.  相似文献   

A broad-based approach will be required for the development of new therapies for cystic fibrosis lung disease. Recently, rapid progress has been made in identifying and testing a number of gene transfer vectors, including adenoviral vectors and liposomes. Major problems, however, have been identified with respect to the efficiency of these systems. Preliminary studies suggest that small molecules (e.g. amelioride and UTP) may normalize the clearance of secretions from the cystic fibrosis lung. The concept of recombinant protein based therapy for cystic fibrosis has now been realized with the successful application of DNase in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltranferase (HPRT) deficiency is an X-linked disorder of purine salvage that ranges phenotypically from hyperuricaemia to Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome. Molecular testing is necessary to identify female carriers within families as a prelude to prenatal diagnosis. During the period 1999-2010 the Purine Research Laboratory studied 106 patients from 68 different families. Genomic sequencing revealed mutations in 88% of these families, 24 of which were novel. In eight patients, exon sequencing was not informative. Copy-DNA analysis in one patient revealed an insertion derived from a deep intronic sequence with a genomic mutation flanking this region, resulting in the creation of a false exon. Carrier testing was performed in 21 mothers of affected patients, out of these, 81% (17) were found to be carriers of the disease-associated mutation. Our results confirm the extraordinary variety and complexity of mutations in HPRT deficiency. A combination of genomic and cDNA sequencing may be necessary to define mutations.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene of 110 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients from the south-west of Germany was screened for 12 different mutations. This analysis resulted in an identification of 79% of all CF mutations and a complete genotype in 66% of the families. The most common mutation found was F508 (67%). Another 5 mutations accounted for a further 12.5% (4% G542X; 3% R553X; 3% N1303K; 2% 1717-1 GA; 0.5% G551D) whereas 6 mutations (R117H, A455E, I507, S549I, S549N, and R1162X) were not found. Fifty-four (49%) patients were AF508 homozygotes and 18 (16.5%) were compound heterozygotes for F508 and one of the rarer mutations. These frequencies differ slightly from those found in the north of Germany and considerably from those reported from the south of Europe, which seems to be consistent with a north to south decline of the relative abundance of F508. Two patients, age 6 and 25 years, were compound heterozygotes for G542X and N1303K. The clinical features of the 6 year old were characterised by severe gastrointestinal and as yet only mild pulmonary complications whereas the 25 year old manifested severe pulmonary and gastrointestinal symptoms indicating that the N1303K mutation of the C-terminal CFTR nucleotide binding fold significantly impairs protein function in both the pancreas and the lungs.  相似文献   

A cystinuria disease gene (rBAT) has recently been identified, but evidence strongly suggests that only Type-I cystinuria is due to mutations in this gene. Sixteen point mutations and a large deletion causing the disease have so far been described in the rBAT gene sequence. To identify new mutated alleles, genomic DNA was analyzed, after the determination of the entire genomic structure of the rBAT gene, by RNA-single strand conformation polymorphism analysis, an accurate and sensitive method able to detect nucleotide changes. Four new point mutations, a large deletion, and a common intragenic polymorphism were detected. These new mutations increase to 22 the number of mutated alleles so far characterized in rBAT. In addition, the frequency of 21 mutations was assessed in a sample of accurately defined Type-I cystinuria choromosomes. They account for about 58% of all Type-I chromosomes, mutation M467T being the most common (0.26). Received: 15 March 1996 / Revised: 17 May 1996  相似文献   

Glutaric acidemia type I (GAI) (McKusick 231670) is an autosomal recessive disease affecting the catabolism of the amino acids lysine, hydroxylysine and tryptophan, caused by a defect in the gene encoding glutaryl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (GCDH) and associated with severe neurological symptoms. Several pathogenic mutations in GCDH have been reported to cause GAI. One mutation, R402W, is more common than the others, which seem to be private” mutations. Here we report the entire sequences of introns 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and part of those of introns 4, 5 and 10 as well as 21 different mutations in 20 patients with GAI, corresponding to 38 out of 40 alleles. Received: 29 September / Accepted: 4 December 1997  相似文献   

More than 50% of children with severe 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) do not have a definitive etiological diagnosis. Besides gonadal dysgenesis, defects in androgen biosynthesis, and abnormalities in androgen sensitivity, the Mastermind-like domain containing 1 (MAMLD1) gene, which was identified as critical for the development of male genitalia, may be implicated. The present study investigated whether MAMLD1 is implicated in cases of severe 46,XY DSD and whether routine sequencing of MAMLD1 should be performed in these patients.Seventy children with severe non-syndromic 46,XY DSD of unknown etiology were studied. One hundred and fifty healthy individuals were included as controls. Direct sequencing of the MAMLD1, AR, SRD5A2 and NR5A1 genes was performed. The transactivation function of the variant MAMLD1 proteins was quantified by the luciferase method.TWO NEW MUTATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: p.S143X (c.428C>A) in a patient with scrotal hypospadias with microphallus and p.P384L (c.1151C>T) in a patient with penile hypospadias with microphallus. The in vitro functional study confirmed no residual transactivating function of the p.S143X mutant and a significantly reduced transactivation function of the p.P384L protein (p = 0.0032). The p.P359S, p.N662S and p.H347Q variants are also reported with particularly high frequency of the p.359T- p.662G haplotype in the DSD patients.Severe undervirilization in XY newborns can reveal mutations of MAMLD1. MAMLD1 should be routinely sequenced in these patients with otherwise normal AR, SRD5A2 and NR5A1genes.  相似文献   

One feature of the mutations thus far found to be associated with the disease cystic fibrosis (CF) is that many of them are clustered within the first nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). We sought to discover the molecular basis for this clustering by introducing into the two NBDs of CFTR mutations either mimicking amino acid changes associated with CF or altering residues within highly conserved motifs. Synthesis and maturation of the mutant CFTR were studied by transient expression in COS cells. The ability of the altered proteins to generate cyclic AMP-stimulated anion efflux was assessed by using 6-methoxy-N-(sulfopropyl) quinolinium (SPQ) fluorescence measurements in HeLa cells expressing mutated plasmids. The results show that (i) all CF-associated mutants, with one exception, lack functional activity as measured in the SPQ assay, (ii) mutations in NBD1 are more sensitive to the effects of the same amino acid change than are the corresponding mutations in NBD2, (iii) cells transfected with plasmids bearing CF-associated mutations commonly but not exclusively lack mature CFTR, (iv) NBD mutants lacking mature CFTR fail to activate Cl- channels, and (v) the glycosylation of CFTR, per se, is not required for CFTR function. We reason that the structure of NBD1 itself or of the surrounding domains renders it particularly sensitive to mutational changes. As a result, most NBD1 mutants, but only a few NBD2 mutants, fail to mature or lack functional activity. These findings are consistent with the observed uneven distribution of CFTR missense mutations between NBD1 and NBD2 of CF patients.  相似文献   

Two DNA sequences closely linked to the cystic fibrosis locus have been sublocalized to 7q31.3----q32 by in situ hybridization. These findings are consistent with previously published maps of that region of human chromosome 7. The cystic fibrosis locus therefore maps to the 7q31.3----q32 region, a more distal location that had been inferred from previous data.  相似文献   

Microsatellite haplotypes were determined for 117 chromosomes carrying the four most frequent mutations in the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene identified in the Breton population of Celtic origin, as well as for 83 normal chromosomes (noncarriers of a CF mutation). Each of the three non-ΔF508 mutations was associated with a single haplotype: 1078delT with 16-31-13, G551D with 16-7-17, and W846X with 16-32-13. Although these results suggest identity-by-descent for each mutation, recurrent mutations, although unlikely, could not be completely ruled out. The four most frequent haplotypes on normal chromosomes and the three most frequent haplotypes on ΔF508 chromosomes are the same as those found in Ireland, Spain, and Italy. This suggests that some haplotypes, associated or not with the ΔF508 mutation, were present in an ancestral population from which all four populations descended. Received: 27 November 1995 / Revised: 1 February 1996  相似文献   

We have screened 175 patients for molecular defects in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene using nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and sequencing. Six different mutations (F508del, G542X, 621+1G --> T, 2789+5G --> A, R1070Q, and S466X) accounted for 79.71% of CF alleles, with the F508del mutation showing a frequency of 72.28%. Another 12 mutations (R334W, 2184insA, I507del, 1525-1G --> A, E585X, R75X, M1I, 457TAT --> G, 574delA, 2723delTT, A120T, and 2907delTT) covered an additional 3.36%. A novel mutation (2723delTT) was found in one CF patient (F508del/2723delTT). Thus, a total of 18 mutations cover 82.57% of CF alleles. During our study, 72% of families at risk for having a CF child were found to be fully informative for prenatal diagnosis. Prenatal diagnosis was performed on 56 families; 76 analyses resulting in 16 affected, 38 carriers, and 22 healthy fetuses. These results imply that the molecular basis of CF in Serbia and Montenegro is highly heterogeneous, as is observed in other eastern and southern European populations. Because we detected more then 80% of CFTR alleles, results could be used for planning future screening and appropriate genetic counseling programs in our country.  相似文献   

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