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The bacteriophage λ genes exo and bet, whose products (λ exonuclease and β protein, respectively; Red phenotype) mediate homologous recombination of λ phages, have been cloned under lacPOlacIq control on multi-copy plasmids. Induction of recA3 cells harboring these plasmids with isopropylthiogalactoside (IPTG) resulted in λ exonuclease levels (assayed in vitro) that were proportional to the time of induction (for at least 4 h); recombination of λ Red? phages in vivo was similarly inducible. Only one out of 25 betΔ plasmids (constructed by a variety of in vitro techniques) expressed λ exonuclease, a result consistent with the polarity of several known phage bet mutations. A general method for transferring phage exo and bet mutations to plasmids was devised and plasmids bearing polar (bet3) and nonpolar (bet113) mutations were constructed. Mutant derivatives of the plasmid showed the same complementation pattern as analogous phage red mutants. When λbet3 phages (Exo?Bet?) infected IPTG-induced recA3 bacteria containing exo+bet+ plasmids, recombination frequencies were no more than twice those typical for infection of plasmid-free recA3 cells with exo+bet+ phages, even in the case of IPTG induction sufficient to elevate the production of λ exonuclease about 100-fold. Even when plasmid induction was delayed till as late as 50 min after infection, recombination was significant. Preliminary experiments suggest that these plasmids encode a polypeptide with Gam activity that corresponds to the 98-amino acid “shorter” open reading frame assigned to gam by Sanger et al.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of a Bacillus subtilis xylanase gene in Escherichia coli   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
R Bernier  H Driguez  M Desrochers 《Gene》1983,26(1):59-65
A gene coding for xylanase synthesis in Bacillus subtilis was isolated by direct shotgun cloning using Escherichia coli as a host. Following partial digestion of B. subtilis chromosomal DNA with PstI or EcoRI restriction enzymes, fragments ranging from 3 to 7 kb were introduced into the PstI or EcoRI sites of pBR325. Transformed colonies having lost either the ampicillin or chloramphenicol resistance markers were screened directly on 1% xylan plates. Out of 8000 transformants, ten xylanase-positive clones were identified by the clearing zone around lysozyme-treated colonies. Further characterization of one of the clones showed that the xylanase gene was present in a 3.9-kb insert within the PstI site of the plasmid pBR325. Retransformation of E. coli strain with the xylanase-positive hybrid plasmid pRH271 showed 100% transformation to xylanase production. The intracellular xylanase produced by the transformed E. coli was purified by ion exchange and gel permeation chromatography. The electrophoretic mobility of the purified xylanase indicated an Mr of 22 000.  相似文献   

We describe here simple techniques for increasing the frequency of UV-induced mutations in a DNA fragment cloned in plasmid pBR322. Irradiation of both the host and the plasmid DNA before transformation is necessary to produce new mutations in the plasmid DNA, presumably because the UV-damaged pBR322 replicon cannot efficiently induce the error-prone repair pathway of Escherichia coli. In contrast, U V irradiation of the plasmid DNA alone before transformation primarily causes the transfer of preexisting mutations from the host chromosome to homologous DNA present in the plasmid. The only other kind of mutants obtained were large deletions of the plasmid DNA. Two chromosomal mutations from the host galK gene and one from the lacZ gene have been transferred to the plasmid by UV irradiation of the plasmid DNA alone. The technique can thus be of general use.  相似文献   

Selective retention of recombinant plasmids coding for human insulin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plasmids may be lost from Escherichia coli K-12 hosts that are cultured without selection for plasmid retention. This is particularly true for chimeric plasmids that incorporate genes for human insulin into vectors derived from pBR322. The cIts857 gene of bacteriophage lambda was inserted into the bla gene of the human-insulin-coding plasmids, pIA7 delta 4 delta 1, pIB7 delta 4 delta 1 and pHI7 delta 4 delta 1, generating the new plasmids pPR17, pPR18 and pPR19, respectively, which produced the thermosensitive lambda repressor. The cI gene was downstream from the pM and pbla promoters, so that it may have been expressed from either or both promoters. Separate E. coli K-12 RV308 host strains containing the new recombinants were lysogenized with the repressor-defective bacteriophage lambda cI90. Loss of the plasmid from the lysogens causes concomitant loss of the lambda repressor and cell death, because the prophage is induced to enter the lytic growth cycle. The system effectively forces retention of the plasmid in all viable cells in the culture.  相似文献   

R L Neve  G A Bruns  T P Dryja  D M Kurnit 《Gene》1983,23(3):343-354
Human Alu repeat ("BLUR") sequences have been cloned into the mini-plasmid vector piVX. The resulting piBLUR clones have been used to rescue selectively, by recombination, bacteriophage carrying human DNA sequences from genomic libraries constructed using DNA from rodent-human somatic cell hybrids. piBLUR clones are able to retrieve human clones from such libraries because at least one Alu family repeat is present on most 15 to 20 kb fragments of human DNA and because of the relative species-specificity of the sequences comprising the Alu family. The rapid, selective plaque purification achieved results in the construction of a collection of recombinant phage carrying diverse human DNA inserts from a specific subset of the human karyotype. Subfragments of two recombinants rescued from a mouse-human somatic cell hybrid containing human chromosomes X, 10, 13, and 22 were mapped to human chromosomes X and 13, respectively, demonstrating the utility of this protocol for the isolation of human chromosome-specific DNA sequences from appropriate somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

A plasmid containing the glyA gene of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 was constructed in vitro using plasmid pACYC184 as the cloning vector and a λgt7-glyA transducing phage as the source of glyA DNA. The recombinant plasmid (pGS30) contains a 10-kb EcoRI insert fragment. Genetic and biochemical experiments established that the fragment contains a functional glyA gene. From plasmid pGS30 we subcloned a 4.4-kb SalI-EcoRI fragment containing the glyA gene and its neighboring regions (plasmid pGS38). The location and orientation of the glyA gene within the 4.4-kb insert fragment was determined in four ways: (1) comparison of the physical map of the 4.4-kb SalI-EcoRI fragment with the physical map of a 2.6-kb SalI-PvuII fragment that carries the Escherichia coli glyA gene; (2) deletion analysis; (3) transposon Tn5 insertional inactivation experiments; (4) deoxyribonucleic acid sequencing and comparison of the S. typhimurium DNA sequence with the E. coli DNA sequence. A presumptive glyA-encoded polypeptide of Mr 47000 was detected using plasmid pGS38 as template in a minicell system, but not when the glyA gene was inactivated by insertion of a Tn5 element.  相似文献   

A rat liver cDNA library was prepared from total polyribosomal poly(A)+ RNA extracted from phenobarbital-treated animals. A cDNA clone coding for a phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 (PB P-450) was identified by differential colony hybridization to cDNAs synthesized from liver poly(A)+RNAs isolated from phenobarbital-treated rats for positive selection and cDNAs from either untreated rats or beta-naphthoflavone-treated rats as negative controls, followed by hybrid-selected translation and analysis of the translation products by immunoprecipitation. As the cloning and screening strategies involve no prior enrichment for specific mRNAs, they also permit the identification of sequences coding for phenobarbital-induced proteins other than cytochromes P-450. This relatively straightforward approach is generally applicable to the molecular cloning of sequences coding for other inducible cytochromes P-450. Nucleic acid sequencing data indicated that the cloned PB P-450 cDNA codes for a cytochrome P-450 variant [designated P-450e(U.C.)] that is very similar, but not identical, to P-450e. Sequence analysis of the section of cDNA specifying the 3'-non-coding region of the mRNA revealed that it lacked the usual poly(A) addition site signal sequence but contained three inverted repeat structures. Solution hybridization analysis demonstrated that PB P-450 mRNA is increased 20-fold by phenobarbital treatment and decreased 3-fold by beta-naphthoflavone treatment.  相似文献   

The causes of the particular distribution of both Trypanosoma cruzi lineages throughout the American continent remain unknown. In Colombia, T. cruzi I is the predominant group in both domestic and sylvatic cycles. Here, we present the biological characterization of T. cruzi parasites belonging to both T. cruzi I and T. cruzi IIb groups. Our results show the inability of the T. cruzi IIb clones to infect mammalian cells, produce trypomastigotes and replicate in Rhodnius prolixus, the main vector species in this country. Moreover, this result was confirmed when other species from the same genus, such as R. pallescens and R. robustus, were infected with the same TcIIb clone and its parental strain, while the infection in other genera such as Triatoma and Panstrongylus was successful. Furthermore, the growth kinetics and duplication time in vitro suggest that the high prevalence of T. cruzi I in Colombia results from more successful interactions between parasite lineage, vector, and host species. This type of study may help to understand the factors influencing the particular epidemiological patterns of Chagas disease transmission in different endemic regions.  相似文献   

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