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Late Quaternary sedimentation and lithostratigraphic patterns on the Strait of Sicily platform are readily discernible from those in the adjacent deep Mediterranean basins. Strait cores are unusually uniform, show a high degree of bioturbation and include an important coarse bioclastic fraction. Lithofacies are correlated with depth and proximity to the Strait narrows. Stratification (alternating sand and mud turbidites, hemipelagic mud and ash layers) is best developed in three deep narrow basins in the Strait where benthic populations and rates of bioturbation are significantly lower than on the shallower neritic platform and banks.14C dates show that the top of some cores are truncated in the early Holocene at a time when black, organic-rich sapropel layers formed in the central and eastern Mediterranean. No sapropels are recovered on the Strait and, further, bioturbation structures occur throughout late Quaternary sections. These and concurrent faunal changes indicate that: (1) the Strait remained ventilated and swept by currents while density stratification and anaerobic conditions prevailed to the east; and (2) circulation was not blocked at the Strait during the last glacial-postglacial evolution. Sedimentological and related observations are best interpreted in terms of short-lived but important water mass fluctuations, including a possible reversal of currents, which took place during the early warming phase of the climatic curve.  相似文献   

The development of a detailed planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy for the Late Quaternary (latest 180,000 years) has allowed the dating and correlation of sediments from the Strait of Sicily. Principal component analysis of the assemblages has extracted a climatic history similar to that based upon oxygen isotopic oscillations. Intercore correlations are supported by tephrochronology and sapropel layer stratigraphy. Identification of Termination IA and IB in several high sedimentation rate cores indicates that the Mediterranean Sea experienced a two-stage warming during the last deglaciation. Cores collected between water depths of 200 and 600 m contain an erosional hiatus near their tops, reflecting an increase in the Levantine Intermediate Water flow sometime since 25,000 years B.P. and as recently as 7000 years B.P., during deposition of the youngest sapropel layer. A distinct and unusual planktonic foraminiferal succession is associated with sapropel layers. This begins in a protosapropel layer immediately beneath a sapropel horizon and continues upwards to the immediately overlying oxidized layer.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1988,13(3):265-289
Deep-sea benthic foraminifera of the region of water exchange between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, at the Gibraltar Strait, show significant water-mass relationships for the past 18,000 years.Cores used in this benthic foraminifera analysis were selected, according to the context of the distribution of various deep bottom water masses, on each side of the Gibraltar Strait:
  • 1.(1) on the Atlantic side of the Strait, two cores (KS 8228, KS 8229) are located in the present day NADW, and one (KC 8221) in the upper part of the present Mediterranean outflow water,
  • 2.(2) on the Mediterranean side of Gibraltar, two cores (KC 8241, SU 8107) are located in the deep water mass, and one (KS 8230) in the intermediate water mass.
In the two deep basins (1500–2800 m depth in the Gulf of Cadiz, 1200–1300 m depth in the Alboran Sea), the paleooceanographic changes appear to be in an opposite way for the past 18,000 years. The Alboran basin shows a paleooceanographic evolution from a well-oxygenated, nutrient-rich environment at about 18,000 yr B.P. to a nutrient-poor, oxygen-depleted environment from 13,000 to the present time; moreover, for the time-span synchronous with the well-known development of sapropels in the eastern Mediterranean basins between 10,000 and 7000 yr B.P., the faunal assemblage shows most unusual characteristics implying drastic environmental conditions. Conversely, in the Gulf of Cadiz, the environment pass as from a biotope occupied by an oxygen-depleted, nutrient-poor water mass at about 18,000 years B.P. to a biotope occupied by NADW since the Younger Dryas; this agrees with previous data obtained in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Caralp, 1987).In the epibathyal zones (550–800 m depth), on both sides of the Gibraltar Strait, paleohydrographic changes do not seem so important. According to the present and very late Holocene assemblages, which are similar on both sides of the Strait with a strong east-west flow, two other stratigraphic episodes have shown the same conditions of water exchanges: the end of the isotopic stage 2 and the Younger Dryas. Conversely, during the last glacial maximum, the Bølling-Allerød and the lower Holocene, westward water fluxes were probably lower. At no time, the hypothesis of a reversal or a stop in the east-west exchanges between Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean may be justified.  相似文献   

Benthonic foraminifera from 15 surface- and 70 core-sediment samples (three cores) from the Western Australian continental margin (Exmouth Plateau) were quantitatively investigated. As far as possible, the occurrences of the species were correlated with the recent oceanographic conditions especially as related to water depths. The sampled sites are separated from the Australian Shelf by the Montebello Trough so that the taphocoenoses cannot become adulterated by foraminifera from the shelf. Only 1% or less of the foraminifera are benthonic species. The benthonic foraminiferal faunas of the surface sediment samples from 3800 to 1700 m are composed of about the same deep-water species as described from southeastern Indian Ocean basins by Corliss (1979a). They differ from one another only because different species dominate the faunas dependent on different water depth and/or water mass. Above 1700 m the character of the benthonic foraminiferal fauna is slowly changing from abyssal to bathyal. Downcore the benthonic foraminifera show marked changes in abundance patterns, which partly parallel the changes which can be observed with the “cool” and “warm” indicating planktonic foraminifera, partly show regular phase displacement with these changes. The different abundances of the same species in a core from, for instance, 3000 m or from 2000 m water depth, respectively, prevent a direct correlation between the cores. It also proved impossible to correlate the changes in the frequency patterns of certain species to certain paleo-oceanographic conditions. Examples for this are given.  相似文献   

Micropaleontological studies were made of cores from four shelf basins on the eastern Canadian Margin: Emerald and Canso basins on the Scotian Shelf (44°–46° N), Notre Dame Channel, Newfoundland Shelf (50° N) and Cartwright Saddle, Labrador Shelf (55°). Events were correlated using a combination of14C dates and pollen stratigraphies. Surface- and bottom-water changes were compared on the basis of dinoflagellates and benthic foraminifera, respectively. The results indicate significant paleoceanographic shifts along a north—south gradient both prior to and during the Holocene.Distinct Late Pleistocene—Holocene paleoceanographic events were distinguished in the Emerald, Canso and Notre Dame basins; these events are less obvious in Cartwright Saddle which is in deeper water and further off-shore. Pleistocene glaciomarine sediments in all basins contain a fauna dominated byElphidium excavatum f.clavata; dinoflagellates and pollen are rare or absent. The widespreadElphidium fauna probably reflects turbid glacial meltwater and/or a permanent ice shelf cover from 20,000-10,000 yrs BP. The Notre Dame core also penetrates older sediment with an outer Labrador Current fauna which may represent a late Wisconsinian interstade at about 23,000 yrs BP. From 7,000–10,000 yrs BP a cold water fauna occurred which is similar to modern outer Labrador Current faunas. From about 5000–7000 yrs BP, a warm interval is indicated by a relatively warm-water calcareous benthonic foraminiferal fauna and increased representation of typical Gulf Stream dinoflagellates. The most recent change occurred in the last 2000 years with an abrupt cooling associated with stronger flow of the arctic inner Labrador Current. This cooling event is marked by an increase in arctic dinoflagellates and by an exclusively agglutinated benthonic foraminiferal fauna at two sites (Canso and Notre Dame). These Holocene paleoceanographic changes are not clearly seen in the benthic fauna of the deep northern basin (Cartwright Saddle) although dinoflagellate data at this site indicate that surface-water changes have occurred that are similar to those found in shallower basins.Shifts in the zonal position of the Gulf Stream and changes in the relative mass transports of the West Greenland and Labrador currents are mechanisms which may account for the paleoceanographic events. The glacial—interstadial—glacial sequence recorded in the Notre Dame Channel, in conjunction with other theories on glacial triggering mechanisms, provides biostratigraphic evidence which suggests the onset of a glacial stage in the near future.  相似文献   

Eocene-Oligocene deep-sea benthonic foraminifera in D.S.D.P. Site 277 in the southwest Pacific have been analyzed to determine the benthonic foraminiferal response to the development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Biostratigraphic ranges of 41 taxa show that 23 taxa are found throughout the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene sequence, while 18 taxa exhibit first or last occurrences. Comparison of the faunal changes in Site 277 with a benthonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope record shows that the development of the psychrosphere did not have a profound effect upon the benthonic foraminifera, and the overall faunal change preceding and subsequent to the bottom-water circulation event occurred gradually. The inferred water-mass event affected the relative abundance of one species, Epistominella umbonifera. The lack of major faunal changes at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in Site 277 probably reflects either wide environmental tolerances of the benthonic foraminifera, or a bottom-water temperature change less than 3°C.Examination of previously published benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphic data from D.S.D.P. Sites 167, 171, 357, 360, 363, and 400A, and deep-sea ostracode data from D.S.D.P. Leg 3 show faunal changes occurred during discrete intervals in the Middle Eocene-Early Oligocene. The faunal patterns from these data and from Site 277 show that the Eocene/Oligocene cooling event did not cause rapid, catastrophic changes of the benthonic faunas of the open ocean, although significant faunal changes are associated with the water mass event in Sites 167, 171 and 400A.The benthonic faunal changes in Middle Eocene-Early Oligocene time are consistent with the gradual decrease of inferred bottom-water temperatures, based on previously published oxygen isotopic data. The δ 18O Eocene/Oligocene enrichment of 0.76‰ is a major event in the Southern Ocean oxygen isotopic record, but is considerably less in magnitude than the 1.75-2.00‰ change that occurred gradually from mid-Early Eocene to the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The benthonic foraminiferal and isotopic data indicate that bottom-water circulation may have developed during the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene interval, with the 3°C bottom-water cooling near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary representing part of this development.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2009,72(3-4):97-112
Ninety-five species and 19 genera of cosmopolitan, deep-sea benthic foraminifera belonging to the families Pleurostomellidae, Stilostomellidae and Nodosariidae, became extinct during the Late Pliocene–Middle Pleistocene. Only 50% of these (44 species) were present in the Pliocene or Pleistocene of the deep Mediterranean Sea (ODP Sites 654, 966, 967, 975, 976), being those which had successfully migrated in via the Strait of Gibraltar from the deep Atlantic following the annihilation of the Mediterranean deep-sea fauna during the Late Miocene Messinian Crisis. Most colonisation occurred within the first 0.8 myrs (5.3–4.5 Ma) after re-establishment of the Mediterranean–Atlantic link, with possibly a second lesser period of immigration in the Late Pliocene (3.4–3.0 Ma). We infer that colonisations may have been fortuitous and few in number, as some common members of the group in the Atlantic never succeeded in establishing in the Mediterranean Sea. There is no evidence of any new immigration events during the Pleistocene, implying that the present anti-estuarine circulation may have been in place throughout this period. Our studies suggest that these deep-water, low-oxygen-tolerant foraminifera survived the many periods of deep-water sapropel formation in the Pliocene–Early Pleistocene, possibly in somewhat shallower (~ 500 m) refuges with dysoxic, rather than anoxic conditions.The Pliocene–Pleistocene stratigraphic record of this group of elongate, cylindrical benthic foraminifera with constricted and specialised apertures is similar in the west and east Mediterranean basins. The group declined in abundance (flux) and diversity in two pulses, during the Late Pliocene (3.1–2.7 Ma) and the late Early Pleistocene (1.3–1.0 Ma) in concert with global, southern-sourced, deep-water sites (AABW, CPDW) and earlier than the single decline (1.0–0.6 Ma) in global, intermediate water sites (uNADW, AAIW). All species, with one possible exception, disappeared earlier in the Mediterranean than globally. The highest occurrence of any species of this group in Mediterranean sites was 0.8–0.43 Ma, comparable with 0.7–0.2 Ma outside with the youngest survivors being in abyssal, deep-water.Thus, despite the unusual oceanographic conditions and isolation, the deep Mediterranean Sea was in this case neither the centre for the evolution of new species nor a refuge where species survived after they had disappeared elsewhere.  相似文献   

Amphisteginid foraminifera are larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera that are abundant in tropical and subtropical reef and shelf regions of the world’s oceans. There is now unequivocal evidence that climate change has led to an expansion of tropical belts. As temperatures rise, surface isotherms are shifting poleward and habitat ranges are moving towards higher latitudes. Fueled by substantial warming, the Mediterranean has been identified as one of the most severely affected areas. This study documents for the first time that amphisteginid foraminifera have now crossed the Strait of Otranto and invaded the eastern Adriatic coast along southern Albania. Sampling on the opposite side along the southern part of the Italian boot shows, however, that amphisteginid foraminifera have not yet colonized the western coast of the Adriatic. The asymmetric invasion of the Adriatic displays spatial heterogeneity, where the progressive colonization follows the major surface currents with a northerly flow along the eastern coast and a southerly return along the western coastline. Previous sampling along Ionian Sea sample sites provides a baseline chronology allowing computations of range expansion rates. The observed recent rate of range expansion in Amphistegina is computed between 4.0 and 10 km/year?1 and provides strong support for current species model projections. Based on the new data, the range boundary shift is projected to lead to a total northward range expansion of 5.2° latitude in the year 2100. The latitudinal range extension computed for the Mediterranean is thus almost twice as large as those computed for the southern hemisphere. The ongoing range extension into new areas of the Mediterranean Sea is shown to trigger changes in community structures with potential consequences for ecosystem functioning. Numerical abundances and impacts of invasive amphisteginids are greatest at shallow depths <20 m. Evidence is now accumulating that the invasion of amphisteginid foraminifera results in (1) a loss of benthic foraminiferal biodiversity, (2) alterations of foraminiferal community structures and (3) shifts in abundances of functional groups of foraminifera.  相似文献   

The palaeoceanographic evolution of the Levantine waters during the last deglacial time is investigated using the sedimentary record of a deep sea core, CS 70-5, from the Linosa basin (35° 44.4′N/13° 11.0′E, 1486 m water depth). Radiocarbon dating and oxygen isotope stratigraphy based on18O changes inGlobigerina bulloides allow us to recognize and to date the different steps of the deglaciation. These steps are synchronous with those reported in the North Atlantic, but correspond to a δ18O decrease of higher amplitude than in the Alboran sea or in the North Atlantic Ocean. Major faunal events permit the establishment of a local biozonation which differs from those reported either for the Alboran sea or the Eastern Mediterranean basin. Major breaks in the faunal assemblages occurred during Termination IA, within the first step of the deglaciation around 14 kyr B.P., and near 10.6 kyr B.P. within the Younger Dryas. The onset of the last deglaciation induced important changes in the characteristics of the Levantine and Atlantic water masses which occupied the Strait of Sicily. The δ13C records ofGlobigerina bulloides andCibicidoides pachyderma indicate that the modifications observed in the assemblages of deep faunas are controlled by the oxygenation of the water column. δ13C records ofGlobigerina bulloides are similar throughout the West Mediterranean as well as in sediments located below the present Mediterranean outflow. The distributional pattern as well as its δ13C record suggest that this species could be a good recorder of the upper Levantine waters and, more precisely, of the mixing layer of the overlying Atlantic waters with the Levantine ones.Major influxes of Atlantic waters during Terminations IA and IB could have slowed down the vertical mixing of the different water layers present in the Strait of Sicily and caused a decrease in the oxygenation of the water column. During Termination IB the effect of Atlantic influxes was reinforced by the occurrence of a low salinity layer in the eastern basin which led to the stagnation of the deep waters. The two episodes of decreased oxygenation in the Levantine waters also favored the precipitation of inorganic magnesium calcite.  相似文献   

The oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions of planktic and benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from Middle Oligocene-Early Miocene Equatorial Atlantic sediments (DSDP Site 354) indicate two important paleoceanographic changes, in the Late Oligocene (foraminiferal Zone P.21) and in the Early Miocene (foraminiferal Zone N.5). The first change, reflected by a δ18O increase of 1.45‰ inGlobigerina venezuelana, affected only intermediate pelagic and not surface, deep or bottom waters. The second change affected surface and intermediate waters, whereas deep and bottom waters showed only minor fluctuations. In the case of the former the isotope effect of the moderate ice accumulation on the Antarctic continent is amplified in the Equatorial Atlantic by changes in the circulation pattern. The latter paleoceanographic change, reflected by a significant increase in18O in both planktic and benthic forms (about 1.0‰ and 0.5‰, respectively), may have been caused by ice volume increase and temperature decrease. Both oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions indicate a marked depth-habitat stratification for planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. Three different dwelling groups are recognized: shallowGlobigerinoides, Globoquadrina dehiscens, Globorotalia mayeri and nannofossils; intermediateGlobigerina venezuelana; and deepCatapsydrax dissimilis. The comparison of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils suggests that the isotopic compositions of nannofossils are generally controlled by the same parameters which control the isotopic composition of shallow-dwelling foraminifera, but the former are more enriched in18O.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1996,28(2):171-197
A census count of Rose Bengal stained benthic foraminifera from the surface area on top of a 2 to 6 cm thick ashfall layer at three deep water stations along the western margin of the Philippines exhibits a unique assemblage composition of benthic foraminifera. The total number of benthic foraminifera is low and the ratio of living individuals to empty tests is high. Specific diversity is low, with a significant dominance of infaunal morphotypes including species of the genus Reophax (R. scorpiurus, R. bilocularis and R. dentaliniformis), which are regarded as successful recolonizers. Assemblages below the ash layers are diverse and contain many epifaunal suspension-feeding agglutinated and calcareous foraminifera. The 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption caused mass mortality of benthic foraminifera in a vast area of the eastern South China Sea followed by step-wise recolonization of the ash substrate. Three years after the eruption, the benthic foraminiferal community structure is still far from recovery to background levels.  相似文献   

This study is based on Cenomanian to lower Turonian sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1258, 1259, 1260, and 1261 from the Demerara Rise (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Suriname) that are oriented along a paleodepth transect. Studied sediments include the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) or Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) and consist of laminated black shales with TOC values between 5% and 10% below and above OAE 2 and up to 29% within the OAE 2 interval. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in this eutrophic environment are generally characterized by low diversities and strong fluctuations of abundances, indicating oxygen depletion and high organic matter fluxes. Dominant taxa at all sites are Bolivina anambra, Gavelinella dakotensis, Tappanina sp., Praebulimina prolixa, and Neobulimina albertensis. Based on the positive stable carbon isotope excursion characteristics of OAE 2 we subdivided the studied successions into three intervals: (1) the interval below OAE 2; (2) the carbon isotope excursion reflecting OAE 2; and (3) the interval above OAE 2. In the bathymetrically shallower Sites 1260 and 1261 benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate anoxic to sometimes slightly dysoxic bottom-water conditions below the OAE 2 interval. The bathymetrically deepest Site 1258, in contrast, reflects more oxygenated bottom waters with an almost continuous occurrence of benthic foraminifera. It is therefore suggested that the shallower sites were located within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), whereas Site 1258 was below the OMZ. During OAE 2 anoxic conditions prevailed at the shallower sites. At Site 1258 benthic foraminifera indicate severe dysoxic but not anoxic conditions. This pattern is proposed to reflect a strengthening of the OMZ possibly related to increased primary production during OAE 2. A short-term repopulation event of benthic foraminifera in the lower third of the OAE 2 interval was observed at all sites, reflecting a brief bottom-water oxygenation event. This short-lived event parallels a surface-water cooling and is probably equivalent to the “Plenus Cool Event” in Europe and the “benthonic zone” in the U.S. Western Interior. The benthic foraminifera of a ~0.5 Ma interval following OAE 2 still indicate oxygen depletion of bottom waters. Subsequently, however, a strong increase in benthic foraminiferal abundance and diversity reflects better oxygenation of the bottom-water masses, probably related to a weakening of the OMZ due to decreasing organic matter flux.  相似文献   

The present paper illustrates the stratigraphic results of a transponder-navigated coring program carried out in 1978 on the southern Calabrian Ridge (Cobblestone Area 4) and western Mediterranean Ridge (Cobblestone Area 3).Semi-quantitative investigations of over 600 foraminiferal samples and 450 nannofossil slides from forty cores, with a total recovery of 333 m, comprise the data base of the study.Most of the sediments recovered are Late Pleistocene or Holocene in age. The high-resolution nannofossil biostratigraphic scheme recently proposed for the Quaternary, coupled with sapropel stratigraphy and with tephrachronology resulted in precise correlation of the cores.Mid-Pleistocene sediments were recovered in a single core from Area 4, and in one core from Area 3, both located on basin walls. Four cores from basin walls in Area 4 yielded Pliocene sediments. No sediments older than approximately 3 m.y. (foraminiferal Zone M Pl 4, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica nannofossil Zone) are exposed on the explored walls from the southern Calabrian Ridge. Early and Late Pliocene sediments were recovered from the walls of the deepest crater-like basin explored in Area 3, but only in dredges. In this latter area also two peculiar lithologies were cored, basically unfossiliferous, but thought to be pre-Pliocene in age: a mud breccia whose clasts yield a sparse assemblage of mid-Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera, and a dolomitic mudstone, which is attributed to the Late Messinian on the basis of correlation with a similar lithology cored at DSDP Site 374, and substantiated by analogy in X-ray controlled mineralogical composition.The fairly complete record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene sapropels recovered in the southern Calabrian Ridge discards the hypothesis that the southern part of the Ionian Sea did not undergo stagnant cycles during the ice ages.Another hypothesis relating the origin of Cobblestone topography to olistostromes is also considered untenable on the basis of the new data. The large number of cores, precisely located on a previously mapped, highly irregular bottom physiography, disproves that large-scale chaotic sedimentation occurred: debris flows recorded in base-of-slope cores document local slope failures.  相似文献   

Comparisons of ambient bottom-water geochemistry and stable isotopic values of the tests of living (stained) calcareous benthic foraminifera from the North Pacific (on the Aleutian Margin, water depth 1988 m) and Murray Canyons group in the Southern Indian Ocean (Australian Margin, water depths 2476 m and 1634 m) provide modern environmental analogs to calibrate paleoenvironmental assessments. Consistent with the hypothesis that microhabitat preferences influence foraminiferal isotopic values, benthic foraminifera from both margins were depleted in 13C with respect to bottom-water dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The carbon isotope values of deep infaunal foraminifera (Chilostomella oolina, Globobulimina pacifica) showed greater differences from estimates of those of DIC than shallow benthic foraminifera (Bulimina mexicana, Bolivinita quadrilatera, Pullenia bulloides). This study provides new isotopic and ecological information for B. quadrilatera. The mean Δδ13C value, defined as foraminiferal δ13C values minus estimated ambient δ13C values from the Aleutian Margin, is 0.97‰ higher for G. pacifica than the mean from the Murray Canyon. This difference may result either from genetic or biological differences between the populations or from differences in environmental isotopic influences (such as pore water differences) that were not accounted for in the equilibrium calculations. These analyses provide calibration information for the evaluation of bottom water conditions and circulation patterns of ancient oceans based on fossil foraminiferal geochemistry.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of bioturbation by macrofauna on the vertical distribution of living (stained) benthic foraminifera in marine intertidal sediments. We investigated the links between macrofaunal bioturbation and foraminiferal distribution, by sampling from stations situated on a gradient of perturbation by oyster-farming, which has a major effect on benthic faunal assemblages. Sediment cores were collected on the French Atlantic coast, from three intertidal stations: an oyster farm, an area without oysters but affected by oyster biodeposits, and a control station. Axial tomodensitometry (CT-scan) was used for three-dimensional visualization and two-dimensional analysis of the cores. Biogenic structure volumes were quantified and compared between cores. We collected the macrofauna, living foraminifera, shells and gravel from the cores after scanning, to validate image analysis. We did not investigate differences in the biogenic structure volume between cores. However, biogenic structure volume is not necessarily proportional to the extent of bioturbation in a core, given that many biodiffusive activities cannot be detected on CT-scans. Biodiffusors and larger gallery-diffusors were abundant in macrofaunal assemblage at the control station. By contrast, macrofaunal assemblages consisted principally of downward-conveyors at the two stations affected by oyster farming. At the control station, the vertical distribution of biogenic structures mainly built by the biodiffusor Scorbicularia plana and the large gallery-diffusor Hediste diversicolor was significantly correlated with the vertical profiles of living foraminifera in the sediment, whereas vertical distributions of foraminifera and downward-conveyors were not correlated at the station affected by oyster farming. This relationship was probably responsible for the collection of foraminifera in deep sediment layers (> 6 cm below the sediment surface) at the control station. As previously suggested for other species, oxygen diffusion may occur via the burrows built by S. plana and H. diversicolor, potentially increasing oxygen penetration and providing a favorable microhabitat for foraminifera in terms of oxygen levels. By contrast, the absence of living foraminifera below 6 cm at the stations affected by oyster farming was probably associated with a lack of biodiffusor and large gallery-diffusor bioturbation. Our findings suggest that the effect of macrofaunal bioturbation on the vertical distribution of foraminiferal assemblages in sediments depends on the effects of the macrofauna on bioirrigation and sediment oxidation, as deduced by Eh values, rather than on the biogenic structure volume produced by macrofauna. The loss of bioturbator functional diversity due to oyster farming may thus indirectly affect infaunal communities by suppressing favorable microhabitats produced by bioturbation.  相似文献   

Faunal analysis of fossil foraminifera from marine gravity and piston cores collected by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions (1981 and 1992) is used to estimate the impact of the latest Quaternary paleoceanography on coastal environments of the eastern part of Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica.Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) carbon-14 ages produced from sedimentary organic carbon were less than 16 ka (non-corrected). Detailed correlation among submarine cores and Holocene elevated marine deposits exposed on the eastern shore of the embayment is difficult due to the indefinite reservoir correction value for marine organic matter and to upward-increasing abnormal ages for some cores.A local carbonate dissolution level can be delineated around the present depth of 300–400 m or shallower in the eastern part of Lützow-Holm Bay during the Holocene, based on distributional trends of arenaceous, calcareous benthic, and planktonic foraminifera recognized within a depth less than 600 m. Downcore recovery of calcareous foraminifera containing Bulimina aculeata from two cores obtained in a drowned glacial trough deeper than 600 m situated far beyond the dissolution depth of CaCO3 indicates the incursion of warm, high-nutrient, and CaCO3-saturated Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) from the offshore area along the trough toward the southeastern coast of Lützow-Holm Bay during the Holocene. The intrusion of CDW impacted on the marine environments of the southeastern coast, thereby contributing to peripheral retreat of the ice sheet as well as increasing calcareous benthic foraminiferal productivity along the southeastern coast of Lützow-Holm Bay.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1988,13(3):213-237
The benthic foraminiferal assemblages of two cores from the late-Holocene, organic-carbon-rich and carbonate-poor, deep-sea sediments of the eastern depression of the Sea of Marmara have been studied. They were deposited under high level of primary productivity and poorly oxygenated bottom-water conditions; they show low diversity and are dominated by a group of species adapted to an infaunal life style with wide bathymetric distribution (ca. 70–2000 m) in the Mediterranean Sea. Oxygen deficiency down to about 0.5 ml/l does not seem adversely to affect the rate of reproduction of the dominant species belonging to Melonis, Chilostomella, buliminids, and bolivinitids. Their distribution is primarily controlled by substrate conditions.Faunal similarities with fossil assemblages in association with some late-Quaternary sapropels and related facies from the eastern Mediterranean basins suggest that they were deposited under palaeo-oceanographic conditions closely similar to those of the modern Sea of Marmara.  相似文献   

This research is focused on a poorly studied Jurassic sequence in the eastern part of Alborz and Western Koppeh Dagh basins. The foraminifera are reported from Callovian (Middle Jurassic) to Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) sediments of the Farsian and Chaman Bid formations. The benthic foraminiferal associations belong to the families Ammodiscidae, Epistominidae, Hauerinidae, Hormosinidae, Ichthyolariidae, Lagenidae, Nodosariidae, Nubeculariidae, Ophthalmidiidae, Polymorphinidae, Rhabdamminidae, Saccamminidae, Spirillinidae, Spirocyclinidae, Textulariidae, Trocholinidae, and Vaginulinidae. In the studied area, the foraminifera are dominated by the families Nodosariidae, Vaginulinidae and Epistominidae. Palaeoecological analysis of the foraminiferal assemblages from the Farsian Formation indicates that these sediments were deposited on the inner to mid shelf environment, with normal salinity (euhaline), and relatively well oxygenated waters, with eutrophic conditions in the Goznawwi area and oligotrophic conditions in the Chaman Bid area. The foraminiferal assemblages in this study are the first record from Jurassic sediments of the eastern part of the Alborz and Koppeh Dagh basins in northern Iran.  相似文献   

During the late Pleistocene, sapropels (layers of organic-carbon rich sediment) formed throughout the entire Eastern Mediterranean Basin in close association with glacial/interglacial transitions. The current theory for the mechanism of sapropel formation involves a density stratification of the water column, due to the invasion of a large quantity of low-saline water, which resulted in oxygen depletion of the bottom waters. Most workers believe that this low-salinity water was glacial meltwater that entered the Mediterranean via the Black Sea and a series of interconnected glacial lakes, but the suggestion also has been made that the freshwater originated from the Nile River. In this study the oxygen isotope values of planktonic foraminifera,Globigerinoides ruber, have been examined in six gravity cores and one piston core from the southern Levantine Basin, and compared with the oxygen isotope records ofG. ruber from other areas of the Eastern Mediterranean. This study deals mainly with the latest sapropel which was deposited approximately 7000 to 9000 years ago. Results indicate that Nile discharge probably does reduce salinities somewhat in the immediate area surrounding the mouth of the Nile, but this water is rapidly mixed with the highly saline waters of the easternmost Mediterranean.Using a mixing equation and surface water salinity limitations, an approximate oxygen isotope balance of surface waters was calculated for the time of latest sapropel deposition. This calculation shows that neither Nile River discharge nor Black Sea input (nor both together) are large enough to account for the large-scale oxygen isotope depletion associated with latest sapropel deposition in the Eastern Mediterranean. This suggests that part of the isotopic change at Termination I is probably due to increased surface water salinities during the last glacial maximum. In addition, evidence from the timing of sapropel 1 deposition and the dissolved oxygen balance indicates that deposition of the latest sapropel is associated with increased surface water production of biogenic material, as much as three times higher than that of present day.  相似文献   

(15)NO(3)(-) isotope labelling experiments were performed to investigate foraminiferal nitrate uptake strategies and the role of pseudopodial networks in nitrate uptake. Globobulimina turgida were placed below the nitrate penetration depth in homogenized sediment cores incubated in artificial seawater containing (15)NO(3)(-) . A nylon net prevented the vertical migration of foraminifera to strata containing nitrate and oxygen, but allowed potential access to such strata by extension of pseudopods. No (15)NO(3)(-) was found in G. turgida in these cores, suggesting that foraminifera cannot extend their pseudopods for nitrate uptake through several millimetres of sediment, but must physically migrate upwards closer to nitrate-containing strata. However, foraminiferal migration patterns in control cores with no nylon net were erratic, suggesting that individuals move in random orientations until they find favourable conditions (i.e. free nitrate or oxygen). A second experiment showed that foraminifera actively collect nitrate both in the presence and in the absence of oxygen, although uptake was initiated faster if oxygen was absent from the environment. However, no systematic influence of the size of the intracellular nitrate pool on nitrate uptake was observed, as specimens containing a large range of intracellular nitrate (636-19 992 pmol per cell) were measured to take up (15)NO(3)(-) at comparable rates.  相似文献   

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