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Expression of the 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase (6-HDNO) gene from Arthrobacter oxidans cloned into Escherichia coli showed a marked temperature-dependence. Transformed E. coli cells grown at 30 degrees C exhibited a several-fold higher 6-HDNO activity than did cells grown at 37 degrees C. This effect did not depend on the promoter used for expression of the cloned gene in E. coli, nor was it an effect of 6-HDNO mRNA instability at 37 degrees C. Studies performed in vivo and in vitro revealed that an increased susceptibility of apo-6-HDNO to proteolytic attack at 37 degrees C was responsible for the observed phenomenon. Extracts from cells grown at 37 degrees C showed on Western blots a decrease in immunologically detectable 6-HDNO polypeptide when compared with extracts from cells grown at 30 degrees C. The 6-HDNO polypeptide is covalently modified by attachment of the cofactor FAD to a histidine residue. It could be shown that covalent flavinylation of the apoenzyme in vitro, i.e. formation of holoenzyme, by incubation of cell extracts with FAD and phosphoenolpyruvate protected the 6-HDNO polypeptide from degradation at 37 degrees C. Of a variety of proteinase inhibitors tested only the cysteine-proteinase inhibitor L-3-trans-carboxyoxiran-2-carbonyl-L-leucylagmatine (E64) prevented degradation, by up to 70%, of the apoenzyme.  相似文献   

Autoflavinylation of apo6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
6-Hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase (6-HDNO) was expressed in Escherichia coli JM109 cells from the recombinant plasmid pAX-6-HDNO as a beta-galactosidase-6-HDNO fusion protein. Affinity chromatography of the fusion protein on p-aminobenzyl-1-thio-beta-galactopyranoside-agarose and subsequent digestion with protease Xa yielded highly purified apo6-HDNO. Incubation of the purified protein with [14C]FAD demonstrated that flavinylation of apo6-HDNO proceeds autocatalytically. Phosphorylated three-carbon compounds such as glycerol-3-P, which are known to stimulate the formation of the histidyl (N3)-(8 alpha) FAD between apo6-HDNO and FAD (Brandsch, R., and Bichler, V. (1989) Eur. J. Biochem. 182, 125-128), could be replaced in their action by high concentrations of glycerol (45%) or sucrose (20%). These substances apparently induced and stabilized a conformational state of the apoenzyme compatible with covalent attachment of FAD. In the absence of glycerol the apoenzyme readily lost the ability to form holoenzyme at temperatures above 30 degrees C. Holoenzyme formation protected the 6-HDNO polypeptide from this thermal denaturation. Autoflavinylation of 6-HDNO was inhibited by the sulfhydryl reagents dithionitrobenzoate or N-ethylmaleimide. Inhibition was prevented by mercaptoethanol or FAD, but not 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine, the substrate of the holoenzyme. A cysteine-thiol group may therefore be involved in reactions leading to the covalent attachment of FAD to apo6-HDNO. When flavinylation of apo6-HDNO proceeded under anaerobic conditions, the amount of incorporation of [14C]FAD into the polypeptide was indistinguishable from reactions performed in the presence of O2. None of the FAD-derivatives (8-demethyl-FAD, 8-chloro-FAD, and 5-deaza-FAD) could replace FAD in holoenzyme formation. The failure of covalent attachment of 5-deaza-FAD to apo6-HDNO is in agreement with the assumption that the quinone methide form of the isolloxazine ring is an intermediate in the flavinylation reaction.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent flavinylation of 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reaction leading to the flavinylation of apo-6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase was investigated in cell-free extracts of Eschericia coli carrying the 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase (6-HDNO) gene on the expression plasmid pDB222. It was demonstrated that the reaction required phosphoenolpyruvate (P-pyruvate) in addition to FAD. When [32P]P-pyruvate or [14C]P-pyruvate were used in the reaction with apo-6-HDNO, no phosphorylated or pyruvylated apo-protein could be detected, however. In order to drive the reaction to completion, FAD and P-pyruvate had to be present simultaneously in the reaction mixture. When apo-6-HDNO, highly purified by affinity chromatography, was used in the reaction with P-pyruvate and FAD, no additional protein fraction was required. A possible reaction scheme for the formation of holoenzyme from 6-HDNO is discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of 6-hydroxy-d-nicotine oxidase (EC was solved by X-ray diffraction analysis in three crystal forms at resolutions up to 1.9 A. The enzyme is monomeric in solution and also in the mother liquor but formed disulfide-dimers in all crystals. It belongs to the p-cresol methylhydroxylase-vanillyl-alcohol oxidase family and contains an FAD covalently bound to the polypeptide. The covalent bond of this enzyme was the first for which a purely autocatalytic formation had been shown. In contrast to previous reports, the bond does not involve N(epsilon2) (N3) of His72 but the N(delta1) (N1) atom. The geometry of this reaction is proposed and the autoflavinylation is discussed in the light of homologous structures. The enzyme is specific for 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine and is inhibited by the L-enantiomer. This observation was verified by modeling enzyme-substrate and enzyme-inhibitor complexes, which also showed the geometry of the catalyzed reaction. The binding models indicated that the deprotonation of the substrate rather than the hydride transfer is the specificity-determining step. The functionally closely related 6-hydroxy-L-nicotine oxidase processing the L-enantiomer is sequence-related to the greater glutathione reductase family with quite a different chainfold. A model of this "sister enzyme" derived from known homologous structures suggests that the reported L-substrate specificity and D-enantiomer inhibition are also determined by the location of the deprotonating base.  相似文献   

GroE facilitates refolding of citrate synthase by suppressing aggregation.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The molecular chaperone GroE facilitates correct protein folding in vivo and in vitro. The mode of action of GroE was investigated by using refolding of citrate synthase as a model system. In vitro denaturation of this dimeric protein is almost irreversible, since the refolding polypeptide chains aggregate rapidly, as shown directly by a strong, concentration-dependent increase in light scattering. The yields of reactivated citrate synthase were strongly increased upon addition of GroE and MgATP. GroE inhibits aggregation reactions that compete with correct protein folding, as indicated by specific suppression of light scattering. GroEL rapidly forms a complex with unfolded or partially folded citrate synthase molecules. In this complex the refolding protein is protected from aggregation. Addition of GroES and ATP hydrolysis is required to release the polypeptide chain bound to GroEL and to allow further folding to its final, active state.  相似文献   

In 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase (6-HDNO) FAD is covalently bound to His71 of the polypeptide chain by an 8 alpha-(N3-histidyl)-riboflavin linkage. The FAD-binding histidine was exchanged by site-directed mutagenesis to either a Cys- or Tyr-residue, two amino acids known to be involved in covalent binding of FAD in other enzymes, or to a Ser-residue. None of the amino acid replacements for His71 allowed covalent FAD incorporation into the 6-HDNO polypeptide. Thus, the amino acid residues involved in covalent FAD-binding require a specific polypeptide surrounding in order for this modification to proceed and cannot be replaced with each other. Enzyme activity was completely abolished with Tyr in place of His71. 6-HDNO activity with non-covalently bound FAD was found with 6-HDNO-Cys and to a lesser extent also with 6-HDNO-Ser. However, the Km values for 6-HDNO-Cys and 6-HDNO-Ser were increased approximately 20-fold as compared to 6-HDNO-His. Both mutant enzymes, in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, needed additional FAD in the enzymatic assay (50 microM for 6-HDNO-Ser and 10 microM for 6-HDNO-Cys) for maximal enzyme activity.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of the components of the GroE molecular chaperone machine on the refolding of the Escherichia coli enzyme beta-galactosidase, a tetrameric protein whose 116-kDa promoters should not completely fit within the central cavity of the GroEL toroid. In the absence of other additives, GroEL formed a weak complex with chemically denatured beta-galactosidase, reduced its propensity to aggregate, and increased the recovery yields of active enzyme twofold without altering its folding pathway. When present together with the chaperonin, ATP--and to a lesser extent AMP-PNP--reduced the recovery yields and led to the resumption of aggregation. The use of the complete chaperonin system (GroEL, GroES, and ATP) eliminated the GroEL-mediated increase in recovery and folding proceeded less efficiently than in buffer alone. This unusual behavior can be explained in terms of a chaperonin "buffering" effect and the different affinities of GroE complexes for denatured beta-galactosidase.  相似文献   

Summary The 160 kb plasmid pAO1 from Arthrobacter oxidans (Brandsch and Decker 1984) was subcloned in Escherichia coli with the aid of the plasmid vectors pUR222 and pBR322. Screening of the recombinant clones for enzyme activity revealed that the flavoenzyme 6-hydroxy-d-nicotine oxidase (6-HDNO), one of the enzymes of the nicotine-degradative pathway in A. oxidans, is encoded on pAO1. Immunoprecipitation of 35S-methionine-labelled E. coli cells with 6-HDNO-specific antiserum and expression of recombinant plasmid DNA in E. coli maxicells revealed that 6-HDNO is made as a 52,000 dalton protein, approximately 4,500 daltons larger than 6-HDNO from A. oxidans. The 6-HDNO activity was constitutively expressed in E. coli cells, possibly from an A. oxidans promoter, as shown by subcloning of the 6-HDNO gene in pBR322, using the expression vector pKK223-3 and the promoter probe vector pCB192.  相似文献   

The requirements for FAD-attachment to His71 of 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase (6-HDNO) were investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. The following amino acid replacements were introduced into the sequence Arg67-Ser68-Gly69-Gly70-His71 of the 6-HDNO-polypeptide: 1) Arg67 was replaced with Ala (A1 mutant); 2) Ser68 was replaced with Ala (A2 mutant); and 3) Arg67 was replaced with Lys (K mutant). The substitution in mutant A2 had no effect on flavinylation, measured as [14C]FAD incorporation into apo-6-HDNO. Replacement of Arg67 with Ala prevented, but replacement with Lys permitted the flavinylation of His71. Mutant A1 showed no 6-HDNO activity, whereas the replacement of Ser with Ala in mutant A2 had only a slight effect on 6-HDNO activity. The substitution of Lys for Arg67, however, reduced the specific 6-HDNO activity in extracts of Escherichia coli cells expressing the mutant polypeptide from 50.3 to 17.5 milliunits/mg protein. It is concluded that a basic amino acid residue (Arg67 or Lys67) is required to mediate the attachment of FAD to His71, and while Lys can substitute for Arg67 in this function, it can only partially replace Arg67 in the enzyme reaction mechanism of 6-HDNO.  相似文献   

The refolding of the tetrameric enzyme tryptophanase was facilitated by the chaperonin GroE. Maximum refolding yield of tryptophanase molecules (about 80%) was attained in the presence of a 15-fold excess of GroE 21-mer over tryptophanase monomer. The GroEL subunit was required for this improvement in refolding yield, whereas the GroES subunit was not. Light scattering experiments of the refolding reaction revealed that GroE bound to tryptophanase folding intermediates and suppressed their aggregation. The presence of ATP was required for the efficient dissociation of tryptophanase from GroEL. However, our experiments indicated that tryptophanase dissociated readily from GroEL in the presence of not only ATP, but also in the presence of non-hydrolyzable ATP analogues such as ATP gamma S (adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate)) and AMP-PNP (adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate) as well. Surprisingly, the release of tryptophanase from GroEL was facilitated in the presence of ADP as well. We concluded that the binding of nucleotides such as ATP and ADP changed the conformation of GroEL and facilitated the dissociation of tryptophanase molecules. The conformation formed in the presence of ADP was distinct from the conformation formed in the presence of ATP, as shown by the selective dissociation of various folding proteins from the two conformations.  相似文献   

AtPTPA is a critical regulator for the holoenzyme assembling of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in Arabidopsis. Characterization of AtPTPA improves our understanding of the function and regulation of PP2A in eukaryotes. Further analysis of AtPTPA-overexpressing plants indicates that AtPTPA increases PP2A activity by promoting PP2A''s AC dimer formation, thereby holoenzyme assembling. Plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) reduces PP2A enzyme activity by negatively affects PP2A''s AC dimer formation. Therefore, AtPTPA is a positive factor that promotes PP2A holoenzyme assembly, and ABA is a negative factor that prevents PP2A holoenzyme assembly.  相似文献   

The D,L-nicotine catabolism of the Gram-positive soil bacterium Arthrobacter oxidans is linked to the presence within the cells of the 160 kb catabolic plasmid pAO1. pAO1-cured cells lost the catabolic enzymes and reintroduction of pAO1 by electroporation into cured cells reestablished the nic+ phenotype. DNA band shift assays with extracts from cured and pAO1+ cells suggested that pAO1 encodes the regulatory protein NicR1. Footprint analysis revealed that two homologous palindromes (IR1 and IR2), present in the 5'-regulatory region of the 6-HDNO gene, were protected from DNase I digestion. Binding of NicR1 to the palindromes is symmetrical, co-operative, and stronger to IR1 containing the 6-HDNO gene promoter than to IR2. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that steric constraints and sequence requirements for NicR1-binding are located exclusively in the palindromic sequences. Deletions and insertions in the interpalindromic region and in the 6-HDNO promoter -10 sequence had no effect on the binding characteristics of NicR1 to the 6-HDNO regulatory region. Acting as a repressor, NicR1 prevents binding of the E. coli RNA-polymerase to the consensus sigma 70 promoter in vitro. However, the interaction of NicR1 with the 6-HDNO promoter region in extracts of nicotine-induced cells from various growth stages did not differ from that observed with extracts of nicotine-uninduced cells.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones are involved in protein folding both in vivo and in vitro. The Escherichia coli chaperone GroEL interacts with a number of nonnative proteins. A common structural motif of nonnative proteins, which is recognized by GroEL, has not yet been identified. In order to study the role of beta-sheet secondary structure on the interaction of nonnative proteins with GroEL, we used the F(ab) fragment of a monoclonal antibody as a model substrate protein. Here we show that GroEL interacts functionally with this all-beta-protein during reactivation. Antibody fragments refold spontaneously in good yield from the guanidine-denatured state. Functional refolding to the native state is inhibited transiently by GroEL, but there is no complete folding arrest in the absence of Mg-ATP and GroES. The yield of these unspecifically released GroEL-bound F(ab) fragments corresponds to that of the spontaneous reactivation in the absence of chaperones. However, the refolding kinetics in the presence of GroEL are considerably slower. The addition of Mg-ATP to the GroEL.F(ab) complex results in an immediate release of bound substrate protein and a significant increase in the amount of reconstituted antibody fragments compared to spontaneous reactivation. GroES is not essential for functional GroEL-mediated refolding of the F(ab) fragment but affects the reactivation yield to a small extent. Interestingly, stimulation of the GroEL-mediated F(ab) refolding depends primarily on the binding and not on hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphates. Previous results indicate the binding of alpha-helices to GroEL. The results presented in this paper suggest that beta-sheet secondary structural elements are recognized by GroEL. We therefore conclude that the interaction of a nonnative protein with GroEL depends mainly on the nature of the early folding intermediate but not on a specific element of secondary structure.  相似文献   

Azurin, a small blue copper protein from the bacterial species Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is mostly a β-sheet protein arranged into a single domain. Previous folding studies have shown that the equilibrium denaturation of the holoprotein follows a two-state process; however, upon removal of the copper, the denaturation had been reported to follow a three-state process. The two unfolding transitions measured for apoazurin had been thought to arise from two different folding domains. However, in the present work, we found that the denaturation of apoazurin occurs over a single transition and we determined the folding free energy to be −27.8±2.4 kJ mol−1. From this measurement along with measurements previously reported for the unfolding of the holoazurin, we were able to determine that Cu(II) and Cu(I) stabilize the native structure by 25.1±6.9 kJ/mol and 12.9±8.1 kJ/mol, respectively. It is our contention that the second transition displayed in the denaturation curves previously reported for apoazurin arise from protein heterogeneity—in particular, from the presence of Zn(II) azurin. We extended our investigation into the denaturation of Zn(II) azurin at pH 6.0 and 7.5. The equilibrium denaturation studies show that the zinc ion significantly stabilizes the native-state structure at pH 7.5 and very little at the lower pH. We attribute the decrease in the stabilizing effect of the zinc ion with decreasing pH to the protonation of two histidinyl side chains. When protonated the ligands, His 46 and His 117, are incapable of binding a metal ion. Further, comparing the denaturation curves of Zn(II) azurin measured by circular dichroism with those measured by fluorescence indicates that the denaturation of Zn(II) azurin is far less simple than the denaturation of apoazurin.  相似文献   

In T4 bacteriophage, the DNA polymerase holoenzyme is responsible for accurate and processive DNA synthesis. The holoenzyme consists of DNA polymerase gp43 and clamp protein gp45. To form a productive holoenzyme complex, clamp loader protein gp44/62 is required for the loading of gp45, along with MgATP, and also for the subsequent binding of polymerase to the loaded clamp. Recently published evidence suggests that holoenzyme assembly in the T4 replisome may take place via more than one pathway [Zhuang, Z., Berdis, A. J., and Benkovic, S. J. (2006) Biochemistry 45, 7976-7989]. To demonstrate unequivocally whether there are multiple pathways leading to the formation of a productive holoenzyme, single-molecule fluorescence microscopy has been used to study the potential clamp loading and holoenzyme assembly pathways on a single-molecule DNA substrate. The results obtained reveal four pathways that foster the formation of a functional holoenzyme on DNA: (1) clamp loader-clamp complex binding to DNA followed by polymerase, (2) clamp loader binding to DNA followed by clamp and then polymerase, (3) clamp binding to DNA followed by clamp loader and then polymerase, and (4) polymerase binding to DNA followed by the clamp loader-clamp complex. In all cases, MgATP is required. The possible physiological significance of the various assembly pathways is discussed in the context of replication initiation and lagging strand synthesis during various stages of T4 phage replication.  相似文献   

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