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We describe the derivation and testing of a knowledge-based atomic environment potential for the modeling of protein structural energetics. An analysis of the probabilities of atomic interactions in a dataset of high-resolution protein structures shows that the probabilities of non-bonded inter-atomic contacts are not statistically independent events, and that the multi-body contact frequencies are poorly predicted from pairwise contact potentials. A pseudo-energy function is defined that measures the preferences for protein atoms to be in a given microenvironment defined by the number of contacting atoms in the environment and its atomic composition. This functional form is tested for its ability to recognize native protein structures amongst an ensemble of decoy structures and a detailed relative performance comparison is made with a number of common functions used in protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

In a cell, it has been estimated that each protein on average interacts with roughly 10 others, resulting in tens of thousands of proteins known or suspected to have interaction partners; of these, only a tiny fraction have solved protein structures. To partially address this problem, we have developed M-TASSER, a hierarchical method to predict protein quaternary structure from sequence that involves template identification by multimeric threading, followed by multimer model assembly and refinement. The final models are selected by structure clustering. M-TASSER has been tested on a benchmark set comprising 241 dimers having templates with weak sequence similarity and 246 without multimeric templates in the dimer library. Of the total of 207 targets predicted to interact as dimers, 165 (80%) were correctly assigned as interacting with a true positive rate of 68% and a false positive rate of 17%. The initial best template structures have an average root mean-square deviation to native of 5.3, 6.7, and 7.4 Å for the monomer, interface, and dimer structures. The final model shows on average a root mean-square deviation improvement of 1.3, 1.3, and 1.5 Å over the initial template structure for the monomer, interface, and dimer structures, with refinement evident for 87% of the cases. Thus, we have developed a promising approach to predict full-length quaternary structure for proteins that have weak sequence similarity to proteins of solved quaternary structure.  相似文献   

The 1990s cultivated a generation of protein structure human predictors. As a result of structural genomics and genome sequencing projects, and significant improvements in the performance of protein structure prediction methods, a generation of automated servers has evolved in the past few years. Servers for close and distant homology modeling are now routinely used by many biologists, and have already been applied to the experimental structure determination process itself, and to the interpretation and annotation of genome sequences. Because dozens of servers are currently available, it is hard for a biologist to know which server(s) to use; however, the state of the art of these methods is now assessed through the LiveBench and CAFASP experiments. Meta-servers--servers that use the results of other autonomous servers to produce a consensus prediction--have proven to be the best performers, and are already challenging all but a handful of expert human predictors. The difference in performance of the top ten autonomous (non-meta) servers is small and hard to assess using relatively small test sets. Recent experiments suggest that servers will soon free humans from most of the burden of protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

We have developed a solvation function that combines a Generalized Born model for polarization of protein charge by the high dielectric solvent, with a hydrophobic potential of mean force (HPMF) as a model for hydrophobic interaction, to aid in the discrimination of native structures from other misfolded states in protein structure prediction. We find that our energy function outperforms other reported scoring functions in terms of correct native ranking for 91% of proteins and low Z scores for a variety of decoy sets, including the challenging Rosetta decoys. This work shows that the stabilizing effect of hydrophobic exposure to aqueous solvent that defines the HPMF hydration physics is an apparent improvement over solvent-accessible surface area models that penalize hydrophobic exposure. Decoys generated by thermal sampling around the native-state basin reveal a potentially important role for side-chain entropy in the future development of even more accurate free energy surfaces.  相似文献   

Though highly desirable, neither a single experimental technique nor a computational approach can be sufficient enough to rationalize a protein structure. The incorporation of biophysical constraints, which can be rationalized based on conventional biophysical measurements, might lead to considerable improvement of the simulation procedures. In this regard, our analysis of 180 proteins in different conformational states allows prediction of the overall protein dimension based on the chain length, i.e., the protein molecular weight, with an accuracy of 10%.  相似文献   

With the progression of structural genomics projects, comparative modeling remains an increasingly important method of choice. It helps to bridge the gap between the available sequence and structure information by providing reliable and accurate protein models. Comparative modeling based on more than 30% sequence identity is now approaching its natural template-based limits and further improvements require the development of effective refinement techniques capable of driving models toward native structure. For difficult targets, for which the most significant progress in recent years has been observed, optimal template selection and alignment accuracy are still the major problems.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the structure prediction of protein complexes have resulted in accuracies rivalling experimental methods in many cases. The high accuracy is mainly observed in dimeric complexes and other problems such as protein disorder and predicting the structure of host-pathogen interactions remain. This review highlights the foundation for current accurate structure prediction of protein complexes and possible ways to address the remaining limitations.  相似文献   

Pierri CL  De Grassi A  Turi A 《Proteins》2008,73(2):351-361
In the study of the protein folding problem with ab initio methods, the protein backbone can be built on some periodic lattices. Any vertex of these lattices can be occupied by a "ball," which can represent the mass center of an amino acid in a simplified coarse-grained model of the protein. The backbone, at a coarse-grained level, can be constituted of a No Reverse Self Avoiding Walk, which cannot intersect itself and cannot go back on itself. There is still much debate between those who use lattices to simplify the study of the protein folding problem and those preferring to work by using an off-lattice approach. Lattices can help to identify the protein tertiary structure in a computational less-expensive way, than off-lattice approaches that have to consider a potentially infinite number of possible structures. However, the use of a lattice, constituted of insufficiently accurate direction vectors, constrains the predictive ability of the model. The aim of this study is to perform a systematic screening of 7 known classic and 11 newly proposed lattices in terms of predictive power. The crystal structures of 42 different proteins (14 mainly alpha helical, 14 mainly beta sheet and 14 mixed structure proteins) were compared to the most accurate simulated models for each lattice. This strategy defines a scale of fitness for all the analyzed lattices and demonstrates that an increase in the coordination number and in the degrees of freedom is necessary but not sufficient to reach the best result. Instead, the introduction of a good set of direction vectors, as developed and tested in this study, strongly increases the lattice performance.  相似文献   

Effective energy functions for protein structure prediction   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Protein structure prediction, fold recognition, homology modeling and design rely mainly on statistical effective energy functions. Although the theoretical foundation of such functions is not clear, their usefulness has been demonstrated in many applications. Molecular mechanics force fields, particularly when augmented by implicit solvation models, provide physical effective energy functions that are beginning to play a role in this area.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Evaluating the accuracy of predicted models is critical for assessing structure prediction methods. Because this problem is not trivial, a large number of different assessment measures have been proposed by various authors, and it has already become an active subfield of research (Moult et al. (1997,1999) and CAFASP (Fischer et al. 1999) prediction experiments have demonstrated that it has been difficult to choose one single, 'best' method to be used in the evaluation. Consequently, the CASP3 evaluation was carried out using an extensive set of especially developed numerical measures, coupled with human-expert intervention. As part of our efforts towards a higher level of automation in the structure prediction field, here we investigate the suitability of a fully automated, simple, objective, quantitative and reproducible method that can be used in the automatic assessment of models in the upcoming CAFASP2 experiment. Such a method should (a) produce one single number that measures the quality of a predicted model and (b) perform similarly to human-expert evaluations. RESULTS: MaxSub is a new and independently developed method that further builds and extends some of the evaluation methods introduced at CASP3. MaxSub aims at identifying the largest subset of C(alpha) atoms of a model that superimpose 'well' over the experimental structure, and produces a single normalized score that represents the quality of the model. Because there exists no evaluation method for assessment measures of predicted models, it is not easy to evaluate how good our new measure is. Even though an exact comparison of MaxSub and the CASP3 assessment is not straightforward, here we use a test-bed extracted from the CASP3 fold-recognition models. A rough qualitative comparison of the performance of MaxSub vis-a-vis the human-expert assessment carried out at CASP3 shows that there is a good agreement for the more accurate models and for the better predicting groups. As expected, some differences were observed among the medium to poor models and groups. Overall, the top six predicting groups ranked using the fully automated MaxSub are also the top six groups ranked at CASP3. We conclude that MaxSub is a suitable method for the automatic evaluation of models.  相似文献   

Statistical potential for assessment and prediction of protein structures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein structures in the Protein Data Bank provide a wealth of data about the interactions that determine the native states of proteins. Using the probability theory, we derive an atomic distance-dependent statistical potential from a sample of native structures that does not depend on any adjustable parameters (Discrete Optimized Protein Energy, or DOPE). DOPE is based on an improved reference state that corresponds to noninteracting atoms in a homogeneous sphere with the radius dependent on a sample native structure; it thus accounts for the finite and spherical shape of the native structures. The DOPE potential was extracted from a nonredundant set of 1472 crystallographic structures. We tested DOPE and five other scoring functions by the detection of the native state among six multiple target decoy sets, the correlation between the score and model error, and the identification of the most accurate non-native structure in the decoy set. For all decoy sets, DOPE is the best performing function in terms of all criteria, except for a tie in one criterion for one decoy set. To facilitate its use in various applications, such as model assessment, loop modeling, and fitting into cryo-electron microscopy mass density maps combined with comparative protein structure modeling, DOPE was incorporated into the modeling package MODELLER-8.  相似文献   

Journal of Microbiology - Due to accumulating protein structure information and advances in computational methodologies, it has now become possible to predict protein-compound interactions. In...  相似文献   

A simple point-charge potential, developed earlier for the calculation of intermolecular forces in molecular-dynamics simulations of liquid water, has been extended to include interactions between water molecules and polar groups of proteins. A complete potential for use in the simulation of protein dynamics in water is reported.  相似文献   

Based on similarities between naturally occurring (-)-(Z)-beta- or (+)-(Z)-alpha-santalol ((-)- 1 or (+)-2, resp.) and the reversed (E)-configured synthetic derivatives from campholenal (7a), a simple model A was developed. Besides reconciliation of this stereochemical aspect, this initial model also tentatively explained the enantiodiscriminations as well as the large spectra of distances separating the OH function from the lipophilic quaternary center(s) reported for different classes of substrates. Evolution, modifications, and refinement of this imperfect model allied with the research for alternative possibilities are illustrated, along with a historical guideline, in the light of olfactively challenging synthetic seco-substructures as well as literature reports. Despite evolution of the inadequate model A and a plausible interpretation of the lipophilic part, the topological positions of the OH function and its vicinal alkyl substituent could nevertheless not be fully ascertained by this approach. This apparently inconclusive empirical concept prompted us to turn our attention towards a computerized methodology, which will constitute the second and third part of this study.  相似文献   

An algorithm has been developed to improve the success rate in the prediction of the secondary structure of proteins by taking into account the predicted class of the proteins. This method has been called the 'double prediction method' and consists of a first prediction of the secondary structure from a new algorithm which uses parameters of the type described by Chou and Fasman, and the prediction of the class of the proteins from their amino acid composition. These two independent predictions allow one to optimize the parameters calculated over the secondary structure database to provide the final prediction of secondary structure. This method has been tested on 59 proteins in the database (i.e. 10,322 residues) and yields 72% success in class prediction, 61.3% of residues correctly predicted for three states (helix, sheet and coil) and a good agreement between observed and predicted contents in secondary structure.  相似文献   

MotivationProtein structure prediction has been greatly improved by deep learning, but most efforts are devoted to template-free modeling. But very few deep learning methods are developed for TBM (template-based modeling), a popular technique for protein structure prediction. TBM has been studied extensively in the past, but its accuracy is not satisfactory when highly similar templates are not available.ResultsThis paper presents a new method NDThreader (New Deep-learning Threader) to address the challenges of TBM. NDThreader first employs DRNF (deep convolutional residual neural fields), which is an integration of deep ResNet (convolutional residue neural networks) and CRF (conditional random fields), to align a query protein to templates without using any distance information. Then NDThreader uses ADMM (alternating direction method of multipliers) and DRNF to further improve sequence-template alignments by making use of predicted distance potential. Finally, NDThreader builds 3D models from a sequence-template alignment by feeding it and sequence coevolution information into a deep ResNet to predict inter-atom distance distribution, which is then fed into PyRosetta for 3D model construction. Our experimental results show that NDThreader greatly outperforms existing methods such as CNFpred, HHpred, DeepThreader and CEthreader. NDThreader was blindly tested in CASP14 as a part of RaptorX server, which obtained the best average GDT score among all CASP14 servers on the 58 TBM targets.  相似文献   

Ab initio protein structure prediction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Steady progress has been made in the field of ab initio protein folding. A variety of methods now allow the prediction of low-resolution structures of small proteins or protein fragments up to approximately 100 amino acid residues in length. Such low-resolution structures may be sufficient for the functional annotation of protein sequences on a genome-wide scale. Although no consistently reliable algorithm is currently available, the essential challenges to developing a general theory or approach to protein structure prediction are better understood. The energy landscapes resulting from the structure prediction algorithms are only partially funneled to the native state of the protein. This review focuses on two areas of recent advances in ab initio structure prediction-improvements in the energy functions and strategies to search the caldera region of the energy landscapes.  相似文献   

Rigorous assessments of protein structure prediction have demonstrated that fold recognition methods can identify remote similarities between proteins when standard sequence search methods fail. It has been shown that the accuracy of predictions is improved when refined multiple sequence alignments are used instead of single sequences and if different methods are combined to generate a consensus model. There are several meta-servers available that integrate protein structure predictions performed by various methods, but they do not allow for submission of user-defined multiple sequence alignments and they seldom offer confidentiality of the results. We developed a novel WWW gateway for protein structure prediction, which combines the useful features of other meta-servers available, but with much greater flexibility of the input. The user may submit an amino acid sequence or a multiple sequence alignment to a set of methods for primary, secondary and tertiary structure prediction. Fold-recognition results (target-template alignments) are converted into full-atom 3D models and the quality of these models is uniformly assessed. A consensus between different FR methods is also inferred. The results are conveniently presented on-line on a single web page over a secure, password-protected connection. The GeneSilico protein structure prediction meta-server is freely available for academic users at http://genesilico.pl/meta.  相似文献   

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